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Tony Crowe

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Everything posted by Tony Crowe

  1. I was just reading a book titled "Curious." It talks about two different kinds of curiosity. One kind we're used to is the desire to know gossip and trivial surface details about people and the world. The other is for empathy and deep knowledge. Depending on what we're looking for the radio, phone, and video enable these kinds of social activities. What do you usually talk about on the phone or video?
  2. I can confirm as a person who journals, did therapy, and put a lot of effort into self work that what you're describing is so. The 'attachment' categories is a new idea to me but it does accord with my experience as I have worked through each stage. I did not have any intent of making small changes from the beginning. I wanted to make radical shift and gains toward my goal of maturity. If someone just wants to tweak this or that in their life I don't expect it to work, just as you say. Does 'attachment' have something to do with infantile development?
  3. Overmind: That is a good question to ask. I know you asked dsayers but what I imagine I would say at 80 would be something like: What would you say?
  4. Welcome GC from Québec! I'm glad to see you join. Are you also journaling right now?
  5. Glad to have you with us! Society sets up the illusions and FDR team knocks them down!
  6. Welcome, sir! Glad to have you hear. I just made you a Helm of Aristotle +2 to wear while your Logic Bone heals up.
  7. @dsayers That's it. It takes some time and a different approach. Nice work earning the trust.
  8. It's just a way to connect with feelings of life and death. The fact of our mortality is what people avoid bitterly. Towards the end it's a bit difficult to pretend it's not happening. lol A good book on it is "The Denial of Death" by Dr. Ernest Becker What will they say about you if you died tomorrow?
  9. @aviet64, I appreciate what you're trying to do and I have some experience that I can pass along. I've been engaging in conversations with men and women a lot and there are some differences. Men are more willing to immediately have conversations on abstract topics. Women will do that but not usually right away. A good way to go that will hold their attention is to talk about what is going on for you and for them in real life and to do it with some flare. Some bravado and boldness helps too. That doesn't mean they will go along or care anything about you in the long run but it will be more fun for all. Please try it and report back!
  10. There are numerous problems with taking the WebRTC approach. It also enables some interesting things like https://webtorrent.io/
  11. As always it depends on what you want to do. Since you mentioned "diary" which made me think blog. No code required. wordpress.com blogger.com Then if you need your own domain plus a website builder: godaddy.com If you are trying to learn how to code then just send me a private message and we can talk about the challenges with that.
  12. I just wrote this up here: http://www.tonycrowe.com/2016/04/18/Peer-to-Peer-Video-Chat-with-PeerJS/ But I still need to open source the app and upload it over to github.
  13. I love that part of RTR, not just the honesty, but the curiosity. I asked a friend recently why he wasn't asking me any questions. Then I said "What would you get out of it?" How would you answer that? What do you get out of being curious of others?
  14. I'm adding a section to the page soon with all the ebook retailers and all the hoops for each one.
  15. I was just doing this as a hobby project. It uses WebRTC through the browser to do the peer to peer streaming. The library is http://peerjs.com/ if you want to see one of the puzzle pieces. In the attachment: me on the left, Judgement Cat on the right If you're interested to discuss this technology let me know!
  16. Can you explain a bit about what you're talking about please? What is DAC, DAO, DRO? How does Ethereum's implementation help us with those concepts?
  17. You're welcome! I want to turn it into a living document and add as much as possible. I think it will help people can get a feel for the market and processes(hoops) to go through. If you have a look and want to make recommendations or add something let me know.
  18. I just wrote this outline of the challenges of ebook publishing: http://www.tonycrowe.com/ebook-publishing/ These are the current sections: Book data, spreadsheets, exports Formats: EPUB, PDF, HTML, TXT Calibre Retailers Automation Audio Books If you need help you just let me know and I'll talk with you about it! Enjoy and be well.
  19. kathryn, Hello! Thanks for writing the article and sharing it here. That goes counter to what I've observed. People spend a lot of time practicing "scripts" which are like automated responses for different situations and also coaching others to do the same. I think the point is to deceive, halt intimacy, and streamline or make more efficient the false self. Would you agree? Slow down, be gentle, learn about yourself, and practice are all helpful to remember and thanks for the encouragement! I will do that. I also like the body connection. I think that's important too. The Age of Empires strategy is really nice. It does feel sometimes like some space has to be made for new growth, you know? Did you alter existing relationships in a sort of RTR way? The practice section hints at it. Thanks and be well, -Tony
  20. It might be interesting to you to find out that Amazon S3 can host your websites for free. S3 is for static file hosting.
  21. Is each decision or no decision at all not satisfying for you? Do you feel like you will be dishonest and lose integrity if you act and fail to manage others perception of you if you don't? The double-bind is a fundamental concept in psychology which deals with conflicting messages. I brought that up in case it gives you an avenue for exploration and breaking out of paralysis in decision making. If you like you can see if it applies to what you're experiencing with another description here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAcZ7lfWfqE He talks about it as a symptom of suffering narcissistic abuse. The saying "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." comes to mind.
  22. Are you fellas familiar with double-binds as well?
  23. TheSchoolofAthens, I know I'm late to the thread but I wanted to express my gratitude for what you have shared. What an amazing(and painful) struggle you are in to define what you are looking to get out of life versus what was handed you. Thank you, -TC
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