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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. "...And people congregate like families who know each other. I try not to be judgemental, but I can't help but wonder shouldnt they be somewhere with their own families rather than spending their holidays in these big halls with strangers?" ----------- If they're in that hall to begin with, travel cost is probably impossible, and/or the families are best avoided anyway. Six years ago, I gave a spare room to a homeless elderly (my age) woman, whom I support. We've become valued friends. The first 2-3 years, I went to outdoors food bank lines that wore upon her for years, so she could just sleep under a roof and be warm. Educational, along with various other homeless person experiences. People (by whatever label) in continual dire straits simply do not have the energy for self-serving excesses, arrogance for example. A group of truly poor, survival level, people will display strikingly good character. They know what really matters, and manners and trust are on that list along with food and water. (I'm sure you can find places in bad areas, or dense populations, that will statistically collect troublemakers.) I had the distinct impression of overall better character than some of the "best people" I knew. Some have made friends with each other by various acts of kindness. They know who they can trust, who is kind and true. To what degree can you say that about biological families, or even have a choice of non-association? (Non-association is not always easy for the homeless, because a limited number of resting places exist.) And what families to return to for the holidays? Do they still exist, are they spread out over costly long distance, with behavior problems, etc? In many cases, those former strangers now are the families. And the newest strangers are probably polite.
  2. No idea. I am clearly gifted, was tested, but nobody ever told me the results. Typical. I looked at that test link, and thought, what the hell am I doing this for, I hate taking tests. That's all the IQ I need to know.
  3. Lemme tell ya' about Hell. (I went into other aspects of my injury here, post #15: Will AI be more ethical than humans?-FDR.) Long story, gotta take any snippets I offer on faith. Starts with unpunished criminal intent, which goes wrong, speaking of a just universe. (And also speaking of anyone needing an idea for a screenplay: I'm it. And I want to see how you finish the story, with me still alive.) It quickly transformed into a day-long coma in the Intensive Care Unit, and what happened next I'd heartily take up with both Frodo, and Dorothy of Kansas, comparing notes and hoisting root beer tankards to the variety of utterly ungodly crap that kept trying to kill us. For my part, I'm closer to Dorothy, my brain got clobbered...ah, but in such ways. (The italics are because I noticed that the words I simply wanted to use sometimes have religious use, and I thought I'd see how often this happens.) Day three...and it was months and years for me to figure out all this stuff I now just recite...my horridly injured brain had a rebound from the #$@% that some damn fool put in my bloodstream two days earlier. Pay attention here.... Day three, mid afternoon, both my brain hemispheres became gooched. Hyper-throttled. Way too much of something. (GABA receptors is where you Sherlock types should start looking.) Lasted about an hour, thank God that it stopped. That last italic is not so simply a word as we might think, this I would discover 3 years, 8 months later. Reads like a novel, doesn't it? Brain hemispheres again, gooched. Anyone out there ever do really good psychoactive rec drugs? Not poison, and certainly not mild. That's the best I can start you with. Ain't in Kansas anymore. And it's scary, real scary. What the #$&! is my brain doing??? My blood pressure went up there with the orbiting satellites, and I have the interesting certification of not having any blood vessels with weak spots, or they'd have blown. From the outside, I indeed would look only restless, as the medical books say for a symptom of lorazepam overdose rebound. What I actually felt, was a giant Thor's hammer crushing my soul. Notice the disjunct, all you medical therapy types out there. Two years later, I would understand that soul was indeed the correct word. No, I don't expect anyone to believe me, I sure wouldn't if I were you. A bunch of my brain was essentially and selectively dissolved by massive synapse disconnection and resorption, so follow the thread on that one, if you dare. Within that hour, something happened that lasted perhaps only a few minutes. And I can only short answer it. I witnessed Hell, capital letter, no nonsense, not just a word, but clearly, absolutely, like a physics equation that says hey look at this term. It's own horrid timeless dimension. Not visibly, this is not a photon type of thing. Just a drug state in a battered brain? Well, nothing just about it, but yes, absolutely. And yet, like love or longing or ethics or whatever moves you, it couldn't be more real (as