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Everything posted by LovePrevails

  1. :D :D so you are entitled to land just by being a jew - can anyone take this seriously? Of course you do! Israelis are perpetrators who play victim. Jews are not being starved in a blockade, Palestinians are. If the press was at all balanced on israel and Palestine and the facts were presented faily you would not find so much support from Israel in America and Britain. If people were given access to the facts the only people who would support Israel would be religious crazies who think the bible is a title deed to the land.
  2. the funny thing about this idea that the European jews are entitled to Israel because of the bible, is that the European jews don't even descend from those people - I'm not a follower of David Icke but here he explains that they actually are descendents of Khazaria
  3. what do my personal self interest got to do with facts? those were not arguments they are an account of historical record I guess you are being satirical 2006: Hamas drops its call for the destruction of Israel from its manifesto http://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/jan/12/israel So can we all stop perpetuating this myth please? I suggest everyone read Adams response to my account of history for living prrof of how it is impossible to reason with Zionists he believes that jews have the right to Israel because thousands of years ago some people were exiled from there he has no concern for what this costs to the people living there when the European jews moved back it doesn't matter - the jews are entitled to the land regardless of the Palestinian body count he even believes that jews have the right to the occupied territories - so he is not even willing to compromise for peace You do not have to even argue with these people, they make their own positions look morally repugnant and untennable the only person these arguments appeal to are religious fundamentalists, or people with an entitlement mentality I will not be responding to any more of his posts because his position is unreasonable and morally twisted but you an see for yourself the zionist mentality. they have a right to everything they want, regardless of whom they have to take it from and who suffers as a consequence.
  4. After the second world war jews from all over Europe went to Palestine, which was given to them by the government of the UK on behalf of the people living there who had no say in the matter the land which was inhabited by only 5% jews at the time was taken by the European jews, they ran 700,000+/- Palestinians out of their homes the surrounding arab nations attacked the new state of Israel which was stolen from the indigenous population whom they basically turned into slaves and serfs over the last 60-70 years Israel won the war and grabbed land from neighbouring countries under international law it is illegal to retain occupied territories but Israel has been reluctant to give the West Bank back to the arabic populations who live there instead they have been building settlements for jews only in all the strategic areas and areas with water or resources, sometimes they divert water from palestinian villages to jewish ones they have also built this wall separating palestinian farmers from the land they used to farm on and enacted this blockade to "put them on a diet" they are basically persecuting the arab population because they want to annex the land for the jewish state even few years they go in there and kill a couple of thousand palestinians to scare the shit out of them and show them who is boss it is a deliberate tactic to get them to surrender and take it lying down like a quiet rape victim pretty sick stuff but they have a real entitled mentality such as this kind of thing: coming from a Jewish background myself I saw first hand how cultural it is to always claim you are the victim while you are the perpetrator my mother did exactly this in my family (she is Israeli) she constantly causes other people misery but claims she is the victim and justifies what she is doing by claiming victimhood that's what the jews do in Israel, they are perpetrators who play the victim card
  5. it would be better to see 40 clients once a week than 80 clients once a fortnight if you are not a zen master who can turn his mind off at will and only thinking when he chooses to think, it is inevitable that your mind will wander onto your clients stuff out of hours as your unconscious mobilizes to continue helping them and find approaches. taking on 80 peoples stuff, in addition to your own, and everyone else in your lifes can't say I think that is healthy 40 also sounds like too many
  6. here is another useful video that differentiates between exoneration, forebearance and release. he cautions on the "Light on Crime" side
  7. jeez I couldn't cope ---- 20somethng hours a week is considered a full schedule for therapists because its such emotionally intensive work 8 clients a day, 50 minute hour? I'm surprised he hasn't dropped dead.
  8. just to mention, I didn't claim the video contradicts what Stef says I posted it as relevant and useful information
  9. people should only have to work a few hours a week and that will be it
  10. I don't think it particularly is, it depends on so many factors - just how impossible restitution is, how bad the crime was, how sorry the person really is, how they communicate it, what they are willing to do, how much they are willing to change and prove their commitment, whether they are willing to step up and prevent similar things happening to other people, and what your personal standards are. There is research on forgiveness, Dr. Sue Johnson explains the only kind of apology that really seems to work:
  11. Cobra, the fact that you enjoy eating dead animals is philosophically neutral, in both the health debate and the moral debate sugar-eating people enjoy eating refined sugar but that does not make it healthy likewise, thieves enjoy thieving but that does not make it moral the fact you like meat has nothing to do with the debate
  12. yup, I particularly like the idea that if you don't divorce for just cause you shouldn't get child support
  13. can you offer proof instead of appeals to emotion? Yeah I['m sure it's so much more unhealthy to raise a vegan than to feed kids hamburgers and fries which is what most parents do why don't you target them first since you are so concerned with the healthy diet of children vegans thrive in terms of health, they are the least likely demographic to suffer from 17 out of the 18 leading causes of death
  14. Hi I am also available, If you would like to email me, [email protected], then we could set up a skype and discover if I am what you are looking for
  15. Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says his life is harsh and cruel. Say he feels all alone in a threatening world. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go see him. That should pick you up. Man bursts into tears. "But doctor.....I am Pagliacci"
  16. Hi thank you so much for posting this, I know that must have been difficult I am in the business of helping people improve and fix their relationships, perhaps we can have a conversation on Skype and see if I can meet your needs? I would not be on the clock or anything, I'm interested in helping in any way I can, my name Is Antony and my userid is amashaman
  17. the meat eaters just want to eat meat, there is no philosophy going on here. they make blatantly false claims and don't accept scientific data that clearly shows that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from 17 of the 18 primary causes of death, and that HALF OF THEM can even be treated byy a plant-based diet. What more do you need?
  18. I like the idea of a presentationn called "The Truth About Capitalism" Great suggestion!
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