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Everything posted by AynRand

  1. Speaking as a current college student. I really love yik yak. I would dare call it the free market of conversation. Many people on campus use the app to figure out were local ticket writing officers are spotted, and some use the app to determine what bike route to use. I think the app makes great strides towards freedom because to my knowledge their are no restrictions of what you can say.
  2. Nice to meet you DarkJello, and welcome to the community. Very impressive that you achieved your advanced medical degree. I say that because I am currently a pre med biology major in university. I might suggest that you look into the joys of anarcho capitalism for your next political idea.
  3. Nice to meet you Logan glad to hear there are anarchists in Georgia.
  4. I would absolutely love to play D&D with fellow FDR members.
  5. I found this pretty funny. I doubt the makers of that sign intended that taxation is theft, but still it's funny.
  6. Crazy enough some of my earliest memories are in black and white.
  7. Great Article! I have often realized whenever I'm not being entirely truthful, and have wondered on how to ease my guilt. I will definitively keep your advice in mind next time I do that.
  8. Sorry to play devil's advocate, but what aspect of statism do you like the best, or why isn't it always wrong? Nice to meet you by the way.
  9. Hello, and welcome to the community. Feel free to pm me at any time although i'm in college right now so I'm not on all the time, but I'd love to talk.
  10. The author makes a series of economic fallacies, and misunderstands what basic free market capitalism is. I use and I think most libertarians use trade without violence as the definition of free market capitalism. My irony sensor went off whenever the author went off on how horrible monopolies are and the claimed we need government to save us. Well government's are a monopoly on the use of legitimized force.
  11. That is so true for me. Especially just the thought of going home it's just freedom.
  12. That's good news, and I would love to chat if you ever want to give me updates on how it's going.
  13. That is an interesting idea. I wonder the impact this would have if children used this app every time they associated with their parents.
  14. I found this story very interesting. I don't think it was the $8 tip that was the issue. I think it was the harassing the delivery guy, and then posting that video online like they were proud of what they did that was the issue.
  15. I thank for you empathizing with the daughter, and I'm sure that she is glad that someone with an objective look at what happened was able to understand what she was going through. I think you are fully justified at feeling irritated at the mother who was neglecting her child. I must say that from reading similar instances on FDR it seems like the parents of these children often scream at people who try to intervene on the child's behalf. Maybe if the mother had heard what you had said their might have been a bigger conflict.
  16. Hello, and nice to meet you.
  17. I am very glad to hear that you have found a hopefully suitable therapist. I wish you all the luck in the world.
  18. I like the Stef speech, but I didn't care to much for this music track added to it. Just a suggestion maybe something I bit more classical might convey the right message.
  19. It's a terrible infringement on the liberties of the American people.
  20. Interesting question, but I think it's a little vague because philosophy is a very broad idea.I think the philosophy I would have would be I provide a good or service to my employers who in turn give me money in exchange for this. I am not breaking the nonaggression principle because all parties have consented to this violence. I don't think it exactly follows UPB because It certainly wouldn't be preferable to me to get beaten up for money, but maybe for society it would be preferable. If our species had evolved to be warlike and violent maybe then it would be universal.
  21. I liked it that someone went through these points in a flowchart. Good presentation.
  22. Good Question I can't wait to hear the replies. I personally am a big believer in "what's one thing got to do with another". Meaning that I think it's to difficult to compare a person's good deeds with his or her bad ones. I do think that it would be far harder to maintain a virtuous life if you are in a dysfunctional relationship, but I do believe it is possible. Just a personal anecdote when I lived with my parents I tried my absolute best to be a virtuous person, and I'm probably too biased to make a good judgment on that, but even If I didn't succeed I do think it would have been possible for me to be virtuous.
  23. This might sound a little conspiracy theoryish but Maybe the marketers have noticed this trend of child abuse that is so rampant in America today, and through developmental research they may have found out that the vast majority of children do not in reality love their parents, so they design shows that depict the children as rugged individuals who can make their own way in the world without the need of the parents who just abuse the children.
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