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Everything posted by AccuTron

  1. 1--Yes, exactly. Whatever the ultimate outcome, the process is stirring things up. Alas, since the "things" are essentially the contents of a cesspool, we hope for the long shot of finding a lost piece of jewelry. 2--It's worse than you think. Yes, you read it here first, Stef is part of a Bulgarian sleeper cell in Canada. All this business with Syria and Europe, China, the economy, BRICS'n'BRACS, etc., is to distract us. It's Bulgaria that's running the show. Didn't Sun Tzu say something along the lines of "To be strong, appear weak." It's obvious once you know how to look.
  2. Drums represent unfettered sexuality, possibly the (twisted) root of that aversion.
  3. (I can refer you to some wonderful sites/pages) Please do.
  4. Me, (to signature clipboard carrying young curvy woman out to save the planet and a little hate feels good too): (shortened version) "I used to believe the global warming because it was everywhere said, and I looked and was surprised to end up doing 75 hours research and about 1,500 websites of research, including research papers dozens of pages long. Falsified data, illegal math and science, etc." She ("it"): "I see where you're going with this," followed by smug scowl and turning away from me.
  5. As he aged, George Carlin said in effect that instead of worrying about the BS pile of life, he just stood back and looked at it like it was a circus; disengaged. I find myself forced more and more into that position. I honestly seek truth, and it does set ME free, but it also reveals how utterly rotten things are, far more than I'd have dreamt. Am I happy? Well, not exactly bubbly, because life is indeed harsh. Yet I am very happy...tho' that's probably not the correct word...to have learned all that I have over recent years, from the works of so many others. I would never go back (to blue pill). If we find ourselves in a stinky swamp, filled with nasty creepy things, and a thick mist the overall view...that sucks, but it's going to suck anyway, so better do what you can to find out more about the terrain and those damned creepy creatures. With any luck, you'll get a break in the mist now and then.
  6. What is to be done about the claims of the existence of the Easter Bunny? Oh me oh my, what shall I do? Oh well, if I had kids I'd send them to Easter Bunny schools because they do good at readin' and writin'.
  7. "...will consider some of these things I am interested in, but never women. Especially women typically do not want to consider anything except how they are perfect, and god forbid anyone mention they have anything to improve." Clang, clang, clang! The alarm bells of truth, the pain of resonance with these statements....
  8. "organized atheism" is like saying "organized MGTOW." I think it should read "organized ego." The SJW arises like a weed.
  9. I missed that material; do you have convenient links? Russians don't need to send anyone over anymore; we screw it up just fine homegrown.
  10. Where is the OP? I see nothing. The China video is indeed revolting. Yet, what else is new? US citizens now scowl at a person who dares do honest research, supposedly in the name of saving the planet, and no doubt free speech. (Personal experience.) The so-called news and entertainment complex ostracizes honest rational thought. The viewers get bonus points for that by agreeing with lying sound bites. The Chinese are needing this software because they don't have the pre-existing dumb-down media net we have.
  11. There is agreement on this; alas, something called the Japanese State is in the way. When people talk about inventing the wheel, they think it's easy. It's not. Try to invent an axle and bearing, and using whatever for lube, that will stand up to load for even a quarter mile. You can make huge heavy wheels from planks, or lighter ones with spokes. How do you make spokes, what kind of wood is available, how do you fasten or glue it? Do you have the metal tools to even make the spoked wheel? Not as easy as people think.
  12. Well, in large part, you hit the nail on the head. The atmosphere is soooooo complex, that endless numbers of things are pulling on each other, not to mention that they chemically create and destroy each other along the way. Can you imagine a football game, where when the players touched each other, any player may suddenly vaporize, or create two or more new players? Try to call that game!! It's the biggest ever cat's cradle, like it was made by shaky hands and closed eyes. To suggest that CO2 is THE big kahoona is bogus; it's like saying that in that tangled mess, there's only one string that pulls the others. (Lord Of The Rings mimic; "The string that ruled them all!" Actually, considering the massive fraud on this, Mordor is probably the correct reference. Nothing ever changes.) Trying to get a bunch of such equations to behave like Catholic school kids ain't gonna happen. More like herding a bunch of scared cats. People who don't know math, really know it, fall for the simple view, the easy answer, The String To Rule Them All.
  13. Dear Abby, Dear Abby, Help me, I’m stuck. I’m utterly baffled, About sharing my luck. Incredible house, Very well placed. And the invested bounty Kinda sorta aced. Gotta go somewhere, After I’m gone. But who gets it, House, goods, and lawn? I have none available, as next of kin, (Not counting that one, so reeking of sin.) Who is it, that I can benefact, Who isn’t determined to always lact? You know what I mean: Attached to Satan’s hiney! Clung to it strongly, like some kind of viney! I am desperately reaching, Grasping for straws. Only one family Even gives me pause. The parents have, if anyone does, Clear B.S. detectors, not blocked with fuzz. Yet they sit immersed, Socially woven, In a group of liberals, Into the liars’ coven. Monstrous, is the sin in this group. Feminized, it bars justice it’s coup. A parent wrecks her family, they are paralyzed; Yet done softly, it goes un-chastised. A man who is surely, By his demeanor, The most just of social warriors, Who could be meaner? And he did it! By Golly, he did! I asked him to think, And he sent me a link — “Stefan a cult leader!” Oh dear me, Have we found Satan’s door greeter? And the links inside? — every one of them dead! (Safe to say, so’s the inside of his head.) Twenty minutes or less, Discovered the source of the note: Parents of a suicide; Seeking a scapegoat. Did he clean up the mess? What do you guess? Lacking bone central, Vanished, and returned to, described here, Sin Central. Proud of their education, Yuppety yuppety, yum! But the truth of Fukushima, or MGTOW? Oh, well, ummmm…. And oh yes, at their table! The one that Satan finds most able, To poison the minds of the young! He’s a climate professor, And thinks fraud Mann is a chum! Then did a sudden death, Seem to point a way? I hadn’t seen them in twenty years, If it’s been a day. And yet again, Ever deeper my sigh, Those damn fool idiots, Kneel at Satan’s thigh. Dangling at your lips? Virginia Slims or Virginia Teeny, It’s still Satan’s Filter-tipped weenie. It made you watch Your patriarch die; I won’t watch you Inhale that lie. When I last saw that girl, she was not a drug addict. Dear Abby, Dear Abby, I’m truly in the dumps. Who am I to choose, From this range of chumps?
