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  1. Its a good question. I love being challenged on this question too For me, my reason for being is to seek the truth about being. I have a pretty good understanding of not being as I know a few people who are not being and they obviously cant do anything. I feel I only know a fraction about being so that is my reason why I prefer being. Its like working with a broken computer vs working one. The broken one cant do much but the working one has endless possibilities so the reason to use the broken computer are mathematically far less superior than working with the working computer due to the number of possibilities. Hopefully that analogy makes some sense What im trying to say is its mathematically Superior to be than to not to be. So being is lets say a 10 which is a greater number than 1 which would be not to be. It is more rational and more superior to be than not to be. Also as far as morally. I feel its morally superior to be than not to be as if you are alive then you can speak the truth and spread virtue but if you decide not to be then you cant continually seek the truth and speak it. As far as what I strive for, I strive for the basics like Truth, Virtue, freedom and the one that makes it all possible, Time. Its why I started a business at a young age and retired. My choice to eat food and drink water are done so to make sure I have more time so why not free up my time to have more time overall.
  2. Well, as an Entrepreneur I choose to defer the gratification of going out and hanging out with friends to work on my businesses. It took a long 5 years and a lot of 80+ hour work weeks but now im pretty much retired(I still work on things I love). I also defer the gratification of watching TV and instead read a ton of books, and from that, I gathered knowledge that has helped me in not just business, but life in general.
  3. More partners = higher risk of STDs More partners generally means more time spent on the partners which could have been spent with children Bad social stigma for children And for the practical, I believe its illegal I am unaware of any long term studies on polygamous families. I would be curious to see the results.
  4. Well, The idea that scoring high on an IQ test = no struggle in understanding ideas/concepts is wrong. Correlation doesn't mean causation. I know Stefan talks greatly about IQ but I still hold firm on that premise. But if you do believe in the correlation research, there is also research that shows discipline is more important for success than IQ so maybe try to increase your discipline ability? Also, just because someone has a low IQ doesn't mean they can't figure out concepts/ideas. For example, Muhammed Ali had an IQ of 78 but still figured out the concepts/ideas in boxing to become world champion and to many, the greatest. There are many examples of this. Like in Chess, the highest IQ people dont do the best.
  5. Being tall, muscular and good looking are incredible resources to have. So is having high social status and of course having humor, confidence etc. I believe money is seen as the main one as with money you can buy time to work on the other things.
  6. Well I know there is a FDR discords group which you might be able to do it in. There are options to create different channels in the group. I also believe there are already 20+ members in the group who may be interested in this, not sure tho. okay so im going to try to do some simple math, 3000 podcasts which on average are 30mins each would be 1500 hours total. or if you 2x speed then 750 hours total. I personally always watch youtube vids at 2x speed. Saves so much time but if the mic quality is bad it will be harder to do. I also listen to Audible books at 3x because most audible narrators use professional studios and are very pronounced so it's still understandable at faster speeds. Anyways, if you 2x speed and listen 1 hour a day, you can get it done in about 2 years. 2 hours a day in about 1 year. 4 hours a day in about 6 months and if you make it your full-time job at 8 hours a day, then 3 months I did fail math in HS tho so I am probably off. Its a pretty big commitment which im not sure I can take atm. I still would love to join the group and maybe catch a few episodes that I may be interested in if that is fine? either way, I wish you guys well on this!
