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Everything posted by RichardY

  1. Was thinking of what a person can generally be considered. Do you agree with my categories, is there a way I could refine these further or add to them, perhaps there is already something similar in existence for classification? Professional (Masterer of their craft) Innovator/Entrepreneur (An Expression of an Engineered Truth to serve a persons desires) Hedonist (Indulging every emotional passion) Recluse (To have the bare minimum) Explorer/Researcher (Of Things or People) Servant/Sergeant/Ronin (Expression of Paternalism, towards someone who knows better?) Visionary (Love or Pleasure of what might be) Parasite (Who lives on Politics or Religion) Healer (Who corrects Insanity or Illness) Opportunist (What can I do?) Long Term Planner (What could I do?)
  2. I get INTP, some of the questions I find I might answer differently depending on the context and situation. I wonder the extent it is possible to change your personality to being more out going and knowing when to make a judgement or continue thinking. Recently I thought I might try and be more outgoing by posting on FDR, as a way of offloading some questions I have, kind of taking advantage of more brainpower, but hopefully providing some limited value as well. I think I might be able to shift to being more judgemental by developing a deeper understanding of philosophy and some kind of maxim. If everybody with the same personality type was to live in a particular area I would imagine differences would emerge with some being more out going and better with tools than others, perhaps as a necessity of survival. How much of personality could be influenced by upbringing or genetics?
  3. The Flag burning one seemed surprising to me, normally think of Americans as hand on heart national anthem type people, could understand flag burning during Vietnam. But, Trump hasn't even been elected yet, why do they hate the guy so much? My thoughts are you can't even negotiate with these people, they're worse than mosquitoes, makes me think of school and some of the idiots there. The only thing that crossed my mind when Trump said he was running for president was a clip from the movie Deadzone. Anyway, Go Trump, the only candidate with Cojones!
  4. Remembered an article I read sometime ago about the American Bison https://mises.org/library/endangered-species-private-property-and-american-bison Just 23 Buffalo in Yellowstone Park in 1902. I wonder how much money some people working in "conservation charities" are making and I'm not talking about some scientists or even people that pay to feed the Rhinos or hug a Lion cub. I guess its mostly about playing on a more emotional level, colourful photographs, a crying animal. What about some of the Rangers trying to defend the herds or not from poachers? I'd imagine their not going to have a great time when perhaps a dozen other guys come for the Ivory. A huge waste seeing all that steak going to the flies, the only reason I could think of perhaps banning the trade would be to argue that Elephants are capable of morality and therefore killing them would be murder? If so to what extent of evolution maybe even IQ would this be the case? (Could be opening a can of worms there). Going a bit off track but whale hunting and the fur trade also come to mind.
  5. Was watching a programme on Sky News a UK MSM channel about the Ivory trade. Seems crazy to me that there's armed guards for the last Rhino of it species, and a big pile of Elephant tusks worth £100 million to buyers. There always seems to be an article every year about the trade with usually one of the Royal Family "raising awareness". Why isn't there farming of Elephants and Rhinos? The locals could eat Elephant steaks or Rhino burgers and sell the horns and meat to go towards improving living standards and the species wouldn't die out. I remember somewhere that rhino horn was more expensive than Gold.
  6. Yeah basically something like that, kind of a 3-D Internet, but with some method of filtering out crap. The holographic disk was interesting though not sure I'd trust the reliability of that much information on a single disk.
  7. If a picture says a thousand words what might a 3-D information display or sculpture offer? Is there software in existence that allows 3-D storage of information that's reasonably quick to enter and access with perhaps periodic updates through various sources on the Internet? For further elaboration.
  8. Thank you for the information liberecak, very helpful.
  9. What sort of salary range is there for someone TEFLing in the Czech Republic, do many schools include a CELTA or TEFL certificate, perhaps paying for it if you stay a certain amount of time? Are the living expenses relatively high in the Czech Republic? I'm English, home counties accent.
  10. What are the visa requirements to teach in China for someone from the UK, does it vary much by region?
  11. Hi J-William, What area of China is the school in, is it rural or in the city, is there a problem of air pollution? What sort of qualifications are required?
  12. Yes that's it. Was interested what experience people might have with various packages. Looking for what the equivalent of what Google Sketchup is to Modelling, but for website design. The website is for my father for his driving tuition. I'm also interested in having a website for myself, but as a way of sifting and collecting information about the world in general, to make better decisions. As the Newspapers and MSM channels are not the most reliable, pub culture is deadish and the Internet is one big Jungle with Popup Ads.
  13. Xena - Her boobs and bizarre war-cry would be a distraction, as the circular boomerang thing knocked out her opponents, unless they were Spartans. Or Ripley (Alien Series) - Courage and Creativity.
  14. In Reply to: Liberecak I have, my concerns are not having a degree (£9000 per year UK, 3 years study) and qualifying for a skilled visa. With the anxiety of being easily expendable by national governments, salary is not too important, if I became competent in German, Spanish or Mandarin I'd consider that as part of my compensation.
