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Everything posted by luxfelix

  1. ^I can only report that, in part, military targets -- and a good number of strategic roads -- were very difficult to bomb with the technology of the time since they were often entrenched in mountainous terrain. Other than that, civilians are often targeted as a means to demoralize a nation; though, even that can backfire by causing the opposite to occur. I wonder if some of the motives of the war (and others) was to prepare for the next one, perpetuating their power.
  2. ^I got you covered on the unintentional downvote. If I recall, an embargo is a state using force to keep any of its own subjects from trading with the embargoed nation, whereas a blockade is the use of force to keep anyone from trading with the blockaded nation. Some time ago, there was a post on this forum with a presentation about the counter-productiveness of total war, using the Mongolian invasions as an example of how city-scale massacres caused more resistance to their rule -- this was a point in parallel to the dropping of the bombs. An interesting tangent to this discussion is how, initially, Mussolini and Hirohito were not keen to team up into the Axis powers; Mussolini was jilted over the League of Nation's condemnation of their war with Ethiopia (where before Mussolini was in favor of restoring Austria as a buffer against Germany), and Hirohito was likewise jilted by the League's condemnation of their support of the last Qing emperor in Manchuria (a puppet state for resources and buffer against the Soviets). Long story short, they made enemies of former allies, appeased their enemies, and set the stage for their own histrionic self-aggrandizing (and the power to reshape the world again).
  3. Many people intuitively understand that there are forms of capital other than the most commonly discussed Mercantile Capital (also known as financial capital, money capital, etc.); that's what comes to mind when you mention skills, family, location (et al).
  4. Could you contact and ask them those questions directly?
  5. I think you'll find that, by posting those examples, you will have better proved your point to those whom are unfamiliar with the jargon. It's perfectly fine to dumb it down. The next step would be to show how you can help -- since, as you stated, there is no time to do extra post-processing (maybe/maybe not?). Likewise, feel free to contact them directly with your solution (if you haven't done so already). I'm sure they -- and the audience at large -- will greatly appreciate any improvement.
  6. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2JxzH0lGOc]
  7. Pro tip: Since there is a chance that your message will be misunderstood without the prerequisite technical knowledge, I recommend making and posting an A/B demo on a brief clip to better demonstrate your offer in a jargon-free way.
  8. ^And imagine the various types of currencies we could leverage beyond merely the financial kind.
  9. Intentionally clever titling to catch those viewers looking for unboxing videos?
  10. Isn't there a similar app that rates businesses by their friendliness towards the LGBT cause?
  11. I'm not so sure they are even aware... They see the protests and the claims of removing MLK's bust, but are uninformed about these signing events and what they mean.
  12. I find a similarity in the Christmas mythos; you don't have to believe it in order to enjoy the festivities.
  13. I'd imagine biting silver would be tough...
  14. I agree with taking inspiration from the past as opposed to resting on one's (or another's from the past in this case) laurels.
  15. To paraphrase Stefan: they're LARPing, not living. Those whom are merely spellbound by today's narrative can be debuffed tomorrow, but those spellcasters dependent upon the energies of others are another story...
  16. If we take the metaphor of the left-right (less freedom v. more freedom) pendulum swing throughout the history of the West we can see how the length has increased, causing the pendulum to swing further to the right and then ever further to the left through its momentum (unless we learn from history and go North). (This is another way of portraying how increased freedoms/prosperity have historically fed ever greater government tyrannies.) If we attribute themes of liberty such as better child raising, philosophy, separation of church and state, and economic mobility (among others) to the swing to the right, we can then also attribute the counters such as helicopter parenting, sophistry, state-as-religion, and fodder for tyranny to the swing to the left. If you're frame rate for historical snapshots only ever sees the pendulum on the left (and going further left), then your statement would appear to be the case; likewise, if you're frame rate of snapshots sees the pendulum only going further to the right, then it would appear very idealistic, as you also point out. West and East are not exclusively wheres nor whens, but rather the resulting worldviews/cultures shaped by events that took place in various places and times previously in history. Both the West and East are aware of the North; however, historically speaking, adventurers to the North have more often come from the West (both figuratively and literally). (Their also aware of the South, but when things go South... ) The pendulum swings from a fixed point, just as West and East rotate around a pole -- that's North -- reality that neither West nor East can escape; and, when at the North pole, all other movement across the Earth's surface is heading South (in idiomatic terms) -- or likewise increasing the length of the pendulum's extremes swinging to the left or right.
  17. Of course, and fortunately, in the larger historical perspective, the West takes the negative aspects into account and course-corrects -- eventually towards true North? -- First Draft -- If I recall, West and East originally referred to an ideo-geographic distinction between the Greek City-States and the Persian Empire, adopted later as a stand in for the dichotomy of individualism v. collectivism, rationalism v. romanticism, masculine v. feminism (etc., and as archetypes rather than accurate descriptions since each can exhibit the traits attributed to the other). In geographic terms, if you keep heading west, you'll eventually end up in the east; we can relate this to the historical/generational pendulum swinging to the left and right (but ultimately remaining in the same cycle, or frequency). This relates to how increased freedom and prosperity feeds the state which then becomes unbearable to the point of revolution and "reset" to start the period over again. North -- as both a spatial direction and principle -- is perpendicular to West v. East, requiring certain prerequisites: you'll cross latitudes into colder climates and harsher winters, requiring self-discipline for deferring gratification, as well as reliance upon trade (Scandinavia has to import 100% of their coffee ).
  18. I remember that article. Usually ad hominems mean that you've won the argument... Bonus: One viewpoint is that the "West is the best" because it is the culture group heading in the direction of individual liberty, prosperity, and happiness. Perhaps "Northern civilization" is the destination that the West has been journeying towards and, on rare occasions, has found their compass directed northwards? (To carry on the metaphor: One must make preparations before travelling further North... )
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