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King David

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Everything posted by King David

  1. Where I live most if not all the roads where built by the businesses like logging, fur trading, and mineral extraction. Many of these roads actually go back over two hundred years. The modern government came along, put a layer of asphalt over the road, started taking peoples money and then claimed a statist victory. WTF. KD
  2. This is a fair statement in theory, in practice however if there is booze, women, and men involved, I would second guess my impulse to attack a woman's behavior. "Decently respectable establishment" means this was not at a bawdy house, or ecstasy rave party. This was a downtown white collar booze distributor. Socially respectable in almost all regards. First off, this happened well before I had any misgivings about female worship, second off, the grab did not hurt me so I simply tried my best to ignore her and carried on my way. I am not interested in drawing attention to myself, especially not that kind of attention. KD
  3. I certainly don't mind hearing your thoughts xelent, I would naturally ghost this forum if I didn't feel their were any intellectually respectable contributors here. With very few people in my life, it is good to get some feedback anyways. My isolation used to bother me, but now is more of a relief. The men I know for the most part all encourage female entitlement, very extremely in some cases. This is not the environment I want for myself or for my nephew. I would think that for a married man to admit that female entitlement can be a destructive force would be quite undermining and damming, therefore they would naturally avoid opening up to the concept. At any rate, I don't feel it is my place to confront them or any other men for that matter about it. Too much self deception in that bag of snakes. I am sure that if you me and him were to hang out, it would be quite a pleasant and empowering experience for him, but from what I gather you live across the pond from me and I don't see that happening soon. All I can do is seek some environment where this is not the case, and in reality there are not that many anywhere. If I were to imagine how many places I have ever been where women were not in charge of the social atmosphere, and then further reduce that from where the guys there were not talking or primarily concerned about women and sex, I start to imagine that scene in The Matrix when they were loading the program from a blank....white, just white everywhere's, out until infinity. Past infinity is more white. Myself, I remember quite critically reflecting on my social persona and sexuality when I began playing hockey regionally, and I got my first real exposure to a candid expose of what men sound like when they are talking to each other. For my nephew, all of his hockey teams have had girls on the team and in the dressing room. With women filling the ranks and leagues of hockey these days there probably never will be a similar chance for him to experience an all male team of his peers, where there is an opportunity for the boys to be boys. This was for me a large part of the experience that I loved about my hockey. I also don't think this is a coincidence these spaces are disappearing over time. The old Nosey Nellies will have it that no man will ever be alone with his own devices in the future. Starting from president elect Hillary Clinton down to your agro butch hockey "egalitarian" moms, if they have nothing better to do than get up in your business, then there will be no escaping them. KD
  4. I'm not entirely ghost, but this has only been because I was a hopeless blue pill romantic until recently, and until now would spend most of my energy shoehorning my place into social circles. I would add this is not a natural tendency of myself as I do not thrive off of attention, hence the necessity of the shoehorn. This approach to life was a result of me falling hook line and sinker for the social program set out for me by the women and educators that dominated my formative years. Nowadays, you could say that the bottom has fallen out of social currencies for me. Why would I expend energy in exchange for currencies that to me hold little or no value? These currencies are so cheap in fact, that they can be acquired with snake oil trickery that feckless PUA's employ. My approach had not served me in the past, and I can't see how it would serve me in the future. The sum of my life's activity is comprised of my work, a small number of bills that I pay, practicing my faith, and the relationship I have with my nephew. It's not that I have nothing to contribute to society, it's that I am entirely fed up with sacrificing my credibility and energy to influence people who's malice and conceit is nothing short of staggering. My experience is that it is infinitely better to tuck in your lip, pull your hat down and mind your own business. Nothing good can come from exposing yourself socially in this environment. KD
