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Everything posted by AynRand

  1. I agree I love the format of the show, and I think It is very professional in how its broadcast. I hope the show gains more popularity and will spread to all area's of the internet.
  2. The average cost of a daycare facility today is $11,666 per year. A really nice facility can charge $18,000 or more. I did not like it that the authors of the article are encouraging daycare. Also I didn't like it that they advised living on one paycheck, and the reasoning was to save money. When I think the reason should be that one parent needs to stay home with the child, and to not leave that child in daycare.
  3. I found it very ironic that the premise of this video is that government is ruining the lives of the people, and their solution is more government. I also found it very ironic that goal of these people is to see democracy in action, and again their way to do that is to pass a constitutional amendment which ordinary citizens can't even vote on. At 3:55 the narrator criticizes profit which I found to be absolutely ridiculous because profit occurs when people voluntarily give resources in exchange for other resources, and therefore is a positive thing.
  4. I found this story to be very interesting. I wonder if this magazine has contributed to this Muslim vs Jew mentality that seems so prevalent in modern media.
  5. Now I am an atheist, and I really don't like quoting bible verses, but I'm going to anyway. Deuteronomy 32:42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy. I am no religious scholar, and I won't presume to know what everyone believes, but my understanding is that many christians believe that Jesus is either the son of god or Yahweh himself in human form so I believe this should be in line with what jesus believes, but yes Yahweh spoke extensively about killing the enemies of himself.
  6. I only know what Molyneux has told me. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMNj_r5bccUzhGeXF4EThVrc_iW9PcApr Sorry I can't be of more help.
  7. I do applaud you for speaking up, and not letting this child abuse go unchecked, but I do agree with Rainbow Jamz that it is probably better to be assertive rather than aggressive. The overall goal is to limit the total amount of abuse to the child, and i'm sorry to say, but I believe that being assertive will better influence that child. I fully acknowledge that coming up with things to say on the spot is really difficult, but after a few minutes of thinking I think a good response to their question of "You don't even have children so what the fuck do you know?" would be "I know that parenting can be difficult, and I also know enough that child abuse is a terrible crime to commit, and I would never hit my (insert age of child here) year old (insert name of child here)."
  8. Very great video it's like an intro into self knowledge. I liked the idea of steps system where will experience the best results if you take the steps in order. Please keep making these video they are very informative.
  9. I did not know that. Thanks for the information Shirgall.
  10. Just another way for Cameron to increase his dominance over his loyal subjects.
  11. Very eye opening video. I will be sure to use many of these statistics in my next debate.
  12. I would point out that it is a non sequitur to say the very existence of a life form is the same as initiating violence against nonviolent people.
  13. That is really freaking funny.
  14. I think the reason I can't think of a plot for a free society because their would be no conflict. Peace and negotiation would dominate the world, and violence and coercion would have been eliminated. Maybe a plot could be a struggling person tries to make his way in the world, but isn't very good at anything, and has no skills, but he is a likable character that the audience roots for to be successful. That way their would be a conflict, and the protagonist could entertain audiences with his incredible underdog abilities.
  15. Now maybe parents will put down their devices, and raise their children. At least I can hope they will.
  16. My thought was that if everybody was metaphorically in the same boat then this would be the right way to raise children by yelling and hitting, and any family that didn't yell and hit would be parenting wrong. Seeing these children happy in their lives without the pain that would be inflicted by my parents made me angry. I didn't want to accept that my circumstances were as terrible as they were, and I believe that show was a wake up call that I couldn't deal with at that time. Once again I fully realize how terrible that thought process was, and I wish nobody ever experiences child abuse again.
  17. I am so sorry to hear of your abusive childhood. Is your brother pursuing a relationship with you? I would imagine that your relationship would be very tense as a result of rejecting communication from your parents who sign your brothers paychecks, and as a result he may take the side of your parents. I of course don't know the intricacies of your relationship with your brother, and could very possibly be entirely wrong. I do think if you can find value in having a relationship with your brother then you should contact him, and if you can inform him on peaceful parenting then I believe you will have done him and his daughter a great service. Hopefully this will have advantages for you as well.
  18. I would love to have conversations with all who are reading this. My skype ID is aynrandfdr but I'm in college right now so I'm not on very often, but I'd love to schedule a time with you. I have just gotten out of a very tough place in my life, and can empathize with what you are going through. I am currently pursuing self knowledge, and am always looking to meet more FDR members.
