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Everything posted by _LiveFree_

  1. The apartment company is releasing everyone from their leases. I just lost my home. We didn't flood until the Army Corp of Engineers opened the dams.
  2. People being rescued out of 1st floor. IMG_2158.MOV
  3. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/902233356598947841
  4. Don't let anyone tell you this is a government problem, or Democratic Mayor problem. This was the worst flood I've seen since I moved here 20 years ago. Rain still coming. Free societies will still see disasters, as well as people helping each other... I recommending emphasizing what has been done right here by private citizens. Otherwise you come across pretty bad.
  5. It will start coming to an end when the first gay person is thrown off a roof in America. Unfortunately, actual neo-nazis will celebrate the execution, which is what the media will focus on.
  6. I couldn't fully understand this post, so I'm going to try and translate it....
  7. Maybe you don't see certain things as dysfunction when they actually are. You say everything was A Ok with your parents yet you say you can't feel love. Come on man. Do better. Don't you think your girlfriend deserves your maximum effort? you don't have to describe the relationships I mentioned, but just saying they were fine, move on, is a dodge.
  8. This isn't about your girlfriend or your feelings toward her. It's about your parents' relationship and specifically either your father's mother or your mother. To cut love off takes a persistent heavy weight of dysfunction. Tell us about your father's mother and her relationship to men. How did your dad experience this?
  9. Former Federal Reserve Chairman, former member of Ayn Rand's inner circle, still current intellectual traitor and Globalist meat puppet warns that the bond bubble is about to burst with interest rates rising rapidly. Maybe the Maestro has seen the score before the concert begins. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj43uPfg77VAhWNfFAKHc07AxsQqQIIJygAMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2017%2F08%2F04%2Fgreenspan-bond-bubble-about-to-break-because-of-abnormally-low-interest-rates.html&usg=AFQjCNHiJ8JT46v1jui32w-CYVfTSzx7YQ Also in the news YouTube is purging "objectionable content", Twitter continues to censor further. It's like watching an addict go through withdraw. You've seen it before, you know what's coming, but nothing can derail the freight train before it goes off the cliff.
  10. https://vid.me/ https://vid.me/stefanmolyneux
  11. Permanent solution: identify how your parents bullied you. Confront them. Move on. Done.
  12. What incintives do muslims have to destroy the west?
  13. what would it take to elevate your discourse from passive aggressive, strawman, whiny, cucked out, non-intellectual, baby food spew to actual philosophy? Thanks for breaking out the Hitler argument so early. Always lets you know who's full of complete s---
  14. http://flarum.org/features/ I recommend checking out this software's features. The layout and functionality of a forum under, for instance, vBulletin is old and not great for mobile devices, social media integration, and fast searching. Key features of Flarum include unlimited scrolling, real-time updating, multi-paned UI allowing reading and posting at the same time, and expandability. Basically, what killed the traditional internet message board is that it isn't real-time and social media is. The reason this one is basically comatose is that it's worse than not real-time; it's randomly delayed based on the coding and whims of moderators. Blegh.
  15. Case and point: I had a post in this thread get nicked. How am I supposed to know what I did wrong without feedback? There was no cursing, no aggressive language, nothing I thought was inappropriate at all or violated the Forum Guidelines. Yet...vanish! If I got a short message telling me "Hey. Don't do this because <short reason>," I could adjust accordingly. Otherwise, I just think "What's the point?" Consistency
  16. Imran Awan FDR will likely come under attack before the year is out. Anyone who's been around for a decade will know where the attack will fall.
  17. Clouding happens when you try to control it. Any emotion is valid and, therefore, doesn't need justification. Are you talking about people initiating physical, mental, emotional, or psychological abuse out of anger?
  18. Need to define what use a message board has. What's its purpose. How does it support FDR. Is there interest, and is it worth the time and money. Is there a better alternative?
  19. Are you religious? Do you attend a church regularly? also, if the world wasn't the way it is, meaning you didn't feel an obligation to it, what would make you happy? When was the last time you helped someone?
  20. This whole video is about "awareness". Let's see how aware you are. 1. Where is the group who produced this video geographically located? 2. What is the political climate in this geographical area? 3. What is the general age of those who produced this video? 4. Describe the style of this video. 5. In 2004, another documentary was released. This documentary focused on quantum mechanics, consciousness, and self-awareness. Overall, what were some of the opinions about the documentary of the scientists interviewed for the documentary? Who was featured at the climax of the documentary? What is "special" about this person? 6. What decade did the quantum mechanics/consciousness narrative enter the zeitgeist. When did it go out of vogue? (and why?) When did it reappear? 7. 8. What's the difference in presentation between your video and this video? 9. The documentary opens "The following documentary presents new developments in neuroscience and a solution to the many current unsolved problems in physics. While it keeps clear of metaphysical correlations and is solely focused on scientific verifiable data, it also has philosophical repercussions of life, death, and the origin of the universe. Due to its many layers and density of presentation, it may require multiple viewings to fully comprehend its implications. Even though considerable effort has been made to simplify the complex scientific concepts that are discussed. Furthermore, I would like to thank the author to follow and report on his work, as he wanted to remain dedicated to his research and avoid becoming involved in its media coverage." What does this tell you about what follows? 10. Compare and contrast the music styles of your video and the video I posted. 11. What do these two have in common? I think that's enough to get us started.
  21. An imperfect analogy: A private investor wants to build something huge that will fundamentally change the community around him, like an international airport. Besides the billions of dollars required to fund construction of the facility, there is also the years it will take to construct it, the impact on surrounding neighborhoods, traffic congestion due to construction everywhere, public outcry of those who don't want an airport fighting with those that do, designing the airport for safety, efficiency, and profitability, the tens of thousands of man hours needed to construct it. In other words, vast human resources will be used in many various ways because this massive change to the town will begin to take place. All of those funds, man hours, and resources will be allocated away from other projects/business in order to build the airport. In a free society, everyone can support/reject/or remain neutral to this project all they want. All things being equal, the private investor would likely be considered revolutionary, a risk taker, a lover of humanity, a visionary,.... (((to make the analogy less imperfect, instead of an international airport, make it the first interstellar stable wormhole transporter; a 20 year project))) Now imagine a plague is rapidly sweeping across the globe killing billions of people at this time. -------------------------------------- A very important sacrifice is being made right now to ensure a future for the free people of Earth. We aren't fighting this war because we want to be at war. This is for survival. And it's so Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
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