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Everything posted by GRosado

  1. (This is to all the men) Ahh, you ever find a woman who is beautiful & has an awesome personality? Well I did & I have been talking to her only to find out that she has a boyfriend. My chances are crushed under the boot of lost love & it doesn't feel good. Is there anyone out there who can relate?
  2. He's definitely not a nationalist but he is a State worshipper. However thank you for the suggestions, for some reason whenever I get into a debate I get a sort of Tabula Rasa mind state.
  3. So recently I got into a debate with a family member over taxation & welfare. I told him that taxation is theft & presented him with a comparison of a thief & government. He then kept saying that there is a difference between the two to which I replied no there isn't & he kept saying yes. While that family member has shown their highly irrational thought process what are some other approaches I could take in regards to convincing someone that taxation is theft.
  4. Currency Failures from Argentina to Zimbabwe: A B…: The three forms are mentioned in the video but not everything else
  5. The Austrian view on inflation isn't simply an increase in the money supply that's where non Austrians & supposed Austrians get it wrong. Inflation is an increase in the money supply without a corresponding increase in the demand for money. When there is an increase in the money supply people have more liquidity & so they proceed to purchase more goods since they have more money which in turn increases the demand for goods which increases the price for the quantity demanded(refer to a S/D graph or AS/AD graph to get an illustration of the effects). There is massive monetary inflation & the only reason hyperinflation has not occurred is because the banks aren't loaning it out they are sitting on all the printed money from Quantitative Easing but as soon as they begin to make loans they are gonna create hyperinflation due to the Money Multiplier effect. While the velocity of money creation by the Fed has significantly slowed down when the banks begin to loan them out the velocity of money will rise sharply.The Austrians don't only blame the central bank that's why they hold a Syncretic view of the Exogenous & Endogenous money creation if you analyze their material on banking. No they expected it right away they just didn't expect the banks to sit on its reserves the way they did & currently are. No they expected it right away they just didn't expect the banks to sit on its reserves the way they did & currently are.
  6. Representative Democracy is a subset of Democracy, not it's own individual thing. North Korea & Cuba are not even close to democracies. That's like calling Switzerland an Autocracy.Democracy sucks though.
  7. So the Bank of England publication is talking about money creation. So my first part deals with the one of two positions they could take on how money is created, Exogenous/Endogenous. However the Bank of England walks a tightrope in between the two so it may be a little difficult to figure it out however I do believe they are leaning towards exogenous money supply creation since they are saying the central bank has basically the final say.
  8. I don't know if your calling my statements an incoherent mess but it is totally unnecessary if you are & I don't know why you would approach in such a way.If you read what the actual post was for the topic & read what the Bank of England put out (which I have a strong feeling you didn't) you would see they are talking about how money is created so please go back & read & then tell me if I was wrong about what I'm talking about.
  9. No I state it just like it is in economics, I'm not gonna change around concepts & stuff just because there isn't a difference. Also how is it your asking me if it's accurate & then calling it unlikely right after? No point in asking.It's accurate, look it up for yourself.
  10. Yea but it would be the exact same thing just with different faces
  11. There are two different viewpoints on how money is created in the economy, Endogenous & Exogenous. Exogenous holds that money is created by the Central Bank which constitutes the reserves that banks lend out while Endogenous holds money is created when banks make loans from nothing & the central bank fills their reserves. I am pretty sure that is what this article is talking about. I think Austrians hold both views on money creation but phrase it in different ways.
