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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Probably is. Though it doesn't connect with me much on an emotional level, which I think is the challenge to changing things for the better. Might be why A-List football players and actors are paid so much and are effective when used for propaganda to a point.
  2. Thinking in terms of Allegory that have some emotional and moral meaning in my own mind, I would equate this to. Helen of Troy and Paris, in the Story of the Trojan War. The Perfect Mate, in Star Trek TNG. Or in a more fictitious situation than Star Trek Holy Communion with God. Just Freedom or Fear from others' doesn't quite cut the mustard and is neutral at best.
  3. I'm not so sure, there's not many Cornish Speakers in England.
  4. No that is incidental. 1:06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhDZPYu8piQ
  5. I think it has something to do with pattern mismatching with words and images in the frontal and parietal areas of the brain, reinforced by the activation of more primitive areas of the brain . For instance Krankenschwester(german) is nurse in English, but if you take the literal translation you get sick sister. Someone may call a Bailiff a Villain based on the uncomfortable experience of having property removed that they would like to maintain hold of, but if you take the origin of the word villain you get villein which means a landless peasant. So people associate Villain with Evil, as people don't want to call Evil by its true name Lord Voldemort(crappy joke).
  6. I could see how someone might be more interested in the take bit, but a charismatic speaker who emphasises the pay bit could cause the listener to act differently. Kind of a Karmic justice. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Or Sméagol/Gollum from LOTR.
  7. Is the character Hannibal Lecter a Bad Guy? I'm thinking of the first two films played by Anthony Hopkins. I would say he is a villain, but not that he's evil.
  8. God said take what you want/will and pay for it. A useful proverb?
  9. Is incidental. Have you seen the Movie Shallow Hal staring Jack Black? I wouldn't mind a situation where my own perceptions of reality were different from other people's providing they were pleasurable. My question is How can I reject reality?
  10. The potential to be of one soul, one will and to grow.
  11. I would add to that, empirical evidence and reason. But the question remains unanswered, what if I wanted to reject reality and convince myself that I was living in the Star Trek Universe or that when eating broken glass to observers, to me it was really fillet steak?
  12. Evil(digital) as the deliberate violation of Property Rights, established under the homesteading principle. "less evil" yes I agree it doesn't make sense, I will instead say a lesser degree of evil or the potential for a lesser degree of evil. Common Law allowing the establishment of precedents by a jury, the population is more likely to get what they accept as just. Equity Law removing more legal power from the Head of State, therefore making it harder for the Head of State to be an Absolute Monarch or declare themselves as Dictator under Emergency Powers.
  13. Which I think is a better legal system (Common Law and Equity Law) in terms of being less evil and more materially productive less parasitic than European Napoleonic or Germanic Civil Law.
  14. So are Nuns Hedonistic, or dedicated towards Hedonism? What do you mean by the Truth?
  15. A multitude of rulers is not a good thing let there be one ruler, one king (Or no king). quote from Aristotle (heard it on Civ4, PC Game). If countries are to stay in Europe then why have national parliaments? Why not allow provinces or counties in Europe the right to breakaway in theory.
  16. So basically Existentialism? How would I go about rejecting reality?
  17. I just think of the Film "I am legend" starring Will Smith. Or "The Omega Man", "28 Days later", "Robinson Crusoe" or "Day of the Triffids".
  18. Of course, but I'm not sure Hitler said if you Elect me I will invade Poland, France, Denmark, Russia, Greece etc. Instead I think he went along the lines of. The German people have been enslaved by the Treaty of Versailles. If you elect me I will remedy the injustice, I will make the German people great again, the banker's and other undesirables had their chance to be just, but they have drank the life blood out of Germany and clamped our children in chains. The only answer to this is National Socialism, Deutschland, Deutschland Uber alles in die Welt! Currying sympathy from an injustice and exploiting it to his whim through collectivism. The leaders through hierarchy are mostly responsible, not the people.
  19. Yes that's it, but between whom? What I was thinking of is how one tribe say the Mongols lead by Genghis, or the Baath party lead by Saddam may not recognise the status of another tribe to those resources influenced by a nomadic lifestyle or perception of the other tribe as sub-human, or the variability of pasture land from season to season, tragedy of the Commons Scenario (Unowned Resources or Land). Instead of outright exterminating the other tribes they instead ask for tribute or the right to dictate who gets what (recognise property rights). The second option is still optional though, there might even be arguments within a tribe. I also said that a hierarchy would end up being established, a food-chain or pecking order. Yes I agree in the absence of Property Rights, Property would not exist. However, someone can still exert dominance within a herd or over nature ( maybe control) . Establish a hierarchy within the herd to determine property rights, who gets what, who eats last. I'm not sure the extent to what extent two bears or wolf packs fighting over territory recognise property rights, maybe they do, but Property Rights can only exist when there are at least two competing entities. Which makes me think, if everybody cooperates towards a common goal why would you need property rights? Different levels of ability and the fact people have opposing goals (Competition). The Omega Man "There can be only one." Highlander. Or the joker off batman, the one with the bank robbery at the beginning, with the Joker persuading the gang to kill each other off so he gets all the money. More recently the Hatton Garden heist, the guy that got away known only as "Basil" separated himself from the group, both from the people he was stealing from and the people doing the stealing. Excellent way of putting it. But, what if you don't know the person is moral? Maybe they do some good mutually beneficial acts as a form of moral camouflage, what if their long term goal is something else?Perhaps they're after some form of technology that may extend life or cause its destruction. Kind of a Grail Quest.
