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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. Modern medicine has lots of fraud and alarmism, much of it truly dangerous. So I'd say yes, high IQ is needed, tho' not a guarantee. Read thru these two links, and see how vulnerable you are with trusting modern medicine. (I came from a medical family, this is not a pre-existing grudge.) 2 top medical journals claim medical research half false - Current Events - Freedomain Radio Message Board "free" screening risks, prostate - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board
  2. One small foot for a Pope, One giant leap for ass-kissing. This is the same Pope, let us not forget, who did a giant selfie with Obama supporting global warming fraud. Pope-eye the Fisherman seems a little chummy with Bluto-crats. (Readers from other countries, or not old enough, research Popeye the Sailor Man comics for references.)
  3. "For example, Paul in the new testament advocated for submission to the authorities, but with further consideration of the context of the passages, I don't believe this should be taken so absolutely, or was meant to...." Would you elaborate on this point? I'm really curious. "...So much of the Church service itself, and the newer songs, are done in a light that seems quite counter to what actual Christianity paints." As an outsider, ever since leaving the Catholic church in the 1950's, could you elaborate especially about the songs? Oops, I see that you did in one paragraph...confirming my suspicions...that it's all about feeling groovy, and nobody say anything that might actually require spine or moral core. Which, sad to say, sounds very feminine, which is a major point you make. I'm reminded of one time being inside a local church for an evening vocal performance. This church is very old in town, maybe over a century by now. (Okay, that's old by US standards.) I was struck, even stunned, by the altar area. There was a Christian cross in there somewhere, I'm sure. But what I mostly saw were two gigantic wooden carvings of reared up horses on the wall behind, I think the emblem of an early English king, maybe a Scot. Begging the question of who is really being worshipped.
  4. "Why not a dating thing?" 40 year age difference. "Man my radar was way off with that one really thought i was onto something :laugh:" I also got a dose of reality. The next day I came back with better starting links for FDR, re AGW, for the woman who listened. She wasn't working that day and a different woman was there. Even tho' this second woman heard about the huge amount of research I did, she wasn't interested. Oh well, it's just giant crime, a girl can't be expected to vote and be moral at the same time....
  5. I had trouble figuring out what was even going on. What's going on?
  6. My goodness, you have many starting points for discussion. What can you tell us about the collapse of the state theater? I have a small bit of knowledge that is decades old. In 1976 my family saw the Bolshoi in Moscow do a show featuring American dance styles because of the US bicentennial. I can still recall the lead dancer in the group that was crouching down low snapping fingers as they moved forward, like in West Side Story. What replaced it?
  7. Igor, that is a superb link. Thanks for all that info, especially about the actual space flight, given in the second half of your article. And thanks for photos.
  8. Wuzzums, on 22 Mar 2016 - 04:05 AM, said: It is a joke at my origins. Danes traveling the Volga? Something more recent?
  9. Beginning of blowback?-- Poland refuses to accept refugees after Brussels attack - AJE News
  10. People in general don't listen. To liars yes, to truth no. Not convenient. So I'd expect you'd be utterly appalled, however educational that would be. Somewhat dangerous, as the SJW has no moral code to follow except belligerence. In my experience, it's only, and it's a very small number, it's only people that I've known a long time who will even listen, and even of those, mostly they just clam up and mentally run away. Having challenging careers, or "best people" on the outside, is irrelevant. I tried to believe that people would appreciate being fed high value truth with a silver spoon from a silver platter, whilst merely sitting onst der butt, but I was wrong. That's the take-home lesson for me: people don't like being honest, it's a large percentage, and I think it's much about breaking ranks with others. And ego, how could I forget that one? You may eventually find one who listens, and that may be enough reward for you. Perhaps the following will help--- This is a good place to report...glad I was sitting down...Callooh! Callay! I met a woman who listened today! This is not a dating thing. This woman works where I often get my BBQ, for those of you who’ve seen that mentioned in my dietary posts. To not keep you waiting for punchlines, she got the spiel and the URL about FDR, and should be visiting soon. It gets better. I had my usual non-red meat turkey sammich, noticed it was surprisingly quiet, tho’ a lovely sunday. I acted upon my desire to share with these people the contents of a recent FDR forum about red meat and health. I spoke with the woman who had taken my order dozens of times. A wonderfully long time passed, and I sat within easy conversational distance, only a few interruptions, and mostly she was able to listen to what I was saying with rapt attention. I first gave details re meat/health, and in doing so introduced FDR. She was completely on board with the few things I said, or at least her body and facial language seemed fully so. She told me that her double major is nutrition/psychology, which was the clanging bell right answer for needing to know about FDR. I was going to let it rest at that great achievement, but nobody was coming in, and I cautiously started to tell about my discovery of AGW fraud. I was able to describe a great deal of material, gave instructions to FDR for more, and some online search terms to further open her eyes. Hurrah for FDR forums! (Cultural note — if I were to tell you what fateful quirk caused my accidental discovery of AGW fraud, mixed with another forum thread about generational name recognition, then I report that this twenties something didn’t know who Annie Oakley was.)
