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Everything posted by barn

  1. I think that would look like a good idea in different circumstances but given that it's pertinent for the thread (me thinks) and didn't plan on spending too much time on it anyway.(probably won't be necessary, maybe not)... I disagree. The reason why I asked/asking: (apart from me thinking that it's... not possible, to put it gently... ie. no existence of God/s) Sexual orientation is not something one gets to choose or can develop willingly. Nor the starting life-circumstances, childhood for that matter. These are truly important things to keep in sight, as they otherwise will be unfairly burdensome to a person who had no choice, was hard-done while being defenseless.
  2. to @MahtiSonni (There's a question in another thread, you might have missed it. Or maybe not and intentional... link) If you don't mind me asking here: Is there such a thing for humans as 'original sin'? (Can it be a true statement in any way? Do you support the idea?)
  3.  The guy's original question was about... Ah, I see. This could have been confusing to you. No problem. Maybe this will help. The same quote with some addition in bold and then an example with another post from later... " Thank you for sharing your opinion. It sounds like you have stopped with the abstractions. Would you agree with me on my first response to your first post (, the one with two words in it) ? " As in: ( in a later comment of mine with funny expressions, where I was trying to provide more arguments for you at the same time, expressing my preference for being 'non-cryptic' so that there's a higher chance that it'll make sense for more people than a just a small minority, without any obligation for anyone, including you of course. ) this one: Does it make more sense to you now? Also, when someone is being 'cryptic' or so much so 'reduced' (not to be confused with a statement in the shape of 'Period.') for a joke or a pun, that's different in my opinion. I don't think you meant those two words as a joke or a pun. Obviously now, having read your other contributions that's crystal clear. Still, it's/it was about a preference I have, with some reasonable arguments for it. I'm/will be ok with you not agreeing and thinking two word contributions are ok in similar setups, can't do anything else other than try to make you see my meaning and reasons for it. What you do with it is entirely up to you. Please note that my strong dislike was with the content and not with the person. Same is true for a few individuals doing the same repeatedly in other threads. (it's few) - - - 26.09.2018 - - - Howdy 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit, visibly coward) Don't be afraid to make an argument, I don't bite... generally
  4. Huh. Diversity isn't a strength? Except for when monitoring subroutines for 'compatibility reasons' ? breadcrumbs...? (I'm shooting in the dark here...) ps. - respect, understandable, sure
  5. Hi @Echopeak I read the full text and also re-listened the podcast (when you'd indicated earlier that you might share later). I'm not a professional, nor someone who thinks is in possession of the 'right answer(s)' so treat my comments accordingly. I didn't even know at some points while reading, listening what do I think of what I have just read or heard... maybe it's too much to process at first, for me. Maybe there's much more I can't yet grasp. First of all, duuude! (Brandon, respectfully) Those are horrific and pure evil depictions! I think people who act like that are truly, deeply, unmistakably scary beings. Humans, but of a type that's really 'something else'. I detest people like those... those evil people. ... (exhale) I don't know if I'll be adding some more thoughts later but even without a clear hierarchy (usually have), I would like to share some 'crumbs of mine' with you. It's the best I can do for now. (I might get a little bit abstract at times, intentionally letting myself go... so that hopefully I can squeeze out some more from the little I think I might be contributing. Best intentions here. ) ° For some reason, I keep thinking that moral condemnation isn't a part of your 'active vocabulary'. For some reason, I keep thinking about the possibility that the whole thing is still not something that you can 'touch'. See, maybe. The outlines, the rough shape of it. But not grab it. Not feel it's weight, the texture of it. It's like an ordinary matter but in phase shift now... can go through your hands and it won't stop getting closer no matter if you hold your arms up against it, it moves through you. No traction, grip. 