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  1. I actually trade stocks and only a fool would say they are determinable as a single loss dispells that myth. they are probability and speculation. Unlike actual determinable things like the law of gravity which is 100% as even at 99.999% it will no longer be determinable. just 99.999% probable Great, don't address the objectivity just ignore it to prove my case even further. Thanks Felicia. Free will is great isn't it? let's see you use it again when you choose to reply or not Any animal that can't reason and identify multiple choices do not possess free will. Meanwhile, you will use your free will right now
  2. Determinist by definition claim that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes. Obviously, they can't prove it unlike real determinable events like gravity. I am also not expecting perfect knowledge just consistency which "determinist" have a hard time determining as maybe they don't even understand what the word determine means. Anyways, glad you see determinist as speculative. ie not determinable A real determinist would make a fortune determining things while the majority don't believe they can be determined. Just by placing bets on the market. My proof of free will? well, you have been proving it to yourself by choosing to reply to me Here let's see your free will objectively take place again, choose to reply to me or not. either choice of yours proves it. Have fun with your free will
  3. This "test" actually favors free will, not determinism. As it admits some may eat the pizza and some may not. It was not determinable. But of course, we have an innate genetic quality that drives us. The big three are hunger, thirst, sex. However, it is free will that allows people the choice in how to process these. Like some may look at different diets and choose vegetarian, vegan, keto, etc For sex, some still choose to wait until marriage, enter polygamy or the immoral choice, rape. Yes, If someone also pushes me down a hill I will have no choice but to fall down the hill. However, after I get up, I can choose if I want to climb back up the hill or stay down. A ball has no choice or free will to climb back up or not. But a ball falling is a great example of real determinism, Why? Because it's actually determinable through the law of gravity I can determine how the ball will fall with this The issue with determinist, is they want to take something that hasn't been determinable and claim its determined. They want to claim something to be an illusion, yet, not prove it. Like I can take you to the desert and show you water, then prove it was an illusion or mirage when we get closer. The determinist has no proof its an "illusion" This objectively proves determinist are dishonest or speculative at best. I see Free will as your ability to recognize choices. Like the choice to reply to this or not.
  4. That was not a question. Free will is the ability or vehicle that drives asking and answering questions.
  5. Emotional arguments are most likely "valid" to the one making it. It may or may not be valid to reason and evidence. Like a vegan crying over someone eating meat obviously believes eating meat is wrong. However, the person eating meat doesn't think that is valid. Reason and evidence I would argue doesn't either Now, some people fake their "emotions", when in reality, they dont believe it. So you have to be careful even thinking the "emotional" argument is valid to the one making it. However, if they are truly emotional, I assume the argument is valid to them. You can then present reason and evidence to them to see how they respond. But I would first try to understand why they are emotional first, I feel that is very important as if you don't, you may make them more emotional causing them to believe their invalid argument even stronger. Like a big one I find, is you presenting a valid argument against their claims, subconsciously, shows their loved ones(or whoever got them to believe their argument) lied to them. Which they don't want to believe thus rejecting your valid argument in favor of thinking their loved ones did not lie to them. This is why the left loves when Hollywood/celebrities endorse their ideology, as the fans who sometimes even say they love the celebrity don't want to feel like they are rejecting them. IMO Emotions are the strongest driver for humans. Like when you feel hungry/thirsty you eat or drink, when you feel anger, love, etc that can propel action. When you feel fear, sadness, etc that can halt action. The more you accept reason and evidence, the more your emotions will align with the truth. Emotions can propel you into creating a bridge to help connect you with truth. Emotions can also propel you off one into an abyss "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." - Friedrich Nietzsche Free Will, He who fights with reason, becomes reason, and if thou gaze long into truth, the truth will also gaze into thee
  6. Boss


    If you can learn it on the internet, It will be better as the internet is home to the beautiful free market. Meaning the material will have more competition and be better. In fact, lots of colleges publish their lectures free online. Including top universities like Harvard, Standford, Yale etc I would only get a degree if it's required by law to work, like being a CPA, doctor, lawyer etc The way I learned economics is I started a business, I also now studied economist like Mises, Friedman, Rothbard. With biology, I just read biology books and reviewed the scientific journals. Tho schooling may have access to expensive equipment which would be helpful and should provide a deeper understanding. You also got to be wary that some people who graduated with an economics degree ended up Keynesian. Some biologist pushes the race/gender as a social construct. Meaning they ended up worse going to college. Anyways, I am not sure how jobs/schooling works in the Netherlands. But, I would recommend you begin with the end in mind