perceived). It slam dunk was everything I'd ever read about Hell; the timelessness, it's own dimension lording over the other 4 of space-time. (Lost in time, lost in space, Brad and Janet.) No brimstone, that's marquee theatrics, and trust me, completely unnecessary overkill. The ruler of that dimension is completely unassailable, purely and horrendously cruel. I can't say that last part enough. The memory of that day would bring tears to my eyes for years, and still feels damned creepy. Were those hellish properties projections of what I'd been taught? I don't think so, tho' I could't explain clearly why. "It just was." Does this matter, if a bunch of other people never got clobbered like I did? Beats me. Or are there analogous brain states, different causes but similar results? Like those people who kill their kids and say the Devil told them to do so? I got a sickeningly vivid idea of just what those people might have meant. I am deeply grateful that it didn't get any worse than it did, for what was left of me would not have survived. This is extremely nasty business, completely outside any remotely normal brain activity. That possibility is in all our brains, and mine got chemically whacked really hard, and it broke free. Go look in the mirror. But take a silver cross with you and turn the lights up. At 3 yrs, 8 months, the following happened: One night something awful almost happened, and skipping the disturbing details, I was able to fully wake in time, by the slimmest margin. This was during a period of years where becoming grossly ill was part of the game. The next night, I could feel the threat again, was terrified to sleep, and sat upright in my bed with stray streetlight. The really awful stuff crescendoed, fully awake and scared out of my wits, and in that moment, completely unlike previous me, I prayed, thru my newly arrived Christian housemate sleeping in the next room, from her to the Virgin Mary, my being ex-Catholic. (Which housemate isn't, but when we are inflating lifeboats we are not checking the boat manufacturer's name.) "There are no atheists in foxholes." I totally get it. In one moment, that really nasty brain attack stopped completely. Over the next months, I would figure out that my right hemisphere...where the artistic/spiritual/godly seems to reside, and to me it's no longer simply a theory...sent an override message over my corpus collosum for my left hemisphere to chill out. And it worked, like a software command should. I tested the theory during later milder attacks and it held. I wonder if ancient therapeutic/yogic knowledge includes the effects of which ways we hold our eyes, up or down, left or right, when we think. I'd look/think to the right of wherever my head was, and slightly up. It would engage the godly mechanism, or at least encourage it. Looking anywhere to the left would bring that damned evil into presence. Years more, and it all came together to me. Those people who killed their kids, it was their practical left hemisphere on hyper-throttle, not all of it, since they can still function overall. Practical message, by golly, kids gotta go, too expensive or other reason. Wild animals already do that, eat their young during famine. The software is already loaded. The brain is somehow chemically gooched into imbalance, and the otherwise dormant message inside the skull becomes loud and very clear. It's a local network, if you get me, and the signals are strong. And the godly right hemisphere? Well, they work together towards creature survival (ideally), and the godly element is also gooched, and so the intra-skull traffic reads as "Yes, God approves." The software is already there. But generalize, use the word Deity. On that third day, the very bad become truly horrendous. The Deific was revealed. The brain becomes helpless under it's spell (as it should, if the brain is considered a self-referential structure, a neurological survival organ). Mind you, having this experience is not coffee table philosophy with hems and haws. This is your car spinning halfway up a tornado, and theory at that point seems a bit thin and useless. Theoretical inquiry comes after the car is back on the ground and the driver just sits unmoving for a very long time. Yet what about the days of good weather, non-famine? Is the perceived Deific still available? Yes. But for explaining that, I'm too tired for now. Notice that I've already referenced Hell, the Devil, and God. Good luck figuring out any of this. It was a bitch to do first hand (ungodly nausea included), but the sheer force of it created paths of inquiry and insight I would never have dreamed (nightmared) existed. To just read about it, I wouldn't know how I'd react. I'm just the singer.
  4. As an older male, I'd wondered about those very things. Thanks bunches for putting in print this "insider" information. Metaphorically, it confirms my suspicion that has been building for years: "Just sell the skis, it ain't gonna snow again."
  5. There was a man unstuck in time, Who claimed that he always felt fine. “If anything I lack, I simply go back, And I’m always first place in line.”
