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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. It would be more funny if it were not such a serious condition. People get their colons removed over this, which wastes a lot of resources in health care dollars. I met a woman with Celiac disease who shudders like a Parkinson's patient. She is 3 or 4 years younger than I am, and would be very attractive if it were not for her condition. While most people are not sensitive to gluten, there are other side effects to eating wheat, like appetite stimulation and addiction (wheat triggers the human opiate receptors in the brain).
  2. Chronological age is largely irrelevant. It's biological age that matters. I feel better now than I did in my 20s. What do you miss about it exactly? Is it youth or health? Is it easy access to eggs? We've determined that it's not the drinking and carousing for you.
  3. Truly scary events will be shaking out of the rug after China unpegs the RMB from the USD, or reveals exactly how much gold in reserve it has. The last audit on the U.S. gold reserve was performed in 1953. http://nsnbc.me/2013/04/18/federal-reserve-refuses-to-submit-to-an-audit-of-germanys-gold-held-in-u-s-vaults-2/ How much longer can the fiat mirage continue to fool investors?
  4. There is no clear path to a better woman. A woman chooses the man, not the other way around. At some point, you may tire of sex if you hop from one wet available vagina to another. I know the dick wants to make another dick. Slap him around for a little bit. Give him time to breathe. It will give you time to think.
  5. I haven't talked to my neighbor about her daughter and family, but she knows that I am not an ally. She has likely heard Stefan's voice wafting through the bedroom window on occasion. She tried being flirty and friendly with me when we first met after I moved in, but I was not receptive to her charms. Single moms don't turn me on. I'm more likely to reach one of the males that come in and our of her life like a revolving door. I'm not exactly sure if they are friends, lovers, or extended family members, but they tend to hang out and drink from time to time. It's a three-generation family, and they still put the daughter in daycare every day. Her parents will not say word one to me besides an acknowledging grunt. I don't think it's a language barrier, but it could be. I've talked to my friend about possibly changing his family around. Something I said last year connected with him, and he stopped giving his son ADD meds, so there was hope. His two children are rapidly approaching puberty, and he will soon have to pay for years of public school and the extensive boarding of his children in daycare programs. When he tried to blame his family's $20,000 debt on his children, I said, "You can't lay your debt on your children. That's exactly how the government works!" He responded, "You have no idea how expensive kids are because you don't have any." Yes, because playing with RC drones and going to Disneyworld is so necessary as a responsible parent! My friend, who has been talking to me less and less often, is the last one remaining from my alcoholic past. The last time we talked on the phone on Monday, he made sure that the first thing he told me was how drunk he got over the holiday weekend. I made an excuse and hung up the call immediately. I'm done with speaking to him. I'm convinced that you can't change people, only yourself, your actions, and with whom you choose to associate or shame.
  6. r actually stands for the rate of reproduction, and K stands for the carrying capacity of an ecosystem for a species. As I have pointed out numerous times in a couple threads, we have a unique ability to fashion the environment to suit our preferences. The rate of growth in the human population dropped in 1962 from 2.2% to 1.1% in 2009. We've leveled off like a K-strategist would, and we were never in danger of proliferating at a geometric rate, like an r-strategist. This argument does not follow. Our species is actually very intelligent, hence the talking and typing we love to do. There are certain species that can play switcheroo with mating strategies. Humans are not one of them. It still takes roughly 40 weeks to gestate a human no matter our environment. It takes at least a decade, usually two for females and male to reach full fecundity, and we can reproduce for decades longer still. Again, this is not the trait of an r-strategist. Will you explain how the demise of the welfare state and subsequent rebirth, as you claim, has to do with laziness and entitlement in men?
  7. Welp! http://finance.yahoo.com/news/trading-halted-york-stock-exchange-154021341.html Silver is only up .7% on the day, after dropping seven times as much the day before. The markets are rigged.
  8. Immigration and welfare are machinations of the state, not biological characteristics of our species. Is voting r or K strategy?