  11. A4E--" I would rather evaluate a human having a good relationship with an animal, or many animals, as someone I can trust having empathy." ​Sigh. Something troubling in my life right now is as follows. A single parent woman I've known for very many years has cats, and they are a very nicely bonded group. That info alone would seem good. Yet, when her daughter was quite young, I distinctly noted how she was ignored when I visited, like the daughter was a lamp; I always made a note to acknowledge her but I don't know who else really did. In recent months, this woman revealed herself as the full blown...and this is with a medical career...standard ditz. Obama can support giant AGW fraud because she has a crush on him and refuses to look or listen to truth, but will still vote. Re that football player sometime back who lost his career because a drunk violent jerk had a pussy, she thinks that a man can't defend himself if attacked by a woman, and if we're together and a bullet starts flying, she'll instinctively jump behind me, I'm supposed to die for her because she has a pussy. The usual crap. ​I've mentioned this problem of discovery elsewhere in forum about a different highly intelligent medical career female; you have to ask the right questions, or it's still facade. Like searching for rotting or termite infested wood in a structure, you have to keep looking into all the corners, not just take a sample and call it done.
  12. Hmm. Never thought of any of that, but wouldn't have known to at the time. I just laughed in my sleep at the joke. And cemeteries were part of the local landscape so I didn't really notice anything special. But you're probably right on all of it. Now I can look back and see all that.
  13. Enjoyed your video, keep it up! To quote an employee from my fave lunch place: "People are idiots." I used to be one too, especially before the internet. Now, the info is all available, just have to responsibly look. But who does that? Any one who does, is already aware of the "fire threat." I responded negatively years ago to people, again pre-internet, who said something against the great flawless society and gummint in which I'd been raised. Now I realize that I'd been totally duped, in part by others who'd been totally duped. I think that most people have trouble with a free standing fact or two, against the giant wall of previous belief. Never mind truth, it's a small fact against a big belief. I really don't know how to approach that. It seems to take Godzilla smashing a person's home to get them to notice anything, and even then they'll misinterpret it.
  14. "Or is this an 'equal rights' that is only for young attractive women?" I think the word you're looking for is "brat."