  5. I am ghost generally by default, partially relegated by societal norms, and increasingly by decision and my own apathy. What is funny now days to me, is that I visibly don't give a hoot, and people now at least pretend to care about what concerns me. I have tried to imagine a place where I could possibly be more disenfranchised than I am in this world, and I really draw a blank. Even if I was slave, subject to daily abuse and humiliation, at least some people would have a place for me in their world and come to depend on me in some way. Show you empathy in some way etc. etc.. Your slave owner in no uncertain terms will establish your place, my world on the other hand deliberately displays all the wonderful things that a man should be, and as soon as you achieve any male talisman, there are quickly scores of people there waiting to take what you acquired, denigrating and berating you and deciding how that no other men have "privilege" over their female counterparts ever again. This is the Canada I have come to know, I cannot imagine anywhere's else could be worse than here. Perhaps it could be just as bad, for example in Sweden, but nowhere's could be worse. KD
  6. I wouldn't worry about things like this. Government agencies are too inept to manage a data set this large, effectively enough to create any useful infringement on your freedom. KD
  7. I find it funny that nobody has offered that the stagnation they began to realize was also a product of poor distribution chains. From roads, to trains, to trucks, and machinery, they were always lacking in total distribution capacity. Even when they were successful at manufacturing or producing what was desired, the products often never even made it to the markets of demand. Entire crops would spoil at rail yards, fresh produce was almost unheard of in urban centers. Almost nothing highlights the failings of socialism as well as transportation demands. Say what you will about fossil fuels, truckers unions, and western capitalism, it is the trucks of the west that keep the economy at its pace and out did the USSR. Blue jeans, James Dean, Marlon Brando, and Marilyn helped with their parts as well. KD
  8. Despite my ridiculous ignorance in the fields of both philosophy and architecture, this has got to be one of the most interesting concepts I have come across. I have travelled most of Europe, love the gothic and surreal styles, and would confess that I can recognise little more than a flying buttress. I do however love the minimalist approach to engineering, and I know what you mean about eastern European crappy builds. The best architecture in all of eastern Europe I saw would be that of Auschwitz. WOW did I just say that? My personal taste in architecture goes only as far as how that natural sunlight and terrain gets used. I like south facing windows (not too many to make the heat uncomfortable) and continuity with the natural flow of the land (not that any of you easterners would understand what terrain means anyways). Within my aforementioned ignorance, I would say that I could be swayed from the terrain flow aspect, but would never give anything on south facing windows, any good build has it IMO. I look at architecture the same way as the English language. So long as you don't break any grammatical rules and achieve communication, you are allowed creative license on wording the details as much as your precious little heart desires. KD
  9. Just kiddin, but hope the holidays find you well!
  10. This is outstanding, great work! I thought the characters swords were the greatest in this game, which could probably be a sub plot in itself. I always thought the Chocobo to be very peculiar aswell. KD
  11. You basically got three choices: 1>bible 2>epic of Gilgamesh 3>the odyssey
  12. It has been shown that rates of autistic children go up together with the age of conception from both the mother, and the father. You could of course say this as the rate of genetic defects (not to dismiss autistics, their inclusion in the gene pool actually strengthens it: sometimes mistakes lead to great progress!). Anyways, from that perspective we are not only shooting our genetic feet off (quite literally in the case of widespread diabetes), but psychologically, delayed parenthood means that you will not learn the responsibility and life lessons that are associated with caring for a family until a later age. Just another sign of the societal decay we are experiencing these days...time to leave earth. KD
  13. This is the type of news that Stefan warns about when he was reading his version of the daily news. "Boogga boogga" (I loved it when he did that, I can't remember the episode though) This is my version. Radio bleeps: dut dut dut duuuut duh. "This breaking news story from the station that loves you!" "New advanced science that none of you could ever understand! has spent billions in this remarkable project and now after years, the long awaited results are in. Contrary to popular beliefs that are perpetrated by this and all other media hubs; women are not vessels of chastity, truth, and moral entities that we naturally assume them to be. They are in fact, not perfect. Thanks for tuning in, make sure to leverage your home in the endorsement of our vendors this pagan holiday season, to please your over entitled and ungrateful demon spawn of children." KD ps nice video btw masonman lol
