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Everything posted by AynRand
Thank you so much for that. I have long felt FDR does not make enough Star Wars references.
Song About Male Rape
AynRand replied to MysterionMuffles's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
After listening to the song I didn't hear it, but after reading the lyrics suddenly it came together. I can understand why you would say that the song is about a female raping a male. -
I believe the goal is to make the highest overall profit, so do you believe that you will attract more business then you will lose by opening a gay only shop?
I am white. My personal opinion is that my race has little to do with who I am as a person, and I wouldn't consider it an important part of my identity. Although subconsciously I'm sure my race does play some role in shaping what I consider to be my identity. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Would you mind elaborating a little more?
I don't believe you committed any immoral acts.
Article: Dear Gay Community, Your Kids Are Hurting
AynRand replied to kerou's topic in Peaceful Parenting
I did not like this article, or at the very least I didn't understand it. The author says that she is against same sex marriage, but the only issues she talks about are gay adoptions. Why can't gay people marry, but just not adopt children? That being said I believe that as long as a child is raised peacefully then the gender of the child's parents does not matter, and I fully support gay people being allowed to adopt. I think it is very reasonable for the author to want a father, but I think that any hole left by not having a father could easily be filled by her gay parents if she had been raised peacefully. I'm not sure why you added this line. I would instead advocate to change the culture then, and encourage the necessity of men in any society. I would not reach the conclusion that gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry. I feel that the author is implying that lesbian couples believe men are useless. I don't believe that occurs in these communities. It almost sounds like the lesbien parents have forced their sexuality on the child, in which case I think that would be child abuse, but the conclusion I draw from that is not all gay people can't marry, instead I would advocate peaceful parenting. No gay marriage doesn't redefine marriage. -
Has this already been started? I hope this thread didn't just get all this attention then die out.
I got to say when I first started your post I was very skeptical that you would make any good points, but I got to say that is very interesting that really there is an argument that their are no nouns just verbs. Still though I think atheists are right just by saying their is no evidence of "godding". Because atheists just reject the "godding" hypothesis while the believers would support the "godding" hypothesis.
How do atheists explain this? (Genuine Question)
AynRand replied to Justin K.'s topic in General Messages
Because I forgot that god invented the imperial system. You said that ratios cannot be manipulated. That is not true ratios easily can be manipulated. When the units that are being measured are arbitrarily decided like miles, then put into ratios. Miles are a man made idea. I'm not sure where we got the idea to call 5280 ft a mile or for that matter 12 inches a foot or even what is an inch, but all of these units are man made.So to say that both the Earth and the Moon are divisible by 360 does not tell us anything when the units are man made. If 1 mile was 1 million feet then the moon would not be divisible by 360 and neither would the Earth. Gods did not come down from the heavens and dictate in a bible what units of measurement will be used for their slaves. Allow me to pose a question to you. How did Nostradamus predict 9/11, and the titanic sinking. You know that he was only a few weeks off from the exact date of the Kennedy assassination. Do you want to know how he did these things the truth is he didn't. He made thousands of incredibly vague predictions that when applied on the scale of the earth of course many would come true. The man bird flew between the two rocks obviously that means the world trade center bombing, and he wrote that at 11:00 on Tuesday which is 9 days after Sunday, so that clearly is scientific evidence that Nostradamus astrology works. The reason I included this story is to show that their are an infinite number of coincidences that can be found in literally every aspect of existence. I don't mean to say that everything is a coincidence, but their are an infinite number of them. The reason science is so great is that it limits the possibility of coincidence. Predictions made through the scientific method can still be coincidence but it is very unlikely. Evolution could be an entirely made up idea, and all the data is just coincidence, but it is very unlikely. Once again very sorry that I have to include this part. Please stop reading here. I just can't let my sarcasm go unappeased. After the realization that all these atheists were just racist misogynists. I decided to then form my own theocracy, and establish my own government. I quickly got a few of the wisest men that this world has ever known. They were so smart that they blindly believed every word that I said. We set up a community on the outskirts of Texas, and I quickly enacted laws that would be needed to maintain control over my slaves sorry I meant to say citizens. I demanded censorship of any depiction that resembled our great prophet L. Ron Hubbard, and of course I demanded the death's of all non believers. I started classes demonstrating all of the facts that I laid out for the universe. Like Lucas numbers, and how their are 52 cards in a deck which just proves that I am god, and anyone who disagrees must want anarchy for the world because anarchy means chaos. -
How do atheists explain this? (Genuine Question)
AynRand replied to Justin K.'s topic in General Messages
The jerk inside me really wants to answer this sarcastically, but instead I'll try to give a real answer. You could just as easily say that the earth is 6370 km and the moon is 1740 kilometers both numbers are divisible by 10 that does not indicate that Jesus is god. I found it really funny that you said in between 3 and 11 is 7. What does that mean. Because 1 is in between 0 and 2 does that mean L. Ron Hubbard is god? I guess my real question is why did ask this question specifically to atheists none of these tid bits of information indicate that any gods exists, and certainly does not support the idea that Allah exists. Numbers are very interesting, and it's really cool to figure out stuff like this for example the Sieve of Eratosthenes is amazing and blew my mind when I first heard about it, however I did not jump to the conclusion that the Buddha is really god, and therefore we have to follow Buddhism to achieve immortality. This is the end of my serious answer. I just can't let my sarcastic urges go un appeased. I encourage everyone to stop reading here. I once saw 3 snakes at a zoo, and instantly thought to myself that 9/3 equals 3, and 3 times 3 equals 9. Naturally I then came to the conclusion that I am the incarnation of God, and everyone should obey my will. I quickly went home and wrote my revelation. I entitled it the law of god, and since god has three letters in it that scientifically proved that I am god. I went online and published my bible. I pointed out a series of irrefutable facts like 11/3 equals 3.66, and for some reason these atheists were to indoctrinated in their satanist cult to see the truth. I asked for evidence of how 11/3 does not equal 3.66, and they agreed that 11/3 does in fact equal 3.66. They agreed with all my information, and they still couldn't see the truth. I realize now that they are just to prejudiced and racist to understand that the moon orbits the earth every 27.3 days. -
I don't want to assign to much agency to the Muslims, but they are humans even if the believe in the irrational. I don't think you can expect death threats from Muslims because I think they look for something that would resemble their prophet. I would hope that they have some ability to reason and think rationally. I think if you showed a picture of Jesus then said this is Muhammad I don't think you could expect threats. The reason threats might be issued for showing a picture obviously has power motives. The Muslims would want a theocracy installed because religion and statist power go hand in hand. They want absolute control over their subjects so it should be no shock that censorship is an important part of the Muslim faith.
