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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. Matthew makes interesting remarks, which I am not really competent to address. I did read the whole thing and the second half is more what got to me. Second paragraph from end, starts with "Once knowledge..." That's where it picked up for me. The AGW*, the abysmal state of health care safety are my top irritants. (*For those of you who read another of my recent topics, "excuse me for a moment while I chew on my screen bezel.") I used to have it too, the worship/respect of scientists. I now realize I was around scientific and medical honesty growing up, and in some ways shielded. But it's gotten very bad, very widespread, since the days when only corrupt tobacco docs were the ones to worry about. News is that way too. No longer Cronkite and Huntley-Brinkley. The trust remains, yet the honest core is gone. Ironically, one longterm effect of AGW, not real soon, is the distrust of science. I think that was partly intentional. The ironic part is that for the next scam down the road, the public, may we hope, will be more distrusting. Although, I think of AGW, and Democratic/liberal in general, and it's mostly ego, arrogance, bullying, and truth is irrelevant. I recall tidbits I probably picked up reading Steven J. Gould, about the earliest experts in a field, 19th century, about the only person to study subject X. Except maybe two other guys are too, and it gets into a publish first contest, maybe some ego barbs, and bits of utter nonsense became textbook standard well into the 20th century. (There were of course lots of honest heroes in the 18-19th century era of discovery.) Maybe there's a sweet spot on a research topic, when only a dozen or so are into a topic; too big for egos to dominate, too small for money to dominate. Infographic: Benefits and Harms of PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer - National Cancer Institute Flawed medical research may be ruining your health -- Health & Wellness -- Sott.net Can we believe any medical research – at all? | Dr. Malcolm Kendrick Why Most Published Research Findings Are False Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False | Collective-Evolution (can't find link; search iatrogenic fatalities or similar)
  2. I'm with neeeel and mellomoma. Perhaps just being yourselves is the best choice. (Most other options seem to point to "brick wall effect.") The child will observe you and notice you are different. Perhaps that will raise questions. He may be too young to understand the questions, but it's a foundational start.
  3. I like coffee from McDonald's. Quite inexpensive, and I like it. I've heard that elsewhere. Whenever I taste coffee from Starbucks or any other chain, it tastes like it had a recent encounter with an automotive tire. What do you find?
  4. Yes, seems way out, but let me explain: I was just about to respond to another forum topic -- haven't done so yet -- where the topic touches on the corruption of science, and I am bared fangs when it comes to AGW fraud, so I thought to myself, I should add parenthetically something like "excuse me for a moment while I chew on my screen bezel." You may yet see this. With respect to all my fully undamaged furniture, would it be helpful as stress release to constantly be required to gnaw on something? Right now, we have beer nuts and pizza, bless 'em, and chewing on pencils, not so blessed. What we have now makes us fat and does bad stuff to our teeth. And may not be that effective anyway. What if bar or restaurant tables had a bowl of free range fully organic wood blocks, perhaps creatively cut? ("Are you going to eat your knots?") Pocket Kevlar chew bars that never wear out? There's a whole serio-comic range of thought there. ("Dahling, where did you get your chip bib?") But I'm curious about the stress relief part. Could that actually be a sort of strain relief, species wide? If human genetic engineering chose a goal, how about teeth that keep growing, a select few up front? Rodents already do it, which would be a head start on the genetics. (That's what coffee and little food looks like to me.) "Dentum Über Alles!"