  14. Who wants first crack at this stat?http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/12/17/about-one-in-two-hundred-women-report-having-had-virgin-births-according-to-new-research/A tiny percentage of modern day Americans are reporting having had virgin births, according to a new paper published in a respected medical journal Tuesday.In the longitudinal study of adolescent health, 0.5% of the 7,870 female respondents consistently affirmed their status as virgins, yet reported a virgin birth without the use of reproductive technologies.At first, statisticians at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill thought they’d made a mistake in their analysis of their data tracking sexual development into adulthood. Turns out they didn’t, said Amy Herring, lead author of the study published in the Christmas edition of the British Medical Journal. Many of these answers remained the same over years of responses and appear to be consistent with other answers that support a life in which virginity is valued, she said.“It wasn’t a programming error, that is how they responded,” said the professor of biostatistics in the university’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. “They did say, ‘I am a virgin,’ and they did say ‘I have had a pregnancy.’” The virgins who reported pregnancies were also 30.5% more likely to have taken chastity pledges than the non-virgins who had reported pregnancies, the study found. Their average age was 19.“Some of the associations we saw where women who had signed chastity pledges were more likely to report in this way, that sort of leads you to think ‘maybe there’s some sort of respondent bias’ where they don’t want to actually say they had sexual intercourse, and that’s driving the response,” she said.Religious people are also more likely to sign chastity pledges, she said — something that might align with a lifestyle and value set in which virginity is held in high regard.The parents of the virgins who had reported pregnancies were also more likely than parents of non-virgins to admit they didn’t know enough about sex and birth control to discuss it with their adolescent daughters, nor were they comfortable doing so.I think that’s highly unlikely, that people truly believe they are having a miraculous birth.It’s important to point out respondents did not explicitly claim they had had a virgin birth, Prof. Herring said. The respondents started answering long surveys for the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (also known as Add Health) in 1994-95 at age 12, and did so four times until 2007, when they were age 28 and a half. The study defined virginity as “consistent reporting of no history of vaginal intercourse,” the study read. “Women were classified as having virgin pregnancies if they reported a pregnancy before sexual debut.”While more virgins gave birth to boys — 59.8% — or may have learned they were pregnant during Advent, those trends were not statistically significant, the study read. Virgins were also younger on average at the time of birth of their first child, about 19-years-old, while non-virgins were about 21.While there are massive limitations to self-reported studies, especially on sensitive subjects such as sex, these responses were elicited with state-of-the-art technology — laptops, on which the respondents could type in their own answers, rather than verbally share them with an interviewer in person or by phone.Still, despite the religious influence, lack of education from parents and the consistencies in their answers, Prof. Herring won’t lend too much credence to the notion that these women believe they have something in common with the Virgin Mary.“I think that’s highly unlikely, that people truly believe they are having a miraculous birth,” she said. “I think it’s much more likely that it’s mis-classification or that the respondent, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to say they had intercourse.”National Post KD
  15. This is kind of a contradiction considering that as far as we know, it is only humans who actually possess the implements to write. still I might venture that the bible survived the time period from before when people started writing, along with some folklore, mythos, and scattered cultural elements KD
  16. I hadn't had time to watch the program yet, but this view to me seems controversial. This would imply that men have influence over women preferences, which I'm not so sure can be claimed in general. It seems to me that women's peers are the ones who enable, promote, or deny her preferences. At any rate, the current culture we are experiencing was mostly endorsed by baby boomer white knights, modern women, feminists, or whatever other subcategory of statist you care to identify. As you gentlemen would know, it is not myself that would allow women free reign with their preferences at the expense of my own. KD
  17. I was walking past a woman (actually an attractive gal) in a busy pub one evening while out for libations, when she suddenly grabbed my package before I could flinch. She smiled at me and then looked to her male friend and said, "he has a nice one". I kind of objected, but in the moment it didn't really bother me. I know your question to me should be where I hang out; this was actually at a metropolitan professional work crowd joint. Quite shocking I know. Of course thinking about it that if I, or any guy were behaving as ridiculous as that in a (decently) respectable public establishment towards random women, he would not have too many friends there to say the least. At the very least he would get thrown out, probably charged, and maybe even laid.KD
