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Everything posted by PatrickC

  1. I think I'm going to start building up a collection of books that Stefan mentions throughout his podcast series, both past and future. It seems it might be the only way we are going to get a comprehensive reading list of his. That said, it probably would take Stefan some time to compose a list himself, as I imagine he has read quite a few other the years. If we all chuck in books he's mentioned with a podcast timestamp, we can probably ask Mike to make the first post sticky and the author can just update as people add to it. Seems like the best option in my opinion.
  2. Bumping this Saturdays show on The Matrix. Come and join us Live in the link below.
  3. I've never been interested in a dating portal at FDR. Complete waste of time and resources imo. I think getting involved with your local FDR meet up group, if people want to meet and get to know each other better.
  4. If we are talking FDR ratio's then I think the disparity mostly favours women. That said, there is still a proportion of guys here that probably need to work on their virtue a bit more. So relatively speaking, I think it can be as much a disappointment for a virtuous woman as it is can be for men. It's up to all of us individually to deal with the challenges we face in this regard, whether we are male or female.
  5. I've always said that if a guy spends all his time at FDR looking for a partner, chances are he will be disappointed. I mean it has happened on more than a few occasions that I know of personally, but granted it's rare. There are also a subset of women that come here with the sole purpose it seems to bag a rational guy. Once successful they move on, eventually dropping philosophy altogether, whilst the guy follows suit. Why they do this I'm not entirely sure, but I've seen it happen more often than not. Well worth a warning I think for young men to protect their hearts from such ladies. Then again they may have come here for the same purpose too. Personally I see the competition as a good thing, an opportunity to step up ones game. And I don't mean 'game' as you see it, but as in my ability to observe and process my feelings when I'm around a woman and my persistence to virtue and philosophical principles. Sounds monk like right? I know that's what some men have told me. The reason I know this is because my desire for virtue is outweighed by my desire to have sex. Some of it comes from prior experience, but mostly it comes from understanding the long term costs to such vacuous and emotionally impenetrable relationships. I've learned to gain a better instinct for discovering virtue in others, including women. I think virtue in women or the desire for virtue let's say extends well beyond the shores of FDR. Perhaps it's less so for men, which might make the disparate ratio at FDR seem much fairer perhaps (just a theory). Partly why I see this is that many women will often defer to our lead. As in our leading by example. Not because we are manipulating them or attempting to change them, but because they trust us to make good decisions that will enhance their lives. Most of all I think as men we so often negate our personal lives in deference to the desire for a women. You touch on this in the 'lifestyle' part of your graphic. I'd say men should consider this part of their lives the most essential part, which should compliment their philosophical life. Because whether you find a woman of virtue or not, it's your life and happiness that matters most.
  6. Yes, I've had the displeasure of meeting Julie Bindle including fellow radical feminist Julie Burchill at a friends party once. They both came from the NME (New Musical Express) magazine. A rather cool kids UK mag on contemporary rock bands in the 1980's. They have all since migrated to the Guardian. I always remember her rudely interrupting this guys rather funny anecdote to say, 'I know you men like to think you've always got something funny to say, but perhaps you could give some of us ladies a word in edgeways. To which this guy responded, 'Please go to reception, they'll take care of your baggage.' Baggage being a sarcastic expression for people with psychological issues. Needless to say everyone laughed except the two Julie's of course. She complained to my friend who's party it was. To which he said, 'well Julie, you remember the time you offended the editor in chief of the News of The World once. As I recall he was placated by a rather large Martini. So here, give me yer glass, shut up and enjoy the rest of John's story.'
  7. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jan/30/women-gayrights This article is a little old now (2009), but it goes into some of the history of a (still current) political lesbian (feminist) commentator for the Guardian newspaper (Julie Bindle), which might help you better understand their influence on feminism. It's interesting to note that there was some push back to political feminism from other feminists at the time (1969). But this internal criticism has largely been eradicated by the cultural marxists that have all but taken over the movement. Any criticism that still exists is probably limited to feminists like Wendy Mcelroy (ifeminism) or Christina Hoff Sommers. Both of whom are roundly rejected by mainstream feminists, including so called moderates.
  8. Some people credit Cenk with some intelligence. Personally I see him as just your common or garden dyed in the wool chivalrous dog of a white knight. The kind of guy you'd be afraid to be around if a woman started screaming and hitting you for no good reason.
  9. It's sometimes difficult to follow you MMX. Which doesn't mean what your not being clear of course, as it could always be myself not understanding you. So I'm going to try and paraphrase what I think you might be saying. You can correct me where I have misunderstood you. This appears to be an assertion of how all women treat philosophy. Either they are philosophical or they are just faking it. Wouldn't you agree? Assuming you do agree, I can kind of get my head around the idea that this can happen. Mostly because men have an inbuilt biological urge to please women and take them at their word. I have to constantly re-evaluate my reactions to women, as a means to avoiding that urge. However, to the degree that this is true in every case would be to suggest that as men we are thoroughly handicapped in ever recognising when a woman is faking philosophy. In which case we wouldn't be using philosophical principles ourselves. Of course this isn't to say that philosophy can always decipher a fraud all of the time. But when it comes to close intimate relations, I got to think it's close to impossible not to discover she's faking it, particularly if the man is thinking philosophically rather than with emptying his balls.
  10. It was interesting reading the comments. It seemed a lot of people were new to Karen and were very curious and a little annoyed at Cenks behaviour.
  11. Interesting topic RoseCodex.. My opinion is that since the mainstay of buyers in the art market these days are millionaire bankers. They mostly care little about the content. Only the value that is supposedly thrown upon it. This is why Damien Hirst can sell his dot painting for 30 grand a pop and send a box standard decorator round to paint it on their wall. The seller reflects the same attitude to the product that the buyer places on it themselves. I'm quite sure that if things change in future in regards to when the buyers money comes from a more virtuous place, that the quality of art they buy, will reflect that too.