  5. Can't say it enough: TWO HOURS MINIMUM on my links about this stuff. climate fraud updates - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board Otherwise, you'll always be wandering around in partial dark, and there are PLENTY of liars out there. And a huge amount of incompetent fools -- don't underestimate this effect. The entire AGW gig is based upon illegal math, illegal physics, outright data fraud, and a mind-boggling ignorance of basic methods. Al Gore is making out like a bandit, search "carbon billionaire". So a VERY BIG point is your use of the word "conclusion." This is the lie. There was NEVER a conclusion, it was all made up, more than one idiot or outright criminal involved, then it gathered a slavish multitude of so-called scientists who get paid to be ignorant and lie to others. That multitude is huge -- you must understand that. Are you aware of how many people went into psychology to "save the world" back in the seventies? Mostly, complete idiots who didn't know what else to do (I sympathize), but they paid tuition money, or somebody did, so they got degrees and spread nonsense. Same thing today with climate -- people sign up for ego, don't give a crap about truth. Usually don't even have a clue about basic honest methodology. I know one, he's a complete dolt. Thus, a "climate scientist" has a very large probability of being a fool, liar, and utterly a brick wall to talk to. Thus, spreading the lie, not killing it. In my materials, you'll see a letter to the editor from a REAL climate scientist, Dr. Thomas N. Chase, Ph.D., works with CIRES, who called this crap "scandal" and "not science." Now, if you could get him, or someone truly vetted, we might have something. There's also an MIT physicist named Lindzen, read him here: Imgur: Get one of those guys, and we'll have something. Also, search climate history in general, and the temp has been warming since about 1850, part of natural variation. It was a temp low point, warmer before that, in fact warmer than now, a number of times. Check my materials, I've got a huge amount of info in there. To review: not a conclusion; a fabrication CO2 rises every interglacial period, has been rising for 18,000 years. plenty of real science showing the claims are bogus, in fact the IPCC has been slightly backing off Publications like National Geographic and Science News have had their editors replaced by flunkies who print lies...look in my materials for this too. Major newspapers, too, are in total hock. Not all, such as the WSJ who knows this is bogus. But the ones that follow the ownership trail up to Democratic Party power only lie..."anti-science" is used when someone tells the truth. Obama calls it "flat earth society." On that last one, you really need to understand the scope of the power and money on this. It's not just some jerks. This is a huge coordinated deception. In my links, you'll see the Union Of Concerned Scientists website, some years back, expressing coherent alarm at science being misused for politics. A few years later, the site is hijacked by the frauds. It's like a tabloid. It's page after page of claiming to be persecuted...all about AGW...and the supposed problem is that they are being asked to show their data and methods! You will see this over and over. Please understand, this is not a fluke of flakes. This is a gigantic program of fraud. Gore's getting a billion dollars from this, and he's just one guy. Obama is making pacts with China over AGW...wtf is that about?? Someone here, maybe dsayers, said he thought AGW was not that big a deal. No, no, no...it is the BIGGEST deal. It is the umbrella that darkens free speech itself. Editors and scientists who don't do the fraud are fired. These are criminals, who have utterly taken over the State, at all levels. One must declare allegiance to fraud, or suffer consequences. I consider this to be as widespread and deadly as 20th Century fascism. No guns, you say? Ah, but laws are guns, and this thing is making laws, and line items on our electric bills, like crazy. Understand that: if you live in an area like I do, with a power bill item "Climate Action Plan", then you are required at gun point to pay Al Gore et. al. for fraud. It doesn't get bigger than this. Start reading those links.
  6. Great essay. I agree with every word. I feel very sorry for that boy. That ditz of an all too common mother is really going to mess with his head, and never ever be accountable for it.
