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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. I don't know how it was for Americans during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but since my birth, I have to admit that the threat of nuclear winter has not kept me up at night. I don't know what choices a nuclear hoax or legitimate threat has made for me. My parents and their influence on my upbringing has been far more influential in my decision making. For example, if during the Cold War, the threat of nuclear fallout clouded my decisions, would I have moved out of a major city center and into the country and build a bunker like in Heinlein's Farnham's Freehold in order to have a chance at surviving a nuclear holocaust?
  2. I had to do it. A better question for this thread is if a person is waiting until they are sick and dying to apologize for wrongs they have committed, why didn't you excommunicate them from your life long before then? Apologies are pointless when nothing can be done about it.
  3. Why can't we just let God die already? He's been in a coma for almost 500 years. If objective moral values exist, and that they are proof of God, why can't I shake hands with him?
  4. For some reason, I thought of this:
  5. Hypothetically, if I am now convinced that nuclear weapons do not exist, how should this information affect how I live my life?
  6. Watch the 1957 Stanley Kubrick movie, Paths of Glory, for a sense of the lack of consideration for rank and file infantry in WW I. The commanding officer orders his artillery to fire on his soldiers' location.
  7. Molding another into an ideal person is impossible. You have to find someone already suited to your tastes. You did great! I'm glad you feel free. There are no set rules for relationships. If you don't want to contact him any more, don't contact him. It might be worth exploring why you were hanging onto the relationship even though you knew it wasn't what you wanted. We've all been in this situation before. I had one really dysfunctional relationship when I was 21. It almost ended up with me being arrested for assault.
  8. I was assuming (we'll see when he replies) that he wants to sleep with her and is going about it by trying to be a supportive shoulder to cry on. If I've learned anything, this is the worst approach to take to get action. It seems like she has no interest in going into detail about her abusive history, which probably indicates that she is sexually interested in him at some level. I am skeptical about the wisdom in trying to have sex with her when she is so emotionally closed off. You get to have sex, but in the long run, he has to know that it's not going to work without self-knowledge. What if she gets pregnant, or pregnant by another man and then turns to him for his male support which she previously shunned? This is the line that makes me suspect that he has more than a passing interest in the woman. She is also not looking for therapy, and Mole is trying to provide it to her. I would recommend her any IFS workbooks that aren't insanely expensive. I think there are some digital downloads for $10-20. I prefer to have the physical books, which are sometimes a little more expensive.
  9. You reasoned yourself out of a more practical conclusion because of EGGS. My spider senses are telling me, "RUN AWAY!" If you can find much better women (remember that youth and beauty are not virtues), then please forget about this woman and locate the better women if they are out there and still single. If you find more than one, send one of them my way. I like brunettes. I saw the thread where you mentioned that you have two kids, and started peaceful parenting. I am assuming that you are separated from the mother. Do you mind exploring that experience? It may be relevant to what has been going on more recently in your love life. Congratulations on walking the path of peaceful parenting!
  10. I don't want to project myself too much onto your boyfriend, but if you are both in your mid-twenties, he may be considering letting his male libido run loose. I'm particularly concerned because you characterized him as whimsical. This female competitor of yours may decide that since you live so far away, you have no right to continue dating her man. Your boyfriend may go along with this plan because it will get him more sex in the short run, and he can continue to have you visit him for sex. You seem far too willing to compromise just to continue seeing him, and having a sexual relationship. I'm not bragging about this, but just as a matter of fact, between the age of 18-25, I had no fewer than 30 sexual partners. I am reasonably certain that not all men are like me, but still other men are more prolific in their sexual exploits. If I were a woman with a modicum of self-knowledge, I would only be rationally interested in a man who knows for certain that he wants to be with me. Irrationally, I would be attracted to the bad boy who doesn't call me for three weeks after we first have sex. Does your boyfriend have the qualities of a bad boy?
  11. FDR edit: Compare and contrast the 1981 video in my previous post, which is currently under moderation, to this recent report on underage "female escorts." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoiU6KBsli8
  12. That's a good point, MMX. A woman will be a lot less likely to share her closet full of skeletons if she is interested in you sexually, at least in my estimation. She might confide in you as a friend, but if she continues to internalize the trauma, she will be compelled to distance herself from you sexually because you aren't creating an atmosphere where she can continue suffering the abuse. Why do male dating coaches recommend, "If you want to bed a woman, do not, under any circumstances, attempt to be her therapist?" What they are really saying is if you are a man, don't attempt to empathize with an abused woman if you want to get laid. Why would men want to get involved sexually with an abused woman who lacks self-knowledge? Probably because she has great fertility markers... Don't feel as though we are blaming you of thinking with your penis, but in the circumstance, we have to at least consider the possibility of that motivation.
