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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. Yow! I got depressed seeing that image! I think work and determination can be easily found by repeatedly viewing it, then climbing to heights. I picture bulging mental biceps.
  2. Good lord, Neeeel, what are you doing? Yes, altered the image to put in what is only suggested to the insiders. SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. You tell me, no evasiveness, do you, yes or no, see the human figures in the altered image? Which, eyes wide open please, also contains a known child sex symbol. Could YOU take any other pizza marketing image...scour the internet...add some dots and have not just one, but a row of five, human figures? C'mon, do the homework. Do you really have that little understanding of graphic arts in general? Many logos have elements of suggestion. That's how they work. 13 famous company logos with hidden messages I'd be curious for you to find me some examples of a rose being common in architecture. And by the way, what was the body count in The War Of The Roses?--the wrong rose meant you were dead. Hardly just a decorative element. They are symbols, they take on additional meaning to various groups, invisible to the uninformed. Like those goat and owl paintings in the Little Fox restaurant -- just random cute animal paintings? Just happened to be ancient cult symbols? I guess the art shop was all out of other animals.... And you are being silly with grabbing at air, like Domino's. Which is NEVER mentioned. You are avoiding what's right in front of you. Did you actually view all the videos or just skip thru? Take the pediatrician reference and plunk it into the Insipid File. I don't think your friend from 4chan has a clue what they are talking about. Child porn but not child sex? -- oh well, that makes everything okay. Not like word usage morphs or anything. And if it originated in 4chan (where's the source on that?), what does that have to do with the emails of Podesta, Obama, etc. which are full of these references? Gee, all these words here in this post originated decades or centuries ago or more, maybe far away; I guess I couldn't use them now for my own purpose. And I still haven't seen anyone understandably skeptical respond to the lead singer in one of their parties explicitly reference child sex? How about the secret panel bathrooms with erotic art and graffiti saying something like "shut up and fuck"? What about it, Neeeel, did you skip over these parts, or just chose to ignore them? The Podesta emails are chock full of references to pizza, cheese, etc., that make no sense without the hidden meanings, what about them? To paraphrase yourself: "how furshluggener dishonest do you want to be?" And by the way, show me even one thing that is counter to the narrative. Be prepared to have it examined.
  3. It seems to mean that you are not paying attention if this is just a joke. Get the picture yet? Imgur: (Notice that if those original dots are supposed to be pepperoni slices, then the cheese, itself a code word, is dripping off the crust edge. Which real pizza never does.) By the way, I seem to be the first person on the internet (at least the top Google hits) to notice this, which makes me feel right proud to join the many individual citizens in digging out what has been described as the biggest news story ever. Yay us. I'm putting the above link in Youtube comments where I can. Those of you who are much more internet savvy, would you do so in other forums and channels? . And OP, thanks.
  4. I have to admit that these can also be seen as innocent, the use of phrases not unlike what a comic might have in stock. Not that it changes anything else. I also just wrote a big post here, posted and read it here, then when I checked again it was gone. ???
