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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Thanks for posting, This is the main thing I gathered "We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech " Direct source https://youtube.googleblog.com/2017/08/an-update-on-our-commitment-to-fight.html "Hate speech refers to content that promotes violence or hatred against individuals or groups based on certain attributes, such as: race or ethnic origin religion disability gender age veteran status sexual orientation/gender identity There is a fine line between what is and what is not considered to be hate speech. For instance, it is generally okay to criticize a nation-state, but not okay to post malicious hateful comments about a group of people solely based on their ethnicity." Direct source https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801939 Well, hatred could just mean dislike and it seems on youtube you may no longer be allowed to dislike the irrational 30+ different gender identities anymore. Something popular among youtubers lol It will be interesting to see how this actually plays out.
  2. Getting tax "once you get 1 cent over $10M" isn't a sustainable or consistent model. Businesses or people can hover at 9.9 million and wait till their competition who have 1 cent over 10M and then watch them lose 10% while they still have that 10% which they can spend as an advantage You say "the big problem I see is the problem we are coming up on. The problem that there is eventually a winner, one guy that owns it all" In free market capitalism, everyone has a chance to decide who to exchange with. If the people don't want "one guy that owns it all" then all the people need to do is change who they do business with.
  3. https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-government-seizes-russian-bitcoin-exchange-btc-e-domain The US gov has seized one of the most popular crypto exchange sites "btc-e.com" I personally used it for its wide crypto selection and ability to quickly exchange cryptos. I had around 1% of my net worth on there for convenience since I do trade crypto a lot and like to take risks. Luckily from the Mt. Gox experience, I learned to store the bulk of my crypto on cold storage and never keep large amounts of crypto on these exchange sites. The US gov is also claiming Mt Gox and this website is connected. I have a few friends who lost a lot of their money due to this. Here is a petition if anyone here cares to sign https://www.change.org/p/department-of-justice-we-want-our-money-back-from-btc-e I dont know how active Crypto is in this community. But the US government seems to be in full attack mode. Coinbase.com, the main US exchange site has been asked by the IRS to hand over customer data. I used to use coinbase until they asked for my ID. Bitcoin has also been expecting a fork soon. Overall, its pretty excited to see how this all plays out.
  4. lol, it's not about liking something or not, Its about truth. Murder has been going on before the state existed so your idea of "murder is legal" is quite inconsistent. According to you, murder doest exist without the state/legality didn't you quote an anarchist? so in an anarchist society with no legality, because "Murder is legal", murder won't exist? Claiming "murder is legal" is an appeal to authority specifically the law makers.
  5. There is also a great book that Bill Gates recommends called Mindset by Carol S. Dweck. It is backed by researched and can give you some tools to achieve success. The author also has done a ted talk https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve#t-24722
  6. Yes, it may be out of context especially with the argument we are having here. I couldn't see the relevancy to this discussion. This is why I prefer when people make the argument themselves instead of relying on quotes from other people.
  7. Well, I look at a few things in regards to happiness. Health, get a check up and get blood work done. If you are deficient or have something like high mercury levels that could be causing depression Diet, make sure you are including foods with the essential nutrients the body needs. Also, some find monitoring their blood sugar levels can help Fitness, exercise has been shown to combat depression Mental state, even tho I haven't tried it, therapy has been shown to be effective. I personally recommend self-knowledge and being a truth seeker. I like to evaluate the truth of the situation. After knowing the truth you then have a solid foundation to decide what to do. There is a famous bible verse, "Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free"
  8. An Anarcho-capitalist that argues which should or should not be a "legal obligation" is quite the contradiction. Anarchism has no laws, nothing is a legal obligation. Thus, arguing about something particular on whether it is or isn't a legal obligation shouldn't have been relevant. I am unfamiliar with his work or his involvement in finding anarcho-capitalism, but, if this particular statement of his is popular I could see why the movement hasn't gained much traction
  9. Yea the mistake is this is a philosophy forum, not a law forum. We are arguing for morality so state your argument as the person you copy&paste from has nothing relevant added to the table as admitted here "Again, whether or not a parent has a moral rather than a legally enforceable obligation to keep his child alive is a completely separate question." If you are going to argue about right or wrong then leave the state and their laws out of it. They shouldn't be even mentioned in the same sentence. Legality has nothing to do with morality. I am yet to hear any moral argument in favor of your position. Do you have any you feel strongly enough where you have the decency to write yourself instead of copy & pasting? To make it clear on the irrelevancy of the copy&pasted post you had, the writer admitted it here "Again, whether or not a parent has a moral rather than a legally enforceable obligation to keep his child alive is a completely separate question." completely separate question? it is the question that actually matters. Especially on a philosophy forum.
