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Everything posted by Anuojat

  1. It is the dose which kills. And it is the relationship with the material and our body which wounds and scars.
  2. Having been christian myself. I... cannot have much respect for positions that ignore everything in the bible which christians disagree with. The garden of eden bs, the flood, the moral commandments to kill people by god and then also manipulate them unto doing evil things. And us not forget this juicy bit: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/children.html Which by the by was quoted by Jesus several times in the new testament so... lets not even pretend christianity of bibly has any morals or truth or reason. You maybe religious but in christianity and bible you dhasll find nothing good elst you cherry pick or spin the bad things.
  3. Younger sibling: "My brother got a car! I want a car too! (cause cars are cool and all because my brother and other older sibling and older people wants one!)" In other words: "I dunno what CEO even does, but what i do see is that large number over there!" or "Wow look at all that WASTED money on one person instead of giving it to US all."
  4. Youre right ofcourse, i think further conversation with this person is not helpful. I was hoping i could make an ironclad case more ironclad and straightfoward To me problem with statists is that it takes so logn to chance peoples minds and i am... hesitant to leave some behind. I know you cannot save them all, i know you cant reason with many... i am jsut tired on waiting for freedom to come and thus want to look for fastest ways to rapidfire freedom instead of working way too slowly.
  5. Hmm i am still wondering about those 2 replies i made. I guess i shoukd uodate my thesis after/or if i get respoce... then again if i dont ill start new thread.
  6. 19 tough questiosn for libertarians by Jon Steward. I was angry at Stefs face but i knew not why. I was not lisening and yet he made some good points. Then i realized after awhile that which had elad me out or relifion to atheism was poking me again. REASON was poking my eardrums again and this time about the state... and it was truly easy to lisen this time around since ive had already gone trough the more emotional journey form religious to atheist. ^^ Also because everyone at TYT was blaming conservatives and makign fun of them like celebrety magazines look for scandals instead of offering good or actual arguements of what to do. No principles jsut opinions.
  7. To that, id imagine theyd say that you cant VOTE or go into politics to chance the things you do not like. XD
  8. His reply to most what i said simply was that it doesnt matter by being born intoa society you receive the governments gift ewhich also bears the responceability as a adult. Yes he believes this is not force but how people have "naturally" come to an agreement about rules in society. Adn that first government were formed voluntarily for protection that is the same in odern times. 1. Have to ask again bout slavery. 2. He said unjsut war happens with corruption of the state and that thats the only thing that should be done with is corruption. 3. Again to him state being corrupted is fault of the people and lobbyists and not the system itself. I guess he glances over history off govenrmet corruption becaus to him tis neccery since "priitazation" has never ever worked according to him. Like fire departments and oil spill were/are self regulating and thus they failed and so free market solutiosn dont work. And yes i asked him if he would support me being thrown in jail fordisagreeing with him, he said he supports that because its the societys rules and thus by not following these rules of society i am violating that whcih was "given to me" at birth and can "leave" at any time if i want to if i dont like it. So yeah maybe be pointless to talk about it anymore with him. Also he seemed to have this constant notion that if people in the past payed for it and i use it even as a kid i owe it to the government to apy taxes. AKA so logn as i use what other people have funded i should pay and if a refuse to pay then i should leave. ITs basically that societu OWN the land and government is societys "voice" and also that people naturally form governments. He says that its not force since you by being born unto society MUST "naturally" accept societys rules as just as being human you must accept that youre a human being. Well he says its nto tax farm at all so that probobly would be meaningless statement to him. Also evidently being sent to stateless area is perfect reasonable case for him. I have actually watched it all the way trough but i didnt find anyhting in there wthat would convince him or anyone else for that matter since... to most people the state is neccery evil that must be accepted sicne being born unto society means accepting societys rules BECAUSE you had not choice as a baby. This is a wall i cant seem to breach. He is very firm that NOT tyranically imposed unto a child because its to him the same as childs parents care being impsoed upon you. Whcih DOES heavily speak much about him and his childhood id bet.
  9. Well i jsut got reasl good tastes of thise when person i was arguing with, said that at birth we receive government laws and benefits as a "gift" from our collective society. At thsi point converstion had went on for 2 hours with BP oil spills, and private fire insurance and self regulation "NEVER" working. He eventually gave up and left. I SO should have cheked the forums earlier! :S Also this particular person seemed to think that "love it or leave it" was totally sound arguement and that as kids stuff gets imposed on us as gifts that we can later dicard with consquences. When i kept pointing out that thsi was not gift and but and impositation he got tired and agitated (to be truthful so was i) and said that government govern laws and rules and thats it. Rules that scociety has previousdly accepted and so should i and if i dont like em i can leave. And if i stay i am inviting agression unto myself by not adhering to previously impsoed rules that i must follow since i was given this GIFT of citizenship at birth. Man is my face red!