  7. You make many good points. Yes, he does end up destitute, but for awhile he was sitting pretty from his work; a shipwreck killed that, and he had to fight his way back up again. Yeah, I think I'd hoist the leper over my back or bring a big sack or something. In a way tho', I think there is always analysis. Recall, this is for a peasant audience, they hadn't been exposed to FDR for a few centuries yet. The big disasters, beast and parents, were emotionally caused. The big lesson is make sure what you're doing, think about it, don't act on impulse. The bedroom shutters, open only a crack, are a superb learning metaphor about getting more light on a topic before making conclusions. The Porsche thing wasn't that type of set-up, it was more an off-hand remark. Valid points re cash for car tending, yet begging how possible that even is at a practical level. But your point is, what can a person in a low point do about it? Julien did the only thing he knew, force of arms. And later, renounced all that, setting up a free, non-state, shelter for any traveller. It was not a border crossing just a stream, yet to build a castle at all requires a heck of a lot more than inspiration. Like, the need for a state of some kind to even order it up. So, perhaps we do see Julien doing quite a bit of analysis. The peasants aren't gonna follow a detailed step by step, just the fouls and home runs. Yes, it's my spin to call the leper philosophy here, but not far off the original intention. Is the leper blind fate? -- well, isn't that what all of us are constantly dealing with? Jerks, gubberments, car crashes -- how do you handle it? In the story, the leper is distinctly a creation of God...as are all...which is created on that stormy night, purely as a test. An opportunity, if viewed that way. These people make decisions all the way, and they (mostly Julien) go from impulsive and violent, to methodical and caring. That right there could be considered a nutshell summary of why FDR exists. I think all of us -- including George Carlin's material -- are wary of the Church in it's various forms that we've encountered, the heavy handed types of slaughter. I do get that a major selling point to the people is that if you screw up, going to be a soldier in the east makes it okay, gotta notice that one. In other ways, I don't see that. When Julien's horse showed up at the market, it was the emotional that almost killed, and reason that saved the situation. In the bedroom scene, emotion and reason had a contest in Julien, and emotion won. And to be honest, fighting turks in the east was very much about turks not coming over later for dinner and raping and killing for dessert. Julien in his hovel is threatened by robbers, but isn't a castle by it's very nature always threatened by other types of robbers, robbers with armies?
  8. "hey you know what we have to do, we don't have a choice." -- huge compliments on doing that. The biggest challenge and the biggest reward are to have the guts to first break the bonds, to stand up for oneself (and child). I advise against all email, phone, etc. As you stated, they won't deal with reality or responsibility or honesty at all. I am reminded of various times (like constantly) that I try to use logic and truth, and the total futility. You will spend so much effort, and only be ignored in return. It's like trying to convince Satan on a career change; ain't happening. Whether it's lack of will, or other, those people will never ever do what's right, will always put you and your child in harm's way. You have a lot on your plate, and your wonderful spine in this is what you need most.
  9. In my lifetime, I've had way too many stress behaviors, mostly long ago. I bit my nails when young, and any sort of attempt to control it failed. Only years later did I realize it was only when around my utterly psycho mother. When I moved away, the biting stopped. At a mid teen age, when apart for a vacation, it stopped. No effort whatsoever. The overeating also stopped. Yet one time, can't recall what age, but somewhat young, the following happened: I had a bump or maybe clogged follicles on my scalp, which over many days eventually disappeared. It bothered me, and I kept picking at in a way that didn't bleed, yet I noticed at one point I'd made a bald spot the size of a dime. You couldn't easily see or feel the bump(s), a cursory exam could easily have missed it. Does this child pull hair from all over, or just one spot? I don't see inquiry of a physical source, only stress/mental. Maybe her hair follicles itch for some reason. Has she seen a dermatologist? What shampoos or soaps? Laundry product remnants in pillow cases? Some sort of hat? Food additives or supplements? I'm suspicious about trying to control behaviors by even mild coercion. The child is too young to articulate what may be a legit skin annoyance.
  10. The Point Oringinal 1971 version Dustin Hoffman Narration Full Movie! - YouTube ▲THE POINT▲ #Full Length Movie ~ narrator: Ringo Starr ~ 1971 - YouTube I recall that when this came out, there was a brouhaha about a major TV network actually airing such a rebellious piece. I don't recall the Richter Scale of the brouhaha but it made at least some editorials. Then, it was major networks only, not the internet; their decisions carried weight. Marvel, that this long cartoon actually made a stir at all. It is a different world now.* This is Vietnam War years. A huge cultural schism tearing at it's own tissue. People got edgy. (*Or, a different set of lies. Has the stirred pot of decades past created a new crust, a crust of pride?) It questions authority. You may test it's notions by starting with schools, about time 55:00, let it run some moments to get to that. You may also test the animations and music by clicking on any of the musical clips from the movie. Harry Nilsson was a unique and very gifted musician, singer, and composer. If you don't know him, search his additional work. The movie is a political/social piece, yet it also is a vehicle for many songs written independently. I love the animation. It's of a period stylistically, yet in no way routine. Well paced. For parents, I also wonder about the teaching value here. It's a fun movie on it's own, about a boy and his dog. They are banished from local society for the crime of not having a point, and must make their way thru The Pointless Forest, where they meet such characters as The Rock Man, who tries to open their eyes to the value all around them, and The Pointed Man, who has so many points, that he ends up being pointless.
