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J. D. Stembal

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Everything posted by J. D. Stembal

  1. Have you seen either of these videos before? They have been linked around the forums in a couple places. I've been doing these stretches for the past six months or so, and I have dramatically less back pain, but I also do back strengthening exercises such as dead lifts, rows, pull ups, etc. Here is me enjoying my stool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPUxX-9d0FA The stool was a dumpster pick, the roller was $25, and the tie downs were $5.
  2. You have the Nixon administration to thank, and George McGovern. People are still spouting off nutritional falsehoods that were proposed and refuted in the 1960s.
  3. I've heard that too, but I can't remember where. Perhaps FDR. Allow people to form voluntary heath organizations with the goal of promoting nutrition and fitness. They exist in the free market already, but are stymied in their effectiveness by socialized health care. We should be going to doctors to fix broken legs, not the late term consequences of catastrophic metabolic disorders. By the time you have cancer, type 2 diabetes or heart disease, it's nearly too late to save you, and you are throwing a lot of money after your survival. It is plainly clear how inefficient this kind of health care is. In this paradigm, the cost of health care and insurance would be greatly reduced (by up to 85%). Instead, we have ACA, which doubled and will soon triple premiums. People are getting sicker, not healthier, and we all are going to have to take a bite of the socialized shit sandwich. Thank you, Boomers!
  4. More vitamin D discussions between Joe and Rhonda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh0xB4OJdpQt=19:00
  5. A fully free-market health care system would be based on prevention, not treatment. As it stands, our system, for lack of a better word, disincentivizes prevention.
  6. My main problem areas are upper back between the scapulae, the lower back which I have tweaked a number of times, and tennis elbow on my right arm. I cannot use mice or golf because of this tendonitis in my arm. I also have a little tightness in the hamstrings and hips, which comes from sitting a lot. My years of video gaming and working behind computers caught up with me rather quickly. I was playing around with computers since the age of 4 or 5, so you can imagine how devastated my posture is. I can tell just by running my fingers up along my spine that there are at least two place where the vertebrae are slightly out of alignment. Compared to everything else, my neck is fantastic but I had a run in with muscle spasms at the base of my skull once before. I'm relatively fit now, but all these historical traumas have me operating from a deficit in physical performance. I'm curious to know how the generation behind me will fare. Judging from what I see young people doing, I imagine it will be an entire generation of people who cannot look up.
  7. My Slavic roots on my father's side dictate that my ancestors suffered at the hands of the Turks. Where are my reparations from the Ottoman Empire?
  8. I laid in it correctly (head on one side, feet on the other), but I think the hooks from which the hammock is hanging need to be separated a little further. Last night, the low was somewhere between 50-54. Tonight, the forecasted low is a rainy 43 F. Where are you trouble spots for pain? I'm curious if we share anything in common pain-wise.
  9. Cuckolding has been part of the human experience for a very long time because until recently men did not have any way to prove paternity. See Maury Povich. Genetic testing is becoming cheaper and more common and also has reproductive and health applications. Jewish couples routinely go through with genetic screening because of all the recessive disorders in their population. I once asked an RN who worked in a children's ward if she advocated to her patients to do this before becoming pregnant, and she gave me a really weird look and said, "No, it's not my place to advise that." The upshot of all this is that women are not going to be able to have a one-night stand with a man outside of their relationship and pass off the resulting child to their long term mate. Perhaps cuckolding is appearing in children's shows in an effort to normalize the behavior for future generations. If you can get the next generation of men to accept polyamory, they can't whine about raising someone else's kids.
  10. I need to fix the angle of my hammock a little bit, but more than that, I need 60 degree weather at night.
  11. I'm extremely interested in the term "predator stare", which is uninterrupted eye-contact. I don't think I've ever seen this other than in drunken people and in that case I could tell they aren't focused on me, but at a spot in mid-air between us. Most people immediately look away when they see that I am looking right in their eyes. Heck, some people won't even acknowledge my presence when I am looking directly at them while standing in front of them, walking toward them. In public, I generally do a radar scan of my surroundings so I can make eye contact with the people looking in my direction. Awareness of your surroundings is a great skill to have. It's an instinctual survival mechanism.
  12. You forced your niece to read all that? You are one cruel uncle! I can sum it up nicely: Smartphone users are ignorant, and can't live in the moment. As a footnote, I want to sleep on my hammock tonight outside so the morning sun wakes me, but it's 56 F right now. Hmmm.... a little hypothermia never hurt anyone, right? I'm negging you, just for shits and giggles.
  13. The internet and phone system went down a couple hours ago at the same time, so I wandered off to the grocery store to buy some sundries. The internet often goes down up here, so that in itself was not strange. In that hour at the store, more people made eye contact with me than in any given week. People were actually standing around speaking with each other (mostly about the outage). Of course, there were some still looking at their phones in consternation. Currently, the internet is back up but my GSM phone is still offline. Around town, people were giving off a very nervous vibe like they wanted a Facebook fix really badly. I thought this was peculiar, unusual, yet interesting behavior. I may have to talk to someone! Help!
