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Everything posted by thecurrentyear

  1. Read these: https://www.amazon.com/Surrendered-Wife-Practical-Finding-Intimacy/dp/0743204441/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1483742607&sr=8-6&keywords=submissive+wife https://www.amazon.com/Proper-Care-Feeding-Husbands/dp/0060520620/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483742645&sr=8-1&keywords=proper+care+and+feeding+of+husbands https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Passionate-Marriage-David-Schnarch/dp/1591790794/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483742664&sr=8-1&keywords=secrets+of+a+passionate+marriage
  2. I always run for the hills away from anyone who uses the word "empath" or "empathic," especially in reference to him/herself.
  3. Funny how you clipped out and dodged instead of addressing your own false dichotomy
  4. Wow, what a false dichotomy you've constructed. I am often confused by single men here on the FDR boards. They claim to be successful in other endeavors, and I find that hard to believe. The reason I find it hard to believe, is that when you've made the shift in mindset to find success and opportunities in every challenge (and that's what it takes to be successful), then how can you continue to claim victimhood and plead that the problem is nothing of your own making? Everyone successful in business, as far as I know, has had to face head-on the fact that your success or failure is the product of your own choosing and strategic activities to reach your goal. Why is relationship not viewed the same way? You want a quality woman, but they are hard to find? So what!? Go out and get her like all the money and business endeavors you wanted, but were hard to find. You did what needed to be done. I just don't get the disconnect.
  5. Echoing this. I was in a coffee shop recently when a young man struck up a conversation with the barista, asked her for a few restaurant recommendations and directions on how to get to them. Then said, "I normally don't ever do this, but I was wondering what time you get off work and if you'd like to come with me to that restaurant?" I didn't hear her exact response, but I heard her immediately bragging about the encounter to her friends, and she sounded immensely pleased by it. He came back in later and appeared to be waiting for her, so I assume he was successful.
  6. Bravo!!
  7. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress.com/about/
  8. Why are you interested in this woman?
  9. Just listened. How you could think you owned Stef is just...hilariously sad.
  10. That's a really dumb conclusion to draw. But not surprising, since it was a dumb question.
  11. Do you have a definition of stimulant? Does sugar count? How about peppermint? Ginger? Cayenne?
  12. Coffee is prepared via "traditional" fermentation and has been consumed for thousands of years. There's not much "unnatural" about it. If you were to eschew any substance on the basis of it affecting your mood or energy level, you'd starve to death.
  13. Your link just clicks back to this post, for some reason.
  14. Good thing that's not what I said then.
  15. Just searched "God" 3528 #4 3444 #2 3456 #1 3506 #4 3434 #1 3426 #1 3418 #1 (& 2) 3387 #3 3368 #3 3296 #3 3293 #1 3261 #3 3224 #1 3179 #1 These are all within this past year, so I feel comfortable in my "almost ad nauseum" assessment.
  16. Stef has responded to questions like yours seemingly ad nauseum on the call-in show. If I can think of/find the most recent one which I think would answer you quite directly, I will post it.
  17. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/calcium_supplements_may_damage_the_heart I haven't vetted this article, but thought you might want to take a look. I agree with you that gelatin is amazing. I save bones from chicken and beef and make stock with it. Also buy Great Lakes gelatin from amazon and make jello/gummy treats with it.
  18. I never labeled you bad. I stopped reading after the straw man.
  19. You're trying to justify your irrational belief. That's what you're "trying" to do.
  20. Do you think now, after the fact, that you may have been misled regarding "Trump's erratic behavior" and "whether her has the right temperament"? The fact that those things overcame your agreement on the issues should probably be a clue as to the degree that persuasion played a part in swaying you. You even mention the word here. Have you read any of Scott Adams' blog on the election/campaign? And welcome! Thank you for sharing/discussing with us.
  21. Oh hey...some good stuff here I think I can bring to the discussion. Villagewisdom's technique sounds great btw, and I will give it a try myself. I have a hard time staying focused as well. But what I wanted to point out here, is that you are labeling yourself, and thereby limiting yourself, by using past actions as a predictor of future progress/success/failure. I just want to point that out, because you are in charge and can make the decisions that CHANGE this pattern. You do not need to hang onto it as if it is part of your personality or engrained in your very being. Your past patterns are a result of early childhood experiences. Being aware of that (relationship between parenting relationship and past patterns) and them -- the patterns & experiences themselves -- enables you to make different choices going forward. Isn't that liberating to know!?! You do not have to be "the person who takes a long time to pick up new habits" forever. There were reasons why you resisted consistent exercise in the past. But whatever they were, you OVERCAME them in order to do what you wanted/needed (exercise) consistently in the present. NEW PATTERN! Congratulations! Now here's another. And since you've been able to overcome whatever was in your way from exercising consistently, you now have the experience to make changes much more quickly going forward...This is getting easier! You are doing big and great things for yourself. Way to go!!! Great post! Love it! Quite inspiring.
  22. I haven't read everything. I apologize I don't have a lot of time to spend but wanted to at least address this: It sounds to me like you changed your plans on *where to live* and ultimately the *direction of your life with your future wife* in order to appease them. Does that sound accurate to you? Because you seem to be doing a fogging job to obscure the facts in how this went down. And you are either aware of it or not. If not, then your first persuasion job should be on yourself. To understand why you are doing what you are doing, and how to change yourself to be more assertive and aware of your own preferences, needs, wants. Until then, you are not going to have much success persuading anyone else. Just my opinion.
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