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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. If you decide you'd like to go with a big vinyl sticker again, just let me know and I'll send out another. (I bet anyone jumping to the conclusion that you're getting paid for promoting something like that doesn't themselves really 'stand for' anything in their life. Which I'm not wagging my finger at, just sayin'.)
  2. What is your opinion that the level of Adolf's use is harmful based on? I would say it's always best to heal yourself if possible so you don't have to live with just treating symptoms but your friend's usage frequency seems very far from unhealthy (physically at least). (my opinion isn't based on rigid personal research but I've read a bit on it)
  3. The font that they use for the "official" logo is Myriad Pro. (if you're trying to match it)
  4. Try mirroring it back to them. "no, you're the one remembering it wrong" as you're both going off of your word, there's no way to prove either way. (so you might as well talk about the here and now)
  5. teslu I did my middle school european country report on Finland (we each got a country) though all I can remember of it right now is that you guys have a lot of lakes. I think ancap is just a term that fits with the actions of not taking from anyone. Personally I use the term voluntaryist which also fits that description but is much less likely to be heard with projected baggage. See ya around
  6. Hi cdc3rd, I'm quite critical in my replies below (in green) so I want to preface this by saying that I appreciate you and that I want the best for you and for you to be as happy as possible. This won't come across in text but I assure you it's there. My intent is not to make you think you're wrong, just to try and be a check to your justifications and rational thought process.
  7. When you do a cost benefit analysis of how much time it takes to participate in the activity relative to what you gain from that activity, what do you get? An example would be an analysis of the years spent training to learn martial arts for self defense in relation to the likelihood of having to use it. Is it worth it to you to spend all that time mastering these things to save yourself? When I do this analysis myself, it's not worth it to me to spend all that time working on mastering being able to defend myself in case I end up in the situation of needing it. Years of my life spent training are not worth me being able to keep my wallet from some mugger. That's a very limited example and I understand martial arts really could potentially save my life or the life of a loved one, but as I see the odds, it's not worth it for me, especially if I can carry around a gun.
  8. Hi cdc3rd, welcome to the FDR community Have you given much thought as to the source of your paycheck? I noticed you mentioned you don't want out of the military so I can assume you're okay with where the money you're spending is coming from. If you were ordered to do something that you considered wrong, what is your game plan?
  9. Would you be texting because you no longer babysit her children? I agree with RJ that this should be discussed in person or at least discussed on the phone. If she's open to talking about it, I would suggest you make sure you ask plenty of questions (and not the leading kind like "why don't you know that's wrong") so you can understand why she thinks it's the best way to go about it. How was she raised? When her parents wanted her to do something, how would they get her to? How did she feel about that method then, and how does she feel about it now? How does she feel in the moment of grabbing her son's head to get force his attention? The more you (and her) know about why she's doing that, the easier it'll be to affect the change to peaceful parenting her children deserve.
  10. Mr. Patterson, you are THE MAN! We were discussing abuse intervention techniques in chat and one that came up was saying to the parent "I was hit as a kid and now I never talk to my parents (regardless of whether you do or not) so if you don't want to risk that with your kid, it might help to find more peaceful methods" Have you ever tried this approach?
  11. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42599-judgements-based-on-appearance-this-time-its-for-real/#entry390440 ^^link to corrected forum post^^
  12. Just wanted to share this. The creator shared it on FDR's facebook page so I figured I'd start a topic here for it as well. Taking Our Places I like her other documentary (Fresh) as well so hopefully she'll get this funded.
  13. I'm discontinuing my involvement with this thread. It's clear to me that this is not the best medium for me to discuss this topic. Either I'm conveying my thoughts completely wrong or I'm not understanding anyone elses correctly. I'd be happy to discuss this topic over skype or g+ if we could also get someone who actually is transgender.
  14. The reason why their lives are difficult is because of other people right? It's not like they're physically handicapped and their difficulties are due to their own situation. If a person that has a female body but identifies mentally as a male, or vice versa, is in a society that just doesn't care how someone identifies sexually because really, it's none of their business as far as I'm concerned, than there wouldn't be any tragedy to begin with. There would just be a bunch of people getting along. I'm not saying it's not a tragedy. Just trying to clarify what I see as the possible cause for it. Ya know?
  15. I was considering removing it but the thought crossed my mind that I might need something like it for some future tech in networking or something. How valid is that thought?
  16. What are you losing when someone identifies as transgender? What is someone identifying as transgender (or anything) "getting over on you"?
  17. Quote MMX2010 (I'd quote you MMX2010 but I can't seem to quote or even copy and paste to this page on this laptop.) I'm not sure why but it's not exactly a complete repulsion or anything. I just don't find beliefs that "other people should be doing x" are appealing. I like to surround myself with people that only worry about how I'm doing, not what I'm doing. Just a personal preference.
  18. Because part of being a Paragon Male is having concern for what others are doing, I know it's not a good description for me. I also would not likely get along with, or want any paragon males in any significant part my life.
  19. Okay so a specific category needs an expansion of terms to categorize for clarity's sake. What's problem here? Am I missing that this anything more than something as simple as a new dog breed, for example? I think any hatin' you guys do on just a term is misguided. I can see having an issue with someone attempting to use terms to manipulate, but a word is just a word.
  20. maybe the closer you get to empathizing with your self about how your father raised you (self knowledge) the more you're going to be seeing him as accountable for all the things he's done to you that you didn't like. i.e., your aversion comes from switching from empathizing with your child self instead of with the person that abused that child self.
  21. The reason for this is to gain a level of certainty. Much sympathies, brother.
  22. How does atheism restrict there being a purpose in life?
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