  10. I am going to make a case here that state and its justification are debunked in its propositation. States existance is usualyl justified that without one X would not be provided or that state is moral neccesity. However principles behind these "justification" are debunked as soon as the description of the state is laid bare, namely that state is in fact a: Group/Organization made out of induviduals whom have the right and oblication to initiate force trough laws, taxes and regulation. All and any justifications that statist or truly anyoner can think of are debunked as soon as this defination is accepted. For in initiating force the state destroys its justification from the stand point of protection from criminals and other potential "armies" (aka other states and large rogue groups). Taxes, debunks the notion that state is needed to help with theft or with income equality. Regulation, debunks the notion that state is needed for preserving freedoms that under anarchy wouldnt exist or be supressed. Laws (from the state), debunks the notion of being fair and just for anyone using the voting system may simply chance the face of the state's actions and preferances thus the state becomes simply organization that enforces everyone else to follow majority opinion. Thus the "law is an opinion with a gun" phrase comes in. With dept, the state invalidates the economic justification of stabilising capitalism and economy due to sending falso signals trough the fed. Now all these debunking could be argued againts with simply that "we need to tweak the system" or "No taxation/laws/regulation is ok because theyre neccery for society to function". And these are clearly false since: - The state can iniate force whether you agree or disagree, thus "we need to tweak the sytem" would simply replace the current ineffiency for YOUR ineffiency unless you can PROVE that waht you suggest would work. This means that UNLESS the stateist is wiling to "tweak" iniation of force away along with non disagreeable regulation and taxes. - If neccesity is the principle here then we must ask the statist, neccecity to whom? Him, me or everyone? This principle fails because it arbiterily assigns neccesity without evidency for such neccesity nor does it justify that neccecity for 1 or the same for the other. "It is neccery for me agree and support the ste whether i want to or not but it is NOT neccesity for him to respect my willingness to NOT suppport the state." In other words here is where the "agaitns me arguement" coems into play. I know this is really bare bones understanding of the arguements surrounding the state and statists. Any critique is welcome and if you think theres already summery like this somewhere that would be good and/or better. This was written to better my own understang of the case againts stateism besides the obviousl EPIC moral failure of stateism. This is to highligh other logical failings of stateism.
  11. School IS lord of the flies by the teachers at head. Also emotionally: GRRRRRR! This makes me angry and mad! 1. Mother is truly sadictic and totallu OUT of any (excuses) control. 2. School is terrible place for children and infuses atleast in this case the very stereotype of lord of the flies... in itself. and 3. The chanting crowd sound familiar to anyone?
  12. Well in my case it was computers monitor switch thus i named it that but i can be anything. I related to the soft addiction concerning somehting which grows around your life (liek using computer and bright screen but can be seomthing esle like i mentioned in the text). It remains invisable to you because it is not so extreme such as cocaine or harder drugs or habits. It is partially GOOD aka it can have good or neutral use in your life, but when you use it regardless whether it brings you fun/productivity or not then its such soft addiction. And it can be stronger than drugs since it becomes "normal" daily habit that is surrounded by normal habits that are good, like on computer you do your work related stuff you watch videos, get entertained or leanr soemthing. As for "transition" well ummm... it has none since it wont go away until one really realizes that it is an addiction AND strong keeps his/her mind on it being addiction for else it slips from your mind really easily and nothing chances.
  13. Well this got buried really fast, Is bumbing ok for one time? Or is self commenting with no comments not preferred or allowed?
  14. I often too feel such anger and i think its healthy to be angry at injustice and ignorance. Whether or nto it was useful or productive i do not know, but i symphatice. That 7 sound very harsh :S and youre right to be outraged at such thigns being talked about while the pain is being inflicted on other as it was to you. As for help i cannot say anythign else other than you might want to keep on with therapy but also remain honest with your feelings. These people and especially the priest is totally ignorant on the issue and religious as it is... such denouncements usually are froim people whom really think it would be GOOD. So it is sad and pitiful that those whom atleast in some level "care" are misled in issues and totally beilieve EVIL to be the good. Maybe stay away from such places if you feel OVERWHELMING sense of anger all the time? Otherweise i think tis healthy to be angry at injustice and evil, jsut know those people more than likely do not actively think spanking and hitting (same) is bad. Thus action like this might be waking call to some, though yelling to strangers rarely evokes reasona dn evidence. Rather it evokes condemnation.
