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Everything posted by J-William

  1. yeah no I'm not sure either.... I may be I'm out to lunch at 2 AM here :-P On the other hand I'm actually looking into ways of starting a business based in Bitcoin. So I have several ideas and something about bitcoin ATMs that are a hastle to use and paying for your coffee with bitcoin struck me as missing the point by several miles.
  2. Hey guys I'm just spit-balling here, but isn't it fundamentally kind of nuts all of the current efforts that are going into spreading the acceptance off Bitcoin? I mean it's all well and good that Bitcoin is accepted at the local coffee shop and there are people trying to make Bitcoin ATMs. But all that stuff seems to be barking up the wrong tree. I mean the dollar and other fiat currency sucks, but it's fine for buying a coffee with, it just sucks to be paid in fiat, and to try saving your money in fiat, and being at the mercy of the government printing more fiat... It's nice that you can buy more and more things online with bitcoin, since online shopping can be made better with Bitcoin. Most of them still have government regulations and even sales taxes, but I'm thinking more of things that the government can't stick their fingers into so easily. I've even seen crowdfunding sites which seem... alright, I guess. I know Bitcoin itself is revolutionary, but have you seen it being put to revolutionary use? I don't really know what I'm looking for, but let's say I'm running a business and I want to do everything in bitcoin (and out of sight of the people with guns) from dealing with suppliers, employees and financing all the way to the customer. Is there anything that makes that a real easy process? I assume the parts of such a system are out there, and of course you can just pay anyone by copy-pasting Bitcoin addresses, but I guess I'm just saying I'm looking for the Bitcoin 2.0 revolution (like "web 2.0") to take us from the non MTGox bitcoin exchanges to the Facebook and Twitter of Bitcoin.
  3. Jesus Christ! Whaat does it take to charge a cop with murder? shooting old ladies while they're sleeping? "But her movements suggested she was going for a gun!" Yeah, more likely a potential victim of the police in Cleveland will be worried that he's dealing with a homicidal maniac when he sees the lights flashing in his rearview... and will proceed to shit himself, pass out and plow his car into a bus full of nuns on their way to help sick children.
  4. You seem unaware of the amount of work making a game takes. If you're going to pitch people on volunteering for a good cause you should at least make it clear that you are running a solid operation and you've thought through the hurdles. If you're only putting 5 hours a week into it then this mythical java programmer is going to be putting in 80 hour weeks if this project is going to get anywhere before the end of civilization as we know it. I have a suggestion. download the free version of Gamemaker https://www.yoyogames.com/studio and throw together some kind of prototype to show people what you're doing and get them interested. (hell you could even build it in Gamemaker, they support HTML5) You are asking the questions that need asking and unfortunately this is a parade that needs some rain.
  5. I'm in China, and one benefit of that is that I don't have to worry about this kind of crazy BS, because I think China's response to this idea was an outburst of hysterical laughter... I think it's hilarious how they expect you to report if you had more than $10k in a foreign bank account. I mean seriously, who does that? (also not something that affects me, cuz I don't just leave $10k sitting in a bank account...) This is a very insidious way of controlling the herd. The soviets would have wanted this kind of control, but they didn't have the ability to so thoroughly control their "citizens" The great thing is that at the same time that the government is imposing controls that totalitarians of the past could only have dreamed of we also have Bitcoin and the internet taking controls off the flow of ideas and capital. It's an exciting thing to see.
  6. Eewww... that's just gross. She's like a horrible character from a novel, a dictator with a velvet fist.
  7. I'm not sure that I've run into much that makes people surprisingly angry, but I have managed to be surprised by people's reaction to my view of sending my daughter to school, or making her do stuff she doesn't want to do... anyhow, I'm with you on fencing and cars! I've done a certain amount of sword-play in my time in theater, and I enjoyed it very much. And since I live in a city that has a public bicycle program and will soon have a subway I'm not sure I see the purpose of having a car when I can get to my destination quicker on my electric scooter. but I can't say I've seen people gett angry about that stuff.
  8. is "group of people" or "company" the same as government? I did not know that was how government was defined. This man is clearly very wise! Do not try to educate him about the meanings of "words". Let him share his deep wisdom with us!
  9. If you want something for shits and giggles Goat Simulator is an excellently silly game. Spelunky is a very deep game in terms of mechanics and depth of gameplay, though the game itself is only like 4 different environments. I really like Terraria, which is a very big and long game, and you can go very very deeep! I'd second Kerbal space program, you can get up to some crazy stuff in that! Also antichamber seems good, unless you're prone to motion sickness in first person games.
  10. I find it entirely unsurprising the trajectory of a certain former user who decided that philosophy was his own private zombie apocalypse...
  11. That's a good place to start. Now if you did the same thing with a child I think you would get much the same results except people wouldn't be laughing.