  5. Completely serious. How much video have you watched? Look at my post 30 here, about 12 : 27 Vesta is specifically mentioned as getting part of the torso, along with Pan (lots of trivia in this rabbit hole), plus the other details in post 30. Podesta's Fish and 14 hand tattoos explained - YouTube There is a very long list of items, it's pick and chose time: This is a code. It is an "in plain sight" code. You see what you want to see. -- 4 : 31 Ch 4 There is the menu graphic, as I recall a red bar with three simple marketing words, which is not any sort of menu header, and the first letters are PED, as in pedophilia. "Pizza" is a major code word for pedophilia. The pizza slice logo contained a clear pedophilia symbol of spiraling triangles. In a nearby restaurant connected to the whole thing, The Little Red Fox, on the wall, seen here at 5 : 35 100 PERCENT PROOF! MORE EVIDENCE OF PIZZAGATE & TRAFFICKING! WIKILEAKS, SPIRIT COOKING, #PIZZAGATE - YouTube are two paintings on a minor wall, of two animals in business suits and heads showing. Awww, isn't that cute, two animals in suits, would say the general public. Except that they are the two animals, owl and goat, associated since antiquity with whatever labels are to be inserted here, but it's cults of power brokers were talking about. Podesta has his hands all scarred up in the ritual manner!! There is video of a band playing at these events and the lead singer is explicitly wondering aloud about child sex. I forget the exact video or words but it's quite clear intent, probably searchable. There is another thing I just noticed. When I first saw the Besta logo, something was odd about the cheese image, but I couldn't think what. After seeing the paintings, my subconscious must have been doing pattern matching. Someplace in those paintings shown on somebody's FB, there are children suspended by ropes under their armpits, legs dangling. (I will try to find those links.) I'm looking at that Besta logo again, and what is meant to be seen as dripping cheese...cheese is also a code word for sex with young girls...can also be seen as pairs of dangling legs. Besta-Pizza-Original-Logo.png I propose that the dripping cheese ...which by the way, based on the dot locations, seems to orient the eye to believe that cheese is dripping from the crust edge of the pizza slice, not the cut edges, the opposite of real pizza cheese...actually shows five hanging children, visible from the armpits downward, legs dangling. The rightmost line, and the smudging of the rightmost "figure" next to it, could easily represent more children, but off camera as it were, throwing off the eye of the general public. Look at it! Have you ever seen cheese drip in a regular pattern like that? If you were a graphic designer, would you even consider it? (Search pizza marketing images.) It looks like it is output from an electronic wave generator! I propose that most designers would introduce a quasi-randomness element, because real dripping cheese is that way, and it's randomness thus already has Pavlovian appeal to our appetite. It's got me wanting pizza just writing about real dripping cheese! Understand, these people have been playing with us, and pulling it off until a phishing incident. They are thumbing noses at us by putting it in plain sight. And they are steering potential clientele with a very distinctive store sign, as any store would do, like a barbershop's striped pole, or crossed skis above a ski store. If you never heard of a barbershop or skiing, would you understand the images so clear to others? ---- Also, would some of you who visit various YouTube pages on this topic add the above info, re the Vesta link (Podesta's hand markings), and the dangling legs image, into the comments section of those pages? These things have not been noticed anyplace that I've seen and it needs to add to the public aggregate knowledge as quickly as possible.
  6. Thanks for doing that, Caleb. I also saw it, and found it a very good intro piece. I wanted to also say that I've watched about a dozen videos on this, and each one has additional information. This is a very very big Rabbit Hole. I recommend visiting the above links every day or two to see what new Youtubes have been added. And I very much appreciate these efforts by individual citizens with character.
  7. ...to which I'd add, this commodity is so brainwashed as to be crippled or void in rational thought, ever better as a puppet.
  8. Oh, and I forgot to mention something I noticed that nobody else has. (My previous post would've been edited but is off is review land.) In that link about Podesta and the hand symbols, in the latter half, it's mentioned that the sacrificed victim is cut up good...and never tell anyone...and various parts are cooked and offered to different gods, one of which is...drum roll....Vesta! And the name of Besta Pizza reminds us of which ancient god?
