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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. don't play victim, you are getting down-voted because you are trolling If you have an argument or a point to make, just make your case.
  2. ProfessionalTeabagger what is with the trolling comments?
  3. there is plenty of meaningful skilled work that is still highly paid (being a plumber &c.) which makes me think that there are plenty skilled jobs just not enough unskilled jobs. If these professions were overpopulated their tariffs would have to go down.
  4. Rough sex is not my favourite but I think all of the woman who I have been with have wanted or expected it at least some of the time. That makes me think it is a very mainstream preference.
  5. it wouldn't be surprising if certain geometries were inherent in the universe because the universe is a geometrical entity based on consistent laws,some of which we have discovered. This neither proves nor disproves a creator, it is simply an observation about the universe. It wouldn't be surprising if certain secret societies chose an affinity for those numbers based on those geometries. That has gone on since the Pythagorean who basically worshipped mathematics.
  6. Here is the guy that puts their views across eloquently His arguments should be engaged with, rather than the stupid keyboard warriors on facebook
  7. libertarian socialism (socialism without the state) to contrast state socialism that is all
  8. demonstrate the consequences of certain philosophies/outlooks on life through the consequences of your characters actions
  9. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43427-to-anyone-looking-for-an-empathetic-life-coach-heres-a-recommendation/?hl=sammeroff https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41203-i-feel-i-need-i-want/?hl=sammeroff https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43447-antony-sammeroff-coaching/?hl=sammeroff
  10. Hello dear fellow FDR members, Some of you know I have a self-help youtube channel (www.youtube.com/enrichyourlife1) and also one fore parents (www.youtube.com/theprogressiveparent) which I have interviewed Stef for and that I offer one to one sessions to help people improve their relationships, prospects and recover from wounds of the past On Wednesday and Thursday of this week I offered freebie sessions to several members of the community and found it very fulfilling. I was able to connect with 7 members of the community this week and help them. Some have opted to continue working with me which is so cool! I want to offer freebies to members of this community on Wednesday the 4th of March (next week) Please post below or PM to sign up. If it continues to go well I will designate one day a month to give free sessions to FDR members as not everyone has the means to get help.
  11. I am sorry I may be a bit dim but I am having trouble grasping this. On what grounds is it supposed to create and economic downturn and lead to job losses, or increased mortgage interest?
  12. so negative inflation is bad because the government is in debt and because it discourages spending by incentivizing saving?
  13. A very well written book! I like your florid descriptions, i would have had no idea that English was not your first language.
  14. Please post a list of ways that members of this community may be able to help.
  15. here are some resources for you to practice and improve your empathy skills:
  16. they also require you to develop your patience muscles! lol
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