  10. I am fully aware of the NAP and it is consistent with the murder of unconscious beings like someone who is knocked out, a fetus or in a coma. When a human kills another human who is unconscious like in a coma, that would be murder When a human kills another human who is unconscious like a fetus, that would be murder You are being inconsistent in claiming to murder a human being(fetus) is not murder without an argument. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human, A direct violation of the NAP
  11. Abortion is by definition murder. Feel free to expand your argument as it's not clear to me. When someone is unconscious like is knocked out, a fetus, or is in a coma, why is it when someone who is conscious and kills them not considered a murderer to you?
  12. Boss

    Why IQ?

    Well, higher IQ does seem to correlate with more successful outcomes so in theory having a higher IQ population would result in successful outcomes. However, correlation does not equal causation. I feel direct evidence is the better bet, as in using what has worked for you and what has worked for the people you are trying to help, which is philosophy.
  13. Anything you can think of you can achieve. As soon as you think of it the largest deciding factor in achieving it is your discipline / free will(study above). The only thing you can't achieve is the things you can't imagine which is irrelevant as those things you will never know of. Your ability to think of the things you want to achieve is direct proof in your ability to achieve it.
  14. "Whites are 75 times more likely to die from self-inflicted drug overdoses and suicides, and six times more likely to be murdered by other Whites, than to be killed by non-White assailants." wow, he links stats that show blacks commit more crime percentages wise than whites and commit more black on white crime than whites commit white on black crime but he doesn't mention it. Just goes to show how the left deliberately tries to deceive to push a narrative. #FakeNews Also, will he accept the statistics that show the crime rate in refugees/immigrant countries? will he accept the statistics on countries that have already accepted a bunch of refugees/immigrant like Sweden which has the second highest rate of rape in the world? will he accept the stats of the national debt and cost for this?
  15. Discipline is the ability to exercise your free will. If you want to be successful in life the current research states how you exercise your free will is going to have a greater impact than IQ. Is your goal in being successful to become smarter now? well the current research still shows your ability to exercise your free will is more important than IQ as stated in the researched I linked IQ is correlations. It does not measure anything. A ruler can measure your height, An IQ test can show where you correlate. Since correlations don't equal causation that is a big difference. If you really want you can affect your IQ score with discipline as many people have and which still coincides with the research as having discipline and free will is more important for your success than anything else. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1041608016300231 Also, there is an interesting double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial that shows creatine can increase IQ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1691485/ As far as listing countries that have people with "a family, children, a good wife, my own land, my own house"? which countries don't have those? every country I know has people with those. In fact, high IQ countries like Japan are the ones not having families anymore. And it can be related to what research shows to be more important which is their discipline and free will. North Korea IQ 106 South Korea IQ 106 Incredibly different outcomes. For every success or failure you face in life, your free will and discipline is the factor that has the largest impact. If you fail in achieving "a family, children, a good wife, my own land, my own house" or "becoming smarter" Your free will and discipline were the largest factor. Ask this question to yourself, How disciplined have I been in achieving what I wanted?
  16. Yea there are can foods without BPA(not sure how relevant that is) I personally enjoy canned sardines from wild planet with olive oil. Taste great especially with hot sauce Every fiat currency in history has collapsed but many people survived. The best way to survive is to not depend on the state and have things like silver, gold, bitcoin(to beat inflation), and guns(to beat parasites who want to continue to gather resources through theft). Just look at places like Venezuela. Inflation is insane and of course, the food situation is terrible. I personally feel the USA will be the last to "collapse" as it does seem to work like the worlds reserve currency. I also feel this "meltdown" wont be as bad as people think. Since we have the internet people will quickly realize what happened and we can hopefully build a free society. However, the only worry is internet censorship, which is pretty rampant and will continue to get crazier the sooner the collapse gets. The globalist obviously dont want to be blamed for this, some say they also want to deploy communism. I can see infamous people like George Soros shorting currencies for profit like he did the bank of England where he made a billion dollars. Overall tho, Im not worried about it much, If you thrive in the free market now you should have no problem thriving in a freer market when the collapse happens. Just remember when the globalist try to blame the free market for people acting crazy, remember to tell them the root cause.
