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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. lol wtf, the only thing that's missing is a picture of Donald Trump at the top of the search and an entry of him into Wikipedia page on misogyny. Every single result from the first page of google results exc the Wikipedia had his name, at this rate I wonder how long until N.Korea has a more impartial press and limited Internet censorship.
  2. INTP Introverted: 74% Intuition: 68% Thinking: 76% Prospecting 76% Assertive 54%
  3. But why use Rationality in the first place or calculated risk? The Desire or Value, valued above the non-initiation of force is in itself irrational. Meaning to commit Evil would involve some extent of irrationality, not required in not doing evil(Rational and Good). From what I understand in Stefan's UPB book Good is basically not doing Evil, as what is good depends a lot on preferences. Lacking empathy in itself though does not directly affect other people, even if it effects you through lack of care towards your future self. Both the Christian Golden Rule and love thy neighbour, would depend on the person in what they find acceptable. One person might find playing loud music early in the morning acceptable and expect the same, another might be annoyed by it. Love might involve a person making very different decisions in what is best for a person than another might. If someone is an unempathetic person then fundamentally they are not sane. As sane involves concern of your own future welfare and/or others.
  4. Yeah I think that's a fair point. I think the idea of the hero standing on principle even at cost to themselves (Public Profile, Financial Interests, Death Threats, going against special interests directly or indirectly and opposing injustices), distinguishes them from others.
  5. Do you know any Heroes around here? "Enemy at the Gates". Don't have to be from the Anglo-sphere, preferably alive, active, efficient and effective. Perhaps smaller lesser know ones and the organisation they work with. IMO some of the larger ones like Trump and his campaign while it might be effective, has the risk of if he goes down(corrupted, assassinated or accident) they all go down, not sure if there is a Trump MK II out there somewhere. Also will keep the following list mostly to figureheads of organisations formerly or currently for brevity. If they have any current objective that you think is important say that too. Hall of Heroes (Subjective and IMO, will perhaps Edit with suggestions ) Stefan Molyneux (FDR)(The level of clarity in the presentations, also the forum seems to be very well laid out). Nick Griffin (BNP)(Small British political party, heavily criticised by MSM, but investigated into MP expenses scandal and into Rotherham abuse). Edward Snowden (CIA)( Whistle-blower on government corruption). Tommy Robinson (EDL)(Critic of Sharia Law). Ayaan Hirisi Ali (Opponent of FGM).
  6. What sort of value is there to me or others if Epistemological-Nihilism is "correct"? Why even have the conversation in the first place? To me the value is to try and eliminate contradictions in my own reasoning and better establish definitions in my own mind.
  7. No. To be Rational is to be purely objective and "motivated" by logic (something akin to a Calculator). Evil must involve some non logical incentive coming at the detriment of others. Yes. Note. As dsayers pointed out they are in fact two different questions, something I did not initially realise. I define Evil as a violation of the NAP. i.e. the non-Initiation of force or theft. Sane as self, family or kin preservation. Insane Evil: Moors Murderers. Crucifixion. A long drawn out process, although I can see some sanity in as far as it intimidates obedience to a particular ruling class or gene-set. The Wickerman. I know a film, but, human sacrifice was practised around the World. Again I can see some sanity as a method of population control, adding music, "honouring the gods", drink and festivities probably made the action more palatable to the culture. Sane Evil: Diversion of people's will and acceptance of Forced human experimentation and centralised research. A bloody shortcut, not necessarily the most efficient, but possibly effective in the short term. A Grail Quest of sort.
  8. The only way the concepts of: world, santa, shape, round etc can exist are inside a child's or adult's mind. An internal world of memory, a form of matrix. The World does not exist independent of consciousness. Though some form of physical matter does. I bring up the Matrix as a way to try and explain an Internal World (kind of like a MMO PC Game or Dream). Rene Descartes "I think therefore I am" developed the Matrix as a concept through Cartesian coordinates.
  9. On the plus side, I think it leaves the possibility for freewill and for someone to learn. Would be kind of boring playing a video game in God-mode all the time. There is obviously some coherency, which could be called knowledge to allow people to communicate.