  14. Thank you for posting this, Nathan. I find this resource valuable. Do you know who wrote it?
  15. It breaks my heart nearly every day because I must have also cried like this when I was her age. My bedroom is just below hers, so unless I wear earplugs, her cries wake me up most mornings. I can hear her pain through the ceiling, which has at least a foot of concrete flooring separating us. She cries so loudly that I can make out the words, "I want my daddy!" Thank you so much for your words of support! No one in my personal life said these words to me, and when I tell people about how I quit drinking, they usually have a specific look on their face like they don't understand what I'm saying (a squinting of the eyes, and furrowing of the brow). I need to say these words to me. I did that just now, and it feels great. I'm going to give this man full credit for discontinuing the medication of his son. It's not like I commanded him to do it. I only suggested how damaging psychoactive pharmaceuticals are to the brain. We had one or two conversations about how he was institutionalized and likely doped up on thorazine for a week when he was a teenager, and he made the move to discontinue the medication for his son himself. On the other hand, he takes Chantix because he's trying to quit smoking, which has also been correlated to suicide, so the story doesn't yet have a happy ending.
  16. Take a test of your child's vitamin D levels to find out if they are adequate or not. If they are at low levels, you now have a medical exception for your child. Sufficient vitamin D levels (40-60 nanograms/mL) are correlated with lower all-cause mortality, meaning inadequate levels are associated with a lower life span. Unless the school holds class outside routinely, it is lowering your chlid's expected life span. However, the best option would be to get out of Sweden. I've never been there, but I hear that the extreme latitude, and subsequent lack of exposure to UVB raditiation, contributes to a lot of mood issues through disruption of the seratonin pathway. This is just one of the many side effects of deficiency in the hormone, vitamin D.
  17. How well hung is my hammock? https://youtu.be/hlHeXp_-048 Thank you very much for the links. Plus reps to you, friend! Speaking of proper gait, functional footwear is crucial as well. I cannot wear a shoe with arch support or an elevated heel for more than a couple hours without experiencing extreme discomfort. Heel striking stresses out the leg and hip joints and atrophies the posterior chain of muscles over the period of months and years. My current footwear: I just wore a hole in my toe shoes.
  18. Exercise is one of my main avenues to therapy. I've had many insights while walking especially. I've also worked through Nathaniel Branden's The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. I have three IFS books from Jay Earley that I am currently working through. I journal, meditate, attempt dream analysis with the help of FDR members, talk to myself in a mirror, and I am learning to love and accept myself after deFOOing and quitting drinking. I plan on giving the Talkspace people a half hour test drive to see if I like it. I would prefer to talk to someone in person. There is no IFS therapist in this county.
  19. A photograph of man-bear-pig should be incredibly valuable.
  20. I might just start doing this to try it and see. I've slept on the floor before but I never made a habit of it. Also, I'm going to grab a hammock tomorrow and see how that feels slung across my deck. It's very nice outside right now, so tonight would have been a good night to try it.
  21. The title is a bit of a bait and switch as the speaker only discusses Vitamin D from 5:30 to 12:30. Rhonda also fields a Vitamin D question from the audience at 46:00. No one would actually read this if I called it Nutriogenomics and Epigenetics. Considering that Stefan is very interested in genetic research as it may apply to philosophy, human psychology and child development, Mike should seek out Rhona Patrick for an interview. This is Rhonda's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/user/FoundMyFitness The Barbell Shrugged team also interviewed her. She discusses Vitamin D a bit more in this video, starting at 51:00 to the end of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWa4aJE8YpUt=49:00 Don't forget to get your Vitamin D levels tested! (I just ordered mine.) 70% of Americans do not have adequate levels of Vitamin D in the bloodstream! https://www.vitamindcouncil.org/testkit/
  22. Many important topics are touched upon in this video. The bit where he endorses BLM and National Parks at the end is a little aggravating, however. Can you build a shelter or a fire? Can you purify water?
  23. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! Back in the day, my crack-cocaine was Eve Online. Irwin, I was not suggesting that all games are anti-philosophy. They are a mainly a distraction so that people don't sit around a fireplace and discuss philosophy. Bringing philosophy to gaming would be quite a feat as there is a significant dearth of it. Why not both? Why aren't people already bringing philosophy to video games? I can't count the number of LAN parties that I've helped run and attended over the years. I don't recall a single moment when the NAP or Socrates was mentioned, let alone discussed at length.
  24. Are you familiar with the Haber-Bosch process? Humans (Germans) figured out a way to increase the carrying capacity of the planet by converting fossil fuels (energy) into fertilizers. http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Physical_Chemistry/Equilibria/Case_Studies/Haber_Process Semi-dwarf wheat strains, the first genetically modified organism, was the next scientific marvel that turned starvation into surplus in the 1960s. We have steadfastly resisted hitting the K threshold like a typical animal species, but we don't reproduce like r-strategists as our environment is not hostile, we have no predators, and we do not have the capability of reproducing at a geometric rate. Humans are in a population bubble created by fiat currency and abetted by the H-B process and the high yield strains of crops developed by scientists. I don't think we've seen what mass starvation looks like yet.
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