  15. So recently is discoverd somethign about myself that i wanted to share here on the forums. And i think this is somethign that applies to many whom strugglte with such thigns as procrastination, lack of motivation and other related problems for example feeling that "you" are unable to want something more than mere short term satisfactions. The switch which this title is: - An object, activity or service of the sort whcih you use in your everydsay life which has become so saturated with being part of your life that it not only seems normal but in questioning your issues, problems and emotional issues (depression, sadness, frustrations ect.) your sub-chounchessness will actively block. - This "switch" is more subtle than for example cocaine since it hides in your very presence as normal: In other words cocaine users can SEE the negative effects of drugs but get benefits which addict them and also feels good but the bad effects can atleast be seen as bad. - The switch is something which will circle around you when you try to use theraphy and conversations about these thigns with your friend and family and it actively is that something which is ALWAYS out of question not knowingly, becaus ethen it would be too obvious. - The switch becomes feeding mechanism for you like addictive drug but is more sublte and some object, avtivity and "service" (hobby service you buys and use). You get short term gain from it and long term procrastination since your body and mind are "sated" by it cosntantly and thus it prevents you moving on. In my case it was sexual fetishes and computer screen "switch" thus i named it that. Now i realize it may have been researched better and called by other names. And its m,echanism explained by scientists better elsewhere. How it works: For example, computer switch can never be turned off and every time it comes up youll ignore it and your emotions take strong hold and try to sway you away from being critical of it. And most strongly, when you finally DO find out it and dont use it for while, you realize that since this "happy good" feed has been cut off you can start doing other thigns. Now OBVIOUSLY, self knowledge understanding your childhood and past is essential. Usually this is just detrction mechanism. Is there any object, item, service or actvity that you seem to "like and use", try not doing it for while and see if you suddently feel motivated to do things in more productive manner that wont make you feel liek youre stuck. I am writing this naturall with my monitor on. But since i now understand this switch of mine i dont feel as strong urge to jsut aly about in its feed. And i feel doing other things. And this applies to the OTHER switch i mentioned. Ideas and critism and "DUUHness" is appriciated if this simply feels like or IS just a different type of addiction. Or way of descriving addiction.
  16. Yup this suggestion has been long coming. Since if properly explained all the propaganda examined and washed away and shown trough facts of history and present, no dout it will cause pause to those who have simply been misinformed. Anarchy = Chaos and lawlessness and no rules. Truth about Anarchy = No ruleRS! Capitalism = Rich CEOs and banks! And exploitation! Truth about Capitalism = Invest and save your profits from capital accumiliation. AKA invest in slightly irksome dendistry to get profit known as "NO NEED FOR ROOT CANAL OPERATION AND INFECTION AVOIDANCE!"
  17. Thanks, i will see if this will be... ummm useful? XD
  18. My parents and related 2 other families for the NOT: "spanking, yelling, timeouts, violance, verbal abuse." And yes they are all advocates of peaceful parenting, so not jsut silent club of people Which i am sure lacks few parts, so very close to peaceful parenting as much i can think of.
  19. Hmmm hei, tämä taisi OP juttu jäädä ohi kokonaan. Itse asun pääkaupunkiseudulla kuten alussa sanoin ja mietin oisko "Hubot"mahdollissesti sitten oikomassa jotain ihan paikanpäällistä aktiviteettia vaiko vain netin kautta tässä vielä suomalaiset me hölötetään? (Eli viestejä suomalaisiille FDR hyypiöillekö lähetteleen vai kannattaakos tehda ihan oma uusi aihe? )
  20. In my experience "Taxation is theft" and "Faith is (self)delusion." Are the same regarding ones own convictions. Reason i turned away from religion is because i saw that MY faith was simply self delusion that i was keeping up and nothign else. "Why do you think taking money from me at gunpoint is good and virtuois and not simply theft?" As soon as the person admits thats money is taken from you at gunpoint can you only work with all the more complex stuff. If they do not, then just ask what happens if you dont pay. And if they aftell all of that think deporting, threatenign or attacking you is totally cool. Dont waste your breath, other than to maybe point out that then theyre ok with violance as long as THEY agree with it. "As long as I consent to force being used againts you its legit." Is what thigns really boil down to. ITs not about "arguements" its about them being content being in the cage with you.
  21. Yeahh.... who was the sadistic asshat who came up with these? Lock "troubled" children away cause they might be violant. Compassion and emphaty be damned! Deeper issues that cause this also be damned! WQe want no responceability here and psycology and wellbeing of children can just fuck off. I mean... talk about running away from problems.
  22. If you feel like it, you could call unto Stefs shows if you feel comfortable enough to talk about this. But i made few quick (mind you very quick) observations: 1. Did SHE love you? Did she have same problems as you did? OR did she recodnize whom you were as a person and tried to help you instead of helping you only to make her feel better? 2. She seemed to veer off unto new raletionship rather quickly AND along with barring relationships with you even as friends? Do you not find this rather odd even if you 2 had problems and issues with one another? These are questions you could ask yourself and see if there anything that seems to click along with your own problems and issues, because its rarely so one sided especially since you so openly express that you were at fault. The support (or lack there of) and its type is critical for knowing what kind of relationship it accurately was. Now answers that "i" need but moreover thigns which you may need for yourself.
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