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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. the NAP is not a principle in classic anarchism, it is imported into certain schools such as our own via libertarianism
  2. that is terrible, what a hopeless experience to have to face some guilt and shame what struck me at the end was the irrelevance of her saying that she had suffered worse, as well as the untruth it's basically like saying I put up with abuse so you should too, and what is more just because she dealt with it as an adult woman doesn't mean a child has the same capacity what I would advise is that every time you experience intense emotions like shame or guilt relating to it remember you are only perceiving "part" of the story --- you are only experiencing your dad's side you have to bring your consciousness to your own experience to balance it out and take yourself into account these are buttons that were put inside you not because you were once dependent of feeling sorry for your dad for your survival the button was placed inside you as a defence, you had to be very sensitive and empathetic towards him it most certainly doesn't serve you any more I think it's important that you journal your thoughts and feelings regarding the issue frequently this will clarify your meaning to yourself and make things clearer for you if you ever have to articulate yourself it will put you in an advantaged position from where you can be clear and concise I'm sorry I don't have more for you
  3. I've got a blog built into the website xcelent and a personal blog, we'll see how it goes I think I just need to keep making them and self-assessing as I get more experience I will decide whether I want to redo vidoes on older topics I'm also definitely considering the podcast idea I would like to create longer materials, the youtubes are for people with short attention spans, which is most people I think it needs to get to the point where people identify me and know my personality and want to hear more it happened once before long ago with my first youtube channel I had "fans" who would check every video but it was on politics I gave it up 4 or 5 years ago because it wasn't meeting my need for doing something that would actually help people/the world in a tangible way
  4. Lolled, upvoting you just for this I particularly enjoy the fact that it is Tyler Durden from fightclub who said this, it's about the least Tyler Durdeney thing someone could post. Unless he was being ironic. In which case it would be very Tyler Durden.
  5. I'd say that view of the world is likely to isolate you more that it's going to isolate me so I'm ok with what you have said stay tuned maybe you will see some value in what I am saying, perhaps you won't at the end of the day you have to try it out for yourself and see
  6. thanks for the advice guys, will consider all these points. the hair stays. Can you please give some examples of things that I have said which are bullshit and what I have said that is wrong so I can issue corrections as appropriate.
  7. Hey can anyone think how I can better promote my youtube channel and videos to help them reach a wider audience? They are mostly on self-help topics, particularly improving relationships, and aim to offer practical advice which is do-able not just theoretical. I am also making them succinct and focussing on quality of information so suggestions like : "make good videos" are not useful to me at this juncture, I'm already trying to make the content very good and get better with each video any feedback on how I could improve my delivery would also be welcome, www.youtube.com/enrichyourlife1
  8. Hey Joshua, I am really interested to know what it's like living in Detroit at the moment
  9. great work with the dream analysis podcast list kevin! that's some work you've done there! here is another text on interpreting dreams http://www.amazon.com/How-To-Interpret-Dreams-Signs/dp/2923654110/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1395924674&sr=8-2&keywords=kaya+dream I saw this dude live he was useful and taught me some things
  10. I had this article published http://www.sacredpregnancy.com/conscious-parenting/when-children-misbehave/
  11. hey if you like you can add me on skype my userid is amashaman I can maybe offer you some tools to help
  12. I finally got an opportunity to review this text which I missed last time it was in Glasgow a couple years back sadly it was not a great production, here is my review http://www.theskinny.co.uk/theatre/reviews/306956-long_days_journey_into_night_lyceum
  13. Daniel, again, have you made lots of opportunities for her to talk about her own feelings and views without fear that you will just interrupt, shut down or contradict what she will say? I know this is not an easy thing to do, and the more unreasonable the person the harder it is to do, but nonetheless this is often a predicate to building a bridge of connection where she is comfortable to have her own beliefs challenged
  14. I think it sounds like you are quite isolated and can benefit from regular skypes with other members of the community who can sustain conversations about real stuff - it's a good start to developing your own growth because a seed needs a nurturing environment to grow in
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz_kn45qIvI&list=WL5c3HmsA3vJL-4au1EjcIYC4NaqT5ZIss
  16. a portion of this video concerns the topic
  17. i ve never finished it but a lot of good moments in the part I did read Heilein says some clever things although he left a really bad taste in my mouth with his pro-military Starship Troopers in the scene where he strongly advocates corporal punishment of children through the mouth of a supposed philosophy-teacher who does not teach critical thinking, reason, evidence, or empiricism, he teaches Heinlein's subjective moral views as facts. The opposite of a philosophy teacher then.
  18. Marv you are post by post showing yourself up to be a world class idiot biased, and uniformed it is government interventions that led to houses multiplying in price by a factor of 10 between now and the 70s imagine how few homeless people there would be if houses cost a tenth of what they cost now, would be nice wouldn't it?
  19. I'm ok with people on the left at least on an individual basis because they actually give a shit and are pretty well informed compared to most people some can be pretty annoying and single-minded but others have just been given the wrong coordinates - I was one
  20. here is a new video on paying attention to when you should avoid helping others and focus on your own resource building first would be appreciative of any feedback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO6Eqjy52ms
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