  6. "Yes just watched "They live". Thoughtful movie. Haha I felt the same! It was so frustrating. Your experience in terms of fighting or "waking up"?" --- Hmm. Have to think about that one. I first thought to look into my past, then realized it's right now. This is going to be a personally valuable answer to construct. It's curious to think, that right now, my totality of healing and learning over years, has trouble recalling my more ignorant and damaged past. Which overall is a good thing, like skin "forgetting" to retain a scar. (But remembers the lesson to not get one to begin with.) My own mental journey is largely an internal discovery, and here I intend to address the external political/economic, yet they are intertwined. The #1 theme in both worlds is the fraud, lies, deceit. Then the realizations of the damage caused. Trying to track specifics, it was about eight years ago that a whole bunch of things happened within a short time. (I'm realizing my fingers don't have this much typing in them at once. They need to loosen up with bwahaha combat gaming blowing out the tendons, then come back later. So I'll do some but keep returning with additional material, like a serial, so keep checking. Not just my tendons, my memory has to sort it out in chunks too.) I was working with a now defunct grrreeeeeeennnnn (this word now has to me the same emotional reaction as "botulism") business. (To pre-pop the worry balloon, the creep CEO, due to a buyout that ended up consuming himself, was left in the investment and employment void, owing original investors who were themselves left in the void; and all the cars were recalled and destroyed.) I made wire harnesses for the cars being modified. Perfectly safe major brand electric hybrid cars had their original battery guts ripped out and put into a pile of such guts, the car now irreversibly altered. A different battery pack...and little oopsies can melt metal really quick...was installed, the intention being this one made it an AC house current rechargeable. In fact, I was appalled these things were on the road with families inside, and it cost bundles too. About 10% caught on fire, and it was providential grace that it happened in such particulars that nobody died or had their house burn down. But the opportunity was very well offered. You thought that if somebody altered a car, it must be okay with the Fed transport people, and okay with UL and God all simultaneously, didn't you? The reality: No oversight or checking at all, real crap, very dangerous. Hobbyist level at best. The CEO was fabulously a hot air generator that could not not not accept new information that contradicted his world view. A total stranger at a break in a public event, discovering where I no longer worked, remarked on this mental aspect of the CEO, so affected was this stranger by his one encounter with the CEO and simply trying to be rational with him. It was about this time that other stuff happened, but for now notice the take-home lesson, regarding what assumptions we make about products that could kill us. Another employee told me about the YouTube of Zeitgeist. This was my first real eye-opener about systems at large. I'd known a number of disparate facts, but didn't get the big picture. With YouTube providing so many suggestions, that was just the beginning. Quite possibly, it's how I stumbled upon Stefan's videos and FDR. From there, it's like information fissioning, just keep following what YouTube suggests on the side plus links from commenters. Always do so intelligently, for it's possible to go down established trails only to find eventually the one omitted fact or consideration that kills the whole thing. Nonetheless, it's education, and the negative space is education too.* (I'm reminded of being in wilderness trail areas, and there's that one false trail, looking well established, and it's just a dead-end to a place to where many hikers relieved themselves, with a few dashes of old toilet paper.) What a fabulous finishing note that would be... ...while I left for now. So I add this one: *Old TV show, Maverick, a comedy western, but more towards the gamblers than the gunners, with James Garner playing twins, sometimes on split screen. One brother says to the other, "You know, Pappy said it was all right to have the wool pulled over your eyes, as long as you know how it was done." Till later....
  7. --ancient Greece => democracy. --Good points re Christian armies vs Muslim in Europe, and glad it's true. --thanks for that rebuttal to the Bush propaganda question; the problem derives from mass mental laziness.
  8. "... Because non-moral agents introduce harmful sound to the environment. So, introducing harmful sound into the environment cannot be immoral in that both moral agents and non-moral agents produce it." A tornado plunges a stick thru my body, that's a non-moral agent; an archer plunges a stick with feathers thru my body, that is a moral agent. The question is whether the introducer is aware of the harm; that makes them either a tornado or an archer.
