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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. If you're trying to increase effort, then the trick would be to raise conscientiousness, not necessarily in accordance with critical thinking. Personally can't think of any practical and legal ways to do so, unwillingly. I think caning or shaming may have the effect of increasing conscientiousness, it may also have the effect of increasing neuroticism. Probably would reduce openess to experience (I.Q), if conscientiousness was raised, in that particular manner. Bare in mind that a large component is genetic. The Germans very high in conscientiousness, also have heard them described as "robots" by multiple individuals. The point is to let them deduce the meaning themselves as is. "Paint me as I am Warts and all". Not to try and conscientiously dredge up meaning, that would be more applicable with an aristotelian/Randian teleological(becoming) approach. Aesop was a slave, the idea of applying children's stories, to adults in a serious(conscientious) way would have likely got him killed.
  2. If overt effective action is difficult/nigh on impossible. The only other option would be to attempt to influence them unconsciously. I remember Stefan commenting on "The Angry Birds movie" in Finland, and how it related to immigration and War. To that affect, maybe try Aesop fables or look for things along a similar line, I have no idea how effective they might be. Reading Stefan write in his book "The Art of the Argument" that "The Argument", "It is not a great chance, but it is our only one." Pg 159, not exactly encouraging.
  3. They have to be critical of the teacher themselves. I remember a story I was told once by my grandfather, being told by the class teacher. "It may look like the continents, may have fitted together at one point in the past, but that simply is not the case". Concept mapping and Ayn Rand's theory of epistemeology can help, a lot. Helps order their thinking, spot abnormalities. Alternatively allowing the inductive reasoning to fluorish, maybe of massive benefit, but is generally practically impossible in society and a schooling environment.
  4. Yeah pretty dark movie, though only seen bits of it. "Gluttony" and the Ending sin Envy. Starring Kevin Spacey no less..... Contempt for existence, taken to it's rational conclusion? "Don't look in the Box!!!!" Vanity again, Envidia (envy). How it ties into ego and how to eliminate it if possible? If there were one question I could have "the correct" answer to, probably even for the sake of life itself, it would be eliminating, understanding, Vanity? Though I'm not sure if I even, want the answer.
  5. Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
  6. Doing a presentation on Lyme disease, not exactly a straightforward topic. The guy isn't exactly a medical research scientist. Have heard Lyme disease affected Norway a lot in the past. Stefan himself has said that Western Civilization isn't dying it's dead, what's left is its corpse, that people are feeding on. Is there anyone else that is better or different? covering medical, psychological, political, philosophical topics, historical topics?
  7. He says in the clip you posted, that thought arises out of the prefrontal cortex via the motor cortex of the brain. 4:30. Doing a Cathy Newman. Think; being a process. Thought, being something that arises not necessarily verbal Stil listening to what he has to say then? I actually agree with J.Peterson. "Earth & Water" from the movie 300, but also a quote by Herodotus. So why are you posting then? Physician heal thyself.
  8. GLUTTON BOWL!!!!!!. kobayashi greatest athlete to ever live. Whether eatting cow brains or his speciality hotdogs. Also that Japanese gameshow "Endurance" looks interesting.
  9. After listening to some of "12 Rules for Life." and life being identified as Evil by Tolstoy, better perhaps to remain ignorant of things and proceed as "normal". Recommedation was something a bit different, from picnics and family dinners. SNAFU FUBAR"Saving Pvt Ryan". SNAFU "The Pacific".
  10. Transcendental Morality. (Christianity) Internalisation of Evil. If you judge others as Evil, you yourself must know what Evil is, and to that extent YOU! are Evil. Consciousness of Evil & Unconsciousness of Evil. Absolute Morality. (Islam or Roman Empire). The Caliph(Head of Religion and State), The Emperor(Head of Religion and State),.Externalisation of evil. "The Great Satan". "The infidel". The Kaffir. The Barbarians. Projection of Evil. Consciousness of Evil. Moral Relativism. (The State) What the tribe considers moral perhaps? Dependent on in group preference. Unconscious of Evil. Amorality. (Buddhism) The elimination of all illusory assumptions or Maya? Also the elimination of the self as a concept. UPB": Which I don't consider an explanation of morality, rather amorality, and an affirmation of the self, through "self ownership". Though I think that imho it is the best explanation of Ethics, I have seen so far. With the words "moral" and "ethics", a distinction was not drawn from what I remember. I also remember Stefan saying "parents take on a moral obligation in having children". But what if they are deformed or disabled: or are missing, or with additional chromosomes, are they even human? or have a phenotype differing significantly from the parent in terms of personality and intelligence, if not apperance. Recessive genes, being expressed in competition to dominant ones. Amorality in it's final form, Pure Consciousness. A Nation only has claim to land to the extent it remains morally relativist. (In group preference, perhaps aided by the spread of the Y chromosome) An Empire in contrast to the extent it remains morally absolute. An Individual, to the extent they follow transcendental morality. A Spiritual Nihlist. Amorality, No claim to anything. What if morality develops out of in group preference, the source of morality, being moral relativism? Any species that excessively preys on itself will go extinct. Talking chimpanzee morality here, which to us would seem like amorality, but is in fact an unconscious calculation of morality, (moral relativism).
  11. Depreciating assets, like a car. End up with potentially many used vehicles, further diminishing their value.
  12. "So what you are saying is, we should organise our society along the lines of the lobsters?"
