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Everything posted by neeeel

  1. From what I understand ( which is very little) the pre existing condition is a very small part of obama care, and one that no one has any problems with
  2. vacuum isnt the same as nothingness space isnt the same as nothingness Im not sure our brains can actually wrap themselves around the concept of true nothingness
  3. Not that I agree with dsayers claims about self ownership, but you are making a claim to self ownership right here
  4. I am a python programmer, also VBA :0 I might be interested in your project
  5. Freedomain radio isnt a thing, and so doesnt stand on anything. Its a group of people If you mean, what principles do the people who frequent Freedomain radio stand on, then there will be a wide variety of principles held by lots of different people If you mean, is there a common set of principles held by everyone, then likely, no. there are all sorts here, morality and the NAP are up for debate all the time If you mean, is there a set of principles which, if you dont agree to, you cant be part of the community, I have only really seen 1 topic that will get you auto banned, and that is support for child abuse and spanking. I havent seen anyone actually be banned for it.
  6. While I agree that its a vague unscientific claim ( I have no idea why you have 3 downvotes for your post), I think there is a lot of truth in it. Why are people uneasy around children? Because children are autonomous, hard to control, spontaneous, full of life, based in reality. Why would adults find this threatening/challenging? Because they are set in their ways, dont like disruption, dont know how to negotiate, dont know how to have fun, have a need to control people, are dogmatic, think their beliefs are correct, are often unconnected to reality. This isnt always the case, of course. but its a red flag to me when someone claims to not like children.
  7. I disagree, the above "shit" matters a great deal, and is a huge insight into the people involved and how they act.
  8. I always find it funny when people claim to be K selected. How could you know that? It just seems to be virtue signalling , in group out group signalling. Im not sure its useful to focus on r/K specifically on individuals.
  9. do you want to say more? what happens? What do they do?
  10. Lol, no. In no way are principles reality. principles are concepts, ideas. Gravity is reality. Gravity isnt a principle.
  11. the principle is, voting is initiation of the use of force, and therefore a violation of the NAP , or something along those lines
  12. neither stef nor mike have put up trump as some messiah. They have made it clear that they think trump is the best chance we have of saving western civilisation. They have stated that they dont know how it will turn out, but that trump is the unknown, and if anything is going to change, its going to change under trump. If there was some other option , where we ended up with anarchism, or a free society, I am pretty sure they would be pushing that option, rather than trump. Of course, you can disagree that trump is the best chance we have of saving western civilisation. But if you do believe it, it makes perfect sense to advocate for voting in this one particular instance. They arent saying voting is great, or that they support voting per se, or that statism is really the way to go , or anything like that. its insanity to put principles before reality. If your house is burning down with your kids in it, your next door neighbour has all the water, and you go "well, if I take all his water, I will be stealing, that would be against my principles, therefore, I am just going to let my house burn", that would be crazy.
  13. I dont think its a good idea to teach your children to be mean to anyone. I am not saying they have to be friends with them, they can just not play or socialise with them. But telling them to be mean back doesnt make sense. Its not self defence, in the way that fighting back against the initiation of physical violence is, because it doesnt counter or stop the attack ( I suppose it occasionally might, in that the abuser may be taken aback). Far better to teach them how to deal with such attacks and verbal abuse, to teach them not to believe or accept what the other person is saying as true, to teach them that they do not have to spend time with that person, or be friendly or nice to them. I suppose it depends on what you mean by teaching your child to "be mean"? I wouldnt class not being friends with them as being mean.
  14. have you watched any videos on trump? He makes it fairly clear what his position is.
  15. ok, I guess its possible that this is the first time youve ever seen an inkling of this behaviour from your child. What? Its you thats jerry rigging the scenario by just going "well, they refuse" to every response or answer that is given. the point of your scenario is that suddenly, for no reason, the child refuses every single approach, becomes withdrawn and unresponsive, acts like a sullen teenager, and that this is on going. No approach is considered or responded to by the child. This is very unlikely, in my opinion. Lets say it does happen, and after hours of care, and chat, and warmth, and inquisitiveness, and love, your child is still standing in a corner not responding, or refusing to co-operate, the whole time they have just said "no" or said nothing. Then there is something deeply wrong with your child, or with your relationship with your child. In that scenario, yes, I probably would pick them up and take them to the car ( if they were small enough). but these things generally dont come from nowhere. If you have treated your child with respect right from the start, negotiated with them, it will already be second nature to them, to come to a resolution that suits everyone. If they have negotiated and been respected right from the start, they dont suddenly, for no reason, start acting like their needs and wants dont get respected. Its not about children being unpredictable. of course they are. Its about finding out why they are acting the way they are acting, what needs they are trying to fulfil, and helping them to fulfil those needs in a win-win way for everyone. Your scenario is terrible because it assumes irrationality. It assumes that a child brought up in a loving home is suddenly going to start acting like one brought up in a horrible home, who regards their parents with dislike and suspicion. It assumes the child is acting on a whim that comes from no where, for no reason. Its not a real scenario in any way.