  13. Lars, this is a very important observation, but modern day feminist ideologues would have us believe that men are not victims. If it comes out that boys have been victimized, the responsibility of their mothers is never called into question. If you can stomach hideous neglect and abuse, look at this 1981 documentary on the prostitution of boys in the South. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXlvObVuKeE At 23:20, the panelist wearing the glasses asks whether or not women who are in positions of power are involved in the sex trade of boys. The panelist on the left quickly quips, "You don't find many women in positions of power." The professor on the right contends that he doesn't have any evidence that sexual abuse of children by women is common. We have since learned that historically (see The Origins of War in Child Abuse) women and mothers were very much involved in child sexual abuse, infanticide, and cannibalism. What is a mother but a woman in the position of authority over the family and her children? Later on in the documentary, about 1:10 in, the interviews from a report called "Boys for Sale" are shown where cops and Houston city officials discuss the enforcement of boy prostitution, which is low. Few arrests are made, and they consistently paint the boys as victims. Is this because they truly care about boy prostitutes, or are they told by their supervisors to keep the crime and sex abuse off the books and under the table, so we can persist in our ignorance about how men and boys suffer? One of the cops correctly attributes this crime wave to a poor home life and lack of familial support. At no time in this presentation is the role of the parents, including the mother, intimately discussed. All we know is that there is an abundance of boys in the area who either run away or are forced out of their families, some of them affluent families. In one of the interviews with the boys, he actually blames himself for being a burden on his family. Can you imagine an expose about boy prostitution being televised in the current media climate where feminism is so dominant? I can't see it. It flies in the face of the patriarchy theory. I watched one (it might have been a 20/20 investigation) last year or the year before which discussed international sex trafficking, but it focused on young female victims almost exclusively. For more reading on Tom Philpotts see https://archive.org/stream/TexasMonthlyMay1982-TomPhilpott-TheCaseOfTheCampusCrusader#page/n0/mode/2up I plan on starting a thread about male prostitution and sexual abuse if there isn't one already.
  14. Most parents use corporal punishments in the United States, and black parents at a higher rate than all other ethnic groups. http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/10/researchers-african-americans-most-likely-to-use-physical-punishment/ I don't know if Dr. Tyson has children, but if he does, the odds that he doesn't hit them are a little over 8 to 1 against.
  15. What is the end goal of being a womanizer? I freely admit that I've been one for most of my adult life. I have wingmanned with other pick up artists, but I lacked the chops to succeed very much while solo. I'm about 5' 9", so I'm automatically handicapped from the start. I've never married, and never proposed marriage. Whenever it was mentioned in a relationship, I would scoff at it. I would often date two women at once (sometimes three), and enjoyed the drama it caused. I've been called an asshole, player, scum, gigolo, womanizer, etc. I was the envy of most married men. The problem is that the goals of this lifestyle, staying single and unattached at all costs, are in direct opposition to most of women's goals. Women want marriage, state control over their men, money, and babies. PUAs, in general, do not want anything to do with the above. We might be getting trim by the truckload, but we are setting ourselves up to be an accidental sperm donor (unless vasectomied), or accused of rape or worse if we piss off the wrong woman. Need I mention sexually transmitted diseases? The juice just isn't worth the squeeze, in my opinion. It's too dangerous for males right now, and the more money you have, the greater the danger. Any woman that is interested in dating a self-described womanizer is a woman you want to avoid at all costs!
  16. CDC = Centers for Disease Creation If this procedure is approved for coverage under compulsory health insurance, one day all males may be circumcised.
  17. This is propaganda to make everyone, especially the children, celebrate the disposable male archetype (and the state). Did you notice the video where the kids held up colored paper on queue to represent a piece of the American flag? Disgusting!
  18. For me, this illustrates the entire problem with vaccines. How can an elective medical procedure be considered mandatory? It's like compulsory education. It can never be efficacious when people are coerced into participating.
  19. I hated these kinds of activities when I was a child. Usually, you would have to say something positive about the class or fellow students. Why couldn't we air our grievances instead?
  20. There are kernels of truth in feminism and traditionalism, but overall, they are exaggerations used for political gain. I think that if feminists want to be totally honest, they have to admit that men were just as victimized in the past. In the present, men are clearly the victims and women are the overzealous profiteers. Without shutting down the sexism-racism-Marxism narrative in the mainstream media, I don't think we will ever have a peaceful and free society.
  21. I was speaking of corporal punishments, but vaccination is a choice for a parent. Personally, I don't think it's a very good choice. Breastfeeding is probably better for infants and has a similar purpose as vaccines as well as being a source of nutrients. Hitting children is not a valid choice.
  22. I don't fault anyone for being a state employee, as I was one for nine years. When the employee is so heavily propagandized that they think it is morally superior or preferable to work for a public firm than a private firm, that's a problem. I've heard the argument that state funded science is morally preferable to privately funded science because research must be profitable in the short and long term for private firms to be interested. Ok, so how is research preferable when there is no profit in it? If there is no profit in fundamental science, what is the case for its necessity? If you are accepting stolen money, and you are consciously aware of it, then at least have the moral stature to admit to it. Then, it is possible to develop a game plan for trasitioning out of the public sphere.
  23. I liked the presentation, Kevin. However, there are a couple times where it's difficult to hear the words you are saying as you seem to be running out of breath. Slow it down, and take a few more pauses and breaths to allow the listener to mentally process. The second half of the video is a lot clearer to the ear than the first. Your second video is an improvement on the first. Modulate the volume of your voice to stress certain points that you think are important or powerful. If something makes you mad, don't be afraid to sound angry (you don't have to yell at the camera). I would have trouble talking about male genital mutilation without sounding indignant, as the practice really pisses me off. These are great first efforts! You have inspired me to get into the action. I hide behind the keyboard way too much.
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