  12. Wow, what a colossally evil asshole. I'd say the government taught him some lessons he really took to heart. Like if you're really angry at someone it's morally justified to randomly go murdering people. (see Iraq and Afghanistan) The salient facts as I can find from a fairly quick perusal... 1. He was continually bullied from a young age, which means he did not have parents committed to doing whatever it took to stop it. 2. He had an odd relationship with his mother. He seems to think that they had a good relationship yet he really really hates women. That doesn't fit well together, and also they weren't close enough that he could talk about how desperately lonely he was. So it sounds like his mother was real failure as a mother. 3. He did not have a halfway decent male role model in his life. His father was a real Dick to him. 4. Seriously what a waste of space his father is. If he had actually talked to his son he might have found out how desperately lonely he was. And as a guy in Hollywood he certainly could have helped his son get laid. And at least if he had helped his son get laid that might not have been very good for the girl, because this guy would probably have turned into a creepy stalker, but at least there wouldn't be seven dead people. I can totally believe it. I can also totally believe that someone would conflate the men's rights movement with a bunch of people who are pissed off about pick up artists techniques that don't work for them. If you're pushing an agenda why not push it in an entirely disingenuous and ill-informed way.
  13. "prove me wrong"... that's a lot to ask in a forum post. Have you joined the mafia and turned them to good? or joined the red-cross and turned them to a criminal gang? minarcism has not accomplished a reduction in the size of the state. Do you have a strategy for getting minarchism to work? Simple things like trying to reform the local school board are almost impossible, multiply that to the size of the US federal government and that's just silly.
  14. I think you're assuming a lot here. I don't think there's any biological imperative to it. I don't find myself repulsed by gay sex… If you are right then a lot of people watched broke back Mountain even though they were repulsed by the gay sex. I find gay porn repulsive for many of the reasons I find heterosexual porn repulsive. Because it's just a bunch people going through the motions of sex and doing a very poor job of acting like they are having a great time. Let me put it this way, if what you are doing in your bedroom looks like your average porn video then you are probably doing something wrong. And that applies to heterosexual or homosexual porn.
  15. Frankly I think the proper response to this is to be glad the French government didn't put the trains on the tracks and start getting people killed. Though I guess in an Atlas shrugged kind of way that might've been appropriate too.
  16. This story is revolting. Just imagine if this had been his wife or his boss or a stranger on the street, if you hit someone and they die because of it that makes you a murderer. It's amazing to me that this seems to be news to the nation of Canada. I guess they just do things differently in Québec. Oh who am I kidding, you would get the same result no matter where the story was with the possible exception of some small European countries.
  17. There's a guy named Carl Von Clausewitz who is well worth reading about (I'm not sure he's worth reading he's a bit long-winded) We had to read him in one of my political science classes in college. His central thesis is that military power creates its own undoing. Or another way to put it is that successful military campaigns drive neutral nations to oppose the more successful nation and in the end put an end to their expansionist desires. So even without considering the actual situation on the ground in Germany. Experience from other wars tells us that there is no chance that the Nazis could have conquered the world as you commonly see in fiction. But on the other hand we can easily say that the Nazis have won because have you read the news lately? Have you heard about the NSA have you heard about the drone bombing programs that our dictator in chief has been launching against US citizens? The Nazis won because there is no free world.
  18. Well well setting aside all of the hostility that this topic has brought up which might be an indication that it's a good topic to discuss… As a father of a young child I do not kiss her on the lips. I'll kiss her on the cheek many times a day or on the forhead or on the nose but I don't find it appropriate to kiss her on the lips. It may be something as simple as it's not socially acceptable. And if it's not socially acceptable and I don't feel like doing it then I think that's a pretty good concordance. I think as a general principle you should not blur the lines between normal closeness with your child and anything sexual. Your child will have plenty of time to learn about sexual relationships when they get older. When they are children they need hugs and kisses and if the hugs and kisses feel creepy or weird they probably are. Wow dsayers you really do post a lot. I just crossed a thousand and I've been a member for nearly 8 years, you blew past a thousand in less than 8 months.
  19. Read your post, it's not terribly convincing. I mean rogue proteins could possibly maybe do something bad... How is it that the people doing this can get the desired effect, but don't know if they're producing poison? Are they stupid and lucky? You have failed to bring up instances of this happening in the lab, or in seeds being sold for consumption. These popular boogieman stories seem to develop and then come along with scientific sounding reasoning after the fact. I don't recall reading in my history books about the boogieman stories told about germs before scientists developed the germ theory of disease. Because there weren't any!
  20. I would like to see some actual scientific evidence that there is some danger, or solid reasoning to think that they are dangerous. If your reasoning boils down to "Monsanto is bad! EVIL EVIL EVIL"... well I'm sorry but that's just not enough. That's about the only valid problem I've seen, and additionally when other farmers crops are pollinated and produce seeds that include the modified genes they are supposed to pay license fees to the companies for using their own seeds with genetic modification they didn't want... Now that is crap, pure statist crap.
  21. Government licenses are lousy anyway, you can't measure someone's worth by their license. When are you available? This is an international community so it could be helpful if you let us know. Thanks!
  22. Or get shot by someone who thinks you were out to get them... Zombocalypses seem like an odd place to find freedom.
  23. That sounds just like something Tyler Durden would say...
  24. wait, are you saying Mary Jane only has vague correlations to it's supposed benefits? man talk about controversial claims. Say what you will about meditation, but go attacking people's Marijuana and you may just stir up a hornet's nest!
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