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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. I couldn't get into the video because of the music. It's got that weepy feel-good sound that makes me feel that any moment I'll be asked to Save The Whales. This type of music is manipulative, and usually elsewhere means deception is taking place, that we are to emote, not think. A valid message doesn't need a choir.
  2. "Thanks for your input. Its interesting that I feel a bit of fear about my therapist saying to me "Your done!". I am starting to rely on his support and kindness, I think" Which is fine; you're in the phase where that's exactly what you need. Sounds familiar to me, those distant years ago. (We wouldn't want the ship captain to debark the passenger while still far from shore!) When you get stronger...a gradual process...you'll have less need to feel that, it will probably just evaporate.
  3. "- can it be resolved? yes" I think it's no. My understanding comes from daily visits to enenews.com, run by a retried nuclear engineer, Arnie Gunderson, which was devoted to Fukushima for the first years, and will still keep updates. It is not obvious at all how this can be resolved. The corium location isn't truly known, it's over an underground river, the explosions make the whole thing a twisted and unstable metal jungle, and no human can ever get near anything meaningful. A machine doing so is a joke. It's constantly draining radioactive water into the Pacific, and nobody knows how to stop it. The ice wall attempt is only partially useful, and introduces it's own problems of ground instability. " the selection of Japan as a site for the Olympics, but my understanding is that the owners of the ranch care not about the desires of the herd." The Japanese government wants the Olympics of course for the money it gives various parties. Also, to dismiss the Olympics is to admit Fukushima is out of control, and since Japan sells nuclear power plants, that ain't good sales material. The bottom line is that nuclear is the only process that we know of dense enough, cheap enough, plentiful enough, clean enough, and reliable enough to bring all the earth's population to and industrial standard of living. Given the use of later generation reactors, this makes sense. I wonder if SpaceX and it's future competitors will be the carrier of spent fuel to a sunward path. That sounds expensive, but would be peanuts to another WIPP, which can't be found anyway. As to a crashed rocket, I can envision crash proof containers, plus transportation technologies tend to mature into reliable states. It's already really good. And it's the only complete solution, the waste is really gone. I guess countries like Germany and other parts of the world are phasing out Nuclear because it's so awesomely cheap, safe and easy to get rid of the by-products. I wonder how much of that was political response to Fukushima and Chernobyl. This compounded with the fact that we are still running almost exclusively Gen II reactors while already developing Gen IV reactors, I'm not at all worried. That's the problem, the early models are what are running. It's about getting to a future where that's reversed. And as to worry, ask people around the British Windscale nuclear fire area, or Pripyat, or Northern Japan. These are not theoretical. Places on Earth, big places, are now forbidden zones. Various facilities have piping past useful life, maybe leaks. The water table in the USA near NYC is threatened by an old nuclear plant. Ponder decades ahead, the future stealth terrorist missile, or an errant meteorite hitting that baby. Low odds, but Earth has had mass extinctions against low odds.
  4. YouTube has plenty of Russian dash cam video. It is mayhem. Riotous armed thugs cruise for victims. Things fly through the air that are called "cars with people inside." For some reason I got curious what Sweden had. At first I thought I'd stumbled upon a satire. I looked at a few others, the limit of my research, and it seemed to be real. The big dash cam deal in Sweden is somebody did an illegal lane change and nothing bad happened. Maybe this is a non-story. I put it out there for reactions.
  5. I'm reminded of a news story, don't know how old, about a young woman (I'll call Princess) in Africa someplace, in a car used for a "safari" tour. Real lions only yards away. Instructed NOT to open the windows, she did so anyway for a better picture, and the lion jumped thru the window and mauled Princess to death. (With respect in the general case to the writer who provided this:) "1 - No, the initiator of the use of force is the responsible party, male or female"... or lion. Yeah, talk it out with the lion beforehand. From the OP scenario, the $%$#& idiot would be begging for it. I think the key words here are "grow up." On your scenario: the choice to flirt, get drunk, wear "slutty" clothes is always with the person doing that. The responsibility that person has is only for his/her own actions, not for the actions of others responding to those choices. Irrelevant. The lion attacks. Deal done. She should know better...Princess! she is a little Asian girl and we are currently living in Istanbul, The phrase here is "a tasty morsel." Never mind where. Sorry, but all theoretical philosophy aside, she's begging for trouble. It's blatant. She values her ego over her safety. Or the RISK her boyfriend or other males might take to save her from her poor judgement. Princess. And by the way, WHY does she need to dress sexy, for lack of a better word? Who the hell is she trying to impress? "Hey look World, what a tasty morsel I am! Wouldn't you ALL like to drag me into the nearest alleyway?" Yeah, I guess she's just empowered....
