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Everything posted by J.L.W

  1. OK, so more specifically, before Thatcher the English working class used to go to a job owned by the government, drive a car owned by the government and live in a house owned by... you guessed it... The government. The Unions were a strong presence in all workplaces and you had to be a part of the Union if you worked and you had to strike if they told you to strike. Unions had unelected leaders and no fixed terms. Those on the highest income bracket were taxed something like 70% and a lot of them left. The problem came when coal was shipped in from South Africa at 1/20th of the price, so the coal companies that were ammassing debt, started to take more and more government subsidies and any threat to remove them, i.e. fire the workers, was met by Union protests... This lead to what was called 'the winter of discontent' which was characterised by society starting to break down because Unions kept striking, although there were no people breaking into the zoo to eat the animals because it had not got that far yet, it is deep in the English psyche of anyone who lived through that time. The only reason it didn't get that bad was because England is richer than most countries, and it has good creditors and it found oil at just the right moment, so the left wing behaviours didn't bite into the nations backbone too hard. But it was still socialism. This is probably why the left, left; like the Communist left, has not had any real successes in English politics in the last few decades. Like you said Tony Blair was a cultural Marxists and highly loyal to the EU and mass immigration. But they did not tax the rich or do anything openly left wing.
  2. I attended the Speakers Corner event but didn't stay after it became clear since Tommy had no microphone I couldn't hear him. I actually wanted to hear the content of the speech I wasn't turning up for moral support. But perhaps I should have been! The police wandered around like they had no clue what they were doing. On the way up I was reading through the lyrics of 'The Chimes of Freedom Flashing', by Bob Dylan. A song of which I think would have a lot of impact now. We did actually almost have socialism before Thatcher. It was just stopped before it could really slide. No one owned property before Thatcher. I did email my local MP about it, this was his response (It was a very polite response otherwise and I did follow up with 'it seems to me' sort of responses on the nebulous definition of 'hate'): My emphasis: Stefans interview with Tommy was very good.
  3. Here are two articles on it, the alternative media is starting to wake up! Zerohedge: Is The UK Manufacturing Its Nerve Agent Case For 'Action' On Russia? https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-15/uk-manufacturing-its-nerve-agent-case-action-russia Craig Murray: The Novichok Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2018/03/the-novichok-story-is-indeed-another-iraqi-wmd-scam/ Second one is from a former UK ambassador!
  4. The David Kelly thing was nuts. What man who has four daughters doesn't leave behind a suicide note? Trumps jumping in on it now... *Sigh*
  5. Yeah, I'm very fortunate in that I don't like sex jokes even a little bit. My stomach turns over at the mention of anything vulgar, sometimes sexual themes float into my lyrics but not very sexual things and music has a beautiful ambiguity to it. I do think the world is starting to get wise to this behaviour from women. This is clearly where we must press on!
  6. Yes, that reminds me of a hairdresser I was talking to recently. She had a great sense of humour but I asked her if there was any politics she was into and she was blatantly anti Trump saying that it was not good to have a mad man negotiating with Kim Jong Un! *sigh*. I did make a small point against this that Trump had written 'The Art of the Deal' but I doubt that went in. You know how belief systems can be! But when I mentioned my genuine fear of this war trajectory and how I remembered what things were like at the Iraq war, she completely took it in. Because these are real emotions, something she can connect with. Weak anti Putin conspiracy theories cannot stand against this especially since even if they are true, in the intelligence community life is cheap. That's a good thing, it's so we don't have wars happening when one person is killed in a very dangerous occupation. Man I'm fuming. Anyway, I think those emotions can cross the boundary of belief system. A kind of genuineness, and like you said another thing about this is it's the person themselves that others connect with!
  7. I have never thought about this much particularly. But recent events and what I want said is not being said. I saw Dylans videos (poster here)! I have not seen much from anyone else... Anyone think about this? I started a channel on some things but the area was very specialised and very far beyond most people in its area (a specific new age subject) I added some commentary that got some views but few videos got over 100 views. In order to actually gain a proper platform I'd have to potentially do music, which I am good at and people like me for, I could also put my face on youtube and just talk about social issues, I did not put my face on there before but that's what people like to see. I don't think I'd get very far with this though. What do you all think on this? Do you have or want your own platforms? Something to say?
  8. I believe completely Brittany's arrest was timed for this event. Alternative youtube celeb media hasn't talked about anything else for days! Also Americans for whatever reason don't like criticising the Brits. Rather like how it is sometimes difficult to criticise familiy even if they're being difficult! Paul Joseph Watson, Nigel Farage, David Icke and Richie Allen are the first people I can think of who have platforms in the UK.