  7. Yea, I haven't read their comments but its a shame if so. Mathematically, there cant be a bailout. The gov even knows this and that is why they made sure students cant file bankruptcy and that student loan debt can't go away, some even get transferred to the parent if the student dies. As far as a crash, it would be worse for everyone in the short run but the worse will be for the people with no job/work and who relies on the gov, as their gov money will be gone and they got no work too and also they probably didn't take the time to learn how to find work. When it comes to "stable" income, it depends on the contract of the gig. This kinda goes for all jobs. Like unless there is a contract signed as "stable" it's not really a thing. But there are many long-term freelancing gigs available. Like I remember working with one person for like 4 years until I personally resigned to pursue business. As far as is it viable, well, its not hard to find out. Like you can see the freelancing listing and see if one or multiple gigs together has what is needed to fit the bill. I think something like 11% of the US population works full time as a freelancer and some people are guessing if the trend continues it will be 50% by 2020 https://nation1099.com/gig-economy-data-freelancer-study/ I have started most of my businesses with $0 just time. All my businesses were online based so it wasnt like I needed to rent out a physical store or deal with physical inventory myself. As far as business registration, Its probably best to consult with your local tyranny(gov) office for details as I'm sure its different in every state, country, etc but I personally wouldn't worry about it until you start making money and have something to lose. If you start with 0, there is 0 to lose. The vast majority of programmers are self-taught. https://qz.com/649409/two-out-of-three-developers-are-self-taught-and-other-trends-from-a-survey-of-56033-developers/ The issue I see normally comes from the programmers who actually got the degree as they learned stuff that is not even relevant in the real job world. So they have to relearn and are in the gutter when it comes to debt + time wasted
  8. How does freedom of speech work in the UK? In the US, it is the first amendment so I can't see how what Tommy did could lead to a conviction. Was he able to get a competent lawyer? curious how the legal process works, seems terrible atm If anything happens to Tommy Robinson, I am sure it would spark more than what the statist want, so, I hope that alone makes them make sure nothing happens to him. #FreeTommyRobinson
  9. Well, the math still has to make sense to prove the bad deal is better than no deal Like in the video, the girl who is stuck paying interests on her student loan is "almost $200,000 less" And she doesn't even work in a job related to her degree So that is -$200,000 and -4 years time? for college(indoctrination, just look at her twitter for proof) < no deal So I would argue for this particular case. No deal would have been better. Now if she actually worked at a job relating to her degree that could pay it off over time and profit then it would be different. I am also a self-taught programmer and started in a small town. I am not sure your experience, but I personally worked online as a freelancer which mostly didn't need a degree or to relocate. A good portfolio showing competence(hopefully relating to the job) will be most valuable from what I have seen. It depends, on the millennial/person. If they can't find work, then there is no risk trying to start a new business(unless it requires finances) but many types of businesses can start with just sweat equity if one is willing to do the research and planning. Also if they have no skills, then they will need to acquire some to provide value to the marketplace. Like after freelancing and saving income, I eventually decided to go full time on business. It was a calculated risk as, during the time of going full time on my business, I could have just continued freelancing. A degree is just a piece of paper. As Stefan pointed out the girl is making $20k a year which is like $10/hour and she has a degree. It's the skills that matter and with the internet, you can learn them without a degree and millennials/people can become more valuable than the minimum wage jobs if they are willing to do an analysis on what higher wage jobs require and then gaining the skills and of course proving it. "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how" - Friedrich Nietzsche
  10. Yea this gets sadder when you see freer markets do education and actually succeed. Like in the tech industry if you want an education you can go through a coding boot camp. They actually track the job success rate and its really high 85%+ hiring rate. Some also have "Only pay tuition once you're hired as a developer." like https://www.appacademy.io which also averages 6 figures for their Average Graduate Salary in SF A lot of these coding boot camp educations can be completed within 6 months and are less than $10k some even free like https://www.freecodecamp.org If only they lessen license regulation maybe other industries could also see this kind of free-market competition and educational success can happen. And students actually can get a good deal instead of getting indoctrinated. So much so, it seems the average graduate still wants free college. smh I wouldn't even go if they paid me.