  14. Actually, that's a far more potent statement than most people would realize.
  15. Grrrr...don't make me even think about Zeus, dat basterd!
  16. Finnish children experienced a spike in thyroid cancer. (This is from memory, pretty sure it's thyroid we're talking about; it was something.) Not a non-event. This was years ago, I was just searching for myself, so I have no links, but there was a study...[PREACHING TO THE CHOIR ALERT]... of just such a possibility post-Chernobyl. The study had legit scientists analyzing Finnish data. In the middle of it, the leader was replaced by someone who the staff didn't like. The study was taken over, and data from all other Scandinavian countries was added in, thus diluting the Finnish data. Somebody blew the whistle, and when it was done properly, a spike in Finnish children's tumors was clearly seen. Also, both C and F are gigantic time bombs with no expiration date. Chernobyl has to constantly pump liquid nitrogen, last time I heard, to cool the molten fuel underground. If not, it will eat it's way into the ground water and cause a monster radioactive steam plume which will make most of Europe uninhabitable unless monster babies is one's hobby. Fukushima has no way anyone can figure out to clean it up. Ever. And not just clean it, but as told above, the fuel rods are damaged and very unstable. Any good enough earthquake, or maybe just another ten years of rust, could dump them, and then Hiroshima looks like a mere firecracker, with most of Japan uninhabitable. Europe and/or Japan could become entirely uninhabitable in a flash. Nothing in the way of that but luck and liquid nitrogen.
  17. They can get immediate, free, effective, no appointment needed, high quality therapy right here. Use your access for them to speak to this group in their own words about what's going on. Seriously, try it. It will probably blow their socks off. At a minimum, they'll have done a large amount of very >>honest<< groundwork if they then go on to another therapy.
  18. Good catch A4E (what does that stand for by the way?). I recently read that iatrogenic (healthcare induced) death is #3 death cause in the US, after cancer and heart disease (notice that all three are massively preventable). I don't have all those links, but this is one: A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated w... : Journal of Patient Safety (supporting material) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False My own experience with Kaiser Permanente, related in these forums, is bone chilling. And no recourse whatsoever, we are billable meat. "free" screening risks, prostate - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board Back to OP.... In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, author D.Adams tells of far future philosophers by the names of, as I recall, Magic Thighs and Broomfondle. A mega computer was to figure out The Meaning Of Life, but would take seven million years to run the program. The philosophers were advised to hire a good agent and hit the talk show circuit about what the computer would find. Hot air plus good agent. They got rich. I could stop there, but why pass up an opportunity for further depression? A building is only as stable as it's foundation soil. Ever hear of The Leaning Tower Of Pisa? -- Your view on "The View" - General Messages - Freedomain Radio Message Board, esp. #4.
  19. (Sorry about clunky editing; most my reply is above this line.) Answer me right here: Did you do your homework? Did you read my supplied materials? I recommend two hour minimum. What did you actually DO?
  20. I haven't read the article yet, but when I saw the title, the thought that flashed thru my mind was "Doesn't that mean ALL women?" Honest reaction. I know there are decent women in forum here, a small number put against the national/international population, and I think even one of them echoed what I'd seen elsewhere, that decent (honest, rational) women are maybe less than one percent. So 99+% seems pretty close to "all." --- Having read it now, yeah, a point or two lurches, but overall a useful intro guide. I like dogs, but have to go over my memory about who had dogs...it was always the guys if just one person. When I was in a long relationship, my woman found all the dogs we had and we loved them dearly; yet she definitely had clutter issues.
  21. I used toxic because it was already used, wordplay; perhaps too strong on it's own. I get what you mean; like if you were driving a truck on a dirt road, any intruding small branches simply get whacked aside without notice.
  22. "To The Lord, we are all colored; because He is clear." Something that occurred to me many years ago. Pun humor with possible content.
  23. "...If the child expects the conclusion to be universal, to witness some form of challenge might've served to plant the seed of doubt and skepticism." "One day he'll grow and realize that the authority he thought was infallible, isn't." These are counterweights. Which one to chose? Per my own experience: I can look back and see many huge lies that were never challenged, and I had not the resources to do so. Partly, before the internet, partly just didn't know, had no one to help me. So, being not specifically challenged, the rot kept on going. When I was in fourth grade Catholic school, the science book showed a starfish(sea star) grouped under "Mollusks." I was shocked. They are Echinoderms, not Mollusks! Doesn't everyone know this? That was the first crack in the Infallibility Of Church. A frickin' drawing of a starfish. In my life, it was a huge moment. So, I'm leaning more towards the view of let the young be exposed to other people's thoughts. (Captain Caveat then barks: "But no damn feminists!")
  24. Nice post, good start, keep it going! I notice the phrase "running over toxic people." Might be a bit toxic itself. I'd change it to "a pickup truck with an anti-gravity snow plow which flings toxic people some thirty yards to the side in a tumble." Incrementally nicer. The metaphorical point is deflection vs. knocking down (look up Aikido). Might be a useful mental tool.
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