  9. Zerohedge: UK Expels 23 Russian Diplomats, Freezes Russian Assets, Suspends High-Level Contacts https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-14/britain-expel-russian-diplomats-after-midnight-deadline-expires-without-moscow
  10. I don't know how wise people are to these beliefs and I would argue... realities. But here I am mentioning it in relation to the philosophy of it rather than whether it is factually true or not (i.e. posted not in 'political events' but 'philosophy') So, the new age believes and has believed for a long time, that there is a group called the Illuminati that is always attempting to run things for a negative agenda and gets up to seriously bad things such as paedophilia, child sacrifice etc. They also believe, less of them but still a large amount, that there is a group that is running against these people that are just as well organised. This is an excerpt for one of the people that talks about these areas (Benjamin Fulford): There are those who defend some of these people that have been doing things like torturing children for sexual gratifications, saying that these people experienced a lot of advanced abuse and brainwashing themselves and never really had a choice. (David Wilcock). There are other such as David Seaman who believe they should have a 'fair trial' (although you get the feeling Seamans emotions don't agree with that!) and then execution! This is also complicated apparently by many of those being in 'the Alliance' having been ex Illuminati. There are other crimes on the same level as paedophilia or even worse also associated with this group. So the philosophical question is, 'If this is true, what should be done with these people?' Opportunity to change or death sentence. This is some Jordan Petersons ideas that might be interesting:
  11. The company actually flipped and started handling this better and told the relevant people to handle it informally first, possibly in response to my response to them. Probably should not bring this sort of thing up here before it gets serious. Suppose this was not a serious issue.
  12. Referencing my other thread here I do think May is trying to start an argument with Trump on this, trying to sabotage Brexit. He knows this I think and perhaps thinks the most strategic thing to do is to not allow her to do so.
  13. So, in her infinite wisdom. Theresa has (most probably) decided to blame Russia for the nerve gas doo dab and follow it by poking the... now very well armed... Russian bear https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-11/theresa-may-blame-russia-nerve-gas-attack-sanctions-could-follow The woman and her globalist chums are clearly cornered. Deadline for Brexit is a year now. Italy is pulling the EU's hand back from giving her an excuse to sell England to the lowest bidder, and Trump's ego did not get offended by her previous attempts at sabotaging the relationship (by whining at him about global warming at the UN). Also with the Deep State in America not being successful at demonising Russia I suppose the next deep state lacky has gotta do it now. Anyway, very big event not really covered or talked about anywhere I have seen at least, so far. You know, I'm pissed enough that recently, I don't feel it would be all that bad if England were wiped out but that's just, you know, cynicism.
  14. Must be someone else. I am a type 1 diabetic not medically fit to go into any emergency service or army. Alas it was a jest, although I do quite seriously think this post will be seen by them.
  15. I have nevertheless emailed my MP of course despite the fact that I probably will not get anything from that. I will continue to take any opportunities that arise.
  16. Before we begin I'd like to say hello to Her Majesty's Loyal Police Force and congradulate them on crushing their own souls in the service of globalism/ Satan. The Gateway Pundit: UPDATE: US Conservative Activist Brittany Pettibone Is Being Held in London’s Colnbrook Bypass Prison as Political Prisoner [Link] This is the place: https://detentionaction.org.uk/aboutus/about-colnbrook-detention-centre It is actually a prison not just a police station! How much longer is she going to be held? So, I live in the UK, a little over an hour outside london. I have extra time because of ridiculous workplace problems (fought off by an excellent Union I might add), so I am now part time and having worked the temporary full time gives me a small amount extra of disposable income. But as far as I can tell there is nothing I can do. I know not a single right- leaning free- market (and free thinking) person out of my acquaintances or friends (Antifa is rife in my town, intimidated a previous mainstream right MP in a way that made him uncomfortable, death threats etc.) I don't know any groups that are doing anything with this, protests or anything. I literally cannot think of a single person that can influence this situation in any way. My MP is incredibly globalist pro EU left wing "human being". So I come to the rational conclusion I am powerless here?
  17. I don't mind having done that. I liked her, I sent her a card and whatnot and... yep, "got burned". I'd rather have sent that than scheming.
  18. Yeah, that was my original plan but then I had to stop doing music four years ago which has recently come back. I was absolutely unable to 'work on myself' because of that personal situation. Before the girl threw attention at me I literally didn't know she existed, which was what made her originally angry. Now I'm just trying to leave and letting it ride. Next job I will be more careful out the door with girls. The problem I had was that when I first went there I tried to be nice to them.
