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Everything posted by Laforge

  1. Where this is going is everyone being king on their own property. This can be a great thing in a utopian entrepreneurial world but could also be a really bad idea: What if Bob (or a group of ostracized mad men with Bob in charge) decide to take over the neighbouring property? (Who, for argument's sake, didn't install enough defensive measures) What's stopping Bob from becoming a medieval king or a mobster? This may lead to a new round of dark ages which could arguably be even worse than our current system. All of the little countries in Europe were once kingdoms (Bob-doms?) Anomaly, hmm i hope so. It is stated in the aforementioned video "The Story of Your Enslavement" that it could be human nature to control the most precious resource: other humans. So even from an evil entrepreneurial point of view this example could be selfishly beneficial. Bob would be like a big mafia-guy sipping martinis perhaps even sending out long-range radio messages offering a big reward or partnership for anyone who brings him more livestock (people to enslave). Also, people have a way of over-reacting to anomalies. Everyone who lost a kid in a school shooting wants to ban guns (read: centralize guns) which leads to an orwellian/communist system but they want it anyway. Good point, are we agreeing that the women's parents or a DRO could kick down Bob's door? (possibly with help from the nation's defensive army) We might be getting into muddy waters here, from a philosophical point of view. So then you're saying that "under some circumstances" where "strong suspicions are involved" an organization (read: new state) can enter someone's private property. Who decides if strong suspicions are indeed strong enough: the parents, the villagers around Bob, a DRO or an independent judge? This conclusion may lead us closer to libertarianism than anarchism. Anarchism is way more philosophically clean so i'm actually happy to be proven wrong in this thread.
  2. Thanks for the replies, Why would Bob do what he does? We're assuming he is evil because i just don't buy a utopia. There _have_ to be some genuinely evil people due to statistics. Maybe only one in a million, i don't care. If that one manages to find a loop-hole in society, others will copy-cat and/or people will diverge away from a free society. In the above example: Imagine how ripped apart the family of the kidnapped women will feel. They _will_ strongly advocate a marxist/statist system as long as they can't help the poor ladies. They will be trying to convince others that a free society is just not the way to go. quote: "If Bob is capable of the things you describe, how would he be able to manage acquiring a couple acres of land, solar panels, etc?" True that in a free society i'd love to think it is harder for psychopaths to get ahead in life. But this is being optimistic. In our current system, psycho's own the world. Or perhaps Bob just got brain-damaged by an accident and has turned evil that way. quote: "If he's ostracized by everybody else, how will he eat? Who will remove/replace his septic tank? Who will service his solar panels when they break down?" Food will be provided from his land or green houses or huge storage cellars, perhaps he'll force the women to manage crops. True that after some years of abusing the women, he will probably be desperate for some outside equipment maintenance/repair/help. But i bet the ladies' family don't feel like waiting for that. There is a documentary/sensational series that you can find on Youtube called "Doomsday Preppers". Basically people who prepare for the end of the world. They'll have barbed fences, traps, land-mines, vicious dogs, assault rifles, food, land,... they basically prepare to ostracize the world. And may only do a maniacal laugh if the world ostracized them. Don't ask me _why_ they'd also exist in a free society but let's assume they do. In this statist world, i find these people interesting, maybe even wise and would not be afraid to visit them to look at their preps. Also, i have nothing to fear if i go there cos they wouldn't stand a chance against a police officer knocking on their door saying "Laforge's family is complaining that he is missing, do we need to get a search warrant or will you release him right now and pay a fine?" In a free society, hell, the intimidating DRO agent from Practical Anarchy who threatens with ostracism might just get no reply. (or get gunned down on Bob's porch for trespassing) Then what? This is all exaggerated but i want to show that ultimate respect for private property may enable some really dark stuff. Perhaps Bob watched "The Story of Your Enslavement" on Youtube and decided the first 2:04 minutes are easily enabled by a free society.
  3. Hi i unfortunately may have a practical criticism of the free society. First of i wanna say i have read and mostly understand the philosophy of the book Practical Anarchy so that should save you guys some explaining of basic stuff/terminology. Situation sketch: Suppose we all live in a free society and 99,9% of people have been peacefully raised and are morally good men and women. It's still not a utopia so let's assume Bob is really evil and decides to lock up some women he manages to lure. He chains them to a wall in a cellar on his 2-acre plot of land. The family of the women band together and eventually hear from possible witnesses and strongly suspect Bob. They are not a 100 percent certain and request Bob's DRO to investigate. Since there is no strong case, the DRO can't do anything legally after Bob refused the search. The other villagers hear everything and most people start to ostracise Bob and Bob eventually gets dropped by his DRO because he keeps refusing search. Bob however doesn't care much since he has 2 acres of land, his own septic tank, solar panels, a rain-catchment system, plenty of space and of course the kidnapped women. How to solve this if we are all raised to really respect property rights and the NAP? This example focusses on the crime of modern slavery/kidnapping. Today of course it gets dealt with poorly and inefficiently but the fear that people have of the forced search warrant will prevent Bob from practicing his "hobby".
  4. Hey thanks!The drugs thing is complicated over here, it's illegal but theres a "toleration policy" to grow upto 5 plants in your home. You're free to consume at home or in a "coffee shop". Only the shops with a special mayor's permit can sell it.And so another monopoly is created.Oh and theres plans to create a nationwide "weed-passport" to block all foreigners from using --___--
  5. Hi! Ow man, sucks that you feel captive, where'r you from originally? Is Thailand's nice climate helping you feel more free? Also sucks that Thailand has been unstable for so long. Hope you don't live in Bangkok's center.What's Thailand like from a tax-farm point of view? I know the people there are quite timid. (And fairly heavily socialist indoctrinated) But how bad is the whole picture of income-tax/VAT/sales-tax compared to where you're from? I heard from someone that building permits are very relaxed but a quick online search is making that story confusing for me.
  6. Hi FDR'rrers! I'm from the state/farm named 'The Netherlands' and i'd like to be free. Guess i came to the right place didn't i.I'm spending loads of free time watching Stefan on Youtube to reverse engineer my leftist brain. I feel my de-compilation is close to complete. The only thing i'm really sad to realize is that the methods from 'the anarchist cookbook' actually violate 'the anarchist NAP' ;)I am male, 30+, no kids. I'd like to contribute to FDR some way but unfortunately i am significantly slowed down;My income depends on physical labor that leaves me with very little spare time or money. Yes, i've tried other kinds of work but a desk job just doesn't seem to work well for me. Basically i turn into a desk-zombie, that is, sleeping with my eyes open. Which is kindof a shame cos i did sit in school/uni until 23, which i actually chose not to finish (see aforementioned reason).Unfortunately at work it's kinda hard to find an intellectual connection. Not that i'm trying very hard cos you know.. not very practical to be ostracized there. So i did try to make a strong impact on another forum, the most popular dutch forum for preppers: http://preppers.nl/forum/threads/10726-Anarchie-na-SHTFNobody replied, perhaps i came on too strongly :)Still, i like the style of directly confronting people's beliefs in the hope of getting them curious. Perhaps i will print some A4's with all kinds of short-but-powerful texts and spread them through town.Especially around voting time: "XXX - do not vote - learn more on freedomainradio.com"Where XXX = "Democracy attracts criminals to power", "Governments fight wars - civilians always pay", "The state is a farm where you are the cow", "Voting is begging for your money back",...I love the book Practical Anarchy and tried to "sell" it to some family. Not much success so far, i did notice the first 25-30 pages are quite abstract which may be a hard intro to newcomers. But i adore the general down-to-earth-practical-style further in the book.Cheers ttyl
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