  17. Well, if you like correlation research you can check the research that shows discipline is more important for success than IQ. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= If success for you is having "a family, children, a good wife, my own land, my own house." then why wouldn't you think you can achieve that when even the low IQ nations have people with all those and more. The way I use correlation research is to raise awareness and take measures to improve what I can. Like if my family has a history of heart disease then I will take every measure I can to assure I tip the scale in my favor. There are many studies that show ways to lower my chance of heart disease, just because my family may correlate doesn't mean it's inevitable. Plus there are always exceptions to the IQ correlations. How do you know if you're not one of them? I can assure you, anything you want to be successful in there are ways to tip it in your favor. There is research that shows things you can do to improve your chances of success. IQ is just one of many. There is no research that shows IQ score = inevitability so there is no reason to feel like so
  18. A guaranteed check is never pointless, that's why many wait in line to freely fill out the application.
  19. the equation to determine sound waves should not be changing. So 1 billion years ago and 1 billion years in the future the sound waves equation will still hold true in determining sound, thus, you could say the way to determine sound waves is timeless. However, I am not 100% certain on the current equation to determine sound waves. I understand there is a lot of factors like moisture in the air, surrounding etc, however, a true equation will remain true regardless of time. Math is not really changing. Humans understanding of math might be. However, 2+2=4 being true didn't change 1 billion years ago and won't change 1 billion years in the future. Thus, math is timeless.
  20. Math is one of the most fundamental types of logic possible. Thus one of the best ways to express the universe. I am sure you know famous equations like E=mc^2 and things like PI which is a mathematical constant. These things will remain true whether humans know them or not. Math is universal, meaning it will remain true to aliens, humans, cats. When an alien, cat or human jumps the Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation F = Gm1m2/r2 is true. Sure, if you show someone who never seen the color yellow before a banana and asks them what color it is, they wouldn't know. However, the wavelength of the color yellow will still exist. Like just because someone is color blind it doesn't mean yellow doesn't exist. The yellow wavelength is there and will continue to exist whether the human mind exists or not. This reminds me of the thought experiment, If a tree falls in a forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Well, yes because there will be sound waves. You could track them with a recording device or not, a human could have heard it or not. The sound waves exist. If all humans go deaf or color blind tomorrow, sound waves and wavelength will still exist
  21. The universe has timeless attributes that do not change, so your claim of "he Universe changes and mutable things cannot be timeless, by definition." could be seen as false The current scientific theory is the universe was created in the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago. The idea that the universe was created by a timeless "creator" is interesting. As the universe does seem to have timeless principles that serve as a foundation. Like math which is known to be the language of the universe. With that being said, Im guessing one could hypothesize that the universe foundation is timeless. Now obviously I am not a scientist so I have no idea where to even start to unravel the universe. It is a fascinating topic, one that I feel I should spend more time on.
  22. what is the argument for this claim that abortion is manslaughter and not necessarily murder?
  23. Alright, I understand genes can influence your personality but the claim "personality is genetic" is false as it would require direct evidence. Like if I say John is 6ft, I will need direct evidence like John standing next to a large ruler. If I say, John height's may be mostly influenced by genetics then I can use correlation research that shows that. May/might/influence is not the same as "is". Like saying height is genetic would also be wrong as it would not be consistent with the malnourished or taller than parents/grandparents(like me :P). So it's not logically consistent to say personality/IQ is genetic. Now I never heard Stefan ever say "IQ is genetic"(please correct me if he has), I have only heard something along the lines as "IQ may be mostly influenced by genetics" so it struck me when I heard Stefan say "personality is genetic" Now a few may be wondering why I brought this up, well #1 its false. #2 is this feeds the determinist narrative. I strongly oppose the determinist narrative, I believe Stefan does too. But this kind of stuff is not helping.
  24. Stefan has made a claim that "personality is genetic" I would love to know the resources that made him state such a claim. I have found some correlation research but I wouldn't think that would be enough for this claim as correlation doesn't equal causation. I know Stefan also relies on IQ correlation research which is more researched than personality but I dont recall Stefan saying "IQ is genetic"(please let me know if he has) rather, Stefan says it more on the lines as IQ might be mostly genetic
  25. I am unsure what the foundation of the universe is, or why its needed to be known, however, the foundation of any rational human discussion would be logic.
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