'It' does what it wants, ignoring your intentions in the process completely. Probably even feels naked and defenseless. Chilling. ° We aren't responsible for the things people do to us when THEY CHOOSE TO MAKE US cornered, tied down, locked in, point a gun at us, lure into a perilous trap! You didn't, COULDN'T HAVE DONE anything to warrant any of that crapfest, maaan! And I bet you, they could only be such evil sadists because you were without means to defend. Doucheb#g cowards they,... That's the past. Now, in 2018 that's not possible! You are here, not there! Memories are of the past but you are living, breathing, doing stuff HERE in the present. Be aware of the distinction of what's re-living and what's actually or what would be actually going on in the present, had you lived 'here' instead of 'there'. Any reduction is better than no change at all. Just try to catch yourself before going under. Sometimes it won't be possible... but other times YES and in those times you'll always get a little bit stronger. Compounding effect. ° (general idea, go for the gist here, go for the overall meaning... ) It's perfectly normal to want to recover from an accident. Say, a broken leg from a skiing holiday. Unforseen, couldn't do anything about it, lots of pain, the terror during the fall... What isn't normal to desire however, is to want to recover to the point, that it's indistinguishable from the state from before the past, before the unavoidable accident. Not just biologically, but also the memories can't be erased, the time spent recovering, limping, the consequences of it, period of time spent under the influence of the event, not being able to function correctly until got better... This might sound daunting and depressing as f#@+ccck, so much loss on so many levels. And it is. It is, IF ONLY observed with a restricted sight, similar to what horses get put on their head. (They can only see a slice of the world.) However this is also false. Seeing only but one aspect isn't seeing the whole truth. Not in the sense that those things aren't difficult or unimportant or weren't there... no-no-no. They did happen. They are very important to remember as parts. They were the most difficult moments of your life that you had absolutely no control over. You're in fact, looking at the aftermath, the remains after a disaster hit. The storm in the reality is over, even if you don't feel like it on the inside. It's never going to happen again! You survived, you made it! Right? See more, see all there is in your acting with courage and strength and dedication to overcome, not just the suffering it caused but the true achievement of yours that are inspiring I'm sure... because it is goddam haaard to work under such heavy load! How come you aren't cutting yourself slack for that? Why are you withholding appreciation from yourself, for truly big achievements in face of all the crapfest that you were put through? You know it's not fair, right? You know it's exactly what sadists hope their victims will struggle with, right? To paralyse you, to make you believe that you are weak, WHEN THAT COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. ° Gayness or not, labels are just labels. Don't just pick one because 'everything and everyone should have one' , or worse, let others to choose one for you... it's your life man, they have theirs. They can't know how does it feel like to be you. It's not their reality. You don't know what to call yourself? Then don't. Forget everyone else, and the social dynamics and the culture and all the expectations ... all the abstract bs. Start with 'I have no idea, for now.' Continue with 'I would like to find out'. Make sure to remember: 'I won't find anything authentic if I get going expecting to find a single, a specific thing. So, I will be curious and observant and I will find the things that are really there, whatever they might turn out to be.' Observe, collect information BUT don't make judgements hastily... you'll know when you found something that 'fits' and that's that. It is. Just is. And sometimes, you'll be wrong. That's fine too. So what? Of course you can make mistakes. Try to only make the same mistakes once and you're good. In fact, you'll be in the top ~20% of the world's population if you achieve that...hopefully I'm making sense. Am I? ° Patience, determination like the river bores into the land, making Awe-inspiring canyons! Have a routine, have an intelligently designed habitual attitude towards working the same goal! Even if you don't know exactly what that is, for sure you can choose a rough heading... AND THEN... Just do the next step. Only one at a time, no skipping. A step that you are sure you can accomplish, a reasonable objective, tailored always to what you have objectively assessed can/can't do, realistically. Work on that and allow yourself to temporarily forget everything else. Only that, until you get it. Just that. If it's half an hour a day,... half an hour it is! Moving in the right direction is more important than how fast your movements are. Celebrate the achievements, make sure to express what you have just done: You got closer! Not further, not paralysed and stopped from continously self-doubting... You beat all of that! You made another step in the right direction! See, it's not just doable but you now know how to repeat it! What's the next realistically good step to make, purposefully, being stronger and prouder now? (This has been my experience with Nathaniel Brandon's sentence completion, powerful stuff. Check it out!) I really hope, there's at least one idea that you can use! Keep us updated!