  19. Thanks, a rational response indeed. I am leaving the company soon ish. If hours of jobsearching per day (from next week, but already started just not "hours" yet) does not do the trick then I may have to go back to a previous job I do not want to go back to. I agree, I had that insight just now. It is the company that is the problem in how they handle the complaints of that nature. I was wondering if one of the girls could be reasoned with, or rather, could HAVE been reasoned with before I deleted and blocked her, could I just ask her to have brought things up with me informally first (mad talk I know!) But the truth is it doesn't matter; if that is their complaint handling procedure, then it doesn't matter who it is that eventually disagrees with me there is a countdown over my head.
  20. Did you get that from Tony Robbins? Or a train station poster? I don't want to have to deal with management for little things said on facebook, that's not something I want to spend my life doing, so deleting them off facebook is a good thing to do and at this point, all it has been is shit tests, for months, about a year even going back further. I am at least applying for new jobs. I did answer the other comment, it didn't go through but it was a bit personal and wordy.
  21. When I first went to my workplace I was, very obviously, too traumatised to go looking for girls. I could not even play music. So when a girl there appeared to show me a lot of attention, a non pleasant attention really but still attention, I have thought of her a lot. But it's been months now, I've asked her out, and she seems to think life is this ginormous game and is a 'psychological infant' to do these sorts of things now. However, I'm still not actually focused on getting a girl. My social life has been shot to pieces, and I don't think I'm going to get anywhere with online dating. (Where girls have loads of options and all sorts of demands about the kind of job they want you to have etc.) Seriously as well I don't know why a sane person would want a girlfriend. I go to great lengths to discipline my sex drive that are largely successful and are habits I have formed over years now, and when you aren't chasing sex your perspective is different. You can pick and choose more. The girls don't like it at all this is them: Girls: I want guys to chase me and make me feel special. Also Girls: I will put in complaints to my mummy manager at the slightest provocation and try to destroy his life if he does that. After the same Valentines girl 'accepted my message request' late yesterday after not having done so when I added her on facebook months ago I blocked the main girls that work there that I have interacted with. Some of the new ones are anti the first clique. I wanted also to find somewhere to bring this up politically. I'm sure if I went on the BBC (English) and read out the emails between us and subsequent complaint people would agree with my interpretation.
  22. Just put this through as an image :). It takes more than a week for these to go through quite frequently.
  23. A girl at my workplace lead me on for ages (I have emails to this account, I keep checking I am OK saying things like 'is this inappropriate' and she says things like 'not at all') and then, when I gave her a valentines card and flowers, complained I was harassing her. A second one made a similar complaint, to management, over a facebook comment. Perhaps they are trying to force me out I don't know. I deleted the girls I work with off facebook after this, and although there are some there who seem a bit nicer, I can talk with a little, and do not like that first clique, I am definitely wary, will not attend any social events with the group (not a problem these rarely happen, although they are trying to) and am starting to see the wisdom in the approach of not speaking to work girls over anything non work related. Anyone else have anything to say on this?
  24. I think, the thing that has changed recently in relation to me and Stefans teachings is that I have heavily internalised what he has to say. My own expression of the principle of 'not initiating force' is clearly there, I understand on a deep level the difference between those who are kind of r selected, kind of parasitical; and those that are not, regardless of political wing they subscribe to! I am careful for members of our so called "fairer sex". Although I know that term refers to their clear physical beauty, I often use mean the term "fairer" as ironic and to do with the justice linked sense of the term. Although I need a constant input to satisfy my intellect, it is really getting uncomfortable with the pure randomness of my monetary inflow deciding how much to give to whom and when. To whom as well, so many options! Anyway, that's beside the point. One of the other video makers I really appreciate is a woman called Bombards Body Language that often uses the term 'belief system'. I have difficulty dealing with everyday people sometimes not understanding why they are behaving the way that they are. As she summarises, when people are stuck in a belief system they cannot take in any additional information that threatens that belief system. That they always believe they are right. For someone like me, a somewhat closeted intellectual perhaps, having a model to understand people like that really helps me to understand why they are not taking the common sense approach that seems obvious to me that they should take. Also perhaps the 'Dunning Krueger' effect ... It is difficult for me to consider that because it seems a little unpleasant, but I have been driving myself mad with the imagined competencies of my opponents. Repeatedly wondering why, if they are not to take the common sense approach (withdrawing from a weak and potentially very dangerous position), they are not using more effective manipulation tactics. Are there any other real world or otherwise interesting thinkers that anyone would like to discuss?
  25. Cernovich just blocked Gabs Andrew Torba... Says it all!
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