  9. Okaaaayyy. I've just gone down the McCann rabbit hole, and am coming up to take a breath and report before plunging again. The gist: the Portugal police concluded it's a cover up, probably an accidental death. Here is the police report, handwritten original and translated English, with a few translation oddities, such as the British boot for car trunk became booth. Arguido means "a suspect." Occultation means obscuring, such as hiding the body. Please do pay attention to the part about the dogs trained to sniff cadaver and blood smells. Any Portuguese speakers here? P.J. POLICE FILES: TAVARES DE ALMEIDA CHIEF INSPECTOR Inquiry is blocked. The message is out: ask questions and get your life ruined. Like the Portuguese investigator who believed it to be a crime and cover up, and was financially ruined for the effort. As reported within this: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown Visits Portugal to Search for Madeleine McCann - YouTube (there's a bit of voice and a lot of icky music; consider turning the sound off) >> Who has that kind of power? << The attorneys who squelch the efforts also work for major power brokers. Scan this without skipping, lots of very suspicious items. It has timelines and quotes and diary entries by the girl's parents among other things: Eumenides: September 2015 This might seem like another rambling blog, but notice that this is an example of a significant following of this case by the public. Then scan it, lots of suspicious items. It's lower value than other links here. The Ponderings of a Hobs: Wendy Murphy Speaks the Unspeakable Also there's the funky pic of Podesta with the number 14 and a fish written on his hands (not to mention gobs of shady stuff on his Facebook as shown in the OP video). The meaning apparently goes back to the story of Osiris, who is dead, and cut into 14 pieces, and his penis is eaten by a fish. Watch this video, and you will see medieval woodcuts of such practices, and quotes from old documents about these rituals, which go back probably millennia. Podesta's Fish and 14 hand tattoos explained - YouTube
  10. Not at all. Self consistent, and completely in character. Same ol' red pill. Did you notice in the clip about Trump playing Hillary's line of "takes a village to raise a child", saying that she should know, she took a number of them? Without this pedophilia, the remark makes little sense; implying with this info that she thru the Clinton Foundation took many children, makes sense. And Hillary's response was a defensive grimace. Why wouldn't she just do a stage shrug if nothing to it? What did Trump really mean when he said if he was president, Hillary would be in jail? Lots to choose from I know, but this would be a real jail crime. And the second video, the Podestas are 1/3 mile from a child abduction and the witness descriptions are a blatant match. Confirm the validity of the wanted suspects images by looking at this brief police announcement clip, E-fits released in Madeleine McCann case | Madeleine - The Truth then compare the police phone number in the clip with an unrelated police case-- Police issue warning as murderer goes missing from hospital in Wales | UK news | The Guardian "but the rest of it is unsubstantiated." Andrew Kline's name as the purchasing agent of the suspect property which incorporates pedophilia code into it's logo and menu? Also, here's an earlier reprint of the FBI page in a police newsletter from years ago: https://oramosmex.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/police_crime_bulletin_2007-03-14-pdf.pdf
  11. "My brothers - who are both pretty successful self-employed entrepreneurs now - are just the last people I would expect to turn into social justice warriors." Hmm, got that deserved money, time to chase tail...oh, but that requires homage to Hillary, 'cause that tail don't think so good. If already married, same principle applies. Also applies to some customers. "I wonder if I had been there for them if it would have made a difference." Nope. Iron Horse: those safe places on campus are in opposition to honesty and truth. OP is trying to create a place for honesty and truth.
  12. "So, if the body always waited for the intellectual feature of ourselves to respond, then we'd be dead and extinct. " Somewhat oblique point: Apparently, our limbic system evolved from olfactory systems, because proto-mammals were nocturnal. We smell our home, good food, our family, etc....resulting in what we call emotions, that is, we feel good when we smell these things. A whole new layer of survival circuitry. It's a reverse of Pandora's box...we have all this good stuff, and one bad thing, which is called Fear, and it stems from specific places in our amygdala. Feeling jolly with evolving newer scent detection would get proto-mammals eaten by reptiles not lost in grinning contemplation. The fear circuitry, an emotion with new types of reflexes, is apparently a bit faster than pre-existing (logical) and already fast reptilian attempts to eat the evolving subjects. The result is the reptilian jaws closed upon air instead of skull. If you imagine something scaring a reptile, maybe something heavy falls near a garden lizard, they turn and scoot, quick but nothing exceptional. If you think of prey mammals, rabbits and hamsters come to mind, they often have a very fast jumping away reaction, more like a compressed spring than muscles logically ordered to act.
  13. Norway was Nazi occupied. One of the primary bombing targets was a facility for making heavy water to then use for Nazi atomic bombs under development. It was in a very well protected steep mountain area, and bombing it was very difficult, and led to civilian casualties and not really hitting the factory. There was no easy alternative. A British(?) commando team finally did the deed, a story in itself worth investigating.