  7. I have been interested in doing this, but I was wondering what are the total hours for all of the podcast combined?
  8. Well, I think the most important episode is the one that can benefit you the most. So, if you are looking to gain knowledge in something you can use the search to find relevant episodes. If there was a general episode I would recommend, maybe it would be UPB. Welcome to the forum and Good Luck
  9. This is an interesting topic, from what I understand the conscious mind is the mind that gathers the input from reality/experiences. The subconscious mind is the mind that stores what the conscious mind sees as important like traumatic events, family, etc. And the unconscious mind is the mind that supposedly holds the consciously forgotten memories like what you wore and ate 6 years ago or any arbitrary forgettable date. Does the unconscious mind exist? well if it is the mind that holds forgotten thoughts that cant be access consciously then I guess you can say it doesnt exist to the conscious mind. But it may exist to other conscious minds. Like when someone gets knocked out and doesnt remember it, someone else's conscious mind may have seen it so it can exist in that sense. There is the thought experiment "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" So if I had to guess I would say in addition to the conscious mind there is the subconscious mind and other conscious minds
  10. Abortion is murder. mur·der noun 1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. You can see the biology of the human development cycle here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_development_(biology) Princeton has done a paper on when human beings begin for an easier read. https://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/wdhbb.html I am not completely sure what your point is. However, the only way a father can "remove a child" from an unwilling mother is through assaulting the mother, whereas the mother can "remove a child" without assaulting the father. That may have been the point, not sure tho.
  11. Well, I believe a Pickup artist is someone who goes out of their way to try to pick up women while a MGTOW doesn't actively pursue picking up women.(Some MGTOW still let it happen "naturally" while some dont deal with women at all) I have friends who claim to be these. Me personally tho, I probably wouldnt label myself either. I do my own thing and if I see a woman who seems interesting I will probably pursue her.
  12. Women control 90% of what is bought for the household. That is pretty interesting but not totally surprising. Could you link to the episode where Stefan talked about this? My guess is women buy the nutrition, games/toys, makeup? maybe the art, books, movies and that can influence the kids. So it was probably push back against the feminist narrative that woman have less control over men or something
  13. "raised in two-parent household that included emotionally abusive, almost criminally negligent, emotionally unbalanced, depressive mother" "seems willing to let her mother be alone with, take care of, any future child we may have" Has the mother been through therapy and recognized the abuse she caused? If not, why would she be willing to let her mother be alone with and "take care" of the child when she knows how her mother treated her? also "future child we may have" "is 38 years old" Well, The biological clock is ticking. Do you want to have a child with a 38-year old woman who left one marriage due to "dissatisfaction" and who happens to lean left? have you watched the red pill documentary? or understand how the government handles divorce and children. I dont want to tell you what you should do. But I hope you can recognize the importance of the long-term commitment that comes with having children and how important the family structure is. I wish you well, Good luck
  14. Well, from what I understand the bonding with the baby comes from the breastfeeding, Also, I think because of the bonding the "everything else" becomes easier/better for the mother. From reviewing that article, It says "a woman will typically earn £1,111 more per annum than her male counterparts" I think its probably best to sacrifice that £1,111 for the sake of the baby. The article also says "When workers hit their 30s, the imbalance is reversed and men begin earning more" so, in the long run, it also seems better if the dad continues working rather than stay at home. I remember reading this "Since 1970, women have grown from 9.7 percent of physicians to 32.4 percent in 2010. In law careers, women have gone from 4.9 percent to 33.4. But wages have remained significantly lower for women than men" Working mothers on average seem to fail financially, emotionally.and physically. As far as moms working at home, I personally work at home(running my online business) and some days I will clock in the 8 or so hours and other days I'm staying up 16+ hours. I can't imagine a mom seriously working at home and raising a baby. I have set up businesses that don't require much work(outsource) but there always may be something that comes up and then you're off working 16+ hours a day to get it fixed. It can be very stressful, so I wouldn't recommend it to a mother. Stefan just talked with a woman who wanted to be a mother and told her "You cant have both" it was titled "Your Job Is To Get Married And Have Children" I should note however, I have no experience being a dad. I have only reviewed some research and obviously listened to the arguments Stefan made.
  15. The only inferior person I can tell from this story is your dad. Running away from the child you created is inferior to any other dad that stayed and helped raise his child. In the dream, it sounds like you were like your dad running away from someone you "love". You may be subconsciously thinking since your dad ran away from his daughter and you that, that is what you should be doing to people you "love", if you love her, you run away. Running away from someone you love is obviously wrong. I am also not sure why you feel inferior, but, im guessing its because of your dad. I recommend you fully recognize the terrible mistakes your dad did to you so you dont repeat them. Therapy is a proven way to do that. I should note this is just my guess, I am in no way an expert. However, I truly wish you well.
