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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. The meaning is you lack some self respect or self esteem or whatever people call it you don't feel worthy the solution that that works for lots of people s go to the mall and practice making eye contact with strangers ads they pass, when you realise they don't attack you you will feel etter about it and extension to this is you can start saying hi to people once you get confident with them, a lot may ignore you but some say hi back and keep walking occasionally people will stop to talk to you you can practice small talk, "have you seen any good movies lately I'm looking to choose one"< or "what brought your out today", "are ou shopping for anything important? " "have you found anything ncie?" anything to help you connect in a superficial way before trying to form deeper connections don't feel pressure for running before you can walk etc.
  2. woudl you like to chata about it? you can add me on skype my userid is amashaman
  3. I'm not surprised by the mental block you have towards posting this up.. So much time and money and love and work posted into it. it's like an immense pressure. What if no one cares? what if it tanks? what if you get negative feedback? what if it does really well and no band is in place to pursue it? there are a whole load of possible insecurities that may be holding you back. My advice? DO IT DO IT ANYWAY whatever happens you can deal with it. If you do get a positive response you can get who is still willing to play and canvas for new members who love it to fill the gaps. The work is there - now get it out where people can enjoy it! GO GO GO!
  4. I would love Stef to do a commentary on this so-called debate on ITV where 600,000 people viewed this snob use argument by adjective "snob" to try and encourage putting parents needs above childrens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY3v2KQkGmE
  5. I was agreeing with you Carl, my point was to LibFedDemRepCon
  6. I suggest submitting your articles to other online publications that already have a large readership, that way you know you will get read
  7. on the economic inefficience of viollence: http://youtu.be/UEGpuQIPVt8?t=18m
  8. ok my name is Antony Sammeroff, lets create an FDR UK page on facebook and see if we can arrange a December meet
  9. I, for one, intend to complete a number of books over the next couple of years on a variety of subjects and his name will be among the list of acknowledgments. Who knows what other flowers may blossom from this fertile ground to acknowledge Stef as an influence. We already have Steven Summerstone, Stephen Colgan, Phil, John and myself on this board creating original youtube content, who knows who will go far? lets get constructive and network
  10. Yes, the problem here is your (frankly irrational) assumption that a system with an opt-out option will be worse that one where you can "love it or leave it" there is no precedent for this at all,, the opposite is the case. Where there is no choice to opt out service providers treat tehir consumers worse, not better. That's pure logic and demonstrated by the available evidence.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8YMjByt3CM#t=152
  12. suck up as much value as you can from being in the education system, squeeze it like a lemon get student discounts, get free counselling, join student societies that match your interest and get involved with whatever those are theatre, sport, music, wine tasting lol whatever student societies take your interest get involved because when you're out of there you won't as easily or cheaply have access to groups of time rich people with similar interests i went to uni and started writing plays after getting involved in the theatre society ok there was a lot of hoop jumping and crap i had to do but I got something of value because i used the resources on offer to students
  13. it's time to make use of your knack brother start typing
  14. well done for choosing the path of honesty, it is perilous but can bring great rewards one word of advice, saying "you didn't care" is a conclusion and is likely to make people defensive - it undermines honest, stick with your feelings and neutral language at first don't draw conclusions "I felt disappointed that you did not choose to make the time to check up on me" you can even say "I felt disappointed and thought that you not coming meant you didn't care" that is also honest I can't prove that this purer form of honesty would work but at least if it didn't you'd know you were unscrupulous and wouldn't be left wondering if you could have done better if you want to talk about it more send me a private message so we can skype, maybe I can give you some tips
  15. What Emoto has done is interesting, but he cherry-picked the crystals for his book to make it compelling I would like to see proper research done to prove or falsify his claims I believe thousands and thousands of people have tried the rice experiment after the first edition of his book and found similar results which posted in the following edition I say it is incumbent on the skeptical members in the thread to repeat the experiment since CrazyCanuck could fake it
  16. Stef speaks to thousands and thousands of people and if you take that into account his conversion rate is not huge it's not the same as speaking to people one to one as someone who works with individuals and couples to improve their relationships I have seen that people don't care what you know until they know that you care a model is intervening in mistreating their child in public with a stranger "I can see you are stressed out... but this..." is much more likely to get on target than "you know what you are doing here is evil?" Yes by all means have your values, have your principles, and stick by them but if you want to intervene you have to do so at a level of consciousness above the person who you are intervening with's enough to pull them up but not so high that you can't reach them this isn't about having an ax to grind - if that's the approach you want to take people look at you like you're from out of space because you are not peaking their language. They might brush you off as an arrogant asshole, a know-it-all, a busy body, or anything they can dismiss you by. You can walk away saying "well I did my bit, they're just evil," but that won't help the child. Put the child first - if this approach doesn't work there is always the option of going more hard line afterwards, but if that is the first approach you take it's very hard to regain trust.
  17. If part of you wants to explore what happens then your safest bet is, make a list like you've made of conditions which the friendship resides on you are willing to talk to him on the condition that - he doesn't make jokes at your expense (especially in front of other people) - he builds you up and encourages you when it comes to the guitar or pursue anything in life, not brings you down and makes you feel bad about trying etc. he might turn round and attack you and then you at least know for sure it was not worth pursuing or he may go, fine man I can do that - and be good for a while and slip into his old ways or you may be making him aware for the first time in his life that that kind of relationship even exists I'm not saying you should pursue this but it's definitely a prerequisite to trying to be friends with this person if that's what you decide you want to do
  18. the comic artist should have replace Peter Joseph with Himself in the comic since he is a far better debater and rhetorician than Peter Stefan should respond by challenging him to a debate.
  19. "Connection before Correction" is a motto of positive parenting I see no reason why the same doesn't apply to grown up kids, in my opinion and experience brow-beating leads to resentment which makes people less likely to take anything you have to say on board. It is my opinion that people want to feel like you are on "their side" not "against them" before they seriously consider anything you have to contribute - that's why in my experience it is most important to give people the benefit of the doubt when you want them to change their behaviour maybe it's wrong, maybe it's immature, maybe it's cowardly, that people need this, but if you want the right strategy I believe it is ethos - them believing you have character credibility. Sorry to contradict Kevin - I believe offering solutions "do"s is more effective than offering merely "don't"s - This is also how the books on peaceful parenting recommend dealing with our children .
  20. After listening that I mostly wish Stef would get a job to write for The Big Bang theory it sounds like it would be a very entertaining show
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