  20. Resources; best land, more favourable climates not too hot or cold, best hunting or fishing grounds. I'd say sex slavery as well, such as in the founding of Rome or present day ISIS territory. Alpha the most able hunter, warrior, or other professional. Someone important to the survival of a group or of high social status. Usually possessing a high standard of physical fitness and Intelligence as well as being competitive. Beta the runner-up to the Alpha. Omega someone not part of the hierarchy within a tribe or country, does not accept or abide by some or most the laws of the society. I think that's fair comment. Given the horrific bloodshed most people would not have wanted another World War Germany included, sometimes its tough to hear from more of an Alpha type personality what needs to be done or the potential threats from giving in, a pint of sweat now or a gallon of blood later. I wouldn't say that Hitler was a new breed of dictator, plenty examples in the past of one tribe exterminating the other.
  21. "Vanity is definitely my favourite sin." Devil's Advocate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv9zXUd55Sw You could reflect back to the person something they believe to be true, but in simple terms using simple examples so that they realise they are incorrect or not as good as they think they are. Wait for the fireworks though or not. Best answer is don't.
  22. Are Alpha and Beta personalities in some ways an expression of Collectivism or Tribalism? Is an Anarchist fundamentally an Omega type personality? In the absence of property rights wouldn't a hierarchy end up being established as people fight for dominance? Alpha personalities (More K Selected); Donald Trump, Genghis Khan, Winston Churchill, Julius Caesar, Khan (Star Trek II) Tend to have the most children or most invested in children. Most Aggressive or Assertive. More Alphas fiercer competition for resources, greater pressure to innovate. Beta personalities (More R Selected); Neville Chamberlain Tend to have some children. Most average people. More Betas, more resources available but less innovation. Omega personalities; Isaac Newton, Angela Merkel(maybe Beta), Adolf Hitler, Nikola Tesla, Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) Tend to have the least children. Omega Strategies Control the herd - Identify the Alpha, usually male and influence his decisions, herd usually follows, example: Find Male sheep (Ram), lead rest of the lambs to the slaughter. Be seen as Holier then thou - Head shaman of tribe, Pope, God King, Head of State and country as one in the same, be particularly skilled or seen as skilled/trustworthy (Conman). Pursue a personal interest (maybe science) - Ignore herd altogether. Risk of burning at the stake Remain out of sight - Let tribe kill each other off in times of conflict. Buy up real estate or assets on the cheap. Destroy Hierarchy - Create more Omegas and hopefully avoid mob justice, replace with Heterarchy (e.g Wikipedia, ok for the cost right?) based more on merit. Cooperate with other Omegas - Difficult as relatively few(varied interests), easier perhaps with Internet. Agree, Disagree any thoughts? Anyone know any useful books on social hierarchy?
  23. People, but also how someone might view themself, specifically what motivates them. Hedonist Any Prodigal Son, maybe Nero. Explorer/Researcher Einstein, Newton. Innovator/Entrepreneur Steve Jobs, Brunel, Benjamin Franklin. Valid point. Still I wonder the extent someone can resist the use of force to achieve their ends, how powerful can incentive be. As an example if you were to leave alcohol near an alcoholic (Hedonistic) or invite them around they may know for well that stealing it would be wrong, maybe the person they steal it from makes the stuff fairly cheaply illegally, so the thief doesn't view it as a high degree of initiation of force. The equivalent of pinching a few paper napkins or a bagel from a B&B buffet to use later. Or what if someone who works as a Police Officer comes across a large quantity of money maybe from arresting a drug dealer, they could steal from the Drug Dealer or presumably from the state and use the money to help perhaps a family member who needs medical treatment or maybe go towards their retirement fund. I'm not saying there wouldn't be potentially great risks involved, but they could get shot or stabbed in the line of duty. In the Absence of Hierarchy or even people I guess the Innovator/Entrepreneur would be the most successful from a survival point of view. I put that in my Recluse category.
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