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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Item: Alignment Yeah some flex in character alignment is cool, I guess you can have characters akin to a Byronic Hero. I haven't actually really played D&D just some PC RPG's, the alignment I was thinking of was off Baldurs Gate. Item: The Lorax It's not a moral, it's a theme and the repetition of it, like at the beginning and end of the fallout games "War, War never changes..." Reminds me of a "childrens cartoon" in the UK "Captain Planet" was themed around "environmentalism", but was in fact Communist Propaganda(Propagate). "Captain planet, he's our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero..." Must eat Sh*t in that case. Interesting that you mentioned amusement parks, reminds me of another childhood memory of a theme park "Frontier Land" "River Country". A Disney waterpark that was shutdown because the park was fed by water from the nearby lake and there was a brain eating parasite or bacteria in the water supply. It's funny because there are videos on Youtube of it all overgrown with the banjo music still playing. Another thought, are the characters looking for "Deliverance" or something?
  2. Money: Was listening to Nicomachean Ethics yesterday, and Aristotle said that Gold is not money in itself, rather the demand it represents. "I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of 10GBP" Though how a state demanding something automatically gives it value, I can't see how that can be the case, outside of pure base survival. Unless you consider the state to be of some value, in which case the only parts that should demand money should be the "negative" parts (Law Enforcement & Military), two negatives making a postive or at least cancelling out. Fiat Currency: Fiat = Let it be. Maybe the difference between the two is demand is something you can quantify, where as fiat is more perhaps desire. Bitcoin: Read something about Russian Scientists using a supercomputer to mine bitcoin recently. If people want to transact in bitcoin or any numerous alternatives why not. Personally I don't have Bitcoin. If you do away with demand, you do away with money. Maybe at some point in the far distant future money could be done away with, though you'd also do away with any price calculations and probably a lot of the effort required for advancement in living standards. Sci-Fiction realm.
  3. @DavidFoxfire Character Abilities · Integrity: WIS + STR · Rhetoric: INT + DEX · Conviction: CHA + WIS · Grit: CHA + CON · Cunning: DEX + WIS Out of the five character traits, I'd say the first four are more internal to the character's being, where as the fifth cunning is more an external trait. I'd be careful about adding additional combos, unless someone/or yourself comes up with something that should obviously be in there. Thinking of them as percepts, there are only so many things a person can hold in their mind (end up with something like Hinduism or Elder Scrolls Oblivion Gods) . Besides if they're are to have some influence on the world, maybe fleshout their influence into other things. Alignment Could the alignment system be modified a bit or fleshed out? From what I've seen doesn't the alignment go from Chaotic Evil to Lawful Good(Max Good/Reputation)? Instead of externalising the Evil to the world look at internalising it to the character somehow and instead use some form of faction rep system? I think the idea that you can somehow be lawful good from the get go a bit far feteched. Perhaps if you keep with the standard system what does it mean to be one of a different alignement? aside from material benefit. Could the alignment system be orientated towards something else? Order&Chaos, Level of Consciousness, etc. The Sacred & Profane, The Lorax and UPB Not really familiar much with American children's stories authors. Looking briefly at the Dr Seuss story on wikipedia it included deforestation and whether to do anything about it. I think stating on a monument UNLESS is hypocrytical and tries to refute the very thing it is doing. Makes the furry thing seem more like a Gremlin. In my personal opinion I don't think the game should be overt with following UPB. Instead I think it should try and explore things along the sacred and profane, a bit like the video game "The Witcher". Perhaps explore a theme of narrowing the gap between a being's subjective and objective self. Star Trek TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" also came to mind for some reason, I think many themes were briefly considered that you are looking to incorporate into the game. You have the drugged soldiers (represented by Q), also that being on Far point station, plus the head of the outpost looks a bit like an elf.....