  6. Hi @Siegfried von Walheim Optional stuff. Sorry for cherry picking a tiny fraction from the larger content you've provided. This is NOT to catch you, or anything other than being surprised. I'm curious tho, if you could expand on what meant. As in: Do you dislike Europeans? All of them? Why? (I'm not saying you should/shouldn't but can't really make heads or tails of it.) I can also imagine that you use the term 'them' as a cohort for everything bad you think of the people who happen to live there.
  7. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    581. Ace Of Base - Happy Nation 582. Bonobo ft. Andreya - Eyesdown
  8. Hi @WorBlux That's an awesome response (clear ideas), hope you don't mind me taking a part and making it a bit more organised here... Here I just wanted to add some stuff, not criticise your points : 1st - Agree, because the code either works or if it doesn't... nobody will be using it. At least it's supposedly the way the user base, in the spirit of opensource usually prefers it...from my basic understanding. 2nd - Yeah, right. Because that works/ed out so well not just here but in any other realm where a few selected (or self-elected) individuals decide/d for others. 3rd - True. I immediately thought of Mozilla - Firefox but I'm sure many have much better, many more examples. (Waterfox, -> PaleMoon, more opensource, added bonus is having NO Soros connection) - - - - - - - Plus: If anyone were to build a house but they could only license some of the bricks, of which individual bricks their owner could remove at any point in time... why would anyone want to build a house? Is this along the lines of 'relevant past behaviour / experience is a good predictor of future outcomes' to the power of 'probably will be fine'? I don't share your optimism due to what happened to Mozilla for example. (but I realise the existence of my heightened skepticism compared here, maybe I'm biased even and would rather reduce risks as much as possible... no faith) Or the DNS registry takeover by stakeholders, handover, to the UN. (ICANN - 2016) Yes. A common trend frequently observed within companies that offer something really valuable at first, start out 'Don't be evil' (wink-wink)...and then more often than not... you know. Are there any examples to the opposite? (started out highly restricted, biased and then progressively became the opposite?) Or it will, just the community will be replaced from within... akin to population replacement. Slowly, unspoken but when it's obvious, then it's already too late. (no, I'm not paranoid... checking behind my back frequently is a completely natural behaviour ) Anyhow. But seriously, it's what logically follows. A community that won't protect its values, isn't going to stay the same... Gets changed. Question is, how similar / different the new values are? I for one, can't imagine a true assessment where more restrictions can in some way equal an increase in freedom.
  9. Hi thinkers and alike, Personally, couldn't believe it when reading/hearing about it... the open source community? Is it the foreshadowing of the digital equivalent of UPB being born, currently being hammered out? Or perhaps it's SJW-s eating finally into the fabric of yet another field generally regarded as foundational? Just remember, without Linux the world stops (if abrupt interference, withdrawal of code and no adequate &! immediate replacement or substitution... not to mention the certain euphoria companies at Silicon Valley will be experiencing suddenly... naturally, to the detriment of everyone else outside of their 'buddy-buddy' group.) (link) About some of the signees, in no particular order : Linus Torvalds Greg Kroah-Hartman Dan Williams (Intel) Chris Mason (Fcaebook) ps. - I have no clue what's the best, no authority... Just saying, I'm done with dual-boot for a while, that's for certain!
  10. ... No worries if you decline to answer. Do you decline?
  11. Thank you for sharing your opinion. It sounds like you have stopped with the abstractions. Would you agree with me on my first response? as in: being terse (two words, ants, abstractions) is less preferable than say +1% increment towards expanding?
