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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. For me, everything Sam has to say about Trump is worth absolutely zero after I heard him say on Joe Rogan that a good businessman knows nothing about economics. Sam Harris is an academic. He only talks to academics or what he perceives as academics. He comes from that world, it's where he feels most comfortable. The rise of Trump is indication how his elitist hierarchy is crumbling. I see this with every single person I admire that hates Trump: Andrew Klavan, Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris (the fact that they're all jews also does not escape me). I think what Gavin McInnes said hit the nail straight on its head: it's not about arguments, it's about CLASS. Another proof of this is Tommy Robinson. All these intellectuals which have been warning us about the rise of islam have always been a dozen steps behind Tommy. When Sam Harris was still having idiotic debates about atheism Tommy was there on the forefront doing everything to stop the violence we now see on the news so often. But did they listen? No, because Tommy's just some chav, no way he has anything valuable to say!
  2. HaHa! https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/765889719699775488
  3. Buy what business is the government's what my wife and I disagree on? If you have to bring a 3rd party each time you don'y agree on something then the answer is evident: divorce.
  4. I was referring to the fact that if a wife denies sex completely then it's a breach of contract, therefore it's not a breach of contract to sleep with another woman i.e. cheating.
  5. Dunno about the asleep part but yes, if there is consent then it's not rape. And if there is no consent and the husband sleeps with another woman then it is not cheating. But most importantly, why is someone else's marriage intricacies any of my business?
  6. All I know is that a Lannister always pays his debts.
  7. A fat guy who exercises on a regular basis is way healthier than a thin guy who's on a constant diet. This is a medical fact. Cancer and exercise have no correlation as far as I am aware, however cardiovascular disease and exercise have a proven negative correlation. The #1 cause of death worldwide are cardiovascular diseases and the proven methods of combating it are diet + exercise which is superior to exercise which is superior to diet. Sources: actual medical experience.
  8. Donald Trump MUST win this election otherwise we're all in a world of hurt. Type in "misogynist remarks" into google and see the results. Despicable.
  9. You're not giving much to work with, however people do usually resort to insults when they feel their beliefs significantly challenged.
  10. You can render however you make beginner mistakes at drawing faces. This comes from drawing each piece of the face separately and not taking it in as a whole afterwards. This goes away when you teach your brain to look at faces as objects not faces through practice. Here's my attempt at fixing it: Modifications I did: fixed the shape of the skull, fixed the shape of the jawline, eyes drooped outwards and changed it to inwards, the size of all the facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) is larger than the size of the whole head and just pushed the features together, eyebrows were too close, shrunk the eyes a bit, moved the lips closer to the nose, modified the shape of the lips a little, shrunk the shape of the upper lip, changed the shape of the ear as best as I could.
  11. You must not have been reading most of his recent posts, then.
  12. Just trying to trigger him. Don't tell me I accidentally triggered you?
  13. I'm gonna repeat myself again and say: that statement applies to you equally.
  14. You don't own anybody therefore people have the right to vote. You are pretending to hold powers by claiming not voting is actually conducive towards a better society, and your are trying to recruit others into your line of thinking. It's a sham. Not voting doesn't do anything. You're wasting our time here. You're suggesting people are acting like slaves for wanting to vote. You're telling people that casting the dice and standing up for their choice is tantamount to subjugation. You, dsayers, have no EMPIRICAL evidence that your lack of spine is what's needed to decrease the state. Shame on you for criticizing people that actually wanna stand up for something that JUST HAPPENS to not be how you want people to act. Look at all this time you wasted on this forum trying to stop people from DOING SOMETHING instead of doing something yourself. Rome is burning, son. Get a bucket or shut up.
  15. These statements equally apply to your stance.
  16. Yes. I know. People often complain about their designer shoelaces being made by "child labor" which needs to be stopped. Which is WHY you NEED people to start buying homebrewed products and see the economic effects of ending "child labor", which they WISH to end.
  17. Duh. The main reason child beggars exist is because people give them money out of pity. You stop giving them money and maybe people will stop kidnapping children and/or forcing them to work the streets?
  18. So you think americans should buy child labor products even if it's against their wishes?
  19. For starters you can change your facebook avatar to this:
  20. There's a movement out there against the establishment, against social justice, against hypocrisy, against mainstream media, against feminism, and against cultural marxism. We rally behind Trump not because he's the spearhead of this movement but because he's conducive to its success. We do no care what Trump says, we do not care what lies Trump tells, we only care that electing him is in the establishment's worst interest. You can judge a man by the company he keeps however you can judge him just as accurately by the enemies he has.
  21. It's only 2 or 3 phrases and at this point I'm not even sure if it's a fuck-up or another attempt at free publicity.
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