  18. "I think PUA does away with the illusions to an extent and forces one to face the reality of modern love, be it horror or beauty." I think it merely shifts the delusion of mysticism from men, onto women. I don't look at this situation as a loss. Albeit not ideal, it is far from a negative for myself. My family will be let down sure, but those are their expectations not mine. Is it a loss for women, they will find some dupe to take care of them no doubt. I've only ever met a couple that had any respect for my type of intelligence, and I can say probably only ever one or two whoever understood it. KD
  19. If virtue and character are not good enough then why should women be taken seriously?If you are actually selecting your mates on their merit then virtue and character are not in the "perhaps" realm. Women are not settling on PUA's and bad boys because there are no good men willing to approach them, they choose them because they get off on having an alpha doting on them and it makes their friends swoon. Ok ok, these "good men" can take it up a notch if they want to get laid and they need to approach. But, what if they see the truth that women make terrible choices in mate selection and really there is little value in being somebody who they are not, to somebody who does not really care about them, just to validate outdated perceptions of masculinity. Well then, you will have what you have today. Western populations in a general decline, men not having or wanting children, gender distrust, etc. You talk like these problems are manageable with a little good spirit, education, and encouragement. They probably are on the micro level, macro is another story however. Truth is, in the engineering discipline (which like I said earlier: is the context of our culture) that by the time you diagnose a problem, there is little that can be done to mitigate the damage. The patriarchy was the only thing capable of keeping women accountable to their decisions. Now that the patriarchy has been thoroughly dismantled by feminism, we all get to witness the folly of our gender. I guess they were not far off the mark when they made Homer Simpson. For the record, I wish somebody had taken the time to explain attraction to me at a younger age, and I appreciate the culture of PUA that brought me into the know. Obviously there was a gap in my socializing process (again: see dismantling of patriarchy). It's just that I am not fooling myself to think I'm out playing the field for some grand overarching cause of resolving the gender war, restoring virtue and character. I would call it objectification, and I learnt it from the best. KD
  20. It is not that I think your learned skills are inherently immoral, it is that I think that pandering to women at every turn objectifies you. Your personality and interests are a blank canvas that will take on any shade that the generic female would want you to. This of course is what enables women to control the dating narrative where it all occurs on their terms. For most people that have a healthy sense of identity this would never be a problem because they can separate their public persona with their private, but I'm afraid for many men who do not have a strong identity that these are one in the same. These are the "white knights" and "manginas" that MGTOW speaks of. They have the same inherent mental vacuum for male identity as the blue pill women. I could argue these DB's are worse to deal with than just about anyone, they are solipsists with testosterone. These guys are bad enough in their own right but if they learn PUA, well then it pulls the trigger on your harem based mating practices. If all a man can ever be measured by is the notches in his bedpost then all his other virtues or failings can be disregarded. If women were to make a critical examination of men's virtue on a more universal scheme, at least it would keep men honest. The success of lame PUA tactics displays that a lot of women are susceptible to perceived value rather than real integrity and character. They are so gullible it is painful in some cases, which is why in the old days the reputation that followed you around was important because women could at least verify your credibility and respond accordingly. Nowadays just about any DB can land a fine dame and nobody would be the wiser. KD
  21. If PUA at the end of the day is simply men having conversations with women then why would you consider that PUA at all? I would classify this as a lets get together to cheer on some hustling club. Not unlike what I call my drinking buddies. What I quantify as a good artist is someone who can take a crappy idea and produce some respectable artwork as well as take a good idea and make something amazing. If you are approaching this behaviour as an art form then it has more to do with your approach and the results than with the character of the women you have targeted. Since it is their responses that you will elicit, your approach will be tailored to their desire's and to be honest, the generic formula that can work on a large number of women betrays a decidedly un-intellectual nature. KD
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