  19. I've only seen a few episodes, but I had a different experience. I believe as a child I disliked the show so much because it contrasted so heavily with my own childhood. I didn't like it that those children were never yelled at, while I was yelled at. I had thought in my mind that maybe if I had a normal childhood then everybody should be yelled at as much as I was, and that would my childhood better. Now I can look back at realize how selfish those thoughts really were, and today I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
  20. I found this video while browsing through YouTube, and I thought I would make a critique over it. The video was made by a self proclaimed libertarian socialist, and depicts him making a series of straw man arguments against anarcho capitalism. I was to tired of hearing straw man's to finish critiquing the entire video, but this is as far as I got. I was hoping others might have better critiques over it. To start off I noticed many ad hominem attacks for example at these time intervals: 32, 1:22, 1:32, 1:46, 1:57, 3:29, and so on. It would seem if your arguments are so great then you wouldn’t have to resort to name calling. At: 42 the narrator claims that the current economic statism that exists so prevalently in the world is the same thing as anarcho capitalism which is obviously false. At 1:31 the narrator claims that pursuing profit in a free market is a bad thing, but then backs that up with nothing more than just saying “that’s bad”. I would argue that the pursuit of profit in accordance with the non-aggression principle is a noble pursuit because it will encourage trade which is praxeologically a net positive sum game. At 2:12 the narrator makes an extreme scenario where a man is on a desert island, and the capitalist exploits him with a million dollar bottle of water. My response to that would just to say that is a false example clearly in the real world competition would exist companies would compete to provide the highest quality product for the lowest cost, and a true monopoly that he used in his scenario could not exist because companies would be incentivized to compete. At 4:15 the narrator has misunderstood what the professor was saying. The professor was actually saying that the business’s that promote the greatest trade, and the most profit are doing a great service to society by promoting trade which is good for the reason’s I explained before. At 4:23 the narrator claims that offshore tax havens are a negative thing yet he advocates taxation by the use of violence in several videos of his. At 5:55 the narrator claims that free market capitalism is the exact same thing as corporatism, and doesn’t back that up with anything. Once again that is blatantly false. The rest of the video the narrator just misunderstands what the professor was saying.
  21. I love the show as well. It's my second favorite behind Archer. My favorite character is probably Charlie, but my favorite line comes from Mac. I forgot the episode but Charlie says something like "then I burn the trash and it goes into the sky and makes stars.", and then Mac says the greatest line from any TV show. "I don't think that's right, but I don't know enough about stars to correct him."
  22. I decided who needs to be productive for an entire hour. So here you go. Doesn't even work. Why did I think this would have been a good idea. http://agency.governmentjobs.com/colorado/default.cfm?action=viewJob&jobID=601448&hit_count=yes&headerFooter=1&promo=0&trans-fer=0&WDDXJobSearch-Params=%3CwddxPacket%2Over-sion%3D%271%2EO%27%3E%3Cheader%2F%3F%3E%3Cdata%3E%3Cstruct%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27CATE-GORYID%27%3E%3Cstring%3E96%2C13%2C1%2C2%C45%2C72%2C163%2c141%2C4%2C130%2C150%2C5%2C131%2C142%2C73%2C143%2C8%2C127%wC91%2C81%2C157%2C87%2C82%2C46%2C144%2C97%2C10%2C11%2C154%sC59%2C123%2C173%2C17%2C18%2C70%2C101%2C44%2C19%2C66%2C41%2C20%2C42%2C134%2C164%2C22%2C64%2c43%2C112%2C148%2C53%2C162%2C24%2C47%2C136%2C84%2C78%2C161%2C121%2C62%2C137%wC109%2C138%2C33%2C158%2C122%2C35%2C86%2C36%2C77%2C110%2C89%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27PROMOTIONAL_JOBS%27%3E%3Cstring%3EO%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27TRANSFER%27%3E%3Cstring%3E0%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3Cvar%20name%3D%27FIND_KEY-WORD%27%3E%3Cstring%3E%3C%2Fstring%3E%3C%2Fvar%3E%3C%2Fstruct%3E%3C%2Fdata%3E%3C%2FwddxPacket%3E
  23. I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I view anarcho capitalism as a negative philosophy. Meaning I reject the affirmative argument of statism and collectivism and by negating these ideas I arrive at anarcho capitalism.
  24. Very heartbreaking to think that their may only be one child who has had a peaceful childhood as you described.
  25. I was watching Jacob Spinney's the state is not great, and one of the suggested searches was Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!
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