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Everything posted by ofd

  1. Wrong. If they can't care for themselves, nobody else is obliged to. The same exact principle applies to children / babies / fetuses under the NAP.
  2. I don't. I follow the principles laid down in the last 200 podcasts.
  3. It's Eastern Europe. That doctrine was more influential than the theological teachings over the time. The main difference between Eastern and Wester Europe is the cousin marriage and manorialism.
  4. Hindus don't try to convert you. And they are restricted to India, hence the low IQ. Yes, because they started there and never made it to Northern Europe. Until now. I don't think that Christianity is prevalent in China Ironically, the one thing that Christianity contributed long term to the development of Western was a marginal doctrine. Prohibiting cousin marriage had long term beneficial consequences that prevented a low IQ, a huge number of birthdefects and neuroticism.
  5. That is the case for any proselytizing religion. You can substitute Universal Church with Islam and have also a correct statement. The only churches that haven't fallen prey to degeneration are ethnic churches or ones that make it hard to become and stay a member.
  6. If Adam says that Trump is a master persuader does that mean that the people who voted for him are dupes?
  7. Math describes relationships and continuous changes. It removes mental baggage we add to our understanding. That's why it is so useful. If is the universe, 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 Is the mathematicl description of it.
  8. Have a theist banana
  9. There are new studies coming out about Chinese twins raised apart. We'll see what the findings of those are.
  10. If you talk about personality in a scientific sense, you have to take it from the amorphous meaning to something that can be measured and tested. There are several ways to do that a one of them is the five factor model https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits As is the case with IQ studies on twins that have been raised apart suggest that the basis for personality is genetic, while the expression of those traits is partially dependent on the enviroment.
  11. Where do you get your information from?
  12. Personality and IQ are complex topics and it makes a difference if you test say the IQ score of adopted children while they are with foster parents as opposed to when they have moved out. What adoption studies seem to suggest is that you can see a temporary increase in IQ, when a low IQ comes to a high IQ family, with a better enviroment for learning, but that also this effect is temporary. Once those children move out, they return to 'their' IQ.
  13. I mean this time it's really a good idea to ask whether she was born in the US.
  14. I was under the impression that leftist socialism was a feature of Protestant churches right from the get go. The only church today that has not fallen prey to that are the Orthodox churches, and some traditonal Catholic ones.
  15. This may seem pedantic, but you don't have a right to life in NAP either, strictly speaking. That positive right would entail that other people support you. You have the right not to be aggressed against. Read the Rothbard text, then it will be clearer why you can't use the NAP as an argument against abortions.
  16. I rest my case. Islam can be fixed
  17. Negative freedom is freedom from as opposed to freedom to. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_liberty
  18. Actually, you have two particles that put together would make up one article. You have a combination of two numbers that can form the sum 10, but unless you check which is the case, you don't know. That's analogous to qunantum entanglement. The important thing to remember is that no information is transmitted. To transmit information, you have to use electromagnetic waves or other means of communications to modulate said information. That's why the communication process happens in two stages as far as I am aware. First, you use entanglement to make sure that there is no interference or eavesdropping and secondly, you transmit the information. Sure, that's a possibility. But unless that is proven to be the case there is no rational motive to change the current understanding.
  19. You don't have positive rights under the NAP, only negative ones.
  20. A fetus is the product of the labour (as fun as it may be) of two adults. Hence, they own the product of their labour under the NAP. This includes neglecting it or kiilling it unless it is a human (when that is is outside the scope of praxeology).
  21. You can add two additional tires to a motorcycle, put some steel around, add a wheel, seats, a radio and what not. But then the motorcyle is a car.
  22. The NAP does not create positive obligations for humans. An abortion, or leting a child die from hunger is legitimate under this premise. Under the NAP there is no right that compels you to do something.
  23. If nothing catastrophic happens, say a Muslim attack with hundreds of casualties, the US-scenario will be likely. You will then see large ghettos in major cities, where Muslims, Africans and poor Europeans live, while the majority of White People will segregate by moving away to suburban areas, along with the talented tenth of the minorities. Naturally, the low level conflict will go on in the meantime but it won't be discussed in polite society.
  24. If you argue on basis of the NAP, you have to conclude that freedom is negative. It is immoral to be forced to do something to do something. It violates the NAP to make you feed another person. Hence it is illegal to make parents feed their children. A fortiori, it is illegal to prohibit abortion under the NAP. https://mises.org/library/children-and-rights Personally, I think that abortion is wrong and immoral. But you cannot use the NAP to make that case.
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