  14. I am in no way a professional on any of this. Just a few thoughts. Moving really far away seems a good move. If nothing else, it gives you more sense of mental space, and safety. I happen to be listening to this as I read your post: Lee Marvin I was born under a Wandering Star remastered - YouTube. I play it often, it's soothing. If you listen to the words, there may be some value of the sort "I'm not alone, it's not just me." Big Red Flag: Who said your grandfather shot himself? Does this "fact" stem solely from your mother? Restraining orders per se sound like manipulative threat. Don't they have to show cause? What would your mother's reason be, and do you get to send thru proper court channels...given that you are far away and need to stay there...your reply to the court involved telling of your concern for your grandmother's safety? How would your mother or the court react to that? I'm not saying to trigger it somehow, you mother is a serious threat, but maybe you should research such orders to clear your mind even a little bit. Talk to someone in your new local court system. You have lots of external threat which you probably cannot much change; you also have lots of internal confusion and stress, and that you can change, at least some. You could use such contacts, keeping in mind some might be wishy washy and you need to keep looking. Even if they don't go anywhere by way of process, the decent human contact is valuable, and may be needed later for further developments. Your desire to protect your grandmother is admirable; I like that sort of thing in myself. I have found, as have many others, that not all problems are solvable, not everyone can be rescued. We are forced to make unpleasant choices. The threat to your grandmother is real, but the second threat is to yourself, and that very much includes your mental state. We are very different ages, seen a different range of movies. There are many stories, fiction and non-fiction, where someone can't be saved. The plane is in flames and going down, the flooded river is ripping away trees, enemy bullets are beginning to nip at clothing. No choice. Maybe you have more choice, maybe you don't. Maybe it would be good to safely watch how others handle such problems in movies. Assign yourself your Personal Film History Class, and watch movies from WW2 era (not to mention lots of sci-fi), plenty of difficult choices will be seen. You will also learn film history, actors and the mind sets of the time. You look up the occasional word or place, always increasing your general education for free. You see how others handle things, how the culture of the time viewed things. And you are somewhat distracted, pulled into other worlds for awhile. Therapy by YouTube. The family money will do what it will do. You have little or no control over that, and it will entangle you. Which reminds me of a James Michener novel, Centennial. The primary protagonist started his American covered wagon journey from the Eastern US, with a fine beloved wife, a fine wagon, fine horses, fine rifle. On the way West, he lost them all. His wife of course could never come back, but his wealth was replaced many times over. It's been decades since I read it, but I think it was basically because the hero noticed among other things, that gold miners could use clothing with a reinforced crotch. You know he wasn't thinking that when working his way across the US Plains. You don't know what lies ahead for you. (HInt: keep your eyes open for anything that could use a reinforcing copper rivet.) This segues into the concept of letting it all be in God's hands. Even if you don't have religious beliefs. (Not to say take hands off the steering wheel and just see what it does; "The Lord helps those who study emergency maneuvers beforehand.") Again, this is about your mental state. If we choose an action, our brain circuits...talking about circuits here...will respond like good doggies. Pick up that coffee cup, put on those shoes. We take that for granted, if we haven't been injured. Our inner doggie brain will do other tasks. Even without religious beliefs, (handy if you already have them yet not required), say to yourself, simply and without effort, like reaching for a coffee cup, "This is in God's hands." Your inner doggie follows the instruction, "Yup, Yup, I'm a happy go lucky doggie, just gonna do this now, yup, yup." Like it was just fetching another tennis ball. To your inner processor, shifting metaphors, it's simply another instruction, like a Print or Save command. If you believe it will work, it will. (Long story how I discovered this personally.) Not with struggle, not a philosophical engagement, do that some other time, just simply say it to yourself like it's the most boring thought you could have. See if your immediate stress level drops, see if your thinking clears. Somewhat. Like driving 70mph in a heavy rain on a lumpy road at night. That is high stress. A simple mental command, "Ease foot off throttle," drops the speed in a few seconds to 50mph. Whew! It's still a crummy road and heavy rain, but it feels much better.