  10. Well your equating the term knowledge with belief. Justified as you said is a term you have trouble with. If a child says they believe in Santa Clause or that the World is Flat, maybe they do and to them it is a "true belief". If however some says that the World is Flat, when you belief/know it is round who is to say who is correct and who is not. My point with the Matrix example is a larger more coherent, connected matrix offers more stable lasting memory and perception of the World and not of other peoples sanity or insanity. To me justification might imply some form of previous conditioning or innate evolutionary requirement to survive and multiply. If someone says I believe in God, heaven and Hell, what do you mean by God? If you say God is all knowing, then you don't have freewill so you are predestined for Heaven or Hell which would make no sense and be a redundant concept. To survive however it might be to your advantage to have a strong "belief" in "God" due to social pressure and the insanity of others. If you recognise the evolutionary aspect perhaps you might make a different decision.
  11. I think when the terms Knowledge and Belief are used. It's kind of like two Matrix's being integrated("Justification"(Not the best term IMO)) or attached to one or another. With Knowledge being the larger Matrix(Or Neural Network). and Belief being a kind of separate smaller or less Integrated Matrix (Neural Network).
  12. Is it Possible to be Rational and Evil? What I mean by that is can someone who commits evil actions violating the Non-Aggression Principle be sane?
  13. So kind of like The Simpsons Donut Hell. To Both Posters: While I would agree that feelings are not tools of rational thinking. I would say they are a factor in decision making. If the initiation of force(an Evil action) is seen and felt as a way of getting resources or gratification, then I would say you can be perfectly rational to expect a like-minded person to do the same to you. What example do you have of a system that is deterministic and unpredictable?
  14. I've heard the phrase "when all else fails they take us to war", used. What the phrase is getting I think is when governments or local officials run out of more money to steal they create crisis's elsewhere in order to stay in power or divert more wealth to themselves on credit and cut consumption of goods for the war economy. Usually exploiting tribalism, but sometimes religion or "class". Examples of this could include. IMO The Falklands War, The Argentina junta invades "las malvinas" in order to divert attention away from theft at home, towards a foreign country, exploiting tribalism. The Ukrainian conflict. Have Landed officials and Crony Capitalists overthrow a Pro-Russian government due to subsidised oil from Russia. Replace with a Pro-EU government, try to add Ukraine to the EU through closer political Union to add to their assets. Libyan Intervention. The Afghanistan Conflict. Ok I know they stated to get Bin Laden, but was stationing troops in the country necessary? couldn't the american government play one tribe off against the other. Instead have billions of dollars going from the taxpayer directly into private hands for "national security" things seem to be more in a mess now then 15 years a go.
  15. Thank you that's awesome. I get the feeling though its not over yet, would be good if some of the other countries in Europe leave too. How did you go about campaigning? The remain camp seemed to have so much more money plus media control and they still lost. Saying on the news that the EU Commissioners that there will be no informal talk until Article 50 is "activated". So potentially 2 years to flood the country with migrants and seize power through force or deception. I don't think Hilter needed that long when he got Emergency powers. I hope that Boris just sets fire to Article 50 and the UK trades freely with the rest of the World.
  16. In a lot of podcasts Stefan talk about the addictiveness of power ("The truth about Nixon", is one I remember)."Absolute power corrupting Absolutely". Moving up the hierarchy as being as addictive as cocaine. But what if there is an ulterior motive then just accumulating badges and property. What if there are some people who want to seize control of particular pieces of technology and use it for their own benefit, with the goal being immortality? Why would you want to be the President or Prime Minister? When you could operate more behind the scenes like the Commissioners in Brussels or like Dick Cheney (USA) or Peter Mandelson (UK, aka The Dark Lord). I know this is fairly speculative, but what if instead of Aliens being at Area 51 its human experimentation instead. With presumably strict laws on animal and human testing, would the research just get moved to some place underground, controlled by more shadowy members of the State? Something like the Manhattan Project was kept fairly quiet right? Given that the Nazi's conducted human experimentation and the State is much bigger now could this be possible? There was something called the Ultra Project. Given some of the advances talked about in human genetics, is the information out there freely available or is it protected by companies and patents. Is immortality realistic? Couldn't scientists graft pieces of brain on to a subjects brain (I heard there was stem cell injections into the brain to cure Alzheimers) and gradually replace or clone more complex organs. Keeping with the conspiracy kind of theme does anyone think Dr David Kelly was assassinated in a way that would appear obvious to his colleagues, but not so to the general public, possibly as a way of deterring whistle-blowers. In addition has anyone heard of a massive underground military base in Germany, possibly leftover from the Cold War? Or Princess Diana assassination Or detecting a nuclear signature, possibly from space or through some form of sensor grid. I know this is all hearsay, its rumoured that even driving test examiners sign an Official Secrets Act. Is there any laws that could be used about talking about such things? How would someone actually attempt to find out about such things in a methodical and empirical way? Why would someone hack the Pentagon when they could potentially get the information off of Hilary's hotmail account or through informal methods?