  9. It is a dichotomy with humans due to our extended cranial development. We have one of the longest gestational periods of all animals to boot. R-strategy simply does not apply to us. Can you give me an example of a plant, bacterium, animal or fungus that is both? Under what environmental circumstances?
  10. Humans cannot be both r and K at the same time. It's a contradiction. Our species doesn't work in this way (we would ultimately become two different species through divergent evolution), which is the source of some of the confusion in this thread. To alleviate the confusion, you have to acknowledge that Stefan was using the r/K strategy theory as an analogy to illustrate the problems of the welfare state. It's more straight-forward to talk about the state in economic terms and identify violations of the NAP. Mixing in evolutionary theories because they lend an air of scientific legitimacy may not be the best choice. It's an extended mixed metaphor to put it plainly.
  11. The confusion is being caused by assuming that humans are r-strategists and not K. We are one of the most K species on the planet. It has to do with our cranial capacity, which allows us to have these wonderful conversations. Whether we practice polyamory, or have gigantic harems of males or females, we are still K. We cannot breed at a geometric rate, we live so long that multiple generations can live together, we have no natural predators, and we have the ability to influence our habitats (build shelters) to make them far more forgiving than they normally would be, thus decreasing the mortality rate significantly. Humans are the epiphany of K-strategy!
  12. If one is posting on here, the preference is likely for a free and voluntary society. Which society is closer to that goal?
  13. I was also dating a 9-10 when I was 18, but I didn't have any self-knowledge. The fact that you know about the lizard brain is a game-changer. Learn your lesson, move on, and stop dating the 10s, unless they can back it up with something more significant than tits and ass. I can't offer actionable advice on how to find a woman into self-knowledge as I can't yet do it for myself and I'm twice your age. When I figure it out, I'll let you know! (As it seems to me, when I find a woman who acts rationally and possesses self-knowledge, she already has a mate. I'm also not that guy who shortstops the eggs away from other men. That pig doesn't fly in my book!) We both likely need to follow Lens' advice.
  14. I wasn't begging for reps, mind. I wanted to know where my plus reps were so I could give you one! EDIT: This may not be relevant to my father's manipulations of my half-siblings, but I had another vivid dream last night where I was running through my parent's house smashing all of my mother's possessions. My mother doesn't actually live there any more, but that may not be important to note. She lines her nest by collecting antique glassware, furniture, and knickknacks. I've also had this dream once before during the past year. She got started by inheriting a lot of old junk when her great aunt died. The significance? Why didn't she sell all of this worthless crap and stay home with me when I was a kid? Why did she need such a large house for one child and a mountain of dust-covered hand-me-downs?
  15. I knew this fundamentally from the beginning. It's why I started the thread. If it was out of concern for my siblings only, it wouldn't make much sense to start a thread now. I've been dimly aware of the abuse and neglect for years (since 2008). The inciting factor was my deFOO followed by my sister's letter, which can't be a coincidence, as I have already mentioned. In the reply which is still missing, I mentioned that about a week before I received the letter, my brother and sister left me a voicemail from their mother's phone. I assumed that it was my father calling against my wishes so I did not answer. This is another reason why I know that he hasn't told them the truth. If he knew that I would not answer (and he should have known), why would he give the phone to his kids and have them call me to talk? If my brother and sister had approached him and said, "Let us call our brother," the honest reply would have been to say, "J. D. is very sad and doesn't want to talk," or something like that. Instead, he's creating this illusion that I am inexplicably not answering my phone or mail. The next step is for my father to bring the kids across the country to my door to tempt me again. I don't think he will go that far, though. He's a little too much of a penny pincher to bother with that kind of expense.
  16. Are you really going to ask me the same questions twice? Where is your argument? Have you read UPB?
  17. Yes. They don't account for it. The non-aggression principle outlines the four major moral prohibitions for human beings (rape, murder, theft, and assault). Do we need a holy book or sermons to transmit this wisdom? While it is currently being re-written, UPB is the closest thing we have to objective morality manifested in literary form. God didn't write it. A man did.
