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Everything posted by Laforge
Sure i guess if you can find a broad selection of animals that: - have unlimited food sources - live in a highly predatory or disease stricken environment - but have complicated mating rituals - but still care greatly about a small number of offspring Then i think you've disproven the r vs K model. EDIT: Hillary is not a broad selection / group / race / voting base.
Okay let's build a city on some strip of dirt off the west coast of Canada. What we consider 'unowned' the Canadian govt considers their legal property. CNN news: On May, 5th 2016 a unknown force of indoctrinated anarchists unlawfully annexed one of our crappy tiny islands. The group of 50 mostly armed men where suspect terrorists from an evil internet forum. The navy took care of the threat by one salvo of air bombardment. Reaction from the sheeple who hear the story: Wow thank god the govt protected us! Maybe the govt needs to regulate the dangerous internet more rigorously. Or the NSA needs to spy on people more fiercely! --- Stage 1: spread the message, turn sheeple into people who see through media propaganda and political rhetoric. Stage 2: make sure nobody votes. Stage 3: that's it theres only 2 stages really. But it looks more cool if i sum up 3. (actually just stage 1 is enough)
Good observations and historical consistency!
[YouTube] The Truth About Crime
Laforge replied to Freedomain's topic in New Freedomain Content and Updates
Ah so theres an IQ goldilocks zone for criminals if they were raised badly, independent of race! (i will use this to optimize my recruitment strategy ) -
What about crypto anarchy
Laforge replied to Waffles's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Most optimistic scenario: Less optimistic: Govt will be incentivized to excessively regulate the internet. We may get a repeat of 'regulatory capture' so that Google/MS eventually "becomes" govt, same happened in history with the free market (rail roads, airports, housing, telecom,..). It's possible govt will also start a war to facilitate these kinds of "sacrifices" from people and business. Whether this is technically possible is an interesting question, surely TOR vs China censorship is hopeful. But i'm afraid it's only a matter of "whitelisting" the internet. A "state of emergency" (cyber terror false flag?) will be required to shove this down the population's throat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitelist -
Hey i got a really odd upside-down Alice in Wonderland feeling when reading your post. Probably has to do with my path to FDR being completely different from yours. I went from: pretty hard core socialist -> to prepper, watching lots of Chris Duane vids -> to silver stacker -> to having internal conversations such as: "How would i react in a shtf situation where people ask me for help? * If i say: No, you should have prepared! I immediately isolate and endanger myself. * If i say: Yes, here you go! I become the quickly depleted idiot. * Only remaining and most logical choice would be to say: Let's trade. +1 for simple capitalism" Or so i was forced to admit. Basically this was the beginning of my deeper interest in searching for a more rigorous framework for thinking. Leading me here. Enough anecdote, in my tax farm the answer is easy: buy precious metal coins. - Most obvious reason: Coin sales are not taxed here, only the thin sliver of merchants profit gets taxed. At least for the time being.. it probably won't be long before it's called tax evader/terrorist money like bitcoin. - Another reason to go for coins is the smaller denomination. How are you going to pay for a bag of potatoes from your local farmer if all you have is a bar? Ask him for a metal saw, then snort up the filings? Anyway, silver is probably the best way to invest. Reasons: - The weight ratio of gold vs silver in the ground is approximately 1:10 but the price ratio is 1:62. So one gold coin trades for 62 silver ones. This is historically quite insane. - Great for beginners, you get lots of material in your hands giving you the feeling that you actually hold money for the first time. - Silver is used (wasted) in industry (more than gold). You find it in hospital tubes or even in socks due to anti-bacterial properties. - Nobody respects the metal as precious so the above-ground reserves are likely to be much smaller than gold. The most common & pure form of silver is the Canadian Maple Leaf. Properties: - one coin costs approx. 15 EUR/USD atm - sold in rolls of 25 pieces - 99,99% pure silver If you don't like the fact that the price-per Maple (or 99,9% Eagle) is higher than the spot price of silver, you could consider buying "junk silver". You'll end up carrying a mixture of about 70% silver with copper and nickel but those coins are more tough than the pure ones. Keep silver air tight or it will tarnish due to the minute amounts of sulfur in air. Gold doesn't have this problem. An obvious advantage of gold is the ease of transport. Selling precious metals makes no sense atm. Buy now and wait until these people change:
Hallo! <3
I was looking into a distributed DNS system, all i could find was some info on namecoin's .bit domain and an some abstracts on NXT fora. Then stumbled upon IPFS, has to be interesting to some techies out here. Wiki intro: InterPlanetary File System https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System Must-see imho: IPFS Alpha | Why We Must Distribute The Web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skMTdSEaCtA Video quotes (from the above video, around 15:00) "These problems really matter. By the time that the internet shut down because our government decided that we're not allowed to communicate [...] These communications still need to work when disconnected from the back bone [...] It's not really enough to encrypt communications" More technical: IPFS Hands on Introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CMxDNuuAiQ Note the program can be run without root access but port 4001 needs to be opened up on your modem/router for upload capability. I must admit i am having trouble connecting to others and finding useful content at the moment. Perhaps its too early.
Great illustration of why the world has such a deficiency in philosophy. 1. on individual level, if everything is against the law (jaywalking, littering, downloading), then why not kidnap people? 2. on national level, yet another example of monolithic government creating insane incentives.