  9. I'd heard some brain science and thought of a movie scene. It's been awhile since I saw the science but I think I recall it well enough. No idea of link. It seems that one critical reason we sleep (and I wonder if it's the originating necessity) is to drain cellular/metabolic waste. The brain is the only body part without a lymph system. No drainage, no sewer system. So the existing vascular system does double duty. The blood uses the inside of the blood vessels, supplying goods and removing wastes, but not all of them. When we sleep, the brain cells in general shrink, allowing gaps, and thus waste leakage, along the outside of the existing vascular net. Not sure where it ends up, but I can imagine that once in the neck, lymph pathways are abundant and must pick it up. This explains a lot about sleep and deprivation as experienced. In the movie adaptation Journey to the Center of the Earth , the bad guy, an evil count type, claims to not need sleep. Is this possible? Does this mean he can go 1-2 nights without? Indefinitely? Do you know of any such people? In light of the science, could such people be with brains that have gaps hither and yon along the vascular system, such that the waste drainage is always occurring, even a lower level of efficiency would do? (I guess I could search this now that I think of it, but I've already written all this.) ----------- Edit: a quick look mentions people who don't need as much sleep, down to six hours, but nothing solid on no sleep. One exception, here mentioned The Mystery of Sleep and the lucky few who don’t need it – Mind Update, was a man who had an unnamed sickness and lost his need for sleep without penalty, going on 30 years. Did the illness inflame brain vessels, leaving gaps, leaving a drainage network, and thus not permitting waste levels to rise to a triggering point? Does sleep and it's many ways of regulating need a trigger, dependent on waste levels? I've only been looking lightly, but no real mention of other causes or considerations other than variation in sleep genes. Which is to say, so far the questions in this post haven't been asked before?? Hard to believe. The link also mentions drug companies making drugs that mimic a natural brain item so that people supposedly sleep less yet feel fine. The link wisely asks if there are long term side effects. If it has something to do with cellular waste removal, I can easily imagine machines with somewhat clogged filters or somewhat out of adjustment, and they run fine...for awhile. It may be weeks or years, but it's going to needlessly fail, with possible secondary damage. (The link writer also beams with wonder about the extra creation we'd provide with an extra four hours of wakefulness. I wonder if a big chunk would go to YouTubes of cats or Russian dash cams.)
  10. It seems that people are better able to handle abstraction, but seriously lack the historical/factual foundation to do so accurately. That's like accepting the possibility of a flying machine, but not knowing how to actually shape it. Crash city. Are we not seeing this now, one example being Syrian immigrants into Europe? In the old way, the idea of how to handle Syrian mass immigration would be a silly notion to even bring up..."Why, they're Syrians, they don't belong here." Which makes sense. No one would suggest that Swedes mass migrate to say Ecuador. Silliness. Not the conceptual abstraction, with some imagined reason, but the pure silliness of concept, as if to say that a person would put shoes on their hands, or want their nose a few inches higher. The new and current way of abstraction says, let them in, feed and clothe, etc. An abstraction of intention. Yet without the knowledge of just who the heck is coming in, the real demands of it all, the affects on locals, etc., it's a disaster. The morality is what, beat the crap out of your own citizens and country to be nice to someone else? Blurred at best. Abstraction. I'm reminded of an Ann Landers quote: "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out."
  11. Can you take your child's future small teddy bear on your trips? And pose it where you go, take selfies/bearies. Tell your child when you return, about how you wished the child could be there with you, and you're glad at least that the bear could make the trip, and how you and the bear talked about how wonderful your child is, and how you missed him/her. The bear could then fill in the child more on the trip later, when the child and bear were alone. Maybe two stuffed animals, alternating, so one is always home with the most recent trip stories (that your child can just make up based upon what you told or showed them). Speaking of bearies, Blueberries had her father gone for way too long. One week on and off isn't that bad, not that I speak from any experience. Against what other odds? The job where the father is home each week, but utterly exhausted with a minimum of time for actual contact? Seriously, glass half full for you. Also, the blessing of a (sane, caring) home mom is huge. Mom would have enough time to discuss the child's fears and concerns, instead of letting them linger. Mom and Bear could explain to Child how Job makes Money which then provides the washing machine, the plumbing, the roof, the shoes, etc. Each item could be it's own lesson on a different day, about the job, and about the item. How many parents discuss a roof or washing machine with children? Gotta learn that stuff at some point, get a head start. And they know that when they go to bed at night in laundered clean sheets, it's because Daddy loves them. With every step of their shoes, Daddy loves them.
