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Everything posted by GRosado

  1. On his second point regarding Compton you should let him know that government has caused a majority of there problems. There isn't a free market in Compton only coercion either by the corrupt government or the street gangs. Also he states you shouldn't destroy anything just because it became corrupt, Ok then his socialist revolution is null & void off of that statement cause Karl Marx argued that when the government becomes corrupt & gives special favors to the bourgeoise it's time to get rid of it so in essence he is rejecting his own master. On his 3rd & 5th point you should explain to him spontaneous order & how it will lead to a better decision making mechanism that is more efficient than government.
  2. Tell him that government spending causes a crowding out of the private sector. Crowding out is when the private sector resources are taken by government & used for whatever expenditures.
  3. I'm going to respond let me first say I think I took this post way off topic & is it wise if I or you make a new thread? So you ask how could you be Gnostic about a Deity that doesn't intervene. There is a simple experiment that can be performed by anyone. Simply pray/meditate to the deity & ask him for something whether it is tangible or intangible & you will see that you don't receive what you asked for. You could ask for your family member to get better but they still die or you could ask for a Bugatti & all you get is pocket lint. Also I didn't differentiate personal intervention & divine providence. Divine Providence would be the deity making stars explode or the earth rumble or removing gravity. Personal intervention would be the deity giving you a full head of hair or a new car or curing your disease.Also I wouldn't say that complexity alone keeps me believing in a deity but also a rejection of complexity at random.
  4. If we were to keep the picture chart simple Deism would be different but if we we're to break down Theism to the hundreds of different types it might be under its umbrella. So I will concede that it falls under Theism but it is on the very out skirts. I won't refer to myself as a theist though. BTW I read an article talking about the umbrella of theism & that was the prime convincer.
  5. I am a Gnostic Deist(why I defend it). Deism is the belief in a higher power/Deity who doesn't intervene in our lives, we reject Mysticism, Organized Religion, Holy Books claiming to be a Deity's revealed word & we believe the deity have us the power to reason. The views differ among deists but I would probably be in between Pandeism & Panendeism.But you said to describe its position. It would be in between Theism & Atheism because it isn't full theism in the sense that it doesn't attribute specific characteristics to the deity & it rejects the mysticism & it isn't full Atheism because they still believe in a deity & don't believe spontaneous order is randomly possible.
  6. Think about it like this, what is the difference between a deity & God. Nothing, God is just a specific incantation of the Deity & the same goes for higher power. Another example: We have the libertarian party & it is formed by two groups the Minarchists & Anarchists. You could say the Anarchist is a libertarian or the Minarchist is a libertarian but you cannot say the libertarian is an anarchist or the libertarian is a Minarchist. Because then you would be overgeneralizing people & alienate other views. (I hope you understood what I meant by that example cause I feel like that's confusing)You can't throw out the abrahamic definitions for God because that is there concept, Hindus, Animists, Sikhs, etc. Don't believe in God but they believe in their respective deity's. You don't go to a Hindu & say hey you believe in God, you say hey you believe in Brahman. So the concept of God is Abrahamic.Your picking at one similarity & continually pushing it which leads me to believe you're argumentative. The video shows the differences between Agnostic & Gnostic but if you don't want to recognize that whatever but they spell out the differences between Deist & Theist & you just keep picking at one similarity.
  7. Watch this video so you can learn the differences because your portraying two groups as one when they're not. That's like saying Democrats & Democratic Socialists are the exact same.
  8. Lmao clearly my humor is poor. I wasn't being serious with the funny bunny thing. But seeing as how you didn't disagree with what I said you agree that there are major differences & that simply breaking down the word parts doesn't explain the differences.
  9. I don't know Breaking down it's word parts doesn't help anything, what your trying to do is put Deists in the same bad spotlight that the theists are in. What you should do is explain the real differences between them. FunnyBunnyApple Funny = Bunny
  10. He didn't even say anything that would cause you to write that response. I don't even think he is talking about God, I'm pretty sure he's talking about Consciousness & empirical evidence for it
  11. This chart doesn't have the middle ground which is Deism. The Knowledge levels are Gnostic or Agnostic & the levels of belief are Theist, Deist & Atheist.
  12. The tetanus shot is the only shot I would get every once in awhile the others are filled with sit that I don't want in me.
  13. Hello I'm from Florida also. It's interesting because I've been noticing that people in Florida are becoming libertarian in large amounts.
  14. Hello my name is Giovanni Rosado I'm 18 years old & I live in Orlando, Florida. I am a Minarchist Libertarian who is leaning towards the Anarchist side. I am also a Gnostic Deist (which I dont want to debate about in here). The first video I watched was "Jon Stewart's tough questions for libertarians answered" in 2011? & it was awesome cause I never saw someone defend libertarians so well & now here I am. So hope it will be a good one & thanks for reading.
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