  11. One thing I see is that I've forgotten some details, might have a go at it again. But like a movie, parts stick with me and that's okay (Luke and Leia and a whole bunch of stormtroopers! And sky castles!). Julien makes some really stupid decisions. The beast with the head, and the bedroom scene stand out. He's young and full of himself; so is part of this story's audience. >>SPOILER ALERT<< The leper part is the ending, so if you think you'll read it, I'll put a blank space here to scroll past. la la la la lala la la la lalala lala here we are again. The leper is God in another form. (I use God = perfect knowledge and compassion; i.e. philosophy) Philosophical point: The grotesque may be holy, and the beautiful may be devilish (MGTOW). Now, isn't that something to teach in early years? This is very apt re viewing homeless people who are looking quite necessarily a bit rough. (I recall a guy with more than one Porsche telling a homeless guy to get a job; this is right after the 2008 crash.) Both Julien and his wife (aaarg, what's her name?) are tested, rather a lot, for compassion. Julien, now a boatman at a trail crossing, hears a pitiful wail during an awful storm. He braves the churning water to rescue the pitiful figure, and bring him into the hovel they call home. The leper is frozen and hungry, and no matter how long by the fire, or how much Quaker Oatmeal and Jimmy Dean sausages they feed him (in theater, this is called "modern dress") he doesn't warm or fill. But the leper thinks that Julien's wife might warm him. (Ever had a house guest like that?) She agrees, but turns away briefly to talk with Julien, and in that instant, the leper vanishes. He is replaced by the Voice Of God outside the door, saying that they passed the test and are forgiven of sin. (Julien committed some whoppers, which is what the story is all about.) Now, consider this thread by Utopian (cap U for readability). Philosophy makes me unhappy. I can no longer justify it. Is Utopian kissing the leper? (For that matter, are the rest of us doing so?) (I note that this is a document for the masses; if something is in it, it's massively present in the population.) Getting blessed by God (truth) doesn't make the bedbugs go away. In fact, Julien and his wife are later murdered in a robbery attempt. But between the leper and the robbers, they feel better about things. I'm also reminded of Steve McQueen as Papillon. As part of his first escape, he depends upon the help of a leper colony, and takes a puff from a cigar that a leper is smoking. Similar to Julien, it's a huge act of faith. I don't think leprosy is spread by contact, and I'm not looking it up, since Julien and Papillon had only imperfect common knowledge. Both J and P had to believe in something beyond the ugly. This strikes me as analogous to Utopian's dilemma. In that bedroom scene, the main characters appear to be: -- two people in the bed (no spoiler names!) -- the bed -- Julien -- his sword But which is the major actor? The window shutters. Open just a bit. Not enough light to see the reality; just enough poor light to imagine a false reality. Sound like a philosophy item? And why the disaster to begin with, besides Julien being what today we call a real asshole? dsayers would've been on this; he'd post a person at each entrance, not just the main one. Julien, unusually, came in through a side door. He didn't get the message, "guess who is surprise visiting, and now resting in your bed?" Oops. That goof can be seen both as a security issue, and also a knowledge/philosophy issue.