  16. You are constructing an unsolvable situation. Yes, everything that someone comes up with, you can counter with "well, he just doesnt want to do X" or "he refuses to do X", but its not realistic. There are 2 possibilities in this scenario. 1) you have a good relationship with your child. They talk to you, they negotiate with you, and you with them, you treat them with respect, and so on. In this case, your scenario is extremely unlikely, and, if it did happen would be very worrying for the parent. Their child, who has rarely or never acted like this, suddenly becomes sullen , lifeless, unresponsive, acting out. I have no idea if, or how, this could happen, but if it did, it would be something as a parent I would do everything I could to find out what was happening, and why. You can keep responding "well, they just refuse to tell you", but that doesnt happen in the real world, unless they have had a stroke or something. 2) you have a bad relationship with your child. You override their wishes most or all of the time, you dont treat them with respect, they feel that they cant come to you with worries or stuff to talk about, your relationship is one of "do this! do that! stop that! dont do that!". In this case, its likely that they have behaved this way ( what we are talking about in your scenario, refusing to go, etc) before, and so you know before hand that it may happen. In which case, you just dont take them to your friends house.
  17. the quote also applies to her just as much, so you can dismiss her in the same way shes dismissing you. You cant "save" your mum. You cant help her if she doesnt want to be helped. Tell her honestly how you see things, and if nothing changes, or if she just dismisses you, then you have done all you could. What else can you do? Its not your job to save them.
  18. You realise that platonic forms dont exist, right?
  19. again, does the doctor know what he/she is talking about? theres nothing wrong with him learning to exert his will, and he will also find out that other people have wills that are different than his. The same way you explain to anyone else.Be honest. Tell the truth. Why do you not want to go and have ice cream every time you step outside? You tell him the reasons why, and if he doesnt understand, you can explain a different way, or with different words, or using examples from his life. Perhaps hes right, and going for ice cream is a good idea? For example, "I dont want to go for ice cream" is a valid reason. It doesnt mean that its the law, or that it will always be that way. Perhaps your son will even persuade you to go for ice cream, in which case, great. If he asks you why you dont want to, then you tell him. So, when someone wanted me to buy them ice cream, I said "i dont want to spend any more money" and I think that was a valid reason. It didnt blame them for wanting ice cream, I didnt get angry or make out he was being bad or ungrateful. And, perhaps my reasons arent great, or are based on some other worry or want or need ( perhaps I am worried that I need to teach him the value of money, or worried about being too permissive, or worried about not setting boundaries, non of which are to do with ice cream, or the present situation), examining my reasons, I may see that, actually, yes, he wants to go for ice cream, I want to go for ice cream, so lets go for ice cream!! or, you might feel that right now, you dont want to., or youve had ice cream recently or whatever, so you explain that. Ive never been a fan of this "kids need boundaries" thing. Perhaps its you that needs boundaries, not him!! Yes, kids need to be kept safe, but dont get locked into "I have made my decision, therefore I HAVE to stick to it, because boundaries". You can stick to your decision, and thats fine. You can also change your mind, and thats fine. There is nothing wrong with you expressing your wants to him.
  20. perhaps its not relevant, but my reaction to star charts and such "positive" incentives is usually "ugh" or "yuk". You arent teaching them anything except to please you. I suppose if you are also explaining reasoning or whatever as you go, then it wouldnt be so bad. And its obviously better than spanking. But still leaves a nasty feeling for me.
  21. Does the doctor know what hes talking about? If hes just assuming that peaceful parenting = permissive parenting, or =weak parenting, then I think you can safely ignore his advice. Are you letting him control you? It doesnt sound like it. It sounds like its going to be tough for you and your son because of the way your parents and wife treat him. He needs you all the more because of that
  22. We dont intuit that there is a mind. We notice phenomena, and attribute it to a mind, and imply that the mind has all sorts of characteristics, qualities, powers, actions. it would be like intuiting that the rain is god crying.
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