  15. Kenjuu Do – The way of the gun (target air pistol in this case) “Thousands of repetitions and out of one’s true self perfection emerges.” —Zen saying “The shooting practitioner does not look at the target for the result of his or her practice, but inward, for the target is not a target – it is a mirror. And if the heart is right, each shot clears away some more of the obstacles clouding the vision of one’s true nature.” —Zen in the art of pistol shooting website —from Shooter, pellet and target | The Pistol Place (<<give this writer’s personal account a full read) ——————————————————————————— So what’s this got to do with NAP? Stress relief, inner awareness. One catch here is that 2-3 random factors have come together to make it possible for me to have such major benefit, so I’m not sure what someone else might come up with. Big point is that all I have to do is stand up from where I’m typing and take a few paces to start; I don’t have to go anywhere, and can do it when it seems right. Goes like this: As I’ve aged, some of my youthful possessions have become antiques. Also the internet showed up, so I can learn new things about what I have. I have air guns. (Enthusiasts might appreciate that one of them is a 1967 Crosman M1 replica, good condition, wooden stock, and I have the original storage magazine, retained from accidental oblivion after it fell into the swimming pool and I saw the need to create an integral retaining pin, of which shows no sign of wear, ‘cause I make ‘em right. I discovered that the real and the replica are within 1 oz and 1/4”, and that the Crosman innards use the superior poppet valve design by Quackenbush from the 1880’s. I love the net.) The other is a break barrel (the barrel is hinged and folds down, acting as a lever to compress the piston spring with a single motion), rifled Czech pellet pistol, wooden stock, purchased about 1970 at a downtown Atlanta army surplus store. That right there is provenance. I’d toyed with it years ago, mostly using darts indoors, and the rifling is still okay if you were wondering. Half a cotton swab is also impressive. It mostly then sat in a cabinet. Recently I thought to make a shooting range for it. I am fortunate to be typing here in a 1950’s garage converted long ago into a nice room, peak ceiling, high north windows and other glass; whoever did this knew what they were doing. The room is about 7 meters long, which makes for a nice 6 meter shooting range. I made a small backdrop featuring cork and plastic, and a pile of blankets already there makes the larger backdrop. I bought some nice .177 darts. It took me 3-4 days to work up the strength to fully use the pistol. Yesterday, it occurred to me that I own a fish scale, and could measure the following, and now I understand why I got the workout (rounding off the kg): -pistol weight over 2 pounds -barrel used as lever compressing piston spring = 15 pounds -trigger pull = 25 18 pounds I shoot sets of five darts, several or more sets per day. So if you look at the resistance training alone, you can see why I felt it in pecs, lats, bi and triceps, and I still have to be careful of overusing tendons. I’m training leftie too, so both my forefingers are rated to lift 25 pounds. I didn’t see that coming. Years ago I’d shot a quality 9mm pistol with a gentle trigger, did well. (Nickel plated Ruger semi-auto.) But this air pistol is another creature. With a rifle or a bow, the second hand is far ahead, holding the straight shooting line between two points. But with a pistol, there is only one point, and the trigger hand has to not twitch at the last moment, and my pistol’s very hard trigger made that ridiculously obvious. I kept at it. Somewhere in there, I stumbled upon the quotes leading this post. I found it to be completely true. To the extent that my shot strayed, my mind was unclear, distracted, or impure. That last word is especially potent. Virtually every shot, by how far it misses or hugs the mark, is a snapshot of my mind as I pulled the trigger. This is single shot, and I intentionally place the darts slightly out of reach, so that every reload requires different standing motions, perhaps from kneeling or crouching, a martial art kata, or dance. Anyone taking martial arts…or just generally being Japanese… knows that it includes how we sit or stand up or do anything, grace and control are not discarded during calm moments. The same is true for retrieving the darts at the ground level target, bending or squatting works and loosens legs. The whole thing is a ceremony. It is a kinesthetic way to reveal, examine, and correct one’s thoughts. Fast too, takes only seconds between inner views. So if you have a long room, no close neighbors with a baby trying to sleep, and especially an air pistol with really strong springs, there’s a gym and temple already in your home.
  16. I just looked up who he is. Interesting. Something about lasers in a coil affecting the timespace inside the coil, and subatomic particles going thru there, reminiscent to me of an electrical inductor. I'm watching this: Time Traveler: Ron Mallett - Conversations from Penn State - YouTube
  17. True story, just for fun. Decades ago, before internet or cell phones. This is a dream I had while living in rural eastern USA mountains: The dream: I have a friend I’ll call John. John is going on a long trip overseas, and wants to rent his house while he’s gone, a pleasant white wooden structure of a type common to the area. He doesn’t get anyone before he needs to leave, and asks me to stay at the house and take any telephone calls about rental. John placed an ad in the newspaper telling about the house, how it was in lovely hilly surrounding, and “a good place for a personal retreat.” One day a man calls. He asks if this is the house for a personal retreat. I say yes and further explain how lovely it is, and comment that not far away is a cemetery with splendid views. The caller exclaims “Cemetery! Heck, I wanted a retreat, not a surrender!” End of dream.
  18. What things? I vaguely recall an edgy moment or two on some link or other, which make me think more openly if I let it. But I don't know if we'd be talking about the same quotes.
  19. Interesting proposition. Off hand, I think about earlier decades or even centuries, and things may have been somewhat more straightforward to evaluate; not sure how that would go now. The problem is, a wise and informed family, or a dysfunctional stubborn close minded family?