  17. If the political elites were really doing things for the benefit of the people they would fund their own projects with their own money or in combination with donations, they would not require expenses and a wage, if they had no money they could crowdsource now and ask for donations. Ability to be Evil I think would depend on your level of awareness both of current information and the ability to reason into the future, it would also depend on whether you had internalised the feeling of violence being the best way to resolve disputes, either direct or indirect. But as politics is force, the option is between Dictatorship/Platonic Philosopher Kings/Slavery/Democracy vs Freedom/Anarchy. The political elites care only so far as people have value to them. Empathy I guess could be highly variable between yourself and Empathy towards others. I would not say everybody has the ability to be Evil, someone just don't have the IQ to realise. Empathy is highly variable IMO and would require a thread itself perhaps, though I don't think you can classify it as a decision, more of a feeling. There seems to be so much information out there it would be interesting to try and quantify and scale political changes, maybe contrasting them with events previously in history.
  18. The Million is for Vancouver (West Coast) 5 years a go when I was there, Kelowna and Vancouver Island aren't probably far behind. Probably a lot cheaper on the East coast, but from what I've heard their industry is devastated. A lot cheaper in the country side/wilds, but then quotas have killed local logging a major employer. Yeah, when Poland joined the EU Sweden and the UK put no limits on immigration, initially estimated to be 10K from Poland. So had over a Million Polish, plus Lithuanians and other Eastern Europeans (but at least their not sharpening their knives). Most of Lincolnshire seems pretty resigned to Eastern European migration, there was initially a lot of talk of too many new people moving in such a short time frame, lot of propaganda on the BBC. Real problem though is probably gong to be riots in some of the cities, London already rioted a few years a go. IMO as economics is about social cooperation. The shit will really hit the fan when people stop cooperating with the government(albeit with the implicit threat of violence) or the tax base is nearly totally destroyed. If new people are not being trained up with the sufficient ability physical and or mental to keep capital maintained then eventually companies and gov's are going to run out of capital to reinvest or redistribute. Japan to me seems to be pretty compliant within the country ("the nail that sticks out gets hammered down"), a bit like the UK in various times in the past perhaps. So the answer is no to be honest. N Korea probably only keeps going as it is with money/credit from China. As well as China lending to a lot of western countries. If you did know however what would you do? Not much of a happy thread anymore , maybe someone has some more positive things to say about the UK.
  19. To be honest that sounds a lot like me. Excluding the Violent vitriolic Marxist, Music Degree and voting Remain. Based on my experience of backpacking in Canada, the person you know probably has a good chance of getting into Canada. Their pension system is even more insane with teachers retiring on final salary pensions in their mid-50's. Quebec from what I have heard is a basket case, as well as many of the fishing villages along the east coast. I travelled to the west, Alberta and BC; Alberta was better Oil and Mineral wealth, but devastated logging industry (Quota system), lot of Philipinoes working in sawmills from what I heard though. BC had a lot of homeless people, drug addicts and skyhigh housing prices like $1,000,000 average house price in Vancouver, Kelowna and Vancouver Island were expensive as well, though Vancouver Island was like some country club. In the countryside state enforced monopolies on utility hook-up, drive-up house prices quite a bit. As for the 3 Million migrants, feels like most of them came to live where I am, albeit with much thanks going to the Labour Government. South Holland the district where I live was No1 in being the most Eurosceptic in the country. Boston a local town is 50% Polish speaking (Government figures), Spalding another town feels like just under 50% English Speaking. A lot of the new contracts for lorry drivers are at the same wage as factory cleaners and unionised management( supported by huge loans some from the Icelandic crisis) is a lot of people from the former textile industry. The best paid local jobs to me seem to be, 1. Government sponsored theft. 2. Merchants 3. Skilled Software Developers. The actual bloodshed though, I think is when people in the major cities in Europe mass riot or join one side on a civil war, probably when the currency collapse and China and Russia benefit IMO. London is a country unto it's self. Saying that though London is probably the best for museums and history in the World. Places like Dorset, Somerset, Cornwall, Yorkshire Dales are probably quite nice.