  4. "But Aquaman you can't marry that woman, she doesn't have any gills, you're from two different worlds!.. Oh I've wasted my Life.." (KABOOM!) -Comicbook guy - HOMEGA MAN -The Simpsons I remember Jordan Peterson saying something like "the correlation between conscientiousness and I.Q is zero, ZERO.....". Though if you compare more conscientious countries with less so ones, the difference in the "standard of living is stark".(My words thinking of Central Germanic countries compared to the rest). Schizophrenia; a breakdown between the Subject & Object distinction. Everything is Objective, Objectivism acheived . "Expressions of their truth". No more acting man when A really does equal A. Nightwatchmen State or Plato's Republic (Even just reading the first few pages of The Republic, basically the logic points to not having a state, but lets have one anyway....) Conscientiousness perhaps being "the Grit" factor. Consciously a person may not know how many rounds in a chamber ("I know what you're thinking did I fire 6 shots or 5"....) , unconsciously may be a different story, bit like touch typing consciously only vaguely aware of the position of the keys. Or if you play Table Tennis/Ping Pong, High conscientiousness is not going to help(directly much), when brute force reaction time I.Q is more important. Associative processing instead of excercising conscientiousness. "Power of Habit". Personality/Temperment being more crucial than I.Q to a persons well being. ------------------- 1)Establish a Nightwatchmen state or we're all ultimatley screwed sooner rather than later. 2)Or Character formation.(perhaps narrow the distinction between, your intellectual(Objective) and actual self(Subjective)). NO LONGER BE AN INTELLECTUAL!!!! Artistotlian character formation, though I think even he said something along the line of if the polis(city) is corrupt how can a person be conscientious and virtuous. -----------
  5. I think as the original poster was alluding to some form of God of the Gaps. The Idea of God. Though being unable to define what God is. Perhaps it is possible to try and infer how the idea of God might arise, whether as some form of "Father complex" or something else. Or by raising a person's conscientiousness sufficiently enough where the idea of God appears some what silly. Although how is substituting God for say freewill or determinism an improvement?
  6. @Mole Ah cool. What sort of topics, people and theories did you study in psychology? "Still, it bothers me that what I would be doing would be directly contributing to the murder of innocent people. How could I find a balance in this scenario?" HAAHAAHAHA!!! Australia awesome country right? I'd give my left(or right) nutt for citizenship, work hard and conscientiously not so much. Relatively speaking you're in the richest Anglo-Sphere nation, there must be no end of opportunities to make some major coin (relatively speaking.......), then again money is only as good as what you do with it.
  7. Yes that is true. He did also allude to some "ultimate" form of meaning giving the example of a chimpanzee being prodded for medical experiments and its capacity to understand what's going on, and whether there was not someother world of existence where ultimate meaning could exist. I think I heard somewhere him saying believing people to not be of this world. Not sure how God could be a meaning in itself. Although listening to "The Power of Habits" at the moment it mentions having a "Keystone principle". I think in a competition between 2 people the person who is higher in conscientiousness will win all things being equal. Being low in conscientiousness and generally lacking any major principles, a seemingly major flaw, thinking how I could compensate for that, raising conscientiousness if possible (but what if it's not to any large degree). "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the earth." - Archimedes. "Screw your courage to the sticking place." - Shakespeare. God in general being undefined. I think the usual definition though would be: that which is Omnipotent & Omniscient. Although that is contridicted in the Bible in Job, and I'm interested in comprehending fully why that might be the case. If I were asked do I believe in Unicorns the answer would be no. More so because I believe, the horse is a symbol often associated with the unconscious mind: Trojan Horse, Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Sleepy Hollow, flesh eating horses (Hercules). The Horn, a symbol associated with the wholeness of reality. (Two horns on a devil, choice, fragmentation or divergence of reality). Though the problem I see is in order to effectively refute the belief in one thing, I have to affirm the belief in something else "The Freudian" Unconscious mind.
