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King David

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Everything posted by King David

  1. An means no, archo means structure. I am in no ways against structure, I am only against larcenous structures. Hierarchies make business happen always with more and more sophisticated structures. Business makes capitalism happen. Therefore I suggest the re-branding of ancap philosophy. Anarchy has been a loaded word for too long anyways. This might help with the promotion of our ideas. KD
  2. Okay, I would like you to return your keys to the Socratic Method of reasoning. While you're at it you should give up all the scientific, and engineering implements which are afforded you by the scientific method. KD
  3. Homer, Socrates, and ahem, King David all most likely never existed. Does this mean that the message and history that was conveyed through such personifications should no longer hold any relevance to our current knowledge? What I am curious about is why in particular Jesus of Nazareth was reported to have validated and co-opted the Hebrew bible. As well the Muslims. For all of its flaws, the bible is the most complete and coherent interpretation of the spiritual history of mankind during an age that saw the advents of agriculture, writing, animal husbandry, governments, currency, mathematics, language, and culture. A distinct change in our make up occurs during 13 000 bc - 0, which is very clear. If you believe that you can know who you are without knowing where you came from then I would tend to disagree with you. For instance, I today know that my great grandfather and grandfather who I bear striking resemblance to, suffered from significant immunodeficiency's. I used this knowledge to modify my personal health regime and have overcome great obstacles including digestive health, allergies, asthma, and aging. Funny enough I corroborated a lot of "my personal health regime", with what the Jews called rules and worship. KD
  4. Where in her speech does she address that women have their run of the mill with men in general? That women are the very people that encourage men to be aggressive and unstable and more or less western women get exactly what they want. Where does she admit that if a woman and man so choose, that a stay at home mother is a perfectly productive life path? This is the only type of rhetoric that a possessed body of liberal lies that is the UN is capable of spewing out, "if you cannot see how my ideologies would benefit you then you just haven't received the right or enough propaganda materials". KD
  5. For me, it was when I considered that women oppress women's sexuality more than men do. Bare with me this goes around a little http://www.femininebeauty.info/suppression.pdf I was getting a lot of sun during a summer and started noticing my skin improving. I started sunbathing nude and my whole body began to change. First I thought: well doctors don't know shit, sun cannot be bad for you. Second I thought: wait, mankind has been farming basically in the nude for the last 30 000 years, before that we evolved in the nude and now our culture has suddenly demonized the human form on a large scale, that cannot be a good thing. Why has mankind rejected his form? Answer: to reduce women's accidental hypergammy. Actually this process began when the Bible was conceived, ie. the fall from Eden, it is just now that modernity has made restrictive clothing so widely available for the bourgeois. THE MARCH OF CULTURE is complete, it is Lululemon tights, makeup, and french manicures, there are of course some ancillary developments in this evolution, not the least of which is the creation of the state. I hope you enjoy your culture because the cost is your freedom, health, and the bulk of your potential. That is when I hit the internet with a vengeance, I would not stop until I figured it all out. I stumbled onto Mr. Molyneux and Stardusk and never looked back. KD
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5zT3v3OQBY I just watched a great interview with one of my favorite modern literary forces and have to say he has one upped himself. He challenges a number of misconceptions about our view of the ww1, as well puts our analysis of history under direct scrutiny. His assertions of soldier revenge quests concurs with Stefan's expose of "Killbots". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5zT3v3OQBY Has anybody read the book, I certainly have my curiosity piqued. KD
  7. That was a superb video, cudos for the Link! I have a real hard time listening to a doctor that looks like sheit. First thing that strikes me about Mercola is that he has nice, even and full skin. If doctor cannot do that then he has little he can offer me. I like how he wraps it all together with sunlight, my belief (and personal evidence) is that cultural norms and hustle bustle has removed any chance for sunlight on all parts of the body, and this is harboring harmful multi-generational biodermes that lead inevitably to sickness. Sickness of all kinds, and the worst sort. Keep your head up out there all. KD
  8. You know, I myself was once very much considered the prototypical alpha male. KD
  9. This is a step in the right direction, the government will not like it. KD
  10. I agreed with everything you say here but I would challenge this statement. On the contrary, my interpretation of the bible is to make me more aware of our biological nature. I for one believe that much of our cultures restrictive tendencies is borne from the rejection of our sexuality. More specifically, how females reject male sexuality and how they teach and groom males how to reject other males sexuality. KD
  11. Biological diversity is what determines the strength of an ecosystem, not a successful species. It is not natural for a third party to vastly reduce the biological diversity of continents, when this occurs it is referred to as a catastrophe. Over-population of a successful species could feasibly lead to a epidemic that eventually collapses the entire ecosystem, thus changing the complexion of the platform on which we survive. KD
  12. LOL, sorry but I find it hilarious that you have made it this far in life completely unaware of the power that women yield over men. Now that these guys have rationalized it for you, all the men you got to do what you want for all these years make perfect sense I guess. KD
  13. Right on the "money" IMO. If they could just make women firefighters they will have eliminated men and the free market from the work force. KD
  14. I count 10 speakers to 18 spectators, kind of a fringe movement I think
