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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. Oh, oh, an easy question for these forums: Why aren't they divorced?--GUNS OF THE STATE!!!
  2. My gut sense is that very many issues are not about the issues at all, but about the "I'm holier than the other girls people" egos that unfortunately vote. Gang behavior, really. Will that diminish? I'm not holding my breath. Yet the USSR fell without a shot (between the big opposing armies anyway), so I suppose change is possible. One big problem is that "news" has become just another extension of Entertainment, and the same media people, big wigs or little noisy voices, call the shots. There is enormous voting power and money in that, benefitting parties that don't want to change it.
  3. I'll check out your playlist. Anything else you can say about the topic of research you desire? (If you've been following various news and forum topics, then the better phrase would be "honest research.")
  4. Go, the good guys! I'm glad, and amazed, that the Virginia state climatologist hasn't been fired for being honest. McIntyre is the Canadian hero who first outed Michael Mann's fraudulent data and computer program that made temp rises out of nothing.
  5. What does year 5 mean? School grade 5? I don't understand. I can understand the resistance of teachers...sigh.
  6. Near the end you use the word "relapse" which is negatively value loaded. The whole mindset here... which I'd claim is strongly induced from a vested-interest and just plain ditsy outside world...is that you are doing something inherently wrong or even psychically criminal. No you're not. Instead of relapse, use "went back," and see how it changes the sentence. (Actually, the word sentence is a pun here, the sentence to your alleged crime.) A male ejaculation runs the carbon out of the cylinders so to speak. It takes the male body thru a program of heart, breathing, hormonal, mental, exercise. And with porn, no worries of pregnancy, disease, or psycho-social troubles. I don't know that withholding long times is bad per se, but think about those car engine cylinders...getting a good high rev run on the engine cleans it out, not doing so lets carbon buildup. And you get to think while you doing it, think about whatever it is that is most going on inside you. Over time -- and give it time -- that's processing, if you have some wisdom also involved. You stated that from the beginning you've been haunted by guilt. Why? Outsider influence. And these outsiders are often not very wise, are they? Can you pinpoint any of these source people, and silently ask how healthy they are, should you even seriously listen to them? If you have other anxiety issues, well, there's plenty of real world reason to!! Added on is this external guilt complex, and it's an extensive complex. If there's erection anxiety, just remove the porn from your total mental equation, and see what's left -- that's where the real trouble is. And remember, there is real trouble in the world, you're not just making it up, not all of it anyway. If you have anxiety with another person in a bedroom, maybe you unconsciously sense a real, non-porn, reason, something about the person. It may not be evil, just confused. Ditch the guilt trip wholesale, consciously chose to do so, practice doing so, and study what's left over. I don't know your age, guessing late teens. During our late teens, our brains are generating neural connections like mad for a couple years or so, then enters a period of sorting them out. Actually reducing the brain cell connections. So for teen years, we tend to feel more confused and overwhelmed maybe just anyway. Give your brain a couple years of neural pruning before declaring defeat.
  7. In the UN video: "human and womens rights." Wow, talk about doublespeak.
  8. Wow, I just discovered this. The title glared at me as relevant. The article is spot-on. Valuable even at first reading, I'll be revisiting it.
  9. Thanks for links. One is not available I think, but I perused the rest of the site plenty enough to get the message.
  10. "Since starting cross-fit and yoga, I've noticed that my body does not move the way that I want it to move, and my brain does not think they way that I want it to think. I don't think that this is coincidence at all." J.D., can you explain what happens, it seems counter-intuitive.
  11. All those symptoms you list describe myself most of my life. My "condition" was being badly shunned, intimidated, predation, physical abuse, etc. etc. etc. I never was around other humans to interact with, especially as a child. So I never learned those things, like I never learned to speak Hungarian, I just wasn't exposed to it. It was never a neurological defect, tho' I completely assumed that I was defective.
  12. I'm confused, I don't see anything here. Are we to simulate our own Ayn?
  13. Hello, and I also ask the questions the above posters have asked.
  14. For what it's worth... Back in the 1960's I subbed for two weeks for a pathology lab tech on vacation. I drove a new VW beetle, great car when new, to metro hospitals and collected blood samples in a cooler, which I drove back to the lab. I'd put the tubes into a centrifuge to spin it down into red and clear sections, and pipette off the clear serum part into small test vials for lab equipment. I forget how many I collected in a day, maybe a hundred, maybe less. I noticed with dismay that 1-3 of them would have such high total cholesterol...I suppose that's what it was, I'd never heard of HDL/LDL, it just looked like fat to me...that their sampled blood looked like someone squirted yellow Elmer's glue into the blood. It was in STRANDS!! Yuck! A few more samples wouldn't show the strands, but were obviously not clear like most samples, were somewhat cloudy, like rinse water. I don't know anything at all about those patients' results, but it made an impact on me. My blood samples seem fine, not that I've had many or really study them on the way out, but I sort of glance. Anyone ever actually look at their blood samples when simply held up to the light? We hear about little particles that wedge into arterial linings, but I never see that icky physical/mechanical strand-yuck mentioned.