  6. neeeel: "I also wonder if I am expecting the stuff I feel to just stop, ie I wont feel bad any more and thats how I know Im "cured", and perhaps thats not a realistic expectation?" Back in the late nineties, I went into a few years of therapy. I was extremely messed up in the beginning. I had absolute rat parents, which I could not comprehend at the time. (Sure do now.) For so long, I felt horrid despair going to my appointments. That gradually lessened, and one day, when we would've been setting up the next appointment, my therapist said "Well, I think you're done." And I realized he was right! So essentially, what happened is what you described above, and I consider it a very realistic expectation, assuming everyone does their homework. Be clear that "done" didn't mean totally done, it meant that I could continue on my own. We'd worked out the big pieces, and I was vastly healthier.
  7. Welcome jjmax. Thank you for this information. I look forward to more of your posts.
  8. I'm still proud of my ability to do so.... I think it has something to do with wishful thinking. Burp. PigglyWigglyLogo.gif 662×633 pixels
  9. Okay, clears that up pretty much. I usually close apps for resource reasons, but was tracking down a rumor.
  10. "...they fled to Utah in the 1850's and onward where they were able to practice our faith without much persecution." Being a military history reader, I read about the strife in many communities along the way to Utah. I also read that the US Army and the Utah Mormons came within almost a literal match throw of war. Cool heads at the right moment. This topic, which I read several years ago, helped me realize the benevolent-federalist propaganda upbringing that I had. Not saying black and white conclusions, but it got me thinking. "distrust was fully mediated by the belief that people behave better if they feel that God is watching them" Brief digression: In sick irony, right now I am realizing (and thanks to a helpful cousin on this) that some Southern Baptist former in-laws (I'm divorced) who are utterly drenched in daily Godliness (recent dripping email) utterly refuse to renounce a clearly fraudulent product being pushed by themselves. Blatant can't miss it evidence supplied in abundance by myself; no reply to it at all...just how awash in God they were. The atheist fights crime, the so-called Godlies won't renounce it. I am relieved in a sense, because it all fits together, old news, no need to hold false hope.
  11. I didn't know about the dropping and adding of companies in that manner. I'll use that in my further thinking.
  12. Gosh, I feel such a fool. That time I got hit by a car on my bike...all I had to do was hold out my hand! I'm gonna see if I can make shoveling snow much less work by aiming my oven mitts at it. On a more serious note, that first purse swing would've been met by an assailant's arm easily snagging the strap and taking it from her, then using it against her.
  13. Long ago, far away, possibly here, I read a comment in passing that those of us with the habit of closing bigger applications we're done with, such as Safari, should leave them open for a time, even if unused, because the application will do internal housekeeping. Anyone know about that?
  14. Cold water thrown. One thing I noticed....."Cyanobacteria evolved around 2.7 billion years ago and the fact that they are able to produce oxygen and fix carbon dioxide using energy from the sun - photosynthesis - is thought to have caused mass extinctions and the oldest known ice age." This sounds suspiciously like some AGW crept in someplace, perhaps one or two steps removed. Anyone have links about that? Questions come to mind like, what about the other ice ages? Extinction of what? Anaerobic life forms? Back on topic: it's hardly a replacement for an eye and brain. They just move towards light, already knew that. Image forming doesn't mean image interpretation. A simple drop of water may do the same thing. Calling it "remarkably similar way to us" is quite a stretch. "see their world in basically the same way that we do" is nonsense. We SEE because we have receptors that organize and a brain to interpret the info. The bacteria simply get an itch.
  15. Detroit as Mo-or-less-town. And while you're at it, change a couple notes in the national anthem so mere mortals can sing it.
  16. Bushrat, do you have some starter topics? Common things you'd like to address?
  17. Oh yeah, BIG agreement on first paragraph. Fast food like many things is dose related -- minimal in this case, next level down would be "none"; no fries or sides, no drinks, and not often with the big mac. Virtually all manufactured food has become unpalatable and repugnant to me, feeling revolted with one bite. Anymore, I rarely buy anything not real food, other than the occasional Big Mac. I can tell with body fat right away, if I do otherwise. Someone said never buy food that comes in a box, and I find truth in that. I'll buy the occasional treat from the snack aisle, and then wish I hadn't. This isn't about being high holy, it's about it makes me sick.