  18. If you could show me where that argument was made, I would appreciate it. The argument doesn't make sense to me because if civilization was deemed as better by the tribe, they would get on a train and go find it. There is a reason hunter-gathers still exist. It is because they value the lifestyle.
  19. This parental folly is everywhere. The upstairs neighbor is a single mom. Nearly every morning, I am awakened by her daughter screaming and crying at the top of her lungs, "I want my daddy!" It breaks my heart every time I hear her cry. Maybe someday, her mother and father will get back together, but I doubt it. One of my friends has two children, and buys the most unnecessary trinkets in order to prove his worth as a father. The last thing he was thinking about buying was a drone. His family also has $20,000 in credit card debt. When I asked why the debt was so high, he blamed his children by saying "Kids are expensive!" I am fairly certain he buys the toys for himself and not his kids because when I asked him about his buying habits, he claimed it was because he didn't have many toys growing up. No amount of toys made me happy when I was young. Why even have children? This is a very important question. I don't think many parents contemplate the gravity of it before procreating. I attempted to do this with my ex-girlfriend, and she was completely unwilling to negotiate about family at all, which doesn't surprise me since she holds the eggs. Eggs don't have to negotiate if they don't want to do so.
  20. I'm not just posting this video here because there is Dad Bod in the title. Intermittent fasting is another great tool in the tool shed for the overweight or obese. The interviewee talks about his five month battle plan to attack body fat with strategic fasting. You'll never eat breakfast again! Ok, well, sometimes you will.
  21. That's very cool of you to link those videos for me! I can't recall if I listened to them or not because they are before my time here. I will hit them up again if I have. Where are my upvotes? I'll have to get you back later.
  22. Nothing good or moral can come of God, except by accident, because God is not real. Organized religion is a confidence scam. Forget God, leave the church, and believe in yourself.
  23. Right! I have seen the swath of emotional and physical damage my family has wrought on both sides, maternal and paternal. My only cousin on my mother's side invited me to her second wedding, and I politely refused to attend. She didn't ask me why, but she must know (or thinks that she does). Otherwise, she would ask.
  24. This is a great observation and probably one of the most important in the book, but the property rights angle doesn't follow. Property rights are naturally derived from the concept of self-ownership and the non-aggression principle. The fact that hunter gathers don't possess many things is because that way of life doesn't require a lot of capital to sustain, so the correlation is largely coincidence. This also goes a long way in explaining why modern women say they want much different qualities in a man than their eggs want. Their eggs want tall, cute, aggressive, but not too aggressive and funny. Their bank accounts want additional zeros, but that has more to do with fiat currency and the death and debt of the modern state than anything else. The argument that eggs need resources, therefore monogamy is grossly overstated from the perspective of the hunter-gather. If the child lives to the age of five, they start learning self-autonomy skills from the tribe. A woman only needs a dedicated mate or support group for that length of time. After that, it's on to the next child, probably with another mate as genetic variety in a tribe is difficult to maintain otherwise. Perhaps she will mate with male from a neighboring tribe to mix it up. I would bet that in most primitive hunting societies, there is still a prohibition against rape under penalty of death, dismemberment, or worse, exile. Female sexual autonomy, or Briffault's Law, as it is often called, is at the very core of human property rights. To oppose property rights is a futile attempt at trying to make a point through self-contradiction. The only reason humans exist is because of property rights, and the will of the mind over the body. The reason monogamy does not apply in primitive societies is because it is restrictive to the biological imperatives of the female. In modern society, marriage (read: serial monogamy) is a win-win for the eggs and the woman, through no-fault divorces, child support, and gaming the family court system. We may live in a more technologically-advanced society, but hypergamy will always reign as the supreme law of the land.
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