  12. "I am not in therapy yet. It is something I consider on regular intervals. I am a bit of a scrooge, so the thought that I can solve this myself by journaling, thinking, and discussing it with my partner tends to win over the thought of spending a lot of money on therapy. A thought occurred to me now though, that I suppose it would make a bit more sense to try it at least, since I have not been able to solve this "problem" and it has been over a year already. Nice to have one "piece of a puzzle falling in place" feeling about this!" ----------- Almost twenty years ago...it's been that long?!...I started with a good therapist, a number of regular sessions over 2-3 years, plus a tune-up visit or two. Basically, we both agreed I was healed from original huge incapacity and ignorance, and however damaged, could now find my own way. Which has been true. And a year is nuttin'. So don't sweat not having solved "a" problem; it's probably much more interwoven than any one thing anyway. And it's like a spiral, it keeps going, keeps improving far beyond what you may imagine. Yet, being at FDR, you may imagine very well, since the visions of health, and the pathways, are abundantly described herein. You may already be on the therapy road more than you realize. I find that I don't really know what's going on with small time scales, until I look backwards over month or years, and see the bigger picture. I'm reminded of the soldier who only knows what is going on in the ground immediately around him, but oblivious to the greater war. In our days and weeks of life, we are in our foxholes and trenches and running over open ground. Only after a long time may we understand the fullness of the historical action.
  13. "Am I wearing a mask of platitudes to conceal myself from others? " This statement of course can take off in many directions. What came to my mind was Nature. Aside from peacocks and the like, most animals try to conceal, starting with their own skins and fur. This could translate to "Am I wearing a mask of platitudes to conceal myself from dangers?" An animal minimizing it's dealing with outside dangers can better and more efficiently take care of itself.
  14. Yow! Very interesting suggestion, and hoo-boy would that start a ruckus. I'd love to see it happen. Part of the new citizenship process? I just read the article. Things which stand out for me: -- what the !%^& is an ID card with faith supposed to actually do? The idea in itself is abhorrent, but what would it actually achieve? I'm stumped. Hi, I'm muslim, says so on my card. Okay, that demonstrates what? -- I give a plus to Trump for stirring the pot. Current politicians are lame, cannot be honest. Afraid to hurt feelings, lose votes. So discussion is muted. Trump pokes it with a stick. -- Sigh. That one again. " which ultimately led to the deportation and murder of 6 million Jews." There are a few topics I've delved into over the years, holocaust fraud is one of them. This is very much like the climate fraud, anyone who points out anything factual is anti-semitic/climate-denier. Wrong, we are seeking honesty, and those that benefit, or are just lazy, slander so easily. The climate thing is all fraud, as well covered elsewhere here. The holocaust thing is true at core, but pumped with lies quite a bit (begging the question of why the original harm wasn't bad enough that making up stuff is required). The 6 million figure apparently comes from (and I don't know if I have a link) an article by a Zionist writer (which is perfectly fine) in the middle of the war, like 1941 or 1943, who was writing an article about what could happen if all the jews in Europe were murdered. He took census data from European countries, added up the jews, it came to 6 million. He was honestly just using a possible worst case. But it was picked up after the war, as a claimed statistic. Recall, huge propaganda of USSR vs. Nazi, plus huge efforts to justify the creation of Israel. Fact distortion is inherent.