  11. I do hold some of my metals, I prefer them as combibars. Silver is better as its more divisible imo but having a little gold is good too. Combibars seem great for trade or barter in the case of an economic collapse Anyways, if you are just starting out I would start small. In the starting stages it's more about learning imo Top hedge fund managers like Ray Dalio recommends maybe 5-10% of your portfolio in the insurance side of things like Silver/Gold. I personally consider crypto in that category too tho its way more speculative and recently bitcoin / other cryptos lost over 50% of its value. So I would be cautious with crypto if you're trying to retain value.
  12. Well, I am not an expert in pensions, but I would have figured out the annual return for it. Like I think with its tax relief its around a 5% yearly return. Now, if you can take the money out and get the same or better return, then I think it's better to do so, Having easy liquidity is always a plus. However, you also want to factor in time. Like I think a pension doesnt take much time, but other investments may take a lot of time. So you want to calculate the hours spent to make sure you also account for that. You can for sure speculate on the economy, I certainly do which is why I have insurance with silver, gold, crypto, and lead. But these are not investments imo, its more like insurance. (tho crypto is more speculation and it obviously brought in crazy returns over the years but tanked recently) Anyways, investing for me is a full-time job. Its not easy. It sucks people rob us every year which makes it harder, and im talking about inflation because t@xation is not enough for these statists. You probably want to talk to a financial advisor tho or read financial books if you want to get more situated. Also, most people don't even think about this stuff at all. So you are way ahead of the curve
  13. Okay, it seems I had a misunderstanding on when you mentioned "All my family is super successful" When I thought of super successful I thought that includes monetary. Also, I am sure you know with an ACE score like that, they don't seem like super successful parents, and I am truly sorry to see that. Anyways, I did provide inputs for both cases, It seems the 2nd half of my original reply was more relevant. But to add I would be cautious relying on a gene pool, IQ test would be more accurate in providing a better correlation. But at the end of the day, correlations don't bring the cause. Just like someone who is 6' 7" which correlates to the average basketball height, it doesn't mean they will succeed as a basketball player or even be a basketball player at all. I don't think Micheal Jordan sons made it in the NBA. etc Nonetheless, I wish you well on your ambitions & I hope Stefan can take your call. He also was a successful entrepreneur and I'm sure he can provide better insights. @MMD might be able to help
  14. Does your "super successful" family give you money/big gifts? or in times of need, would they lend/give you money? also is an inheritance a possibility? You sound pretty confident in thinking you can become a millionaire, and if you will eventually inherit it, I can see why. As far as why you are "inert ". Well, why not? if you have a super successful family that can give you money in times of need or maybe make an inheritance a possibility, why work? (I can think of many reasons why but this is about you, so you have to answer that) "Give a man a why and he can bear almost any how" - Friedrich Nietzsche Anyways, if money is not available for you, and an inheritance is 0% possible. Then you may be in a bubble with your super successful family. You see, A lot of people think they can become a millionaire but the reality is less than 5% of the population are millionaires. It's more likely you will never become a millionaire. Like if someone placed a bet on if you will become a millionaire or not in your lifetime. The clear odds would be to bet you won't. And this bet goes to everyone who has 0% chance of inheritance. Now I hope this does not discourage you, but starting from the reality of the situation will give you a better picture of what is required to get out of the current situation. Not giving it 100% every day is pretty much an admission you don't want it because even giving it 100% everyday isn't going to reach the odds needed and anything less than 100% is just pushing you farther away from odds that are already so far away!
  15. How often does it rain in your area? If it rains a decent amount, it might make sense to have a water catchment device that can be set up in the case your no clean water scenario plays out. Rainwater is drinkable but make sure you use a filter of course. If rain is scarce, have a map with all the freshwater rivers in your area. As far as a "complete societal meltdown", I would not underestimate the free market. Especially with things like silver/gold CombiBar and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash. I do expect the market to be in operation. You can also make connections now with your local farmer for food to built trust and if your scenario plays out, you can reach out to the farmer again and I'm sure he would be happy to accept silver/gold or maybe cryptocurrencies.