Migrant Crisis in Europe set up by U.S. intelligence
Laforge replied to Adolf Mohammed's topic in Current Events
If you share some source material it would be appreciated. Similar to the "9/11 conspiracy theory", you may want to share this story with James Corbett (https://www.corbettreport.com/). Afaik he is the most respected and rigorous when investigating these kinds of narratives. From the anarchist perspective i guess it's hard to be surprised. Anything government does is either terribly inefficient or efficiently destructive. USA intelligence has been compromised a while back so it's fair to say we're dealing with an over funded, blind folded loose canon. By the way, please cut your posts up in different sections/paragraphs that makes for a much more relaxed read. -
Short article, maybe an interesting study: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-10/rfuo-mbd102915.php +1 for gender egalitarianism?
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Haha i know the feeling! Had a similar experience. I would like to donate in BTC as well. Have been waiting close to a year to discuss privately how bitcoin payments are reliably matched to forum accounts: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/42664-operations-pgp-key/ Would be great to see a private donation address per forum account, displayed after logging in.
Just found out from Peter's yt channel that the world lost a true freedom fighter. And that he had to die in chains. Omfg!
Excellent presentation! The data about immigrant libertarian tendency impressed me the most, i was surprised that this data even existed. I have to add that i did miss arguments about: solutions. Could that topic be worthy of a separate show? In my tiny EU tax farm theres a politician called Geert Wilders. His party has been active about a decade and started out mostly with one issue: anti Islam. He is gaining heavily in popularity atm. It may not be fair to compare him to Trump but i am concerned that this populist wave will really turn western countries into a walled, heavily fenced, heavily camera laced big brother style world. Could it somehow be possible to *only* remove the economic incentives for immigrants to come here but not end up with a creep in charge?
The Philosophy of Star Trek Economics
Laforge replied to AncapFTW's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Who wants federation credits when you can have gold pressed latinum?! I'm running low, anybody happen to have some for sale at the moment? http://en.memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Latinum -
The Philosophy of Star Trek Economics
Laforge replied to AncapFTW's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Marvellous presentation! Thank you very much for sharing this! Yeah the Ferengi may have some fascist elements you can see this in the interactions with the Grand Nagus i think. -
Government owning land
Laforge replied to DSEngere's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I think your counter points are pretty strong already. You could expand on them, #2: According to common sense common law, land needs to be enclosed. And i think the borders need to stay within line of sight if you stand in the center. (source?) #4: No contract of any sort was voluntarily signed between land owner (gov't) and "renting party" (you). Plus who is going to enforce a contract where the land owner is contractually allowed to kidnap/initiate force on his customers? Let me guess, the land owners' private group of indoctrinated heavy guys (police). -
Practical reason why Apple does it: My guess is that if they don't, that local state simply goes after the retailer who "deals" products from an "illegal" company. These kinds of laws are generally pulled out of a hat by the ever expanding state. Maybe next year you'll need a clearly visible license plate on your person if you're outside. They'll think of a bs-story for the 'why', your average leftist will help you out there. Philosophical reason why things are the way they are: Check 'the story of your enslavement' plus bad parenting.
Yes, sounds completely familliar. In my case here in NL i get a complete sloped cut in health/rent tax returns ("benefits") between 15k and 22k euros per year (non tax deducted!). I'm actually considering working considerably less to stay below the 15k level. And then find something that pays 'cash only' or 'btc only'... Govs just create nothing but stupid incentives.
http://ancapistan.com update >1500 markers! It’s pretty much a map with Ancaps/voluntaryists/libertarians. And more are adding their marker every day, check it out if you're new.
To be honest i never used Facebook and don't plan to. So i couldn't really say if you'd be missing any features if you decided to switch. Yesterday i tried Friendica 3.4.1. This one imho is definitely gimmicky, simply too few users to be fun at the moment. They also strongly encourage you to set up your own server, not the most user friendly. Also currently a fairly immature interface. My first impression of Diaspora is really good, interface looks smooth. Sometimes a bit laggy loading times, that may depend on which pod you're on, i got one in France. But plenty of active peeps! Didn't try to 'friend' anyone but i got 6 confirmed 'acquaintances' this morning. After you do this you can see a bit more of their private profile + fotos. One of them is an active member of Anonymous with a huge pgp key. (everyone knows the length of your public pgp key determines your coolness). Anyway i'm obviously planning to share and spread FDR.
Kay so, yes, i've too much time on my hands atm. Bad weather plus a week off from work. ----- Decided to check out https://diasporafoundation.org/, a decentralized distributed social media network. Made an account on one of the "diaspora pods": laforge-at-poddery.com Also i found http://ancapistan.com/ there where anyone can give an indication of where thinking people live. Not exactly brand new stuff but i was wondering if anyone has an opinion on either of these services.
The difference between anyone and everyone ...
Laforge replied to Thomasio's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Fascinating! I'm not sure if, absent the state, this is a realistic scenario but let's assume it is. Now since you and i consider this situation to be problematic, i think others will too. So i would propose that the free market will figure out a solution. Maybe like so: Assume someone in a competing factory, (maybe in China, maybe in the west) recognises the problem and only hires workers for a maximum of 10 hrs per week. His product will state this clearly, something like a 'Fair Trade' label. And subsequently, if people care enough about this issue, he will out-compete the first factory. Don't forget that if no human is needed anymore for shitty jobs, no low skilled person can make money. But this is also a huge problem for the factory owner. What to do with 100 million ipads sitting in your factory hall each priced at 0.00001 bitcoin whom nobody can afford because only 0,02% of the people in the world have a job? At this point maybe charity will play a role... or people will get paid for artistic expressions i don't know. It's still a long way to that point Try to recognise that in real capitalism, supply and demand always balance out. This is in stark contrast to any kind of central planning. If free i think people will be much more safe from poverty than our current system with borders and permits. Central planning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJYHCUM8QNs