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Everything posted by PatrickC

  1. I agree, but you know that 'fixing people' is a draw for you in your case. You didn't happen to pick up this habit by accident. I'd say the habit comes from some kind of anxiety your not entirely facing. I know that everytime I've applied a me + X. X is nearly always a deep seated anxiety in me that I picked up somewhere else that I'm avoiding. That said fixing people, particularly fixing men, is a definately something women are prone too in my experience. But I'd still hazard a guess that it's roots are within anxiety. The question for you, would be what and where does that anxiety come from I think.
  2. I thought Stefans advice on contextualising "me + x" was really useful. Something I have to keep reminding myself from time to time. Glad you had the call, often these issues are better thrashed out in conversation than forum posts.
  3. Great post! Open mindedness is the ultimate weapon of choice for the moral relativist. By the way, to make it easier on the reader can I advise you to split your writing up with spaces between your paragraphs. It just makes it easier and more enjoyable to read that way.
  4. Is this a requested change to the current website or just a project of your own? What is the purpose and plan for this website if it's your own project? That said, all the above looks very well put together.
  5. Bumping next weeks meet up next week. See previous post for details.
  6. Our next meet up is planned below. https://www.facebook.com/events/473333052807767/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming For those not on Facebook, the event is being held at the Candid Cafe behind Angel Tube station (Northern Line via Bank). We are meeting on Sunday 1st March at 12 pm. Preferrably on the sofa's at the back of the cafe. The hosts being myself and Tom have a request for all attendees: Ok, so we have a proposition for this next meet up. We want this to be an opportunity for us to share an important breakthrough or challenge that we are currently facing in our lives. Of course, as your hosts we will get the ball rolling in this regard with something personal about ourselves. But we would like all those that join this meet up to give us anything from one minute or more about themselves. We look forward to hearing about them. Turn up at the start to get the maximum benefit.
  7. Yes, I've known some women that have enjoyed a bit of roughness in the bedroom dept. Mind you, as you suggest, it's often by degrees. I don't always think it's necessarily a trauma thing. After all sex can be quite a powerful and urgent event for a couple, which can lead to quite passionate and athletic sex. As a rule of thumb, anyone that enjoys humiliation or unusual levels of pain during sex more often than not should probably explore their reasons for this. I'd say childhood trauma would be a reasonable guess for this preference. The same goes for those that prefer to inflict humiliation and unusual levels of pain as well. All said and done there is nothing immoral about the preference, if it's consential of course.
  8. I think it's entirely plausible that this girl probably found herself in a hypergamous position, being Chinese and faced with the attentions of an American. It's probably what got her into the position of kissing you in the first place. Her eggs were screaming resources! The only virtuous way out for her is to admit that or at least admit that she was wrong to kiss you, even if she doesn't connect it with her biology. 'Wrong' in light of her current relationship status and for her then to say, 'well I have a lot of thinking to do regarding my current boyfriend before we can make any progress'. Assuming she is telling you the truth about his existence and is not using it as a manipulative tool. If she doesn't offer this up voluntarily herself, then you should prompt her by asking her questions about your first meeting and how she feels about it in regards to her current boyfriend. After which her answers will allow you to evaluate her values more objectively.
  9. I doesn't matter whether they consent or not. We absolve children of this resoponsibility because the adults they engaged with should know better. One of the worst examples I saw of this in my teens was a young 15 yr old boy having a sexual relationship with a 30 yr old women. The parents attempted to get the Police involved. However, because the claim was that it was consential and they apparently claimed to love eachother the police decided to drop the case. Of course the parents are to blame here, as they decided not to pursue the charges any further and basically gave in to it. Of course they were far too late by then, as the damage of their neglect had been well wrought This poor guy became married to this women and had children with her. It proceeded to be the most unhappy part of his life, which dragged him into all the normal male expectations placed upon a husband and a father of children. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. But yet this vacuous bitch got more than her fair share out of his life and his eventually very hard earned resources. It was only last year that I read a story of a male teacher doing the same with a young 15 year old girl and he got 5 years prison. She has now decided to drop him as a potential husband, as she cannot wait for him. The double standard is worse than just the difference between a custodial sentence or getting away with it. Sometimes these deviant predators actually manage to convince the child they should marry them. In the case of a boy that comes with a shit ton of responsibility of course. Responsibility they are often oblivious of until it's too late. By which time society says, hey you made you bed fella, now lie on it.