  16. I personally wouldnt give a child allowance for household chores. That seems to just teach them they get money for doing things they should be doing so the place they live in stays in order. Maybe you can hire your child to be the garbage man, that would make more sense, however, there will probably be backlash for that. I remember Trump Education Secretary Pick got criticized for "bring back child labor" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/betsy-devos-child-labor-acton_us_5836eb7fe4b000af95edf12e I would rather give my child a finance book to learn about money. I think warren buffet started reading his investing books at age 7 or so and bought his first stock at 11 Both my parents were small business owners. They offered me to work and I would either accept or decline. I was around 8 or so when I worked in my moms shop and 12 or so when I worked with my dad in construction. Then at 15 I started my own business. Once I understood finances Its hard to be spoiled as you actually know the value of things. So, I personally see no issue giving a kid what he wants, as long as he knows the value of it and what it takes financially. It looks like there is some research on the idea of if child allowances are beneficial or harmful http://lewismandell.com/child_allowances_-_beneficial_or_harmful Anyways, I know a little about money but as far as being a parent im clueless. So, please let me know your thoughts on this thanks
  17. Yea, I am not sure on how much of an impact or difference a few years would make. I would need to see more research on this. I have only done a quick google search and havent found anything comparing an 18 y.o to 25 y.o in terms of decision making capability relating to the laws. I find it hard to imagine much differences in just a few years. IQ for example, doesnt change much over time and if it does, it doesnt seem by much. Its definitely an interesting topic, maybe Stefan can get an expert on the show to discuss it
  18. In the United States, a person must be at least 35 to be President or Vice President, 30 to be a Senator, or 25 to be a Representative. I also believe to be able to rent a car at most rental car businesses; you have to be 25. Due to insurance restrictions. It seems like to be in power either in politics or renting someone's else's car you need to be 25 or above. I understand things like drinking is lower like 21. I dont think it makes much of a difference to be a few years off. Like I think if you're a few years off full eye development I dont think it would make much of a difference in vision. Its not like there is a giant leap of incredible reasoning skills when you hit your 25th birthday lol I have always considered an 18 y/o a teenager. Around 25 is probably the right age to be considered an adult. I am certainly not going to go against the research. However, I would love to see the difference in 18/21 to 25 tho. I doubt it would be much of a leap. As far as laws being rewritten. Did you have one in specific? I would love to see why you think so.
  19. I don't think it's about the specific doctor, it's about the research/evidence. I only quickly checked the first two doctors, and they don't seem to display sources in their videos. Dr. Peter Glidden appears not to recommend any oil in a bottle, well-done meat or carbonated drinks. I am curious about the sources for these.
  20. I have never notice Stefan biting his nails, could you link the source? I use to bit my nails as a child and it didnt help my teeth Luckily I was able to stop the habit.
  21. In the free market, you can freely decide the obstacles and tools you want. And in the free market, you can freely decide to become the obstacle and tool you want Its truly amazing.
  22. This is pretty interesting, I notice a lot of celebrities supported Hillary. I wonder if their album sales also skyrocketed.
  23. Why do you feel we are only speaking to the US? who ever said it is only directed to the US? You say it "affect the lives of millions of people", and yea it did, the millions living in Zimbabwe, Venezuela etc You see how that holds actual sustains? while your BS claim saying Ron Paul or The great Alex Jones is affecting the lives of millions of people by warning them of history? cool story bro, maybe try facts. Maybe try looking at the numbers of the people actually affected rather than going with your feelings. I am making the extraordinary claim? when Every fiat currency in history has eventually collapsed? oh look the sun has risen every day throughout history but listen guys, this particular day here.. It wont rise!! Its quite simple, if you understand economics Which fiat currency in history has worked? what has been the cause of fiat currency collapsing? and since you like to single out USA, and not go with economic principles, then make the argument, what makes the US different? Which goes back to my 1st response to you, where is the actual argument? I am not sure if I am getting through to you, maybe you can call into Stefan Show as I feel he would do a better job getting you to understand. I truly wish you well, But if there is no argument, then there is no point in me continuing this discussion.
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