  15. The problem is two fold, first is the invasive species takes over and the native species that are ill equipped to compete with the more aggressive foreign counterpart and end up losing space and time which can and will lead to complete extinction. Dandelions will not lead to the extinction of native plants but do prevent other native plants from flourishing and perhaps starlings, snake fish and others will consume their competition. The second is how people deal with them and yes we have a devastating effect on the environment. Forgive me for saying this but this seems quite obvious a problem to me, this has not been going on for a long time as people have only began travelling vast portions of the globe in large numbers and bringing their vermin with them in the recent modern era. The rat may be the anomaly in this case. Originally, starlings were introduced to north america in 1870 as around 100 birds. If you were to travel the prairies today I bet they number in the billions and probably will eventually displace the entire native bird populations and many rodents. Do you even know what a starling is Dean? If you cannot see a problem with any of this you most likely are a victim of a sheltered life and a substandard state run education and media system. In other words you are part of the problem. KD
  16. That would the the introducing of non-native species into ecosystems in hope of reconciling or accentuation a particular feature of that area. They brought Dandelions to north America for food. The plant flourished and then people quit eating it, nowdays chemicals are dumped en mass into ground water to eliminate them from precocious green lawns. KD
  17. If for no other reason than that this subject gives you a talking point on which to criticize liberal environmentalists, environmental hypocrites, and the like. If they really cared or knew anything at all they would be all over this topic like white on rice. All these environmental organizations are more interested in stopping oil companies, industry and other high profile targets because there is more money to be extracted from them than the lowly rodents getting displaced from their habitats by Starlings all across North America. KD
  18. I am constantly shocked by the public and their ignorance in genuine environmental mechanics. Carbon sequestration at any effective level would require a capital and human investment that would be a modern equivalent of the Great Pyramids but I have never heard one mention of the difficulties of working with CO2. Not even mentioning global warming, basically a tax for the privilege of experiencing weather. So,in my opinion what would I consider to be a real example of a environmental disaster you ask? Well oceanic pollution is high on the list, however the ocean is a big place and it is very capable of taking care of itself. The land however is another story and seeing that it is our home I think it is precedent. Human tampering in natural ecosystem has wrought colossal consequences, some of it state sponsored and some of it private. The effect of this incessantly uneducated meddling is nothing less than total devastation. I predict here in North America we will experience all kinds of extinction of natural habitat and animal life within our lifetime that will involve dire consequence. Why do we not hear about it? well one the gov't has played a hand in it being a problem for one, and two, at this point there is very little that can actually be done to stop or even curb the devastation. I have not researched too much (perhaps if Stef could make a video about this it would be great) but as far as I can tell there has never been a cross continental ecosystem engineering project that has gone well. Far from it. Please enlighten me if this is incorrect. The usual suspects: Thistle Dandelion Cane Toad Starling Asian Pine Beetle Domestic Cat Snake Fish Ragweed KD
  19. I feel like being male has the same effect as Asperger's KD
  20. Calories in=calories out fat is unhealthy sunshine is bad sitting is normal gender is a decision or result of conditioning wasting your time in school is a good idea people are considered equal in the government I hate this list btw KD
  21. Generations are defined by how vocal their respective female constituencies are. I have been vocal about this issue a number of years now and have been met with ridiculous levels of shame tactics. Despite having faired very well by the boomers until now, millennial women are just now beginning to witness the fallout from the anti youth and anti people agenda that this so called civil society has been perpetrating since the 50's. KD
  22. The first governments sprang up from mafia, or organized crime. Like I have pointed out in my previous content, organized crime began to a large degree with trash removal. On one hand it developed organizationally to a point where cities could grow in size because these organizations were capable of servicing more and more communities. On the other hand they had more people dependant on them. At least in those times there was a semblance of free market so they by default had to respect their clientele in some measure, and they could not simply rob people blind because there would be no money left in the system. The relationship between government and religion has always been very tenuous, and temporal. The series Rome has an interesting scene portraying the freshly triumphant dictator Julius Caesar bribing the local priest for public blessings. The priest tells Caesar about the extravagant pallet of his wife and how she likes to eat only oysters. Caesar throws out a number and the priest replies that his wife's appetite for oysters is far greater than that small number could afford her. They barter a deal and Caesar's government was publicly endorsed and legitimized by the priest. I suspect that this was more or less how kings have been anointed by the Vatican for most of European history. KD
  23. My sincere condolences to the friends, family, and the bereaved. The tragedy that will not be addressed is that this man worked his way through a political quagmire that led him to an early grave. He literally made his political exodus, breathed his first breaths as a free and noble man and dropped dead. I'm sorry for saying it like this, but it reminds me of when Darth Vader took off his helmet to observe his free son with his own free eyes, only to perish as his dark force power was purged. When the Globe first ran the story of his disease a year or two ago, I personally commented on his health predicament suggesting he leave politics immediately to properly preserve what health he had left. KD
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