  13. Turning morality into some form of video game. Happiness or joy, I remember mentioning once an example once of arson being motivated through joy rather than happiness, I think you mentioned the ancient greeks using other examples. "I got out Frank. I've been carrying on the good work. Got me a score of forty." That Russian cannibal creep is telling everyone he did 50 plus. That reflects badly on both of us, Patty. This record should be held by an American." - The Frighteners Killing murderers as "morally good for society"? or "morally good for yourself"? Personally I'd be more inclined to harvest them for organs(which I guess is done in China) or work them as slaves (also done in China). Though rope might be a cheaper more practical option in a free market, whatever works I guess. Quantify how? by dopamine hits or cold hard cash.
  14. Wouldn't that eliminate morality all together, choosing your own goals despite consequences. Justifying again implies consensus. By that logic concentration camps could be "justified" as a moral principle, whether S.Africa or anywhere else. Lying to Nazi Soldiers, would not be evil if you believed the people were innocent, if you were "honest" you would be simultaneously be dishonest with yourself about their intent.
  15. So how are the ends determined? Through the means... which are? and for what purpose? "The greater good" which is what exactly? and compared to what?
  16. Moral systems is something I'm trying to eliminate in my own mind, perhaps out of entertainment, which might be a poor reason. Utiltarianism and Potential, do they really go together, utility having current value? To help another I guess could be virtuous, because it is optional, morality is perhaps more obligatory? I think if they were incapicitated beyond communication or recovery, it would be moral to "end him rightly".
  17. Rhetorical Question, but isn't philosophy supposed to be independent of agreement? Whether murder is bad or not is not dependent on concensus. Although I wonder if it would be murder to kill someone at a low point in their life, when they do not resist. Perhap that would be a question to consider in aggregate. Is the distinction between manslaughter and murder valid? Also whether people equate philosophy to morality, which many do not.
  18. 2. "Arguments are not more moral than violence". How do you even establish morality being communcated. Tendencies. 4. Justify........I care only that the defintions are logically consistent, so I can reach a higher degree of certainty, and what is this, "We can learn your language". Bullshit.
  19. @DaveR Not the middle class that rioted. Poll tax was to replace council tax and was done on a per head basis over 18. So, large families living in smaller houses ended up rioting. Property in many areas is perhaps 5 times more expensive than 2 decades ago, but obviosuly wages are not 5 times more. Yeah the council tax bands haven't altered much, but the council tax keeps going up. somewhere between 1,500 - 2,000GBP a year my father pays in council tax. Petrol is expenisve in the UK, only country more expensive is Norway. Though american cars drink more fuel are generally heavier and the distances are usually greater. Still could live in more developed areas and us more fuel efficient vehicles though. Yeah tend to have bars in the USA, rather than pubs,, and Canada is even more strange with alcohol. Not that I go to the pub. Australia and New Zealand I'm guessing are better for pubs.
  20. Where are the women? "You like Beyritz yes, you like the south of France?"
  21. Yeah I think a lot Britons would choose New Zealand or Australia over the USA being more culurally similar. However, given that there was over 1 million people move from Poland to the UK and origanally "estimated"(by the gov) it was going tp be 10,000. I would bet you'd had at least a million poles, a million brits, a million scadinavians etc.Moving to the USA. 1) English speaking 2)Cheaper housing than the UK. 3)Potentiially higher pay, although disparity is wider in the USA I believe. Healthcare and Guns are more the older diehard socialists.
  22. Already in the country. Not that pouring more gasoline on is going to help. "One election away from losing, almost everything". Millions of Europeans would likely emigrate to the USA, if there was open borders, on the otherhand so would the rest of the world. Massively drive down wages in a short period of time. Oh and by the way, it's possible your towns will smell of shit as the sewage gets overloaded in such a short period of time, which will be the least of your worries. Unless you are well provisioned for, in which case you can virtue signal tp your hearts content, as neighbours and family suffer. Just make sure you have decent security, unlike in the movie, Scarface. "Bust a deal" "Face the Wheel". - GULAG - Mad Max.
  23. 3. Another thought just occured to me. "The Dragons Teeth"(Myth) What if those bloody revolutions in China led to an increase in Agreeableness, leading indirectly to a potential increase in bloody conflicts in the future. Communists are usally High in Agreeableness, the team first, above morality? or ethics. Relatively peaceful at the moment ,but what if that changes?
  24. @Mishi2 1. Yeah but he did kill his brother, ok he probably had it coming though."The scouruge of God" (Looking on Wikipedia a link The Scouruge of the Virtuous, Purification through mortification). Plus invade large swathes of the world, it didn't last long after he died with territory being devided up. Not sure if it is possible to be amoral and still have the capacity for virtue. What if the inquistion was in someway virtuous? How can someone judge Genghis Khan as moral or immoral? or even God? How would you make the case for Genghis Khan being moral? Personally I think he was perhaps virtuous in many ways, but I wouldn't say moral. 2. Never said it was to have an abortion, I think it would be better if women were paid for the child instead, at least try and "break-even". Emotional baggage, pragmatic if not idealistic. 3. So more revolutions were more bloody, just shows the necessity sometimes of aggression in survival if not morality. 4. I prefer to pick and choose what definitions I find are more accurate, for example: Inflation; an increase in prices.(New Definition). Inflation; an increase in the money supply(Old Definition, and imho more correct) Find the defintion of Justice, like in a Socratic dialogue than through google search. However, importantly I figure Ishould write it down to avoid going over old ground and reach a position of certainty.
  25. @lorry Thank you. I have seen that resource before looks like they updated the layout.
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