  15. Thanks for that leading Krugman paragraph. I'm printing it for a friend who is in a very misinformed and unhealthy state, tho' she'd never admit it on her own. Lots of good advice. The one about exercise reminds me of how I have been lucky to safely bike commute for very many years, and mostly on paths in semi-natural or calm surroundings (not counting flying thru the air in my one bike/car incident; beware, low sun blinds drivers). When not at intersections or other hazards, I'm fully thinking about all the stuff that is going in my life. The exercise may not solve any problem, but is a way to immediately use up any upset energy, so it doesn't store inside me. And yes we, I, absorb so much info. We were never naturally challenged to do that, not by orders of magnitude. On the one hand, a learning brain is a healthy brain. Yet, like overstuffing on foods, it makes me wonder about side effects. I stopped reading the local paper and a general science magazine because I was overstuffing my head, for no real good reason. I was of course absorbing lots of news and science online. I chuckle about the TV, etc. There have been certain plots that I just hated, because the of the obvious and very simple solutions that were evident but ignored. Did you see "They Live?" Two places in that movie, which I like, I wanted to jump into the screen, and have serious face time with a character, to get them to try the mindbogglingly easy act of simply putting on the eyeglasses, which they stubbornly refused. Of course, it led to impressive fight and stunt scenes, and it is a movie that needs to pump the audience. Yet it reminds me chillingly of my own experiences. ------------------------ "my favorite; looking up several explanations of the same concept and letting your brain tether connections between them." Big yes on that one.
  16. "When morality isn't part of the discussion, we have a great time...." Red Flag City. At what times does morality take a vacation?
  17. You're not overanalyzing, you're doing a good job. It doesn't sound like your sister is really interested in resolution, or knows how to be. Add in Momma, and it's sounding like Glue Gumbo, and that is a dish to avoid. You could tell your sister about FDR, and ask her to learn or inquire. If she can't do that, she's not really interested in healing. The crying sounds manipulative.
  18. Exercise...reasonable and not overboard...is always good, especially if it gets your lungs really cleared out. If the lungs haven't been cleared fully from the furthest spaces, then ya' h'ain't been really exercising. So yes, flat out, exercise makes us better. It doesn't remove any real problems though. If you keep getting these many irritants coming back, maybe there's a less recognized underlying issue that's stirring things up. The many life irritants are real, and like a flock of mosquitos in summer, not just imagination. You might have it correctly at face value. But it might be worth some mental inquiry.
  19. Whoops, clumsy edit on my part made it sound backwards...I went back and fixed it. It was an impulse answer, and bad editing aside, we are told that the first impulse answer is probably the right answer to a test question. Now I have to find out what I meant. A whole range of aspects exist, about injustice, hatred, ignorance, or as someone here posted, maybe child abuse, etc., that have been covered a jillion times over the years. I contribute nothing there. But there's another aspect. I am reminded of the history of cigarettes. Sir Walter Raleigh brought ciggies back to England in kit form centuries ago. (My sources for some of this are old comedy skits.) White people and ciggies made it back over here later, and it became established by the 20th century that people just had a right to smoke, "by golly and tax receipts too." It was not until much later and much hooha that rules forbid ciggies in restaurants, etc. There was a whole bunch of stunk up clothes, homes, cars, restaurants, etc. in between, and many people glad to see ciggie smoke put on a leash. What if Sir Walter had just discovered ciggies last year? It would be seen as nonsense that laws should allow such a new and stinky thing to be allowed in stores, etc. (We'll have to make some odd assumptions here about why there'd be laws in the first place if no ciggies, but I leave that to science fiction writers.) So, do many of the Russ and Ukrainians in question view it that way? Like, "Why on Earth would you want to allow such a thing as <insert usable phrase for what we're talking about>?" That wouldn't arise from hate, it would just be a big "Huh? Why would you want to?" Probably a real minimum of actual thought. We're talking about a poll here, not a conversation with Aristotle.
  20. Uhh, wild guess, is it the idea that f--ing a man's arse is disgusting to most people? (Yes I'm aware of huge female anal porn offerings, but it's a big world and all things are possible. And of use of force by the state to forbid it, etc. Which is to say, it's a cluttered topic. The question was why it is, not is it fair.)
  21. Archimedes, I am sorry to hear of this; you are not in a safe place. There is much injustice in your family's world. I think you first need to contact your local police department and let them read what you wrote. Ditto for anyone else you trust, such as a pastor or school principal. (And yes, I cringe a bit saying this, as not all authorities are up to standards, so be picky.)
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