  8. Feudal Contract. So a Count/Earl may have a particular county associated with a title. Basically he can claim/extort a local rent or levy from the people living there, if they will not or can't pay, the peasents can get evicted from the land. There is also a lack of incentive to invest in the land when you & your family can be removed arbritarily. De facto ownership is maintained by the feudal lord, which ultimately centralises the exercise of power in an area. No Feudalism is not a form of Anarchism. Communism(The elimination of property) I would say is one half of anarchism, as well as Anarcho-Capitalism(Private Property) the other half. Anarchism being property/ethics & morality. To be honest I'm not entirely sure of the different implications of Morality, Ethics & Property, I think a lot of it may even depend on how a persons psychology is genetically influenced.
  9. Not THE CUBE!!!!! "No more talking. No more guessing. Don't even think about nothing that's not right in front of you. That's the real challenge. You've gotta save yourselves from yourselves." "Merde... agghhhhh". The Cube. Silent Hill, level stuff perhaps.
  10. @ofdWouldn't a trip to the pictures be more fun? Was listening to "Man's Search for Meaning"(wasn't really a happy book) recently on Audible. Anyway was talking about finding meaning even in suffering, as opposed to lying in your own filth, giving up on the future and living in the Now (perhaps in oppoistion to "The Power of Now", not sure) . Said something about if he didn't genuinely believe in some higher meaning, ethunasia would be the humane choice of action for suffering and he wouldn't be a psychitarist. Often even disabled children wish to live (gave a case in his book about a 11 year old in a wheelchair), I guess you could tell them their is no God or higher meaning and all their hopes are useless. I wonder if Cancer Ward by that russian guy is worth reading.
  11. If you're 7-8 shouldn't you basically have girls & women asking you out instead? 9 being like hollywood grade, 10 being like a "Greek God" (Probably homosexual or Bisexual). 5 being Average. 5-6 Trump. (is old though) 6 Alex Jones 6 Fat Stefan. 7 New improved version. 7 Mike Cernovich 7-8 Paul J Watson 8 Lauren Southern 9 Milo. Note: Thinking general level of attractiveness, rather than fitness per se. Trump imo is overweight (USA)so more 4-5, on appearance, although if the guy functions on minimum sleep, 7. All subjective, I guess opinions differ widely, didn't Stefan say recently about correlation with attractiveness and IQ. Though I think attractiveness varies a lot by region, sometimes can kind of pick out various pheontypes, bit like keeping chickens. Have a cousin with Latvian/Nordic ancestry looks a bit like Lauren Southern. Being an Engineer even if a poor one, couldn't you just go about the problem statistically? Gather information about where various women you'd like to date hang out. Go from there. Just randomly approach women on the street ask what they like (probably a better method), bit like off the movie Groundhog day. If you're embaressed just move to another area. Or do a matchmaking service?
  12. Looking at Communism/Left Libertarianism. I think plagues would have periodically wipedout mass numbers of the population. Until. End up with something like off the movie "Avatar" PANDORA. Consequently it is also Pancake day/Shrove Tuesday, today. Pan being the God of everything. Also ROYGBIV (Ancroynm for ElectroMagnetic Spectrum) kind of Pantheisitc in nature, used to have that mentioned a lot at school, "pft yeah I've only heard that for like the 100th time now." For such a scenario to even be acheived imho, high conscientiousness would have to be decreased from a population, while IQ would have to be increased. An executive brain (high Conscientiousness) being more efficient, though not necessarily more effective than a low conscientious one. Though economy on space is important. High Conscientiousness: Farms, Lawns, Husbandry, (Grey, White, Black), Order Low Conscientiousness: Orchards, Hunting, Meadows, Multicolours, Chaos.
