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Everything posted by Tweak

  1. You can also use a plug- in from savefrom.net (link: http://en.savefrom.net/user.php) witch allows you to download the audio from youtube, or a whole playlists. You can also do this with the video, the plug- in then download the best quality of the video available. What I like about this function is the fact that i can download all the videos I want so that when the time comes that the government choose to make this kind of information illegal and press DELETE the ,new kind of book burning, I can still learn and share information.
  2. I think you are talking about George Orwells (real name Eric Blair) books: "Animal farm" and "1984".
  3. I am from Scandinavia, Sweden. I can tell you that those shows are made by the people of the many- leftist and liberals. The truth is that life in Scandinavia is not as great as the american leftist media claim. And it goes like this: "Well its "Scandinavian socialism" don´t you see how great of a life they have?" Often referring to our "free" national healthcare witch only looks good from the outside. Say you have a hip injury, by the time you actually are old enough to have such an injury they will tell you that you are "too old" to get treatment. Healthcare is only good for the illegals. A swede will pay maybe 1500 Skr and illegals will pay 50 Skr- maximum. And as for those shows once again, lets just give you one example, the american channel Fox News is actually illegal in this country, because it´s deemed to "right- wing". Now say you are a person who is doing well financially, well lets just say that your neighbor will not like that. That person will actually look down on you. No joke. We have a huge alkohol problem. Being drunk to the point where you don´t know where your head is, is actually normal. And is often strived for, when friday and Saturday comes. We also have a lot of people on drugs but it´s done in the shadows where people does not look. And where tourist won´t see. We have so many people on anti- depressives... It´s sad. To sum it up, Sweden is the poster child for socialism. Witch the world media is using as an excuse to take away rights from there citizens while they show how wonderful it is... More socialism. My mother, she works as a "day- mother" as we call it, for the government. If a girl plays with a barbie doll, she (my mother) is ordered by the soviet to put a truck in her hand when this happens. Of course the people will get screwed up. But Il tell you, they love it. Swedish people love government. Referring to the other post: As for the word "lagom" that means "team- around". If you are 5 people and you have 5 potatoes and you are asked how much you want, and you say "lagom", then you will get one potato. Also one last thing. Remember that if you do not have the "proper" political view and you work in government, maybe teaching. Sooner or later they will hunt you down and you will lose everything. Our major newspapers works with very effective stasi- style government groups who extract data from anonymity sites then the newspapers will go after these people- go home to them, or other ways of "catching" them. One of the more popular program uses illegally gathered information about people who doens´nt "think the way you should". The papers also works with people who for example done things such as training marxist gerillas in Africa. The government run channels even go through their archives now to sort out things that are not on pair with the government. Some things they forbid broadcasting such as some scens of "Faulty Towers" just to name one because they are "rasist". In this country there is a lot of censorship.The government is now going to change the history books that the schoolchildren are using, they said some week ago. They are even changing the name of flowers so that people "wont get offended". One thing is for sure and that is if Mr Molyneux hade said the stuff he says on his show he would be facing jail- time, that I guarantee. To answer TS: No In this country only slaves are happy!
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