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Carl Green

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Everything posted by Carl Green

  1. Kissing frogs can be fun. As for the OP, anything that is a belief should be talked about with a child, very clearly, as a belief. And anything that is evidence based should be talked about, very clearly, as evidence based. If I'm ever a parent, I will posit very little unsolicited information and focus more on answering any questions they might have. Instead of actively trying to get them to believe one thing or another.
  2. Tell everyone there's a "social contract" that they have to vote for one person to be in charge. This person, without direct contact to the people that voted for the person, should decide how the window should be oriented. And if you don't like how the window's oriented, than you can just fucking leave.
  3. Like eating 'comfort food', right? There does seem to be some sort of biological/genetic influence as to whether you lean toward optimism or pessimism. If you take any group of random newborns and somehow treat them all identically, you'd still end up with a variance in this respect. Much like how some people can remain very positive even when subjected to horrific abuse, while others will absorb it and repeat.
  4. Yes. An individual, within a society, should have the liberty to reject someone's claim if they want to maintain a peaceful society. Just as anyone should be able to make any claim they want as long as they're not coercing anyone else. But doesn't this assume the transgendered person is making the decision.
  5. Can you add a bit to the part about certain actions not making you happy, like eating your favorite food? Are you talking about it not giving you happiness as an overall mood or happiness in the moment? Maybe it's something like our minds are looking for satisfaction most of all, and if you're an optimistic and upbeat kinda guy, your brain is most satisfied when it's happy. And a pessimistic person is satisfied when they feel all grumpy.
  6. A quick search for "health" alone returned 4 pages of topics. Sounds like enough content/interest for a subforum to me.
  7. Free Market Fred here, Why not just make people pay for water if they need to bring it onto their land? In a drought, the price would rise according to available supply for the existing demand, and then there won't be any wasting...
  8. It doesn't show you the guy's whole process, but I didn't notice them mentioning anything about the substance in the Vice video intending to scare you sober. Ibogaine might, but I didn't get that impression about what Vice was covering. Regardless, if it helps people, even if only temporarily, I see that as a good thing.
  9. Certainly corporate entities conspired to manipulate government law. Have and will until the end of at least one of them.
  10. If charitable donations will get you a tax break, you'll probably see a somewhat proportional increase in donations from those being taxed the most. Just an "off the hip" hypothesis. Not wanting to subsidize laziness is probably a reason a lot of people don't donate to beggars/houseless people. They hear stories of people "taking off their panhandling suit" and going home to a nice house after pretending to be broke and "down on their luck" all day.
  11. I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money the reason why the government did this is because a corporate influence wanted it. Maybe a company has a bunch of byproduct chemicals it's normally paying to get rid of. What's a good solution? Make people think it helps them and sell it instead. This sounds far more believable to me than another common conspiratorial hypothesis being that "the government wants to keep us stupid". Which it very well may, but as we know, people in government can want a lot of things but actually accomplish little. More importantly though, thanks for sharing this information Sashajade
  12. From my perspective, if you were to start another crowd-funding source and I gave money to you for it, I would be was investing in mine and your happiness or well being or whatever. I get a good feeling because I can help, and you get what you need. A Win-Win result that we can both feel good about. Another reason for me to donate is because I know if I donate to other people, that often ends up in them being more likely to help other people in the future when the opportunity allows.
  13. Nope, just asking a question. So based on your answer, you get all the studying you need out of just living and what you determine are universal understandings. That's all I needed to know as far as how much I'm willing to give weight to your opinions. Thanks for the response.
  14. I would like to inquire as to the length and breadth of studying you've done based on the opinions you've listed above? How much time/energy have you spent researching sex, marriage and relationships throughout human history? How knowledgeable are you about infertility? (your first statement implies no knowledge of it) How many "open relationship" type of people have you encountered and engaged them to try and understand their motivations and what they're thinking? Or their past experiences with relationships of the sort you're speaking of.