  20. Report in progress: I'm looking at those links re cancer and meat. So far, I'm finding that it's weak. Animal studies used mega doses. And this:Risk of colorectal cancer in relation to frequency and total amount of red meat consumption. Systematic review and meta-analysis "Although numerous epidemiological studies have aimed to confirm the positive relationship between the consumption of red meat and formation of colorectal cancer, their results were not strongly convincing [6–10]. The evaluation of red meat intake in colorectal cancer development was very difficult, due to many environmental factors modulating colorectal carcinogenesis, which has been reviewed recently [1]." I also see claims that it's related to how many doses of red meat per day, not the absolute amount per se. 50g per day as a test level, seen here and there, was chosen arbitrarily, as there seemed to be no clear cut off. The meta-analysis of these studies showed that red meat intake more frequently than once per day induces colonic cancer (RR 1.37, 95% CI 1.09–1.71; Figure 4) as well as rectal cancer (RR 1.43, 95% CI 1.24–1.64; Figure 5). This is perhaps the smoking gun, pardon the BBQ pun: A review of the literature on this subject suggests a positive association between the consumption of red meat and colon and/or rectal cancer. High intake of red meat causes an increasing concentration of biliary acids in the bowel content. The biliary acids can upset the balance between the maturing and apoptotic cells [10, 21]. The products of their metabolism, including deoxycholic acid, have the property of destroying cytoplasmic membrane in epithelial cells of the large intestine. That process indirectly results in increased cell proliferation and their higher sensitivity to mutagenic factors; consequently, it may be the cause of malignant transformations [21–24]. The process of neoplasm formation with the participation of the biliary acids may also be associated with their ability to activate cyclooxygenase 2, which may, in turn, lead to excessive prostaglandin production. This results in resistance to apoptosis and stimulates malignancy and invasiveness [22]. What I keep seeing is a dose relationship. Above it says "high intake." Elsewhere I see that what data there is suggests it's more about how many times a day, vs absolute amount. (RED meat we're talking about, not the birds, don't know about pork.) Consider a home near a busy urban street. On a normal day, lots of cars, but they move well, and fumes into the home are minimal, due to wind dispersion, car velocity, etc. Now consider a traffic jam or slowdown. The fumes become horrendous in the home, and lungs and heart suffer. Is the bowel like this? Somebody taking minutes on the poop platform is testimony to that person's bowel having chronic traffic jams inside. (By the way, anyone see the ads for SquattyPotty?) More: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, formed during high temperature processing of meat, are considered as possible carcinogenic factors. No studies have confirmed these observations so far [25, 27].
  21. Jake thanks for the links; I'll be reviewing them. For now, one thing. Being on the toilet for 5 minutes is still too much. Any animal that takes that long in the wild, is sick. Or ate a Brillo pad. I noted that one of those links mentioned cancer in colon vs rectum. Well, if something bad is stuck in there, it's going to hyper expose the rectal tissues. So I see an issue that is not as clarified as it might be, at least on first pass. We are all different one way or another. For myself, I've had historically elevated levels of blood stuff, including during the Haagen-Daz ice cream eating years, and later with an improved diet, less but still "elevated" according to what I call alarmism. Yet three body scans show ZERO defects, all normal healthy systems. I shudder to think what condition I'd be in if I'd followed the scare tactics and downed Lipitor.
  22. What I don't see mentioned is why the mess to begin with? I'm thinking of a woman I know, who has revealed herself to be an unthinking idiot, despite a nursing career...don't let careers fool you...and she has a now grown daughter. While living at home, the daughter's room was a mess, but I ask myself what the daughter was reacting to. Was her life a mess, her mother illogical, irrational, unethical? I think the closer look needs taken to what is actually going on in that home to begin with. Symptom vs. cause.
  23. Random thoughts: probably not all gays are socialist, but you don't hear them squawking, and they are thus not valuable to mainstream media, which hates hates hates honesty anyway. My observation of many so-called liberals is they are unthinking idiots, never mind degrees or careers, and their main motivation is being with the in-crowd of similar bumper sticker parrots. Doing so also allows for verbal bullying of those not present, and nobody will call them on it. And they know that if they break rank by being...shudder...honest about something, they will be attacked by the other parrots; they know this because they do it too.
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