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Everything posted by thecurrentyear

  1. Child care is expensive. It really cuts into any additional income you hope to pull in from your wife going back to work. Then factor in transportation, clothing for work, meals out on the go, etc...financially it doesn't make sense. Set some money aside for her to stay home at least the first year, cut back on expenses, live as cheaply as you can, and you can find a way for her to stay home longer term. But really, if you can't "afford" a kid; don't have a kid.
  2. There was information in OP?
  3. Just let her be angry and move on. Don't talk to her ever, if you can help it. If she tries to talk to you, shut her down (by avoiding/not answering) until she gets the message. That's the only way to de-escalate a crazy person: over time proving that you will not engage. I'm sorry your stepson has such a horrible mother. Just do what you can on your end to act with integrity and rationality and disconnect the heartstrings that connect to her through him as much as you possibly can. She will pull every trick in the book. If your fiancé is worth all this trouble, you will figure it out. Just whatever you do, don't engage with her.
  4. Guys, might you consider posting behind spoiler alerts? Just a thought. I've never seen the movie, and these seem like important plot points.
  5. I'm sorry you're going through this. It seems like there was a step missed in your story. Why/how did you and your girlfriend decide to change plans and cancel your move to Austin? That's my main question at the moment. I hope you're able to find what you need here.
  6. I'm glad you're seeing results. Please be careful with supplemental calcium. Calcium needs cofactors like magnesium and vit D in order to be absorbed. Excess calcium that is not being absorbed can accumulate and cause kidney stones, or worse, bone deterioration. That is more common in older women trying to prevent osteoporosis who take massive calcium supplements. But please, before taking them for too long, do some additional research and get some educated opinions on necessary cofactors like magnesium and vitamin D.
  7. ...and pointed towards the women with the most makeup and "accoutrements," on average.
  8. Lol I'd love to see evidence of this. I see ads constantly for special "period panties."
  9. Wow, fo realsies?
  10. This link may be of interest: http://vaccinepapers.org/ Scientifically rigorous
  11. Don't pretend that helping your grandmother makes you a good person. It doesn't. Saving and protecting yourself is a much better place to start on that journey, if that is the path you desire.
  12. Would you be interested/willing to edit (or allow others to edit this) to make suitable for sharing on social media?
  13. he means he's gay (joke)
  14. Here's the ad he took out in 1989. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/fbbef0c3b1eddc6279b92e601d2dc63585397b48/0_0_970_1367/master/970.jpg?w=1920&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=922d41cc633f461e2df6f4d76237cb10 His take vs. that of the media sounds eerily similar to Stef vs. the media regarding Mike Brown/etc/etc/etc.
  15. From what I can tell, Trump went on one flight with Epstein, and never did again. Bill Clinton, on the other hand, flew at least 26 times and was a frequent visitor to his island. A couple of minutes' research on the 13 year old rape allegation shows it's a fishing expedition. She listed an empty warehouse as her residence address when she filed in California. She claimed poverty and inability to pay court costs or hire an attorney, but then re-filed in New York after the CA case was dismissed (for the above address discrepancy). If her case had ANY merit whatsoever, she'd have hundreds of Gloria Allreds lining up to represent her on contingency. Allred only stepped up (her daughter representing her) at the eleventh hour for a press conference that failed to launch. Obvious counter-narrative to the Clinton allegations and distraction from Clinton corruption.
  16. There's a reason he was booted off SNL prematurely
  17. Let them watch The Apprentice.
  18. She needs to read a book called The Gift of Fear and learn to be more assertive about following her gut instincts and reacting to "real fear." She did a lot of things wrong in the lead-up to this. She should get a gun and stop messing around, playing the victim.
  19. You're being disingenuous. So I will not engage further with you.
  20. . Because it's not attractive to women--resources are. Just as resources are not attractive to men--beauty is.
  21. Hello! Do you sell blimps?
  22. Haven't read all the rest of the replies but I was responded of something more I wanted to add: When out in public, makeup serves a similar purpose to stage makeup for actors. It amplifies the features to project to someone across a room or store or street. They wouldn't otherwise be able to see your beauty from so far away. We don't often get very close face-to-face with people we are first meeting or haven't met, so makeup helps get attention to make that close contact occur. Then you can examine closer.
  23. I agree with Mole and found this article highly educational: http://www.therulesrevisited.com/2011/09/feminine-beauty-is-highly-controllable.html In much the same way that men are fully in control of their wealth (within the bounds of their inherited intelligence and with the help of some familial connections), women are also fully in control of their beauty (within the bounds of their genetic inheritance and whatever wisdom the women of the family handed down). Improvements or deficiencies in wealth creation and beauty are corollaries, and important indicators of one's own: self-worth, work ethic (wearing makeup daily, keeping up with style/trends/wardrobe needs, exercise & diet are a lot of daily work!), and respect for the partner who they hope to keep happy for the rest of their lives.
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