  18. I believe it. It's that calorie density which brings me into McD in the first place. On a bicycle, it's good inexpensive fuel for a stretch, and light in the belly. Nutritionally, given the rest of my diet, I'm fine with that. (No side orders or fountain drinks.) In my car, between errands and real food a bit in the future, it keeps me going. I realize now that it's that caloric density which has crossed my path with quite a number of local jobless. (In that 1930's fiction that I suggested above, that would be a plot point.)
  19. Years ago I was in an ambulance and ICU. For a loooooong time afterwards, I was extremely indebted to the staff for saving my life. Years later, I still like the ambulance guys, who I saw for about one second. The ICU staff, I've come to realize, were dolts, in what they didn't do. It is very emotional, which is the antithesis of logic. It took time for me to literally get around to that thinking, I had so much else to deal with. Alas, the cringe factor: I've given up on trying to engage women with rational thought. Logic bounces off the brick walls of ego/emotion. And I've never found a solution for that.
  20. Related: provision of needs should include basic emotional, like the child feeling wanted. I see a big loophole there. Aggression can be acts of omission too.
  21. Oooooh, good catch! Totally missed it. I never know how many candles to put on the birthday cakes. I assume the above is STEP ONE in discovery, which is to identify areas of possible error. I assume this is from a publication that included more sentences than just the above.
  22. Yeah, I noticed that. Maybe if it was done with a Hallmark card? "Oh my dear Mumsy, My child's lungs are the cost, So I'll have to ask you, To be sure to get lost!"
  23. Chernobyl and Fukushima seem to be treated here by some comments as done deals. 1-2 million deaths...over what time scale? What arbitrary cut off? We're talking about thousands or tens of thousands of years. In these areas there are now large vacancies of former fauna, and genetic distortions in the remainders, bad stuff. The worst pix of Appalachian coal miners never included large numbers of newborns with one sunken eye or withered limbs (referring to Fukushima butterflies and moths here). (And one should include in these calculations the increase in Finnish children's thyroid cancer post Chernobyl, attempted to be hushed up by diluting with all Scandinavian data, later whistle blown.) This is essentially a permanent condition; human history in toto has reached a mere fraction of that time scale. What state or other entity to do this maintenance is to survive in a future that is further away than all human history to date, and nobody, nobody at all, dropped the ball along the way, not even one year, even a few months, over thousands of years? Who even WANTS to be the state that includes Chernobyl? Borders are the most movable of all things, short of a high mountain range or big river. And nobody wants that baby. Unless to threaten the rest of the world.... Who is to tend to C's future surface coverings, and worse, who is going to make sure that supply of liquid nitrogen keeps that corium from touching the water table and steam exploding over most of Europe, making the entire European continent full of grossly defective plants and animals, all animals, not just humans or mammals? FOREVER! Fukushima is NOT contained. Any human trying to really get in there would be dead in less than an hour. No machine has survived an attempt, and these are basically just camera attempts, not actually cutting through explosion-twisted wreckage. They don't even know where the corium is located!!! It blew up, it splattered, it melted everything it touched, it's in there somewhere, not sure how much may have gotten into the ground, or if it will later, is the summary. And since Fukushima is located over an underground river, corium steam explosion? Good luck. It is leaking massive daily radiation into the Pacific, with the lingering questions of why the massive emerging and ongoing Pacific Ocean never-before-seen food chain crash just happens to be a few years after Fukushima pumps radiation wholesale into the biota, along with the massive unheard-of North American Pacific coast sea star die-offs. Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — “A host of other freakish phenomena” (WHOA!! I just looked at the CNN video in that link, and the very last statement...about an issue where the cause is UNKNOWN...a mention about climate change. CNN is owned. Not to sidetrack here, but this is HUGELY the way the climate fraudsters work: they put the words climate change tacked onto any story where there is a problem, never mind any truth to it.) Another earthquake could send damaged fuel rods crashing into huge aerosol dispersal, quite possibly assisted by nuclear detonations. Most of Japan would become uninhabitable. And I don't think the radiation would stop at national borders like a no-smoking sign. Can anyone say "upset China"? Don't be deceived by simply counting noses of the projected dead with an arbitrary cutoff. Count the deformed, most of which are yet to come. And read what I just said: Two oopsies, and write off Europe and Japan. It doesn't get worse, short of a big asteroid collision and then we're all goners. And that's just the two disasters, Fukushima actually being a triple disaster. Still plenty of opportunity for more. These things write off CONTINENTS, or portions thereof. A body count is just part of the story.
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