  13. @DavidFoxfire Hi David, I have a few meta-ideas not sure how useful they are, mostly cosmetic. I think some of the stats could be renamed. Perhaps even the influence they have on the game/pastime. Strength = Integrity. Dexterity = Rhetoric. Intelligence = Could go with IQ. Wisdom = Something to do with alignment with Ideal or Actual self. Charisma = Conviction. Classes Warrior = Philosopher King. (Integrity) Rogue = Opportunist? (Rhetoric) Mage = Sage? (Wisdom) "Races" Dwarf = Uhmm Jewish people, North Korean Nationals, "The Chosen People", Left wing Libertarians. Elf = Aristocratic, but perhaps could be like off the movie "The Time Machine." Halfling = Country Bumpkins. Human. Various "Personality" effects in game. Dwarves(in General) High in Agreeableness (High in group preference), bonus points to conviction. Low in Conscientiousness (But higher in IQ). Increase in Rhetoric & IQ(improvement in general stats.) Use of some form of "Intranet" in Game, through nodes. Goal or Storyline Dependent on how the stats of the characters are developed and how they influence various factions. "Freewill". Combat WW4 to be fought with sticks and stones eh? Couldn't it be done through some form of persuasion mechanic and exploration mechanic. One player taking the role of the "monster"(determined by highest in Rhetoric) and the other the challenger/Adventurer. Perhaps kind of like a flashcard game with quotes from various philosophers/thinkers. Perhaps the most difficult to play around with without altering the base of the game. Lorax? sounds like some medical drug. Cross between Lore and Axe, something unholy that which cleaves, "unless you do this.. or else!"? Dichtonmy between Dualism and Monism.
  14. "Human Rights." "Divine Right of Kings." What gives a person the moral authority to state & to force what is right or not for another? Is morality a component of Ethics or is it a distinct entity in its "own right"?
  15. Nemesis Resident Evil 3 Kind of random, but I was in Merida (Spain) recently, originally founded as a settlement for Roman soldiers by the Emperor Augustus. Anyway visited the Ampitheatre and Roman Circus whilst I was there. On one of the plaques it mentioned that Gladiators would prey to Nemesis to come back on the same foot they entered the arena on. Interesting seeing some of the symmetry and conscientious design of some of the Roman mosaics in Merida. The Roman Circus was heavily related to time, 4 teams(4 seasons) 7 laps(7 days of the week). Apparently team preference was related to colour a lot. Blue was Senatorial, Green was prefered by everyday people. Guess you could be colour blind. Remember Stefan saying in a recent video "It's like Muhammed Ali said, The Green Bird flys with the Green Bird, The Blue Bird Flys with the Blue Bird". The key perhaps being personality(Just say to people: I am the key master. Are you the Gatekeeper?) I guess failure would be something like off of "enemy of the gates" where the russian commisar guy gets shot at the end or just not caring anymore, an existential void. I guess you could bribe a girl with stuff, just like a woman could seduce a man, but is that really dating?
  16. One thing I've heard is it's not that they'll necessarily work any harder, but more that they are higher in agreeableness and will do the work anyway even if the proper tools and equipment aren't to hand, as well as keep their mouth closed if something goes wrong. Claim back National Insurance. 6 People to a room illegally to save on rent. "Why I was wrong about Brexit". Alright for Stefan to say when he's not living in an area whose population has basically doubled, and English is a minority language in many areas. Still one of a few people actually commenting on meaningful things. Even semi-skilled work like lorry driving is paid at national minimum, driving a vehicle that can potentially do major damage and qualifed for far less money abroad. Still if I could move to America I'd probably do the same, speak English English and exclude American English. All being said have gotten on better with many eastern europeans then other English and other Europeans, Kublai Khan like fantasies about former greatness of British industry. Despite England being the first country to industrialise, English people are innately lazy apparently, guess we'll just have to have slavery again, oh right it's already here. Not necessarily that mass tribal conflict is not an issue either. MGTOW must be recruiting big time in my area.
  17. Imho the caller was willfully blind. "Coffee with comment" also looked like a really bad attempt at a rip off of some of the stuff of Scott Adams, but without the subtly. I don't know about not living by your principles because you were blocked from commenting. I had some recent posts on this forum not approved, so what, do a King Kong Empire State protestation. Hey but at least you got principles(higher self), kind of all aesthetics & analog for me, something I'd be interested in learning to change or discover. If an animal is sick, kill it or quarantine it. Virtue of Selfishness, my arse. Yeah I guess raising awareness is important, so many people in the dark, whether there willingly is another thing. Processing the information probably not a bad thing either if done carefully. Having people to relate to probably a good thing as well, personally I'm pretty devoid of empathy, not so good when it comes to acting(as in making decisions) or relating to people tactfully sometimes/often. I think it would be a great thing to really want to help other people, not just for them, but for a persons own well being. I remember sitting next to an ex-muslim on airplane to Bardufuss in Norway. Was kind of panically, so I changed seats so he hasn't sitting in the middle, I didn't mind. Told me he got shot in the leg, also said about Qu'ran not being the most easily understandable book... "Preys with the beard of a goat or something." Kind of random mentioning it I guess. Also bought me a beer, nice guy.