  20. The whole Bremain campaign and MSM IMO was and are pretty disgusting. The whole thing about the figures and rebate was they could be changed at the will of the EU Commissioners by vetoing the UK. What's still disgusting is how the Media is constantly talking about a 2nd Referendum and how some socialist MP's like Nicola Sturgeon and David Lammy are looking to overrule the whole thing. The Special interest groups probably tried to rig the referendum and still lost. Mean while the large number of people on the MSM and radio, claiming to be in tears about the result making absolutely no logical arguments whatsoever , lots of people were hurling abuse at Boris when he left his home after the result . Still will possibly end up with a more dictatorial government in Westminster, at least with the Internet people can begin to see how insane the government is. Should be no Parliament or House of Lords in the UK, if the UK stays in the EU.
  21. As I post this currently watching the UK referendum results it appears a Leave vote is likely, unless the results are "rigged" or the referendum not honoured by parliament. Quite possibly a historic day. I voted Leave, not for money or immigration. But because of the principles of Equity before the law, although I was initially influenced by immigration. Any thoughts? I have quite a few. There is a lot of talk on the MSM about an apocalyptic crash of the pound.
  22. Natalia, I remember in an earlier thread when I asked. What is best in life? You said, achievement. Though from the video I watched that you posted, it seems that Schopenhauer seems very similar to Buddhism and talks about eliminating desire, which invalidates achievement. Also it refers to eliminating suffering, by eliminating desire. To kill desire, is to kill love. Eh Steve said something about keeping a journal. Might be a good idea to write down some thoughts now and again, you might find that some contradict themselves or are manifestations of the same thing. I noticed that you mentioned about learning German if you are working towards a degree you could always consider living in Europe perhaps Switzerland for a awhile. Or if you have Portuguese ancestry it is possible to get citizenship in Portugal and then work in Switzerland or an English speaking country like Ireland. I did some backpacking in Portugal and stayed with a Portuguese and German family there in the North and South respectively. Part 2 a few thoughts on Freewill Freewill, to me basically means the activity within the frontal and mid ranges of the brain with more primal areas like the Hypothalamus controlling responses to stimuli, but not the longer term planning and simulations(and dreams) going on in the frontal areas. I think the Development of Freewill would follow some of the following categories. Self-Awareness. ("I") Universality and Contradiction. ("Pattern matching") Anticipation of the future. ("Empiricism + Reason") Internalisation of Values. Conception of Morality. Ability to restrain base impulses. ("Stealing is wrong") Acting in accordance with Morality, Base impulses, Internal Values and Managing Freewill I think if you resolve issues and inconsistencies related to your internal values and morals you can act more in accordance with a FreeWill to what is Just or Fair or to survival. Though just to survive seems hollow to me, almost like an insect or tapeworm. "What does it mean to be free, if you can do what you want, but you cannot choose what you want?" Contradictory statement. When you use the term "you" or "I" you are implying that the entity has choice. I could call my car or bike "you", but, unless it had the ability to make choices that would be crazy. "it’s not up to you, and it was decided billions of years before you were born" Decided by who? You could say God (Omniscience), but that would obliterate freewill (and you would be destined for heaven or hell which would make no sense(Christianity)). Unless you say that God is not Omniscient and therefore not Omnipotent and therefore not God (maybe the universe itself).
  23. I can emphasise completely with all you have just said in your post, it seems almost a mirror copy of my own life, I was considering posting something similar. In addition I have sister as well in her twenties, I can get her to give you her Skype Address or visa versa if you like. She's fairly exceptional at Art, had some work displayed in the Mall Gallery in London, though not an Artist by profession. In my own life I feel a great deal of shame that some of my earlier ancestors and relatives either had/have good skilled jobs or social positions in society and I do not. One of them, codified the principles of modern Equity law into English law and a lot of the organisation of English judges, I read about the guy 1st Earl of Hardewicke on wikipedia (there are 2 different article one is a lot more detailed) after hearing Stefan talk about John Locke and his ancestors. A lot of my feelings however, are to try and live a carefree frugal existence if it were easily available, I like websites like Workaway and Woofing, because they permit a method of freer association, but dislike the fact I'm not accumulating an emergency fund by myself or covering travelling expenses.
  24. at the young greens. Yeah the SJW organisations get way too much media attention makes me wonder how many of them are directly paid by someone to be at demonstrations and cause problems? seems surprising how the SJWs seem more prevalent in the USA, thought the USA was suppose to be some sort of melting pot where all Immigrants are Americans. I think the SJW's in Europe have lost credibility even with the most stupid, partly because of the Islamic Terrorist bombings. Going a bit off topic, seems strange with so much activity on the Internet now that Brexit is not a for gone conclusion, just looking at the number of anti EU comments on YouTube and anti EU videos you would think that young people would all vote out. Most of the Remain videos don't even allow comments.
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