  12. utopian-- I'm about to work up a post here: The life of St. Julien, and his mom and pop - General Messages, and will reference this thread of yours. Don't have it done yet, but you may want to get a head start with reading the Middle Ages story that's featured. Internet History Sourcebooks Project No further details here, as they would be spoiler, but a key scene in the story reminds me of your quandary. I do not have a solution, but it will be interesting to see what others come up with. Might be of assistance to you.
  13. This personally resonates. Lack of support structure is a big problem. Especially...sigh...when the words honest or rational are used.
  14. Wow, somebody actually read it! Yes, full of altruism. And lots of drama. Been years, so I'm vague, but didn't one of those castles have the lady and the castle headman, no husband? I thought that was the same castle as when Julien showed up with that log and saved the day. Someplace it's suggested that the enemy leader, if he'd won the battle, takes the castle, and the lady. Like I say, it's been awhile, I may be blending stuff together. And yes, I didn't mention that intentionally, the leper kiss. I told you it was intense. How'd you do with the master bedroom scene with the shutters blocking enough light to see well?
  15. I think D-soth is getting served here with an extra helping of Trounce. (Not that it matters, but for some reason I think D is male, yet the name Donna ain't. So if I use the pronoun "he"....) The ground about telling a child things which require supernatural or illogical beliefs, has been well trod here. Yet, as I think about various parents I've met over the years, religion isn't even needed to see how many people have tickets to The Land Of No Logic. That's also well trod. I think post 15 is a pretty good overall guide. I never heard Original Sin as anything other than an arm-twisting perversion. Yet here it's explained pretty well. C'mon people, we're apes! Reading much military history, this is a species that thinks burning a village is a good way to get out of the house. Our various ancestors would throw a kid out of the tree for messing with whatever primeval internet we had. Maybe it's the wording: call it Original Stupid.
  16. It strikes me that people like very much to be lied to, as long as they feel good along the way. Nothing new under the sun (well, okay, the internet is a big one). I'm picturing the snake oil salesman with his wagon and horse, working frontier society. Even with the net, a lot of snake oil variants get sold.
  17. Internet History Sourcebooks Project Preface notes: This is not about parenting per se. Mom and Pop are Duchess and Duke, named Emma and Geoffrey. They adore their hunky only son Julien, as does everyone, and if he is holding a sword, stay really far away. Emma can be either gender during the French Middle Ages, and during a rare sharing of power by two warlords, those rulers were named Geoffrey and Emma. Julien is legend. But hoo boy, what a legend! Because Middle Ages Roman Catholic cultural behavior is what this is all about, it would seem that this should be under Religion. Yet I found it to have strong literary appeal, and wish to share it as widely as possible. I found this story about ten years ago. It's a long read, but once I got started, I couldn't stop. (Tease: The forest beast with the human head gets the story rolling, resting under a tree on a hot summer day, and what it then warned, as Julien pulled back his bowstring....) Maybe it was the time in my life, or maybe it's because this document has probably been refined over a couple of centuries, and supposed to be riveting. Put water and food in one hand, and a scroll* wheel in the other, and there is no outside world. (*historical pun there) The document is a long story, designed to educate illiterate Christian masses on proper values of worship, military fealty, the lady/chivalry word that I can't think of right now, who the enemy is...the basics. But in a very listenable form. I can imagine clergy reading installments to peasants, who get a ripping good tale in the trade. It is all about Good and Evil. It is explicitly recognized that Evil rules this human world. What does the Christian do when confronted with evil? What are the implications and results of decisions? This is a philosophy paper of a sort. When it ended, I was in pain, craving more, hurt yet moved. I paced this long room, telling myself the complex story over and over the best I could, about six times. I was smitten. This begs to be a movie, another The Agony and the Ecstasy. Good director, and I want Johnny Depp as Julien. Careers could be made on this one. So if you know anybody in that biz.... Like a movie promo, it has: -- mud splattered and bleeding, horse and rider in panicked flight -- a Pope, great actor opportunity (and the correct answer is always "go fight turks in the east and all is forgiven"). -- more than one big battle scene, including Julien joining a battle in progress while dressed only in a shredded nightshirt, apres shipwreck, and armed with only a log...at first...and saving the day -- the awful scene in the master bedroom, not enough light to see clearly, the dream serpent rising, the sword raising...Noooooo, don't do it!!! (Still gives me chills. Brrr.) -- the lady of the castle who has lost her husband to battle, her honor saved by Julien's bravery (and stays that way; this era is pre-bodice ripper) -- the stormy night, the swollen stream, and the pitiful wail of the leper (Chills here too. Oh yeah, this scene really builds. The boatman's hovel, the fireplace, the leper who never warms. The leper speaks of the boatman's wife, she turns her eyes away for but a moment, and....) -- much more -- popcorn in the lobby So here's a read for a cozy fireplace on a wintry day, or if you're south of the equator, under shade with a breeze. If you do read it, you'll find a number of places where a discussion might begin. The idea of beggarly penitents walking to Rome, for example. Enjoy.