  18. Uhmm if you're Catholic isn't porn immoral? Every sperm is sacred? Some weird twisted moralities out there. What are the draw backs of being immoral? Wages of sin are death, go blind? Does porn in fact have any positive benefit? Compared to alternatives? Japanese sex robots as a moral good for society? Perhaps like showing a fluffy toy to a dog or rabbit. Better exercise? Win or lose, sink or swim One thing is certain we'll never give in Side by side, hand in hand We all stand together Play the game, fight the fight But what's the point on a beautiful night? Arm in arm, hand in hand We all stand together Keeping us warm in the night La la la la Walk in the night You'll get it right Perhaps Porn erodes the capacity to be moral and by that it is immoral/Evil.
  19. The article is by a girl (unless a cross-dresser). Reading a core thinker related to libertarianism, Von Mises, talks about workers being used up by 30 during the industrial revolution(Human Action) , not necessarily endorsing hardwork. Rather he gives an example about Romania and investment in the country's oil industry greatly raising living standards, for a while..... I think you have to talk to people on an individual level, not on a public forum. You live in the USA so it's not like you have highly limited choice geographically & culturally where to live. Escape from LA?
  20. @Jsbrads Born as in the attainment of consciousness or born as in the first breath of air. What is the idea of God to you? Eliminate it. Eliminate belief in everything, to secure against having the idea of believing again in God what ever that is. Eliminate a self capable of believing, everything known is all that is required to know, or something. Why try and prove the non existence or existence of god to others when, it only really matters to you.
  21. How to prove God does not exist? Eliminate belief in everything, including yourself.
  22. Lauren Southern is a guy as well. "The Mike Cernovich can go **** OFF. " probably didn't help endear the caller to Stefan. Resentment though against Lauren Southern? Personally some envy(not sure might be admiration) towards, the so called (& personally perceived via the web) good, for being good. Do you live in the UK? ------------------------ Put your shoulder to the wheel. A Wagoner was driving a heavy load along a muddy road. He came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Wagoner threw down his whip, knelt down and prayed to Hercules the Strong. “O Hercules, help me in this my hour of distress.” But Hercules appeared to him, and said: “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.” --------------------------- Guess you can either. 1) Spin your wheels. 2) Build a bigger wheel. 3) Put your shoulder to it. 4) "The Big Ask." a) Diety version, b) Human version A thought that I have is that if you compare yourself to sick/Evil people, are you yourself not poisoned by that idea?
  23. @barn I fundamentally don't know anyone on the forum, generally I don't care. What I care about is to drain as much knowledge as I can from it, to that end I try to be as honest as possible. "The trader principle" Bribery generally does ellicit disgust from me, something to do with morality. Combined with dogma can raise conscientiousness and effort, if not providing any genuine meaning. The 4 examples I gave was thinking back to my time at secondary school and a teacher who was promoted to "temporary"(later permanent) headmaster after being there only a few months. The previous one had run off with another woman. Mostly I'm more interested in the abstract than the empirical. Perhaps a weakness that I plan to resolve, but also concurrent with personality profiles that I have read.
  24. Another way to raise conscientiousness. Would be to try and do the following. 1) Institute, a more expensive and less casual school unifrom. 2) Use eye contact and address pupils directly rather than follow a collective lesson plan. 3) Introduce the use of technology (laptops), for things like a paper class register. Might have already been done long a go in most schools now. 4) Combine number 2 with bribery and questions.
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