  15. Note: I'm not directing this at you, shirgall, just pulling it in for context. Defining feminine and masculine is a bit trickier, and seems to be the other part of the equation here that's being left out as a lot of people are just pointing at the biology and saying "see, that's a man because he has a penis so he should think/act like a man (masculine) and if he doesn't he needs counseling, not support" Also, continuing to call someone something they don't want to be called any more isn't exactly empathetic either, regardless of any of the rest of this.
  16. I was already in a technical school when I got my job. I work for a commercial/industrial electrical contractor creating/managing construction drawings so my experience with construction management is mostly from the other side of the table. I'm not sure what the rate on a student loan would be for you, but if you find that out, you can at least determine if it would be financially smarter to try and get a company to pay for your education with a repayment promise if you end up leaving after a certain number of years or just going to a bank. Management, particularly of other people, isn't the most appealing to me personally but from what I can tell, as a construction manager, you would do well to really hone your people skills and get good at negotiating issues between trades and tradesmen. You'll be dealing with various personality types, not all of which are pleasant and depending on how the projects contractual arrangements are set up, you can end up with everyone at arms and pointing fingers at the end of a project when it comes to getting paid.
  17. Is the different company a known, or is it just that you want to do it somewhere/anywhere else? Maybe the other company would also be willing to partially fund your education. Any company you do that for will likely be keen on keeping you around contractually somehow, though. Given that you're using a symbol that represents architectural room elevation details, I'm gonna assume you're looking to get into some sort of architectural engineering field. I'm in a related field so if you ever have any questions about something in your technical schooling feel free to contact me if you like.
  18. OP seems to have given up on this thread. Maybe s/he's away in counseling... Edit: I fully deserve every downvote for unempathetically replying to an unempathetic thread topic but ya know, ya just can't 'be the bigger man' every time I guess...
  19. 1 million should do the trick - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megagon "Philosophical application Like René Descartes' example of the chiliagon, the million-sided polygon has been used as an illustration of a well-defined concept that cannot be visualised"
  20. Sounds like you inherited this situation from someone else that just submitted and did everyone's work for 'em. Maybe they got so sick of it and instead of fixing the problem like you so wonderfully managed to do, they just left/transferred elsewhere. Regardless it sounds like you got it squared away man, high five!
  21. I greatly and truly appreciate your (and TheFuzz's if he also has it) desire to protect your fellow brethren. I am merely trying to bring to light certain contradictions (like the horrendous amount of people being raped of their freedom and thrown in prison for possessing a part of a non-poisonous plant just to keep the fucking police and prison guard union's ranks filled and paid for) I perceive in the methods of how that's accomplished. Police will more likely do to me what their superior officers tell them to do, not what I have contractually agreed they're allowed to do to me and until that changes they will ALWAYS be a threat to me. Lastly, as for me moving, that is exactly my plan. I would like to get as far away from this shithole as soon as I can.
  22. Is it true that dogs were bread from wolves by humans? I don't recall any wolves protecting sheep in nature but I'll admit my exposure to wild wolves, even by TV, is limited. If an animal is bread by humans to do something against their nature, like protect sheep instead of eating them, can we still call that truly natural behavior? Would a sheep dog that was actually born in 'nature' without human contact still go find a loose group of sheep to keep in line?
  23. MMX2010, if you want to talk about being fair, you might want to stop making knowledge statements about what people "actually mean" or what they want, or what they know, or what they think. I gave up counting how many times you've done this to just me alone in this topic thread, and that was before I got to page 3. (though to be honest the count was only around 10 or so but that probably doubles in page 3) Do you not see that you're doing this? Or do you see it and just don't care that you're lying like that? Also, for good measure, here's a link citing a specific post from you, which exemplifies what I'm talking about.
  24. Good sheepdogs do what their masters tell them, right? If not, they don't get fed.
  25. A part of the reason could be that even though he knows you two are at odds, he doesn't fully understand what you're telling him about government. He doesn't see the funding for that therapy as being acquired through theft, or if he does he just somehow doesn't see it as theft and justifies it with bullshit like the rest of 'em. Also, your poem is a wonderful piece of art.
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