Hello. Nice to meet you. That's great that you are on track to greatness, and I look forward to seeing you around in the forums.
Libertarian Socialism?
AynRand replied to D-Rex Naptime's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
My understanding is that anarcho syndicalists believe in sacrificing wealth production for jobs. I don't think they argue that more wealth would be produced under their society, but I've never actually heard any of them ever say that. If they did try that I think I could refute that. -
That might be the best definition I have ever heard for a family. I am going to start using that. I know that Stef would prefer involuntary response to virtue, but I like yours better.
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Libertarian Socialism?
AynRand replied to D-Rex Naptime's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Yeah Chomsky doesn't seem to get questioned on real economical anarcho syndicalism. I'm not sure which scenario Chomsky would support. My guess would be that Chomsky would support a farm that was run in a libertarian democratic way. The prices would probably be set by some sort of voting system by the workers, and the profits would probably be distributed evenly throughout the number of workers, or maybe by how many hours each worker worked or something like that. This would all be set upon a series of contracts that support every worker with the union that runs the farm. So the union probably owns the farm, and accepts the labor from all of its members who in turn get a share of the profits. So property rights still exist, but in an anarcho syndicalist society there would be a series of voluntary contracts that would share the wealth between all it's workers. I think these companies are called syndicates, but I could be wrong on that. -
Libertarian Socialism?
AynRand replied to D-Rex Naptime's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Noam Chomsky might give the best explanations of libertarian socialism. From my understanding Chomsky's anarcho syndicalism is just free market capitalism with an extreme emphasis on labor unions like unions should maintain control of decisions that the company makes . It almost always involves educating the workers of a society, and the idea is that you slowly transition away from statist power to a system where companies achieve the collective goals that is lost with the dismantling of the state except these companies are dominated by unions rather then by bosses as in an anarcho capitalist society. -
I'd be happy to talk with you or anyone who is reading my post. My skype ID is aynrandfdr. I'm in college right now so I'm not on all the time, but when I am it is always nice to talk with fellow FDR members.
That's great that you've escaped the Church, and you've found a great place to have a conversation with fellow anarcho capitalists. I am flattered that you love my works. Can't wait to see you around in the forums and on the chat.
I think that would be really valuable to future generations if Stefan would write a philosophy book.
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- Philosophy
- Schooling
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Police Say Tasering 8-Year-Old Native American Girl Was Justified
AynRand replied to iHuman's topic in Current Events
What is going on that is so bad that she is attempting suicide at age 9. Get her as far away as possible from her abusive parents immediately. Those police officers should be severely punished for the unforgivable act of child abuse on that 9 year old. I fear that stories like these will become more frequent as child abuse and statism become more prevalent in our society. -
I'm not so certain that Stef would agree with me on my post, but this is my own personal opinion. It sounds like you have a real connection with this person, and it seems that she is a suitable mate for you. That's great news that she is open to the idea's of anarcho capitalism, and she doesn't seem to harbor an imaginary tyrant with her. This is far better then I have ever fared, but I'll try to leave my own anecdotes out of this. It seems that you share similar interests like the same type of music. I do find it concerning that she still has a boyfriend which suggests that she finds that he has redeeming qualities. I might be reading to much into this but this might mean 1 of 2 things that either he is genuinely a good person who is pursuing self knowledge, and is a attractive to her and as a result you might be out of luck competing with that beefcake. Or this boyfriend is some combination of bad person with some redeemable qualities and she believes that she can "change him" which might indicate a lack of good judgement on her part. If I was in the situation that you described I would probably pursue a relationship with her, but if she is unwilling to leave her boyfriend then I'm sorry to say that probably the best course of action is to stay friends and leave it at that. So I guess I'm trying to say that it depends on how much does she care for you? If she is only willing to see you on the side, and continue dating the other person then I am fairly certain that would not be a healthy relationship.
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- Relationship
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I think I remember the Stef quote. It's "shirt tales to shirt tales in three generations.". My understanding of that quote is that a person works hard all his life, and makes a large amount of money, then the children spend, and then it falls onto the grandchildren to make their own way in the world.
I live on campus at the University of Oklahoma. Unfortunately I don't think that you can change a post after it has already been submitted.