  12. My observation and as an extension to the subject goes something like this: Most people nowadays 'don't know who they are / what do they stand for'... therefore it makes no sense (to me) to call them Republican or Democrat or Flying Spaghetti Monster cultists... (link,' funsies') Wouldn't it be more clear-cut if we started all-over again and went back to first principles? ('all-over-again' in a sense that there was a 'big cleanup' without discarding the truthful) ° it would take care of the 'upside-down' paradigm ° there'd be a small 'surviving' and eligible group of individuals worthy of acting as role models (at any representation of the intellectual/ideologically possessed spectrum) ° it'd make for a much better 'boxing ring' where opponents could 'fight' against existing opponents NOT projections ° better visibility for those that couldn't see what the 'fiddlestick' has been really happening for a long while now (not just North Americans) ps. - 'dooh', it just hit me... it's part of what Stefan Molyneux already does on a continuous basis... I just managed to claim to 'reinvent' an already existing 'wheel'...
  13. If I am assessing the dynamic accurately @RichardY, the originator of your most recent post has left to 'abstraction land' a few posts ago. (other than the assessment, I don't mean to 'say' anything else)
  14. No, that doesn't cut it for me. (as in: you don't have to give a flying purple 'biscuit' about it... a subjective preference with some reasonable pointers towards 'making sense in a way so it does simultaneously to a larger than 'privi' minority... reasonable, right?) What language?... two words.... A'right, there's the capital + full stop too... still, terse as 'fffunky-dorey'. Objectively speaking, right? ps. - as always, thank you for the random references when they appear (avid, curious, insatiable mind here too) - - - 25.09.2018 - - - Hi 'doorbell enthusiast' (voter without merit, substance), Arrow, non-substance... (presses 'F')...'Donesky'!, an equal.
  15. WARNING! (leading response) Ants don't (can't) read the most popular philosophy forum in the world! Please, be more detailed (+1%) would be better in my estimation. It's a preference, don't have to do anything about it if you don't want to.
  16. I really detest content that's to the extreme from what's reasonably conceived as 'succinct' and goes further than 'terse'... so ignorant, so demanding. Anyhow... /mirror test/ I mean it seriously, wasn't rambling! caveat: jokes, puns, giggly stuff is an exception to this.
  17. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    579. Yoko Kanno - Welcome To Sparefish 580. P.o.D - Sleeping Awake
  18. Hi thinkers and alike, It's worth a look, given (that in my estimation) many of you have a far greater mental capacity than the average and so it's most likely (that those works of art) to transmit the subtle (hahaha... not always, A'right) and the 'twist'. ... thought, something many would appreciate here... enjoy!!!
  19. Hi @d4d0ff70 Welcome to the board and posting (?) ... Do I remember correctly that you've posted some time ago a thread where you called M. Cernovich a 'brain-damaged druggy'? (Just checking, my memory doesn't always work top notch) Consciousness and the ability to handle abstractions in the way that allows for the manifestation of free-will is an emergent property solely present in humans... as far as existing and verifiable evidence goes. (hence why you are posting here, not on any non-existent forum created by any other creature(s) out there... I hope) In other words, pattern recognition and execution of a chain of actions is not consciousness but a small 'slice' of a larger and unique (one of a kind) 'cake' . Regards, Barnsley
  20. Well-well-well... the message is being broadcasted far and wide, things are getting incrementally worse by the day for Sir Wilfrid Laurier (good, well deserved) : "Peterson has now launched a second $1.75 million defamation suit after he alleges the university’s press release accompanying its statement of defence issued last month also attacked his integrity." (link) Annnd... it's likely there'll be more, soon, I think. (morally corrupt people's track record of doubling down -> till utter defeat ->and further... ->and a bit more...in 'fukt', practically forever.) skriblzms' ' person A: Where do you want to go to? person B: To Wilfrid Laurier University, for my degree. person A: The one that held secret meetings and is currently snowed under law-suits, some by a well respected clinical psychologist, successful author and role model internationally? person B: Yeah, I know... person A: W..Wh... WHY??? What good that will do to you? person B: I haven't made up my mind totally... It is my first choice before Evergre... person A: Da fu...?! Wh...aaiii? Alright. Listen. Sorry, I have to go now... um... have to feed my unicorns and sh&t... see you around! (turns on jetpack and flies away...) ' /jetpack/