  15. Please do watch the second video of post 2, it's shorter, and we owe it to the parents of an abducted and probably murdered child. Mostly, it's the slam dunk video to watch, re the Podesta brothers and that missing girl. EDIT: After researching the rabbit hole of that child's disappearance, shown here below in post 30, I now realize that the parents were likely involved (the original police report explicitly says so), so I alter my directions of sympathy.
  16. Huge thanks Wuzzums for these very important videos. I had not heard of any of it.
  17. This in no way is meant to be academic; it’s more like the audio version of “Mr. Magoo visits France’s Loover Art Museum.” —— Last year, and so this is fuzzy… yet that which sticks is perhaps that which matters…Pandora was playing an a cappella version of the French national anthem, which spelled phonetically, is Lay Marszazee or something like that. I love the French anthem. It is robust, it has focused historical content, everyone can sing it, and the best singers may soar to great heights. It fits the acoustics of Casablanca’s Rick’s Cafe. One can listen a dozen times without knowing French and stride around the room each time, any low chandeliers banged by the fists of triumphant Marchons. I went to Youtube for more Lay Marsazees, then sampled a few other national anthems. Here are my impressions. The USA anthem I didn’t need to look up: —Italy. It’s been a long time since I listened, yet I think it has a pretty good beat; it’s Italian, I’d be shocked otherwise. It seems that the original was proud of spilling Polish blood. Given what little I know of the Italian unification struggle, it wouldn’t surprise me that Polish troops were allied with somebody or other. I bet the Pope was involved. Glad I wasn’t there. I guess it became obvious that spilling Polish blood is not the thing to sing about at later international sporting events, so that part was deleted. Comparing the two versions felt a bit hollow, reminding me of the feeling about the missing floor in the elevator song to Dr. T’s dungeon. For those of you worrying what that even is, or feel bad that it’s missing, some good person has provided relief, at least for the dungeon song: The Dungeon Song - RESTORED - YouTube — The Russian anthem struck me as weak, yet that is not a criticism. Russia is in transition. It had been the Soviet Russia, the behemoth, and it had available The International, already doing well on the charts. (Tang Dynasty does a kick tush version. Turn up the volume and it’s not my fault if you break something, like your speakers or plaster or your neighbors ever again speaking to you: Tang Dynasty - Internationale (唐朝 - 国际歌) - YouTube The Tuvan throat singing version is also wonderful Tuvan Internationale - YouTube. If you’ve already upset your neighbors and run off the cat, go ahead and keep up the volume.) The Soviet Russians had symphonic history to begin with, and reallllllly knew how to use it, and nobody else could be quite as good as Moscow’s version, or else. Yet that was then. Where is Russia now? In between something or other. What is the future Russia? I have no idea, and I’m not sure anyone else really does, though certain other European countries surely have strong wishes in that regard. Putin doesn’t return my calls, so not sure there. In this era of doubt, it makes no sense to pin a country with an anthem that doesn’t really refer to anything. It is an interim song, like putting “Student” on a form asking for occupation, when there is no other clear answer. Thus, the present Russian anthem seems to solely say “Russia is great, yay we’re great, really going to be even more great, gosh we’re great.” Which strictly speaking, is true. Russian art, music, physics, military: from Stravinsky to Sukhoi, it’s one long Firebird Suite. So the anthem is not making any claims right now that it can’t specifically back up; likewise the music is so-so, something to use when an anthem is needed at a sporting event, yet not sweat over. In dental metaphor, it’s a temporary crown. —Spain’s anthem seems to heavily swoon at the remembrance of the Spanish Royal domination of the seas several centuries ago. I’d have to listen again, I think it sounded nice. Yet, the missing reference to several centuries make the Italian gentility over not mentioning specific spilled blood seem to be almost myopic. I have no suggestions. I don’t even live there. —The USA. Heh heh. Well, we now have Stefan’s unique singing of this piece, whereby Mr.M not only tried to somehow sing that infamous high note, a notably brave act, yet pulled it off, somehow morphing that alto sword into a very serviceable lower altitude