  16. Well, I think Americans benefit from having the world's reserve currency as other countries will do cheap manufacturing labor for the USD. If the USD was weak or to an extreme, dead. China and other manufacturers wouldn't bother shipping to the US. And as the cliche goes, everything is made in China. Just look at Zimbabwe or Venezuela, no one is working away to get those kinds of dollars, they are out of stock and not getting more shipments of even basic things required to live. I am afraid the same thing will eventually happen to the rest of the world as the fiat scam dies through hyperinflation. I think the USD will be the last major one to go as US still has the highest GDP, biggest businesses and the largest gold reserves. I think 4x China gold reserves.
  17. Well, I see people aim for things that are only "good" for themselves, ie sadist. I also see some people went for what was "good" in the moment like overweight, smokers, druggies etc But if we are talking about objective good, like UPB. I dont see this "All actions aim at the Good" as true, as if true, how can there be any evil? However, I can see a lot of actions are aimed at things that people think are good but are objectively bad
  18. There is no point in being angry if you freely decided to do it and especially when you continually decide to do it. Like if drinking prune juice angers me, I won't drink it and I especially won't continually drink it But everything you choose to do, you want to do. If you didn't want to do it, you wouldn't do it. You must feel like this is something you need to do, which is a lie. You don't need to do this. You can stop doing anything you chose to do in the past, today. Or you can continue doing what you like freely. Maybe you need to refresh why you like doing what you are doing. Or maybe you just found out you don't want to do something any longer. You will find that out by the actions you freely decide to continually make. This message applies to yourself and your girlfriend when it comes to laziness and anger on things you choose to do. Do you get it? You don't need to drive her, she doesn't need to work. you don't need to work, you don't need to do anything. Now obviously there are consequences. But if you want those consequences more, then so what. Take what you want, and pay for it. I have hired a few lazy/angry employees, and a big part of their laziness/anger is them feeling like they need to do this. But they don't need to do anything. Its like they are filling and carrying a bag with bricks. and for what? take off the backpack filled with need and do what you want freely. I was and also hired happy employees(granted happier on payday lol) but work can be fun and challenging but even if it isn't, it is a way to earn money so we can buy things we want or provide for the family, etc This reminds me of the saying and I hope it can be helpful in wrapping this up "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"
  19. My idea of God is I think faith is required to conceive of God, as there is no proof for it. I think faith is better than belief as at least with faith you understand and let others know there is no proof. So I personally dont really debate people about their faith
  20. Yea the chair was just a visual example. Things like gravity which has already been determined would probably be a better example. Like how things fall are already determined by the law of gravity which is provable and testable. As far as math is determined, I was thinking in the way someone can input 1+1= the answer is already determined by the laws of mathematics. There is no choice in the answer of a math equation. Probably not a good example but I hope you get the point in that determinable things like gravity can and should be proven to be objective and true. However, Determinism is not proven. so the name determinism, when there is nothing determinable, makes it unproven right from the start for me. Meanwhile, free will is testable and provable. like you and I can decide to reply or not to reply to this post. And someone like Sam Harris or whoever, calling this ability to choose between different possible courses as an illusion, is an unproven claim.
  21. I think to call something an illusion, it would require proof. Like if there is a chair in your room and I suddenly say that chair is an illusion, that wouldn't mean much. However, If I turn off the hologram and the chair disappears then we can objectively call it an illusion. To me, free will is as true as the question of free will. For free will is what ask and answer such thing. And until someone can objectively and accurately determine the "deterministic" nature of such thing before it actually happens. I will disregard determinism as an unproven hypothesis. There are many determinable things in this world like gravity, math, time, earth rotation etc but these all are objectively provable with evidence. Determinism, which I think claims throughout a person's life, their ability to choose between different possible courses is an illusion, is an unproven claim.
  22. What do you mean by "got their life together"? Like for me, I think someone who "got their life together" would want to pay it forward and start a family. Also not sure what having a "super high sex drive" is trying to imply. Pretty sure any male with healthy levels of testosterone can feel like they have a high sex drive
  23. I believe the "welfare" state will run out when the separation of money and state occurs. Bitcoin/cryptocurrencies have the best chance at it. However, Bitcoin core(BTC) is not usable as money right now due to high transaction fees and slow confirmations. As far as an exact date, I am not sure. I would be surprised if it didn't happen in my lifetime tho.
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