  21. Hi FDR Team, Please consider alternative platforms (in the transferable sense) and various plan B-s ('breadcrumbs') as in my estimation, the traction and the effectiveness of videos such as this one WILL be raising some 'uncanny' eyebrows... better to be prepped. Not to mention the elect... you people know waaay better than me... Hopefully, I'm just talking out of my armpit but I sincerely believe it ISN'T the case. ps. - plus it's curious to see how a video that's been up for a day, at first in 'ScreYoutube' comes up with 'no views' but when checking the video out it's actually (so far) ~20 000 views. Not to mention the next video doesn't have this same 'peculiar inconsistency'... not sure what to make of it.
  22. barn

    μ-Ziq for U

    577. Gilberto & Turrentine - Vera Cruz (Instr.) 578. Erik Satie - Gnossiennes No. 1 If it was possible, please play this Stefan Molyneux.
  23. Hi @Emily Anne Welcome to the board and posting! Straight as a lamppost, huh? (straightforward, to the core) 0. Please define virtue... 1. Can women teach young boys to be good men? (link) - a syllogism 2. Can (in your opinion) your partner/husband do that? ie. - verified by reason & evidence , how do you know what you claim to know? 3. Have you 'decryped' the mechanism that drew the 'fallible' men to you? 4. Have you decrypted why you were ok with attracting men like that? 5. What are the likely consequences of not making sure you have all the necessary answers to what your history means OBJECTIVELY (kinda like a conversation with your inner 'stoic' self)? ... from the top of my head, hopefully of use... Barnsley
  24. I think this is a really good approximation! (It's largely what I've concluded over time too... doesn't mean it's 'the truth' or anything else than 'resonating at a matching frequency'. )
  25. Hey @barn !! Ok. I appreciate all the response and will try to give you some thorough feedback. So, for the above quote, you should take it as an exaggerated opinion. I was not being Spock-literal, and was blowing a perceived tendency into an hyperbole. I will take the pointer and work to not use needless exaggerations like that.  Appreciate that, looks sincere. I can respect that. Moving past it. Thank you for that. I do appreciate the willingness, quite sincerely.  I don't mind disagreements.  That's cool, me neither. It might sound 'captain obvious' stuff, if you don't mind me suggesting: Ask! Express! Engage with more! (I'm always open to genuine curiosity/constructivity) I would re-read some chapters from the Real Time Relationships book Stefan Molyneux has written But if you are looking for some quick ideas... A few stems, might consider them in the future in our conversations (or in others too, perhaps), again sorry if it's yet another seemingly obvious stuff... (best intentions here) ° When you wrote/said ____ , I felt strange like ____ and don't know why. Any ideas? ° This doesn't sit well with something I can't yet put into words. Can you reformulate it, maybe then it becomes clearer? ° Any ideas why ____ might be a little controversial for some people? Kudos on your honesty @Elizbaeth I definitely appreciate and thank you for it. Alright. How about reducing the number of occurrences by 5%, forget about 'the whole 9 yards' for now. Sounds reasonable, right? (I will remember to help if I can, when I see it could be constructive... by the way, it's a 'two way street', I encourage you to do the same if you see me doing it... with the same token, ask moore people WITHIN your circle of trust to supplement your focus, be assertive on how important it is for your clarity. Virtuous people will just nod and follow up, most likely. By first principles, they're obliged.)
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