  10. Be great to have you RJ and anyone else from this thread that was interested too. I've also been considering doing a regular school series in general and so Magnus suggestion about the movie Teachers is another likely candidate of choice sometime. I normally make the Google Hangout event available two weeks ahead of the scheduled show and normally ask callers (as opposed to listeners) to submit a list of points they want to raise during that show. This show is currently scheduled for 14th April (TBC). https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117472908323246912161/117472908323246912161/posts
  11. Well that is the explicit contract. Leasing is just a more explicit term that is used for certain kinds of products or services. There is also a limit on the amount of time you can lease a product. Whereas a Kindle book you get to keep for a lifetime. That said, you can still share your Kindle of course. Which as far as I know is not something Amazon explicitly states you cannot do. The only ethical consideration you have to take, as with all contracts. Is once you agree to the terms of purchase, you can't then complain if they remove your right to use their product or service if you break that agreement.
  12. The ethics of the situation are made in the explicit contract prior to purchasing. Since the ski ticket says that it's not transferrable. The company is able to confiscate that ticket when it discovers you transferred ownership. There is no such contractual obligation on the purchase of an Iphone, so the original purchaser can transfer ownership of the phone to whomever they wish. I remember reading somewhere where certain people were compalining why they couldn't re-sell their Kindle books like normal paperbound books. Again, Amazon are explicit about their Kindle books not being transferrable to other accounts from the moment you purchase them.
  13. I never spotted this thread before, but the Philosophy Film Club will be discussing this movie in our April show. We also hope to have a special guest join us in that discussion too. Yet to be confirmed. For those interested I'll keep this thread updated, as we get nearer the time. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41977-fdr-film-club/page-2
  14. Our listener hangout on The Matrix proved to be one of our most popular live show for actual listeners. We had upwards of 35 people listening to the show last Saturday. The show is available in the previous post. Anyway we have now confirmed the date and team joining us for the Afterthoughts show now.
  15. Taxation was created out of protectionary insurance for the elite class. If things are universally balanced we would all be able to protect ourselves from it with guns.
  16. That might well be the case. Except I don't think many bankers relate the taxation with banking profits anaology quite so well. What they do understand is the monopoly they have on the currency. Which allows them to inflate the currency with relative impunity. Anyway, just my opinion on the matter of course.
  17. Imagine she was your girlfiriend and she kissed this strange guy she only just met?
  18. Bumping today's show at 3pm (CST) 9pm (GMT). All info above.
  19. Sorry but it doesn't look as though anyone is coming to the event today. I'm unable to attend as I have other commitments today. Next event will be the 28th March
  20. Bumping tomorrows show for those that aren't aware (in previous post). Where have you been!! Just kidding. Anyway, I will post the livestream link here 30 minutes ahead of schedule. If you join the google+ livestream as opposed to the YouTube one, you can use the Q&A app to interact with your comments and questions with the hosts and the callers throughout the show. We promise to keep a track of them as and when. This looks to become one our most popular shows.
  21. Interesting idea. My first thought is that taxation is a secondary reason why the current banking system survives. I'm curious what they would think if they had actual currency competition. As opposed to the current monopoly handed to them by the state.
  22. You got to love statists hey. Attack an anarchist because 'shock horror' he take a pension off of the govt. This is an old worn out argument that I even hear some anarchists make from time to time. All the while, as they trundle down the same old highways the govt built.
  23. This is not a reason to self attack. It's a reason to self examine.
  24. I'll be honest I've only read your first post and skimmed most of your others, so I may have missed something perhaps. But like I said to you before, our romantic relationships are often a birds eye view of our childhood unmet needs. Not that our biological preferences don't come into play they do, but I haven't seen you once examine your personal history in this regard. The history of your ex has no bearing on your future romantic happiness. Concentrating on it like a wilting violet will only distract you from what you claim to want. From a rudimentary outlook, given what you have already stated. Who in your past did you seek to pacify and help change that never changed? (don't answer in this thread, it's something you should do by yourself) This would be the first thing to examine frankly. Hopefully it will lead to better and more precise questions about your history for you to answer and better understand. One of the reasons you keep going round in circles (as I see it), is because you want to continue blaming your ex. Stop doing that and take responsibility for yourself. Also here is a great resource to aid you from a long term board member. I recommend her ultimate guide to journaling. http://www.becomingwhoyouare.net/
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