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Devon Gibbons

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Everything posted by Devon Gibbons

  1. Not bad Here's what I've been obsessing over, I can't get them out of my head... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flm4xcOyiCo Typically I get depressing songs stuck in my head
  2. There is no debate about the fact that climate changes, however there is a debate about the extent to which humans are an influencing factor. I highly recommend anyone fuddled in their virginity to this "argument" to at least watch this well-put together report by a unique climate observer: I'd like to hear your comments.
  3. New tabs for scroller-clicks would be helpful as mentioned My feature requests: 1. Move all of the show information such as date, description, URLs, and social media buttons on top of the FDR show list GUI - it will look more professional 2. Shrink the rediculously long search bar at the top - this will make room for the other to be brought up there 3. I have a pretty widescreen monitor (about 21") and IF you do not consolidate the things to the top as I mentioned, add a blue border around the screen - because I have to view ugly wide white background margins on either side of the page as it is currently designed to fit the show information and links in the same viewing area for my convenience. PS: Great work, this already is a huge improvement
  4. Playlist for climate change skepticism If you want to learn more about the arguments, follow the links and show notes below the videos.
  5. Great video, thank you for sharing.
  6. In my opinion the faster people stop trying to revive this scarcely viable state, the faster it will fall - and the better.
  7. The way is therapy and self-knowledge. If you are interested in taking responsibility, others around you will be inspired to do the same.
  8. "When it comes to giving unsolicited advice, it's usually just to people younger than myself. For example, I have a co-worker who is 4 years younger than I am who has problems getting a girlfriend. He's a "nice guy" and never takes anything beyond friendship level with women. He doesn't understand how to build sexual attraction. And while I am far from perfect in that realm myself, because I've been in his position before, I want to tell him what works and what doesn't work and how he should talk to girls. Keep in mind he always brings up the topic of how he can't get women. He doesn't ask for advice but I always start my response with having been in his shoes and here's what I learned. He doesn't seem to believe me much or just kind of is like "yeah, I guess". It almost seems like a waste of time, so I've really just given up talking to him about it. I don't know if he was just not wanting to listen, or didn't like the fact that I was giving him advice without being asked. Perhaps that's a long way of saying that I don't trust him in particular with solving his issues, because I had at least had girlfriends by the time I was his age, so I felt he needed help. If that makes any sense?" ~~~~~~~~Are you in a relationship now? He could think you ingenuous if not. Have you watched Stef's video, "Putting off Procrastination"? From what you said I would guess you weren't listened to much as a child, with some of your feelings being unheard.
  9. Women sell them self, men buy women. "That sounds like prostitution!" NO, more accurately, it is long term prostitution. I don't see how your addition of long term prostitution vs prostitution constitutes your extrapolation as being truer; and btw what do you even mean by long term?
  10. " I continually get badgered with emotional responses to an objective observation of reality. I am shocked to find that the greater percentage of those I have interacted with, and the posts that I have read, have been basically the same as everyday life." You have 3 posts, and no one has responded to you. How can you say you have "interacted" with people? Interaction requires two parties.
  11. Children who are infantilized are not taught basic skills in independence. Mom (and maybe dad) cheat them out of childhood lessons ironically damning them to not feeling "privileged" or "protected" like mommy and daddy told them they were. I would guess a causation being dependence on government by our parents. "Our kids will get free stuff too!" Infant people must learn basic individuation skills they were never taught and must avoid enablers and rescuers. --some part-quotes from Dr. Faye Snyder's book on parenting, "The Manual"
  12. It looks like a big undefined mess of disorders grouped together. I read of symptoms of dissociation, non-attachment, and inability to focus. Seems like borderline issues, with some schizoid/schizophrenic, and passive-aggressive traits rolled into one. Are there any actually defined traits though with this? It's a pretty large blog, I hope they aren't giving people the wrong advice for them.
  13. I live with my relatives -aunt and uncle- and my cousin sang this song to her dad: do you want to build a snow man?... He was cold and unresponsive. Repeating over and over the line with greater questioning. He said, "No". I felt a giant tear in my heart. It felt like a defining moment as his role in their relationship. I had thought my aunt and uncle were better parents than mine were. It brings me back to that age and feeling alienated as well. Oh, well God's an even better daddy anyway... In Memory of the Fallen Parents and Orphaned Children
  14. I got through 'The State and the Family' podcasts and 'God, the State, and the Family' podcasts and I get it. "All unprocessed trauma must find a root somewhere if it doesn't find a root in the truth, which it almost never will if it is unprocessed, that is the very definition of unprocessed, it will find its root in mythology." My sister and I have never really had much of a relationship. I feel she always verbally terrorized me basically and still does to some degree. There was always this understanding gap the width of the grand canyon I always felt between us. Her behavior, to me, seemed totally erratic and baseless. I always went to my parents when she verbally abused me. I never really thought and don't think I was the instigator of a majority of the mostly verbal abuse between us. Listening and watching so many of Stefan's videos on parenting I started to realize and now know my parents were a major factor in the way my sister treated me. The degree to which the abuses in the family were re-directed towards her, just to fuel her abusive vanity, which unfortunately now seems to have transformed her into a quasi-self-hating egocentric sociopath, was completely exaggerated because I didn't see my parents as the cause of her behavior and their depiction for me of her as the stilts to raise them above her (and me). I feel deep sympathy and empathy for her. I am uncovering some harsh bits of the truth of my own parenting. I am just getting started, but it is kind of hard to bring up those memories of them and stay in contact with them at the same time while living away from them with my relatives and feeling so codependent still. My direct family is more statist, but my relatives I am living with are more religious. I've been understanding more and more the shared paradigm of the two dichotomies of statism and religion, but the effects that parenting and childhood have on these two things really smacked me in the face. The blind narcissisticaly self-assured frauds who say they understand ethics when all they are doing is enabling the systems they despise to continue by not caring for children. They are anti-human; they say they know how to live. Only because they were brought up to think they know. You really hit it home. Anyway, just my thoughts after the epic God, the State, and the Family podcasts. Thanks Stefan
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