  12. I think it was MMX that mentioned Ester Vilar, either in this thread or another. She had an interesting take on feminism. Insofar as she considered herself a feminine feminist, as opposed to the popular feminism being what she considered as masculine feminism. She was anti male feminism, which makes her an anti feminists by today's standards. Of course these days the word feminism come so preloaded, that I think there is a good case to discard it altogether to save confusion. However, she is well worth a read and some of her books can be found free online. There is I think a strong case to be made that feminism as we know it today has been heavily influenced by lesbian thinking. Which is partly to blame for much of the more extreme anti male sentiment that exists within the movement. Lesbians of course will view men as competition for their sexual preferences and also they consider men as being of little utility for them.
  13. Yes, I'd say the 'sex as a chore' for females (as a teenage male) was my experience too anecdotally. But I think this probably had a lot to do with what our mothers were telling us, or rather not telling us. Those with fathers, well they mostly always avoided rocking the boat (my father included) when it came to female needs. Particularly their wife's needs. Woe betide otherwise.
  14. Hi StWd.. We have a burgeoning group of us that meet every fortnight in London and other parts of the country too. If you were interested in joining us our Facebook group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/ Otherwise I have a thread here that I update for each meet up that you might like to favourite, so as to keep updated on our movements. Our next meet up in London is planned for the 14th Feb: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41769-london-uk-meet-up/?hl=%2Blondon+%2Bmeet Anyway nice to meet you and all the best. Patrick
  15. Yes, the dude bro's exist. But no more than there are women that exist that will brag to their female friends about the guys they are banging, possibly more so even. I know I had girlfriends female friends that would occasionally let slip what my girlfriend was bragging about me too them. When my guy friends would very rarely talk about our conquests together, other than perhaps privately one to one.
  16. This might well be our next choice of film after The Matrix. Either for March or April. The Breakfast Club a 1985 movie about being in Saturday detention in public school. Any thoughts on this choice of movie would be appreciated. IMdb link - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088847/ We also want to know whether people would like a general discussion about the past series of a Game of Thrones prior to the 5th series being released. This would be considered as a one off show. Your thoughts please.
  17. Our next listener hangout Google+ event page https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117472908323246912161/events/cedj1v18su1d9ggou37t9m0r92c Facebook (courtesy) event page. https://www.facebook.com/events/432721783551714/
  18. I wanted to share the works of this lady Esther Vilar. She's very popular amongst the MGTOW crowd and I find her thoughts and ideas quite refreshing and remarkably ahead of her time too. She serves as a useful warning to young men in their pursuit of women too. She's still considered controversial and perhaps she hyperbolises at times. But I think she explains rather well the anatomy of the mind of your average (unphilosophical) lady. She has often been referred to as a fascist sympathiser, something hilariously Stefan can probably identify with. Would really enjoy hearing Stefan's take on this ladies ideas. I believe she is still alive too (79). I have no idea whether she does interviews, or whether she speaks english even. But I think this lady could draw a large crowd if you did. She would certainly add to your repertoire of great interviews I think, one that shouldn't be missed in my opinion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Vilar This is a rather heated interview she did back in 1975 with a feminist interviewer (subtitles). I enjoyed her quip at labelling herself a feminine feminist as opposed to the current stock of what she refers to as masculine feminists. Free books of hers available online: The Polygamous Sex by Esther Vilar (1976) The Manipulated Man (1971)
  19. I agree, but that is for him to understand of course. On an aside I think a women encouraging her man to better himself is an entirely natural and healthy pursuit for women. The trick is to understand when it actually works and when it doesn't. The reasons for it not working could well lie within either yourself, the man or indeed a mixture of both even. Well that is a useful piece of self knowledge to know about your family history. I'd suggest exploring the ramifications of it and who it was protecting in a bit more detail. Yes he's been an asshole, but then again what are you going to do with that information? If you truly believe you were just helpless, then it's going to be just as difficult to see it happening again with some new guy. I would concentrate on the things that attracted you to this guy in the first place. That way you'll hopefully discover patterns in yourself that drew you to him. You have my sympathy mind, because this only just happened in the past day or so. So I understand how you must be feeling. But holding it against him wont serve you in the end. Best wishes.
  20. By the way, well done for finally understanding the reality of the relationship you were in. From experience this 'sting' or pain (hurt) arises mostly from unmet needs, which have little to nothing to do with this guy and probably come from childhood memories. For example feelings of abandonment or neglect perhaps. It's what probably inspired the pleading with him that you mentioned earlier. My advice is to try and connect with those childhood memories to understand where they came from. In that way you can start to recognise them as they begin to take form in any future partners. The feelings will then begin to serve as a kind of warning for you and you will start to become more confident about what your needs are and with whom you can meet them with.
  21. Well, I don't think you need worry about having a hit put out on you, since Alex Jones or or even his truly (SM) would be in the line of their sights. That said, it shouldn't be taken for granted that it wont affect your reputation in some manner or other. To what degree depends on your content and success in it. I've seen anarchists from this board producing their own content from psychology to entrepreneurism with some degree of success and a growing reputation. It's true they haven't concentrated their topics around the failures of the state. They've been more about personal fulfilment and investment/work strategies. What are your reasons for wanting to speak out on govt and what do you think you will bring new to the topic?
  22. Yes I haven't accidently bumped into anyone with my opinions ever. So you're not alone.
  23. We actually may have quite a crowd this weekend, as at least 2 members from the north are coming down with another who haven't as yet added themselves to the event.
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