  15. In Reply to: Rosencrantz Yes competition is fairly hard near where I live in the UK, Boston a local town is 50% Polish speaking, Spalding another local town probably around 40% by government figures, not sure about other nationalities like Lithuanian. Is there a particular part of Austria where its easier to get work as a contractor (Basic Manual Labour, Painting or Tiling) is Vienna or Innsbruck good? I've been through Passau looked quite up market (might be 3rd World Dictators Stashing money there?) , Linz had a lot of Roma I think in the town. Salzburg seemed heaving, lots of Chinese (In May). Is there a particular season for touristy work where basic labour is in demand, perhaps in bars or skiing lodges?
  16. I was wondering if anyone has advice or ideas about finding low skilled relatively high remunerated work in Europe, with low probability of physically crippling injury or illness. Location is not important in itself it could be the frozen reaches of Svalbard, although I would prefer somewhere warmer like Austria or Switzerland. Different languages are not too much of a problem, although French sounds to me like someone speaking with oil in their mouth, could just be the south though. Portuguese sounds like whispers. Germanic languages sound more distinctive to me, which is good and Spanish has a nice rhythm in my opinion. Type of work If meaningful, fun or with good colleagues happy atmosphere, then subsistence pay, Portuguese Green Soup, plus coffin sized living space and ability to save for an emergency fund and cover travel costs. Meaningful, involving pursuing Justice, but not as a lawyer. Fun, something creative maintaining trails through a forest, dry stone walling, building small dams. Happy atmosphere, involving harvesting grapes or apples on a small farm, by the piece perhaps. Or working in a country pub or beer garden, something with a bit of life and music, with a variety of ages, not sterile like Norway or some high class city bar. If loud, physically uncomfortable or especially repetitive work, high paid relative to skills and for 1 month or less. Or work in an area with fewer work and living standard concerns, perhaps in a scenario where an area has an oil boom or gold rush and labour cost or goods margins can be more flexible. Maybe working as an Office Clerk, Shop Assistant, Waiter, Cleaner, Gardener or Merchant.
  17. Yeah I agree its crazy the stuff you can see on how people drive in Russia on YouTube, as well as the kamikaze pedestrians. Maybe the dash cam thing has something to do with insurance, I know the Royal Mail vans in the UK often have cams. The Sweden thing I guess is focusing on more trivial things, should perhaps focus more on the car bombings in Malmo, maybe get some footage of Molotov Cocktails being thrown, would be an interesting YouTube video. In the UK often have mobile speed cameras staffed by members of the public catching people out going a couple of mph over the limit in their local area. Priorities seem a little out of place, if people were really concerned maybe they could focus on places where there have been a number of road deaths.
  18. Hi, Does anyone have experience of using a particular website template or software package for setting up a website? Nothing too fancy, maybe an online diary application, ideally something quick to setup. For something a bit more complex is there a good cheap alternative to Dreamweaver? Thank you for any input.
  19. Yeah, basically the UK is f*cked for the foreseeable future.
  20. Hi Brian, I've been to Canada (BC and Alberta) back packing. When I was in Grande Cache, Alberta I was surprised to learn that people made "redundant", could claim, I think 6 months pay from the taxpayer, even if they had been employed for a few months, although I could be wrong on the details. Been to Kelowna as well, the old "silver" railway (I think) around Kelowna was a pleasant cycling trail and had a nice view of the city. Expensive place though, was with some Swiss people and they said alcohol prices were on par with Switzerland, also you needed 2 forms of ID to buy alcohol from the state monopoly, passport was not enough. I'm from the UK, not much better with state control and taxes, but with a lot less resources perhaps to sell to the Chinese.
  21. Agree with everything said there, except "Anarcho-communism says democratic ownership of capital is the organizing principle" democracy would involve some centralised authority to enforce the decision of the participants. Instead I would say that True Communism or Anarcho-Communism does not recognise property rights, where as Anarcho-Capitalism does.
  22. From Encyclopaedia Britannica www.britannica.com Classless society, in Marxism, the ultimate condition of social organization, expected to occur when true communism is achieved. According to Karl Marx (1818–83), the primary function of the state is to repress the lower classes of society in the interests of the ruling class.
  23. Is the Universe finite? Is it only so at the time it is measured? Is this dependent on the position of the measurer a sort of "condition of possibility" (Transcendental Idealism). If I was to try and measure the Universe and be Omniscient would I in effect have to be outside of time, a kind of 5th Dimension? or is the Universe infinite? or is it Both? (Absolute Idealism). Can Political Ideologies be Absolute Idealist positions? Can a "Classless" Ideology like "Communism" be logically consistent, would this be in effect Left-wing Anarchism, where the right to private property is not respected. Is Anarcho-Capitalism essentially the opposite of Communism? Can Nationalism be a logically consistent position? If so, is there a thesis and anti-thesis of positions?
  24. Interesting, I would have said Poverty is an absolute or an effect of an action, maybe even a feeling. Thinking of the film Slumdog Millionaire about a boy who grows up in the slums in India, he perhaps doesn't think that he is in poverty because having been born and grown up in the slums that is what he knows. As another example, pre Roman Europe, I wonder if the Celts felt they were impoverished, perhaps life was brutal and short with limited technology, but being in almost a state of nature, famine and illness were to be expected. Thinking of the story of the Buddha, coming out of his palace to him the people would seem poor, but would they be seen as in poverty?
  25. What is Poverty? Is Poverty the Google definition of being extremely Poor? Or is Poverty a lack of knowledge? Or something else? Is Poverty a Relative Concept?
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