  12. So I thought it would be prudent to post this here & get some feedback. I wrote this to send to my other brother who has suspicions that they attack me & lie in order to cover it up, so he could read it & understand that I'm not the one causing the conflict in my household. I plan on documenting it every time it happens either through writing or recordings of the event. So if it's written weird understand that it is written in a sort of letter format. Also I would like to reach out to Dsayers & make an apology for being rude & aggressive towards him & while we both have been rude to each other in one way or another I have primarily initiated the attacks on him. So please forgive me & we can be best buddies lol. 4/12/14 10:40-10:51 So today I was attacked by my mother & my brother. Instead of telling me what exactly I did wrong they both persisted at launching insults at me calling me such things as a loser, motherfucker & even insulting my father who had nothing to do with anything. When I proceeded to ask what they were mad at me for they said that I don't do anything they ask which puzzled me because I hadn't been asked to do anything my mom had just told me that she made a grilled cheese sandwich for me even though I had told her before that I didn't want one (which she probably blocked out when she went on her tangent about the dishes not having the lids placed on them & said that me & Jasem were "fucking lazy" that's why there wasn't lids. (Jasem will deny that this occurred because instead of dealing with his psychological problems he proceeds to repress them which is the only logical explanation for the many bad dreams he has & the rampant depressions that frequently hit him which he in turn displaces onto his homosexual life coupled with his fascination with hiding his identity in drag outfits which is his subconsciousness projecting his repressed problems onto his social life.) Jasem at this time was making his juicing shake, he was adding fruits into the machine & he looked up & rolled his eyes while mom had her back turned.) so I had just fixed up the plastic containers & made sure they had the lids along with taking out the trash & putting in a new trash bag. Jasem then asked me to bring down the keys to the car & when I brought them down he didn't thank me as if I was obligated to bring them down & so I sarcastically said your welcome & proceeded upstairs. While I was upstairs I took a gulp of my water & picked up a book on my shelf just to peruse through it, my mom called & told me to come down & eat my grilled cheese to which I replied Ok (as someone who has experienced poverty I never let food go to waste even if I don't want it, which is probably why I overeat & am obese). I was reading for a little bit more when Jasem came upstairs & said "Mom is calling you why don't you fucking respond" to which I replied "What are you talking about I responded", my mom was following right behind him & her exact words were "he's a fucking son of a bitch motherfucker just like his fucking father". I was dumbfounded as to what caused such a rage especially when I had kept to myself in a semi isolation, I then said " Wow what has got you guys so aggressive this morning?" To which Jasem replied you don't ever fuckin answer her" to which I responded "yes I did, you to are just trying to find a reason to attack me because haven't done anything that could legitimately spark your anger" (I will admit that I have an anger problem but I have been working on it as best as I can & if I had to say I haven't had any of the usual outbursts of anger that I would have in the past & I am much nicer to people now than I was before). Then Jasem went down stairs while I was asking why he was mad & chose to attack me & he just yelled at the top of his lungs for me to shut up to which I responded "why are you avoiding the questions" my mom then came out of her closet & told me to shut up & I replied "why, you guys are attacking me & I'm not allowed to ask questions" which she then pushed past me & went downstairs while I was telling her that she knows she is in the wrong but to stubborn to acknowledge it. She then said I'm gonna get her sick & I said that she is doing that to herself(she is in a destructive relationship with my step dad who is an asshole & she stresses alot because she tries to micromanage everyone's life including her own even though I always tell her that she cannot control all the variables in her life) to which she responded that she "should stick a knife in my chest & then maybe you & Jasem Will be happy" to which I replied "reverting to emotions doesn't put you in the right & your basically a cat caught in the corner with its claws out". I then said that I didn't even want the grilled cheese in the first place & that's when I proceeded to enter my room, sit on my bed with Man, Economy & State in my hands & read, then I wrote this after reading a few pages cause I felt I should document this. Edit: Also please notify me if I made any errors or if your confused about something.
  13. Yeah that would be interesting to hear about.You have a point but I don't think that should discourage you from applying cause you might get a lucky break & be hired. it doesn't hurt to keep applying & make sure you check out Craigslist there are alot of jobs offered.
  14. What exactly would be the difference?
  15. Inflation leads to higher prices & this reduces the purchasing power of whatever currency. The scenario you laid out holds true For goods with an elastic demand but does not hold for goods that have inelastic demand such as Gas, food & things of such nature.Inflation is any increase in the money supply without a corresponding increase in the demand for money. That is the Austrian view on inflation.Monetary inflation is an increase in the money supply.Price inflation is an increase in prices.
  16. Yea it's insane, if they don't like Austrian Economics that's perfectly fine but don't lie about what it is or isn't, the contributors should take a neutral p.o.v. like Wikipedia does or they can present all the true information & then in a section within the article write why it isn't rational. If you can't trust their articles on one subject you can't trust them on all.
  17. Well if it isn't my good friend...Here read these articles & pay close attention to the words & tone.http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Crank_magnetismhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Austrian_schoolhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/CapitalismWhen you read the ones below they generally take on a forgiving & nicer tone than the ones above.http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Communismhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Socialismhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/ProgressiveUniform throughout the articles are unnecessary bashing of Libertarians, conservatives & Christians even when they aren't related to the topic. It almost comes off in the same way as Marx's whiney baby attitude in the Communist Manifesto.
  18. I have been reading a few articles on the Rational Wiki website & oh my goodness I have never read something so bias & irrational since conservapedia. I don't understand who could get their information from this website it is pure stupidity.
  19. Well that's good that you aren't being harassed by the state. I have some friends who are furrys(the animal sex thing scares me & they laugh every time I tell them), that's of no significance just telling you . You should checkout Craig's list for your area, they usually have jobs advertised on there.
  20. XXYYXX - About Youhttp://youtu.be/v-A1NyhwoiU If you would be interested in intelligent rappers check out artists/groups such as Immortal Technique, Hail Mary Mallon, Aesop Rock, Capital Steez, Yasin Bey(Mos Def), Common & Fugees.
  21. That is what I call a total whoop ass lmao. You got him line by line. Another point for him as to why there isn't high price inflation but high monetary inflation is because banks are sitting on all the newly printed money from quantitative easing & as soon as they begin to loan that out on the near zero interest rate prices are gonna shoot up & we will experience Hyperinflation.
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