  18. This guy Swift is a dolt. Dolt is self-defined here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- School Level Field Orders #123-6: --Dental care will cease. --Parents will cease speaking to their children in coherent fashion. --Homes with intact driveways will install potholes. --Clothing will be worn until tattered. Thank you, Committee For Public Leveling "We're here for you!"
  19. Thanks for the entire text. The very last paragraph especially got me thinking (a neighbor's behavior being compared to your template). I am curious to read it all again later, with the letters MGTOW in mind, to see where they may fit.
  20. High value, and thanks. Would it be hoping beyond hope for your local school system to incorporate your video in a history class? (Why the Civil War image for Lex and Concord?)
  21. If you think about it for a bit, were there any other changes in your mother? Did your mother seem more or less aversive to various things? Of course, needing and having surgery is a complete game changer anyway. From the article, it seemed that the organism affected parts of the so-called limbic system, possibly very small parts where fear and anxiety, and sexual arousal, are located. The arousal place I don't know about, the other places I know are rather small parts of the overall brain. I wonder if that tiny location indicates that it really just lodges there, or it's the only location that can be measured. I know some fungus or mold can invade an ant species, and take over it's ant brain, and make it climb to the top of a bush and stay there, completely unlike normal, so the mold can finish off it's brain and make spores that stick out the top of the head. Ewww. That's obviously evolved...and got started how???...and I don't know about the Tox germ. Infected rat seeks cat, Cat eats infected rat, Cat makes infected scat.
  22. "Why do you care if they fail to convince you?" Because, if you live in the Bible Belt, you'd better... A--live in a larger urban area, or B--do a pretty good job of faking being convinced, or C--your Christmas morning gift from the God fearing, utterly righteous (they probably are right-eous, not liberals; I guess that's a sort of balance) will be broken car windows.
  23. Some questions I had have been answered: crime is clustered in immigrant/ghetto areas; and significant unreported incidents exist. I have another question, re Australians being easy to disarm. In the USA, whatever the reality, there is a strong cultural heritage of gun ownership, frontier skills, protecting the farm, etc. Australia had Botany Bay. Not to suggest Aus. farms don't need protected, but what is different? Different threats? Different cultural history? I just glanced thru the article a bit, had to stop once Obama started pooping into the microphone. So Big O is gonna use his powers to stop mass killings? No need, here, to go over the expanse of illogic there. What really gets me, is that a whitey shot some blacks, step one. Obama tries to be heroic, step two, lookin' good on camera. But what did that shooter have in mind to begin with, and if not him, how many other potentials? I don't know how many of them are aware, but AGW is 100% fraud, Obama claims it as his legacy, ergo Obama is the biggest cultural and economic rapist, just about ever, along with Gore, etc. It might be other topics. "That damn nigger in the white house" becomes an attractive phrase. Is the shooter disgusted at the media and Democratic All Night Party of trashing truth, culture, and ironically gender? Like Obama supports? Obama is the ultimate fraud. Even for politics, he stands out.
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