plowshare. I dare say that is musical history. Few of us here would try it. I think it derives from an English bar song for those who are very drunk, the singer and the listeners, so nobody will really remember what happened anyway. There is something or other by way of national character, at least where expensive sports commercials are concerned. The football stadium is the primary image, a secret taste of ancient Rome. The stadium contains the opposing forces of modern infantry squads attempting to get that satchel charge into the enemy bunker. This is old news, indeed the dangerous crunching of opposing teams goes back very far. This is where the US anthem is mostly sung, since most people can silently move their lips during that cruel note and hope that enough thousands of females are present that maybe a third of them can manage it. It's a bit comic how the overall volume of crowd song drops just then. Yet the USA has, I think unintentionally, also incorporated the ancient meso-american ritual of a single human sacrifice atop the pyramid. Now geometrically inverted into a Romanesque stadium, everyone gets to be judge-priest. One person, alone, stands in front of a microphone and thousands of judges. The serpentine dagger of acoustic biophysics awaits. They have a singing career. If they make that note, the many judges will thumbs up, and the heavens will bless, at least for a week or so. If they fail, the dagger of acoustics is plunged into the heart of their career, the remaining verse only the desperate pumping of a killed heart, witnessed live across the land. I wouldn’t try it. That’s what I have. What about you?
  18. An enemy is always and resolutely intent on my destruction, whereas a traitor is intent on my destruction only part time and could theoretically be talked out of it.
  19. CALIFORNIA POLL WORKER CLAIMS MASSIVE VOTER IRREGULARITIES DURING 2016 ELECTION. NO ONE WILL LISTEN - YouTube She checked with other workers, who saw the same thing. This seems extremely important. I also consider this hispanic woman who is speaking up to be an American hero in the Norman Rockwell tradition.
  20. they snapped back at me with, "There is NOTHING you (I) can say that will help me now". They don't want helped. Right now they are in a female mutual pity party, they can make crybaby faces at each other and be encouraged for it, and the whole thing feels pre-orgasmic. They are girls and as has been noted in abundance, both on the net and in my own experience, except for a few responsible females such as found here, most women don't give poop about truth or consequences. It's about perpetual defensiveness and groupthink, and how dare you attempt to interrupt their pre-orgasmic pity party with something despicable like honesty. Stop thinking you will appeal to any moral attribute in them...it's simply not there. You'd get better results trying to play chess with a bee.
  21. Dylan, thanks for taking the time to post this valuable info.
  22. I'm just now viewing the M.Maloney video, and letting it all sink in. I'm mentally reviewing the items of gold and silver I own, gifts from decades ago. How is the best way to acquire more physical metal? Jewelry shops, and their markup? -- tho' I gather from Maloney that the markup may still be submerged by eventual increase in value. Are we required to register like we're buying a firearm if we buy more than some anointed amount of metal? I know I can search this, but do you have starting links? Thanks.
  23. I think Marzy Doats started us down the slippery path.... More seriously...I wonder if it has to do with modern tech that can send a voice to thousands, get the star worship going, and the worshippers don't much care if they can make out the words. I have trouble imagining anyone succeeding at all in a pre tech time, if they couldn't be understood.
  24. "He made excuses for ... This is what confuses me." Any good healing process is all about honesty and continued discovery, which you are already doing. When you speak of confusion, I think of my own, and an element that stands out is that we need to bring parents down off pedestals, which is very difficult to do, probably for solid evolutionary reasons that don't work so well now. We then may find simply a person who made excuses because of fear, damage, ignorance, desire, etc., the usual things. Then it's not so confusing. Sad, but less confusing. With my own deceased father, every now and then I have a new insight, probably because of some development in myself. Soooo...as you work on yourself, you may unpredictably gain insights, less confusion, as to your father's behavior.
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