  15. " much like the ethical vegans in this community." I don't understand the meaning here.
  16. Since a year ago, I've lost a few waistline inches and all surplus fat due to simply cutting out some foods. (Exercise was moderate or even lessened; I've come to believe that weight loss and exercise are not strongly correlated unless it's pretty extensive.) Over time, I became much more aware, that those foods listed above will make me ill. Yucky feeling overall, possibly gastric distress. I find myself much less eager for grains.
  17. Some random thing reminded me of a fifth grade memory. I was able years later to use the internet to confirm my recollection of the days of the week. (I have this vague notion of mentioning this already someplace, but if I can't recall, probably no one else could either.) It was late morning on a tuesday in elementary school. The Cuban Missile Crisis had just flared up, and we lived and schooled near the southern Florida Naval and Air bases, the obvious first targets. We were just given homework assignments for the next monday, and I wondered: "If we're getting nuked by thursday, do I have to do this homework?" That is sooooo out of the blue, that it could start all sorts of responses....
  18. Several years ago, I researched this topic a bit. Don't have the link, but found a graph showing numbers of patent applications over time, regarding pollution control by major auto manufacturers. There were periods of little activity, then spikes after California enacted something. So this is overall a reaction to California's wishes. They may be based upon real considerations, but I wonder about specific numbers they come up with. I'm looking at my '84 gas VW Rabbit's emission results, which passed very well. I could double two items, and quadruple one item, and still pass. So I wonder about statements like "may have emitted as much as 40 times the legal limit of pollutants when they were on the road." Forty times what? It seems like auto technology is already doing it's darndest to be as clean as it can. Are we seeing the results of unrealistic expectation? I don't know what AdBlue is yet, will check.
  19. I had a nasty day in an ICU several years ago, and was basically snuffing it right under the blind eyes of staff. It had the effect of killing off a bunch of my SELF by massively disconnecting synapses, leaving the rest of me intact, sort of, when viewed from the outside (when HAL9000 was snuffed, the space ship still looked okay from the outside). So I have a very strong opinion here. When did that electrical self originate? (I'm simplifying here, but open to more biological discussion if someone wants to p.m. me, or pursue here.) I can say with personal certainty that >>I<< was dissolving because my synapse maintenance process was failing. (It was terrifying.) The flip side is, when did that process first kick in, in utero, for that might be interpreted as the actual introduction of the SELF, the person. Probably pretty young in utero, whenever the brain is developed enough to send itself certain types signals back and forth. Prior to that, is the fetal brain just a lump of neurons? From this, I feel we're not human from conception, but some weeks later. At conception, we have extensive blueprints, but not the product. Not that this helps anything, but points to me where a logical argument about human life beginnings could start. PS. I know a woman who had an abortion long ago. She mentioned it once is a sort of wistful resignation way, clearly not completely at peace with it, somewhere deep inside.
  20. Doubled? Sounds like a lot, however subjective the origin of the claim. If Uber customers are replacing taxis, it sounds like it would be one for one, and no increase in real traffic. Unless the taxis are able to stay occupied, in which case it doesn't sound like a competition problem.
  21. Hmm. Leukocyte is more intriguing as I think of it. Tough to spell, it needs Anglicized, but not in a way easy to mock. "Honest look"...Greek for honest is timios, sight/cyte...Timiocyte...(so much for Anglicize).... Yeesh, freezing THE Blob was easy if it's just one. It is fueled by greed and ignorance and lust for egotistical gang behavior. That's deeply rooted. I'm thinking of when I finally read a bunch of the Old Testament, and discovered the patterns. It always seemed to take total disaster for the tribes to wake up, and a leader to take them on the straight path. But there were long periods of subjugation, for the foe was numerous and surrounding (or had a bigger treasury). Alas, it feels more the latter condition. But someone in a forum here has recently said to be optimistic.
  22. An entity should not name itself as "Anti-X" for it's immediately robbed of it's own freedom of identity or movement, indeed defined by the enemy itself. It should be the obvious name, the name of it's replacement. Whatever that is?... This is not really Western vs. other. S.Korea and Japan for example share the problems and are Westernized, but it's stretching the definition geographically. It's about values, which have no longitude. I'm intrigued by the word femiblob. In the fifties movie with Steve McQueen, The Blob, how did they kill it? I'm going to look it up. (I'm reminded of the original The Thing, where the guys are stumped on how to kill a monster, who is more vegetable than animal by some definitions. The woman present suggests killing a veggie by cooking it. The guys get to play with electricity, and it all works out.) LATER EDIT: Oh nuts. From Wikipedia-- The film stars a 27-year-old Steve McQueen in his debut leading role as a teenager, and Aneta Corsaut, as his co-star. The plot depicts a growing corrosive alien amoeba that crashes from outer space in a meteorite and eats and dissolves citizens in the small community of Downingtown, Pennsylvania. The origin of The Blob is never identified, and the film ends with a question mark.
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