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Everything posted by rosencrantz

  1. Aside from his questionable business behaviour, this summary makes me wonder Why was he the first one to discover this alleged cycle? Why didn't he benefit from his foresights? What did he see that others could not?
  2. Via personal traits and the occupation. Artisanship is going to become more likely. Stephenson described a society based on Nanotech in Diamond Age. His prediction is that societies will either be based on a common ancestry or strong ethical bonds.
  3. It sounds like positivism to me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positivism
  4. Did you ever consider that the ghosts only exist in your head?
  5. Hindsight is 9/11 The debunking is easy. Has there been one case where events have been predicted before they happened by using this analysis? In retrospective you can always construct relationships knowing what to look for. Two or three weeks ago, a video went semiviral that tried to make us believe that the Simpsons warned us of a nucular attack this fall. Needless to say, nothing happened. Unless I am presented with a solid case, I call massive bs.
  6. Claims that cannot be tested are worthless. If you can't back up a statement with ways to falsify it, the statement relates to the dragon in the garage http://www.godlessgeeks.com/LINKS/Dragon.htm
  7. While money itself (paper or gold) has no intrinsic value it can form a network when it's accepted by a lot of people. Your own private currency has no value at all, because you are the only one to use it (or not use it). But when you have a network of people using the same monetary units you get a network effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe's_lawThis explains why money with no intrinsic value can have enormous utility value. Gold and silver have additional attributes that contribute to them being superior to other forms of exchange in similar networks.
  8. I am almost done with this book and I cannto recommend it highly enough. It gives an introduction to the newest science and it is accesible for a layman like me. The last parts are about symbolic and behavioral transmission / inheritance and form a nice in depth addition to the r / K series done by Stef, Mike, and Stoyan. The theses put forth are unconventional but well defended. The reviews done by peers are favourable. Why not read it when you are interested in the subject? http://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Four-Dimensions-Epigenetic-Philosophical/dp/0262101076/ref=mt_hardcover?_encoding=UTF8&me
  9. This is true, but Diesel engines by default produce way more NOx. When there is an abundance of O2 around when a fuel is burned, Nitrogen Oxides are the results. These have to be removed with a catalyst or other measures, rendering the efficiency of the Diesel engine obsolete. Petrol engines on the other hand don't produce this amount of Nitrogen Oxides.
  10. The direction is always from high pressure to low pressure. Hot air rises up in a cold room and so on.
  11. The problem with money is that it has several aspects. It is a commodity, that can be produced (fiat, gold digging, mining bitcoin), it is a store of value, it can be used as a substitute for barter, and it gives you information via the price finding mechanism.
  12. Gravity is a property of spacetime, caused by matter. Matter causes spacetime to curve which in turn determines the move of other matter.
  13. I would pick a lot of rats, form cohorts and feed each cohort a different diet, and then do an epidemiology. In this case Bro-science = best science. That makes sense. People who die in the 60s have only paid into the system while getting little back. Profit for the government. Keep the livestock alive to pay taxes and when they become unproductive make sure they die.
  14. One of the fathers of sociobiology (and also a proponent of r/K) E.O. Wilson wrote the definitive book on ants. If you are interested in those bugs, pick it up. The pictures and the layout are quite beautiful. He makes an astute observation, namely that Socialism can work for ants. One of the prerequisites though is the lack of reproductive independence. When you can procreate with a mate, the best evolutionary strategy is to look for your own offspring.
  15. How would you test this hypothesis and make it mono-factoral?
  16. I am pretty sceptical of any claims that blame one specific food or diet for the formation of cancer. Even if there was a valid claim it would be buried among thousands of bogus studies. It's easy to produce studies that show that your choice of diet is the best one while others inevitably lead to an early and gruesome death. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2012/11/27/ajcn.112.047142.abstract
  17. Looking at the personal background of Bearden (he got his PhD from a diploma mill) and the rejection of his claims by the scientific community, it seems likely that the theory is bogus. However, there is the Casimir effect where two metallic plates are being pushed together https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect There is a proper use of the term Zero point energy, that was developed by Planck himself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-point_energyIt is simply the lowest possible energy quantum systems can have. How and if the Casimir effect and the ZPE (proper) are related is not altogether clear.
  18. I think it is a good course of action to only engage in discussions when either you or the person you talk with are willing to be corrected and to learn something new.
  19. Russian scientists have created a device that enables them to control cockroaches
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